VOLUME 17, NUMBER 1 Published by the BNL Personnel Office SEPTEMBER24, 1963 TWENTY-NINTH BROOKHAVEN CENTER HOURS BERA FILM SERIES BROOKHAVEN LECTURE From October through May, the The next movie in the BERA Film Brookhaven Center will be open from Series will be shown on Thursday, Octo- by Samuel 1. Lindenbaum 5:00 p.m. to midnight daily except ber 3 at 8:30 p.m. in the Lecture Hail. Physics Department Saturdays. The movie schedule through January Title: The Taproom at the Center serves a 9, 1964, is as follows: “Collisions of ‘Elementary’ Particles light dinner menu until 10:00 p.m. OCTOBER With Protons at High Energies” Sandwiches and beverages are avail- 3 Girl With The Suitcase Lecture Hall, 8:OO p.m., Wed., Sept. 25 able until 11:30 p.m. All charges in- 24 To be arranged curred at the Taproom must be paid in 31 Potemkin and Christmas Slippers A buffet supper ($2.75) will be served cash. at the Brookhaven Center before the NOVEMBER lecture, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Reserva- 7 Oscar Wilde tions should be made at least one day 21 Shoot The Piano Player in advance by calling Ext. 2302 before WELCOME TO BNL DECEMBER 500 p.m. or Ext. 2453 in the eveilings. BIOLOGY 5 Cleo 5 to 7 Refreshments will be available in the Masaki Furuya Ext. 2962 19 Saturday Night & Sunday Morning Exhibit Hall Lobby following the lecture. William Hopkins 2962 JANUARY CHEMISTRY 9 The Girl With The Golden Eyes SHOPPING CAR AVAILABLE Alan Appleby 62% MEDICAL QUASTLER ART EXHIBIT TO ON-SITE RESIDENTS Harold L. Atkins 2828 Arjun D. Chanana 2894 The South Bay Art Association is Apartment Area residents may re- Gail L. lseley 301 sponsoring a retrospective exhibit of quest that a Laboratory car take them Kedar N. Prasad 2874 the works of the late Gertrude Quastier. into Patchogue for shopping on Tues- NUCLEAR ENGINEERING The exhibit will be held at the Bellport days and Fridays by calling the Trans- Stanley D. James 2101 Community Center on Bell Street from portation Office, Ext. 585. The call Elmer M. Tory 463 September 26 through September 29 should be made on Monday or Thurs- PHYSICS and will be open each day from 12 day so that Transportation will have You W. Chan 570 noon until 9:00 p.m. sufficient notice to provide both the car Philip I. Connors 2834 and driver. William Gailbraith 2616 FOLK DANCING Paul Kantor 2624 CAFETERIA HOURS Tzee-Ke Kuo 2624 Don’t miss out! There is folk dancing Frank S. Levin 2834 every Monday evening from 8:00 p.m. CAFETERIA Said F. Mughabghab 2620 to 1l:OO p.m. at the Recreation Hall. 7:OO a.m. to 2:00 p.m. - - Mon. - Fri. Yona Oren 2505 5:OO p.m. to 7:00 p.m. - - Mon. - Fri. Peter D. Parker 541 CHESS PROBLEM John R. Smith 2230 In this week’s problem, it is White’s SNACK BAR Ryuji Yamada 2622 move. Black is one sure move away 2:OO p.m. to 4:30 p.m. - - Mon. - Fri. PLANT MAINTENANCE from Queening the Pawn, so White has 9:OO a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - - Sat. - Sun. Alexander H. McCatty 448 to do something, QUICK. The solution is elsewhere in this week’s BULLETIN BOARD. FOOD VENDING MACHINES RECENT DEPARTURES 4:OO p.m. to 7:00 a.m. - - Mon. - Fri. AGS Twenty-four hour service on Satur- Lewis Schatzer days, Sundays and holidays. BIOLOGY William R. Evans CAFETERIA SPECIAL CHEMISTRY William C. Corning THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 Geunther E. Dulz Steamboat Roast Neil Purdie Tossed Salad NUCLEAR ENGINEERING 5.75 Fred Cermak Michael M. Williams PERSONNEL BROOKHAVEN CENTER CLOSED Kathryn E. Van Buren BULLETIN BOARD NOTICE ON SEPTEMBER 28 PHOTOGRAPHY & GRAPHIC ARTS Joseph F. Whitaker For all future BULLETIN BOARD ques- The Brookhaven Center will be closed PHYSICS tions, pleose contact Janet Whitehead all day Saturday, September 28, during Ian J.R. Aitchison or Marianne Clasen at the Personnel site electrical changes. Raymond F. Weymel Office, Ext. 2109 or 2513. THE BULLETIN BOARD SEPTEMBER 24,1963 CAMPBELL WINS NATIONAL FISHING TITLE BOARD, 58 Brookhaven Avenue, or deliver them to the Personnel Office. Ads must contain a signature and By virtue of his amazing fifty-pound Laboratory telephone extension. if striped bass catch out of Port Jefferson you do not want your name to ap- this past July, Dean Campbell of BNL’s pear when the ad IS printed, put It in Physics Department amassed a stagger- parentheses. ing total of 685 points In the National Ads are run on a space available Industrial Recreation Association Fish- basis. If your ad does not appear due 1ng Contest. All the results In the contest to space reasons, it will be held for are now in, and It s official: Dean is the inclusion in the next issue of THE national champlon. BULLETIN BOARD. As the overall winner, Dean will re- If you wish to repeat an ad, it must ceive the Shakespeare (Grand Award - be resubmltted. a free, three-day fishing trip to North Manitou Island in Lake Michigan, off FOLK SING Traverse City. The area is noted for A weekly folk sing is being held on containing one of the best small-mouth _ bass lakes in the nahon Arrangements Tuesday evenings at the Recreation are now being made to speed our win- Hall. Lessons are given from 7:30 to ner on his trip. 8:30 p.m. for all grades from beginners It’s certain that all of B.N.L. ioins the to Baezs, with group singing afterwards. BERA Board in saying, “Congratulations, Bring your guttar, banlo, mandolin, Dean. Good fishing!” autoharp, bass, earth bow, and/or voice for an evening of musical fun. For information,‘call J. Oostings, Ext. THEATRE GROUP MEETING RECREATION SCHEDULE 2543, or J. Powell, Ext. 789. The next meeting will be held on SWIMMING POOL - Will remain closed Wednesday, October 2, at 8:30 p.m in CLASSIFIED ADS during the month of September and re- the Recreation Building. A planned pro- FOR SALE open in early October. gram will be presented by some of the GYMNASIUM - Closed for evening activi- 1961 OLDSMOBILE - Convertible, bucket members. seats, power windows. New cond., only ties throughout the month of Septem- 20,000 miles. Will accept trade, Ext. 423. ber Reopens early November. BRIDGE NOTES RECREATION BUILDING - As of September 1957 DODGE - Coronet, white/carol, V-8, 3, will be open according to the follow- new auto. trans., brakes, tune-up and other The winners of the Thursday duplicate parts. R&h, two new tires. Avall. October 7. ing schedule: Mon., Tues., Wed. and bridge game were Les Lawrence and $550. Hochtyo, Ext. 2741. Thurs., 500 p m. to 1l:OO p.m. Sandy Wagner, now in active trairling Announcements of fall schedules will 1937 MG-TA. - Brttish racing green. Engine for their matches next month in London rebuilt In England 1961. New top, side cur- be made in THE BULLETIN BOARD in the and Paris against the industrial cham- tains, interior. Excell. running cond. Coady, near future pions of England and France. Ext. 2474. The runners-up were Ellie Hedges land 1958 CITROEN - d-speed trans. Like new, re- Jane Miller. In third place were Charlie BNL FLYING CLUB painted, no rust, dents. New brakes and seals, Flood and Skelly Frei, with Jack Tillinger There will be an organizational meet- axle ond wheel joints, regulator ond starttng and Joel Malament holding fourth ing of the BNL Flying Club in Dave Ed- motor, and tires. Rebuilt suspension system, 25-30 mpg. $700. Ext. 622. position. wards’ office at 9 Center Street on The next game, a full master point event, September 27 at 500 p.m. All interested 1957 RENAULT - Dauphine, good cond., will be held on Thursday, September 26, at persons are invited to attend. 32,000 miles; $225. Art, Ext. 2126 or JU 8- 8:00 p.m. in the Recreation Hail. Everyone 7145. is invited. 1960 FORD - Falcon, 2-door stand. 34,000 BULLETIN BOARD CLASSIFIED miles, exceptlonolly good cond. New tires. Art, Ext. 2126 or JU 8-7145. EXPECTANT MOTHERS’ CLASSES AD POLICY 1958 CHEVROLET Convertible, power steer- A new series of Expectant Mothers’ 1. Employees only may place ads in THE lng, r&h, auto. trans., excell. cond. F. Mahn- Classes, sponsored by the Suffolk County BULLETIN BOARD. ken, Ext. 362. Department of Health, is scheduled to 2. All items advertised for sale must be 1956 BUICK - Special convertible, good cond. begin September 26 at 2:00 p.m. in the property of an employee. Ext. 326. Ross Building on the grounds of the 3. Real estate ads will be accepted only 1962 OLDSMOBILE Station wagon, whtte, Suffolk County Community College. when they involve change of residence immaculate. Must sell. P. Ettari, Ext. 2407 or This is a free service. Mrs. Loretta A. by an employee, and are accompanied 273-6436. Scott, R.N. will conduct the classes. To by a statement of ownership and change 1959 HILLMAN MINX Convertible, mechan- register call SElden 2-3949 or write to of residence. lcally excell., body perfect. Owner leaving the Suffolk County Department of 4. No ads for business purposes will be country. $400. C. Shapiro, Ext. 345. Health, Box 97, Selden, N.Y. accepted. 1960 FORD - FaIrlane, 4-door, 6 cyl., r&h, 2 5. Ads must be submitted in writing (pref- new tires, muffler, battery. Excell. cond. SOLUTION TO CHESS PROBLEM erably typed) by 3 p.m.
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