CRUCIS Magazine of St. Salvador’s Scottish Episcopal Church Dundee April 2012 “Far be it from me to glory except in the cross of Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me and I to the world.” Galatians 6:14 the question we are told they were discuss- ing among themselves as they approached the tomb. “Who will move the stone?” When the women arrived, they discovered that God had moved the stone out of the way for them. In fact, the task they had come to do was now unnecessary. They were told that In the Beginning… they had a new job to do: “Go and tell that He is risen!” I was annoyed with myself. I came home from grocery shopping, only to discover There is an old saying that Man proposes that – despite the care with which we had and God disposes, meaning that, whatever prepared our list – there were a number of our plans, it is God’s plan that counts. essentials that had been overlooked, and so There’s something our careful planning may not purchased. have overlooked. God may have a better plan altogether. Have you ever done that? Tiresome, isn’t it? No matter how carefully you prepare, some- When all our plans for our lives or those of times something quite crucial can be missed others are complete, there may yet be some- out. thing we forgot, a stone to roll out of the way. When we get to that point, God’s plan The women coming to the tomb early in the for us or for others may well astound us. morning had prepared carefully to anoint Our Lord’s Body. They came to do what A happy and blessed Easter to all, had been omitted due to His hasty burial. They had prepared the spices and ointments. Fr. Clive Presumably they had assembled what was needed to wash the Body before anointing and to wrap Him in new cloths afterwards. They would have asked for directions to the tomb, perhaps. On the way to the place of Our Lord’s bur- ial, suddenly one of them had a thought. Despite all their preparations, they had for- gotten something basic, something impor- tant. “Who will move the stone for us?” was LOCAL GROUP DONATES FUNDS TO HILLTOWN CHARITIES Photograph from left to right ;- Bobby Heron Group Member , Ewan Gurr Discovery Food Programme , Grant Johnson Group Member , Father Mulholland St Mary's Forebank Our Lady of Victories , Joyce Guthrie Com- munity Learning & Development Worker , Duncan Macpherson Group Member , Father Clapson St Salvadors Holy Saviour , Frank Markie Group Member , Alan Duncan Manager Grey Lodge. In October 2010, Dundee Partnership fund- The talking stopped and the work began. ing was secured to produce a booklet of the The research, the writing, the proof reading, social history of the Hilltown. the rewriting proved to be am extensive learning curve. This gave local people the opportunity to meet on a weekly basis where ideas evolved The booklet, “Rolling Doon the Hull”, re- and generated enjoyable reminiscences of ceived a pleasing response at the launch in relived stories and memorable events. December 2011 at the Grey Lodge and was on sale during the festive period. Visits to the Local History Department, City Archives and on-line research provided a We have raised over £400 to give to local wealth of information; the group were able charities, this has rewarded all concerned to access a variety of local history re- with a modest sense of worth and a great sources. deal of satisfaction. At times it was as big a problem what to put For further information on this booklet con- in the booklet as to what to leave out. tact Joyce Guthrie on 435814 or [email protected]. 2 Vestry News The big news for this month is that at our most recent meeting your vestry plunged headlong into the 21st century. How you may well ask….. We used modern technology to include Martin in our deliberations despite his being many miles away in Argentina. Thanks to Skype and a handy laptop computer we had Martin with us in colour and sound. It was lovely to talk with Martin and to share our meeting with him. We may not be ready for conference call vestry meetings yet but we have em- HOLY WEEK & EASTER braced technology and it worked! SERVICES AT ST. SALVADOR’S Treasurer Craig Cassells was co-opted a full voting member to replace Susan Smith. 2 April, Mon. in Holy Week: Mass at 7 PM Our main concerns lay with organising 3 April, Tues. in Holy Week: for the upcoming concert in support of Mass at 7 PM the Kovenets monastery, the comple- 4 April, Wed. in Holy Week: tion of the restoration project and meet- Mass at 10 AM ing the conditions laid down by the Heritage Lottery Fund and Historic Tenebrae at 7 PM Scotland, OSCR compliance for our ac- 5 April, Maundy Thursday: counts and the appointment of an inde- Mass of the Lord’s Supper pendent auditor. We also discussed the at 7 PM church heating system and the rectory 6 April, Good Friday: boiler. Mattins at 9 AM; Liturgy at 3PM; Stations at 7 PM After Easter an SGM will be called to 7 April: Holy Saturday: accept the new constitution for St Salva- dor’s which will make us OSCR compli- Mattins at 9 AM ant in this regard and a meeting of the Easter Vigil at 9 PM vestry with Bishop Nigel will be organ- Sun., 8 April: Easter Day: ised. Masses at 9 & 11 AM 9 April, Easter Mon.: Katie Clapson Mass at 10 AM 3 Rev. W H Vanstone (1923-99), an Eng- lish scholar and priest who served his whole ministry in suburban obscurity, coming to grips with the heart-breaking problem of mission among comfortable people who just don’t care. The poem looks at Joseph of Arimathea, who gave Our Lord his tomb. He has A REFLECTION Joseph think that now the Lord is safe, kept forever in the place that he has “Why do you look for the living among given Him – not just the tomb, but also the dead?” This is what the angels the place that the Lord will occupy in asked the women at the empty tomb in Joseph’s mind and heart as He was St. Luke’s account of the Resurrection when alive. The poem ends with Mary (24:5). The question must have mysti- Magdalene conveying a message to Jo- fied them. The women had yet to meet seph, who’s staring at the empty tomb the Risen Lord. We, on the other hand, later. She tells him that the Lord could meet Him regularly in Word and Sacra- not rest content to be Joseph’s past, but ment. Annually during Holy Week and has risen to be his future as well. Easter we enter into the story of Christ’s betrayal, suffering, death and triumph. The past is past. “Why do you look for By now, most of us know the story very the living among the dead?” The Death well. We’re about to hear all about it and Resurrection of Jesus Christ is not again. How is it, then, that the question only something that has happened; it is that the angels asked the women on the also something that is happening. It is first Easter Day still seems to challenge as much a present and future event as it us? How many of us are we still looking is a historical one. During Holy Week for the living among the dead? we seek not the memory of the Lord as we enter into the sacred mystery of the Most of our contemporaries – if they Cross and empty Tomb, but we seek the had any contact with Christianity at all Lord Himself, to walk with Him – have left the story behind with a par- through humiliation, suffering and ticular pastor, congregation or phase in death to life. their lives. The story that we are about to hear again is something that is con- Fr. Clive fined to their past. But is it also con- fined to our past? Is ours a Lord who lives on only in our memory, in the past? I recently came across a poem by the 4 Diocese has new service for transfer of funds to compan- ion links, based on model de- veloped by Holy Trinity Monifieth. General Synod indicated that SEC is review- ing its online resources and drew attention to the monthly ‘Church in Society’ leaflets. Brechin Diocesan Synod Bishop Nigel aims for Brechin to be the 03 March 2012 most improved diocese in held in Chalmers Ardler Church, 2012. Dundee is raising the profile of the diocese through his fort- Admin Board nightly articles in the Courier. report that overall income wishes to be invited to out- was down, as a result of reach events where church losses on investments, but the people are involved. diocese remains solvent. Susan Smith (Alternate Lay Rep) Mission and Ministry Board suggest appointing a dedi- cated communications person for each charge. request that all in posts relat- ing to PVG should be checked to ensure that they meet new PVG criteria. reminder for timely comple- tion of paperwork relating to stipend support from partici- pating churches. 5 Come Celebrate! Biographical details are reproduced, with permission, from Exciting Holiness, Canterbury Press, unless otherwise cred- ited. St Donnan and his Companions, Mar- MARTIN’S ARGENTINIAN ADVENTURE tyrs (17 April) Donnan was an Irish missionary of the The Anglican Cathedral of St John the Baptist late sixth century who worked in Gallo- in Buenos Aires (http://catedralanglicana.com/) way, Argyll and the islands of the Inner is smallish (for a cathedral), low church and friendly.
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