US 20030018644A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2003/0018644 A1 Bala et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jan. 23, 2003 (54) WEB-BASED STRATEGIC CLIENT (21) Appl. No.: 09/886,547 PLANNING SYSTEM FOR END-USER CREATION OF QUERIES, REPORTS AND (22) Filed: Jun. 21, 2001 DATABASE UPDATES Publication Classification (75) Inventors: Catherine G. Bala, La Grangeville, NY (US); Thomas A. Jobson JR., New (51) Int. Cl. ................................................... G06F 7700 Paltz, NY (US); F. Jay Kolb, Red (52) U.S. Cl. .............................................................. 707/100 Hook, NY (US); Brian L. Merzbach, Wappingers Falls, NY (US); Christine L. Quintero, Poughkeepsie, NY (US); (57) ABSTRACT Scott Selvia, Lutz, FL (US) Correspondence Address: A method and program Storage device for creating tabular FREDERICK W. GIBB, III MCGINN & GIBB, PLLC data Stream flow for Sending rows of Secure data between a 2568-A RIVA ROAD client WorkStation and a Server computer over a network SUTE 304 using a common object request broker architecture ANNAPOLIS, MD 21401 (US) (CORBA). This method includes receiving a request to create a query form at the client WorkStation, receiving a (73) Assignee: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS WorkSheet grid form defining Selected tabular data, and MACHINES CORPORATION, packaging the worksheet grid form representing an updated ARMONK, NY (US) status of the data for the tabular data stream flow. Strategic Client Planning System. Three-Tier Architecture Tier Client Workstation 150 Object Request Web Browser 105 Broker 125 SCPS applic. 200 5. SCPSJava applic. 130 Zifa 3 Client Java Pkg Files downloaded if required based on current client and server levels. 4 Java client services the user and communicates with remote/distributed services through ORB servers. Client Workstation 150 Patent Application Publication Jan. 23, 2003 Sheet 1 of 20 US 2003/0018644 A1 Strategic Client Planning System. Three-Tier Architecture Tier 1 Tier2 Tier 3 Client Workstation Web Server Business Logic and Data 35:iii. r Web Server 170 Client Workstation 50 Network Database Server 100 110 Patent Application Publication Jan. 23, 2003 Sheet 2 of 20 US 2003/0018644 A1 Strategic Client Planning System. Three-Tier Architecture Tier Tier2 Tier 3 Client Workstation O 150 D - Object Request Web Browser 105 s: Broker 125 SCPS applic. 200 real- 2. html page SCPSJava applic. es th Swn 130 (muano 3 Clicnt Java Pkg Files downloaded Web Server if required based on current client 170 and server levels. 4 Java client services the user and communicates with remote/distributed services through ORB servers. Client Workstation 150 i5 2- Database Server Patent Application Publication Jan. 23, 2003 Sheet 3 of 20 US 2003/0018644 A1 - Primary Comparison--- Relationships columnsöroligaria?sifisfairis--- - - -a-c-b- Description . Nama-ii, able SHPOMBBS SHIPCOMPR Tables SHIFREQ - - - - - SHIPREQ PRELIM SHIPRE 1998 SHIPREQ_PREW Tale SHPREQB S HPRECB SaiTable SENSHPREQB 199811 SEENSHIPREQB PREW -; :*. 2' Table SUBGEOG A as has SUBGEOG Patent Application Publication Jan. 23, 2003 Sheet 4 of 20 US 2003/0018644 A1 Nik SCPS WorkSheet Definition- CGBALA WSDLT ETSN57) - New WorkSheet Definition File Help - - - - - - - Read Only Print . Run | Est. Help Topics DataSource: Name: paysAMPLE Description: sample Updatable WorkSheet Primary Comparison Relationships columns groups Sort Totals constrainis SQL Preferences Relationships For: WSARDS-PREG alie Outer Extended Relationship Table Table Description - Join . 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N. gr. 20 Patent Application Publication Jan. 23, 2003 Sheet 6 of 20 US 2003/0018644 A1 in scPs worksheet definition ceiba A on wisdwill (EISN57. New ksheet Definition X - File Help . W . Read only i Save As Print Run Exit. Help Topfs Datasource: wisDWT Name: MYSAMPLEm rw- - 5 Description: ample Updatable WorkSheet Primary Comparisan Relationships Columns Groups sort Totals constraints SQL Preferences Select Sort Order Columns: . Column , , , , Column Short Order Key Description Name Description - 1 Y PLANNING TEM PLANNING TEM PLANNING TEM 2 N IMFG. 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Quantities in: Computed Columns: Display Row Grand Totals ?f Unit fr Dec K M B Sum Average Column Description PLANNING TEM - - MFGLQC --- GEOGRAPHY Sue GEOGRAPHY Define, Edit Sub-Totals Calculate Columns SQL COmputed Columns 8-Total fillina y Signed by: Unsigned classes from local hard disk Patent Application Publication Jan. 23, 2003 Sheet 8 of 20 US 2003/0018644 A1 scps worksheet definition ceAA or wisdweisstics File Help - . Save As Eint J. Run Datasource: W18DVLT Name: ...,MYSAMPLE 'in, Primaryl Comparison Relationships columns fetals - 'sal Preferences Column .* i? Equalito. -- detvalues Description ... or 'i: , , GEOGRAPHY -i- ... - Similar To SUE GEOGRAPHY r Greater Than CHANNEL SUBCHANNEL Less Than FCS ID - an- - 201- - - - - --Y1O a-------- r Between Patent Application Publication Jan. 23, 2003 Sheet 9 of 20 US 2003/0018644 A1 N.SCPS WorkSheet Definition - CGBALA NWSDWLT (ESN57 - Sample Updatable WorkSheet File Help as s w ". 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Select All re'sDeselect - Allvia . ra . w . iss-- -3 ( Define?Edit Grouping Order Define?Edit column Functions - r show Selections Apply Function Patent Application Publication Jan. 23, 2003 Sheet 13 of 20 US 2003/0018644A1 Reload Print . import CS ". ... - Datasource: WisDVLT
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