PEOPLE IN NEED ANNUAL REPORT 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – TABLE OF CONTENTS SlovoForeword ředitele 3 PWebyIN’s Managementprovozované Structurespolečností and Člověk Administered v tísni Websites 4 LSeznamist of Abbreviations použitých zkratek 4 AreasMapa působeníof Activity 1992–2010 1992–2010 5 ReliefHumanitární and Development a rozvojová D pomocepartment 7 FloodsPovodně 2009 2009 – Czech Republic 8 AfghanistanAfghánistán 10 Burma,Barma, KambodžaCambodia 12 Iraq,Irák, Jordánsko,Jordan, Lebanon Libanon 13 SriSrí Lanka 14 Sumatra 15 Angola 16 EthiopiaEtiopie 17 DemocraticDemokratická Republic republika of CongoKongo 18 NamibiaNamibie 19 ArmeniaArménie 20 Georgia,Gruzie, Čečna Chechnya 21 Romania,Rumunsko, Ukraine Ukrajina 22 RealSkutečná Aid Public pomoc Collection a skutečný and dárek Real Gift 23 CentreCentrum for pro Democracy demokracii and a Humanlidská práva Rights 25 CubaKuba 26 BarmaBurma 27 Bělorusko,Belarus, Russia Rusko 28 Moldavsko,Moldova, Ukraine Ukrajina 29 JedenOne World svět International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival 30 Informačnínformation a andvzdělávací Education projekty Projects 33 OneJeden World svět nain Schoolsškolách 34 VariantsVarianty 36 MigraceMigration Programme 38 RozvojovéDevelopment vzdělávání Awareness a osvěta 39 ProgramySocial Integration sociální integraceProgrammes 41 ProgramySocial Integration sociální integraceProgrammes – Slovensko – Slovakia 45 P INKlub’s Club přátel of ČlověkaFriends v tísni 46 NPeopleaši pracovníci in Need Staff 47 FinančníFinancial zprávaReport 51 Q Photo: © Markéta Kutilová, Bunyakiri region – South Kivu, DR Congo 2008/People in Need is helping the victims of sexual violence in Congo. Among other things, PIN built houses for 26 of them and paid tuition for their children last year. FOREWORD Dear friends, dents and future educators whilst also extending the reach In our annual report for 2009, we have tried to show in the of their activities. The same goes for development educa­ clearest way possible how we used the resources that were tion and awareness projects as well as long term informa­ entrusted to us and what was the core of our work. tion and empowerment work about and with immigrants Since it was established in the 1990s, People in Need in the Czech Republic. (PIN) has grown into a respected institution, both in the Social Integration Programmes extended their services Czech Republic and abroad. Along with direct aid, projects and the number of locations where they work with soc­ and other fieldwork, it now increasingly focuses on sys­ ially excluded groups. With ever­greater frequency, they temic difficulties and strategic work that goes to the roots have been increasing their cooperation with politicians, of problems. Today, PIN is the largest non­governmental civil servants, schools, the police and non­profit organi­ org anisation of its kind in all of the new EU states. In the sations to solve local problems. Notably, the programmes past year, it has continued to expand the reach and impact have resulted in the compilation of a codex of ethical of its work in spite of the economic crisis. To a large extent, credit practices, which puts pressure on non­bank loan this is a result of the trust and support of the Czech public, providers to develop responsible money lending policies which brings us joy and strength, but also gives us a sense for less affluent people. of obligation. At the end of this report, you can find infor­ In conclusion, allow me to thank all those individuals mation on the sources of funding and how the resources and organisations who have enabled us to provide services were used in comprehensive tables and graphs. and help where it is needed most. I am also happy to thank In addition to continuing work in a number of coun­ more than 300 of my colleagues for deciding to devote tries on three continents, the Relief and Development a part of their life to helping others. Department provided aid at home this year – after floods in Moravia. Yours respectfully, In 2009, the founder and long­time director of the Šimon Pánek One World film festival, Igor Blaževič, finished his work as Executive Director of People in Need a member of People in Need’s senior management after fif­ teen years. He was one of the people who built the organi­ sation and to a large extent formulated the goals, activities and the ethos of PIN. The festival team handled the depar­ ture of their founding father with ease and fresh energy. In the past five years, Igor has also led the Human Rights and Democracy department, which continues to actively sup­ port people who live under undemocratic regimes and who keep the hope alive that freedom and democracy will even­ Partnership and Support: tually triumph over authoritarianism and repression. The educational departments One World in Schools and Variants continued to work directly with teachers, stu­ Q Photo: © Nygus, Burma 2008/In 2008 and 2009, People in Need built eight community schools in villages affected by Cyclone Nargis. NÁZEV ORGANIGRAMU PEOPLE IN Need’S MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE Executive Board Supervisory Board Executive Director Financial Director Executive Committee Variants One World World One Fundraising Legal Service Legal and Human Rights One World in Schools in World One Centre for Democracy Relief and Development Documentary Film Festival International Human Rights Social Integration Programmes Information and Media Projects PIN ADMINISTERED WEBSITES www.banat.cz www.madan.cz www.bytvobraze.cz www.nama.cz www.ceskaghetta.cz www.podkarpatskarus.net www.clovekvtisni.cz, www.peopleinneed.cz www.pracovniporadenstvi.cz www.cubalog.eu www.pribehybezpravi.cz www.epolis.cz www.rozvojovka.cz www.hotel-kuba.cz www.skolavafrice.cz www.chceteho.cz www.skutecnapomoc.cz www.icdcprague.org www.skutecnydarek.cz www.integracniprogramy.cz www.spotrebitelskyudel.cz www.jedensvet.cz, www.oneworld.cz www.stopdetskepraci.cz www.jedensvetnaskolach.cz, www.oneworldinschools.cz www.varianty.cz www.migration4media.net www.virusfreegeneration.cz LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ANAEM: Agence Nationale d’Accueil des Etrangers et des Migrations (French MLSA CR: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic National Agency for Foreigners and Migrants) MoA CR: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic ASRC: Austrian-Swiss Red Cross MoE CR: Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic CDA: Czech Development Agency MoI CR: Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic CEE TRUST: Trust for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe MU Brno: Masaryk University Brno CSO: Civil Society Organisation NAPSI: National Action Plan for Social Inclusion EC: Delegation of the European Commission NED: National Endowment for Democracy ECHO: European Commission Humanitarian Aid Office NGO: Non-Governmental Organisation EEA: European Economic Area NROS: Foundation for the Development of Civil Society EIDHR: European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights NSP: National Solidarity Programme (Afghanistan) ESF: European Social Fund OFII: Organisation for International Investment FAMU: Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague OSF: Open Society Fund Prague FAO: United Nations Food and Agriculture Programme OSI: Open Society Institute FoRS: Czech Forum for Development Cooperation PHO: Polish Humanitarian Organisation GTZ: Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit – German Technical Cooperation PIN: People in Need HIVOS: Humanist Institute for Development Cooperation (The Netherlands) SFZP: State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic HRDC: Human Rights and Democracy Centre (PIN) SIP: Social Integration Programmes (PIN) HRD OP: Human Resources Development Operational Programme UN: United Nations IBIS: Danish NGO partner UNDEF: United Nations Democracy Fund ICDC: International Committee for Democracy in Cuba UNESCO: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation IDP: Internally displaced person UNICEF: United Nations Children’s Fund IOM: International Organisation on Migration UN OCHA: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs IUVENTA: Slovak Youth Institute USAID: United States Agency for International Development MFA CR: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic VOICE: Voluntary Organisations in Cooperation in Emergencies People in Need’s areas of activity in 2008–2010 are marked IN COLOUR AREAS OF ACTIVITY 1992–2010 1. Afghanistan 2001–2010 27. Jordan 2004–2009 2. Albania 1993, 1997, 1999 28. Kazakhstan 1995–2001 3. Angola 2006–2010 29. Kosovo 1998–2004 4. Armenia 1988, 1998, 2003–2010 30. Lebanon 2006–2010 5. Bangladesh 2007 31. Macedonia 1999 6. Belarus 1998–2010 32. Moldova 1998, 2003–2010 7. Bosnia­Herzegovina 1993–1998 33. Mongolia 1993 8. Bulgaria 1997 34. Montenegro 1999–2001 9. Burma 1997, 2001–2010 35. Nagorno­Karabakh 1993–1994 10. Cambodia 2008–2010 36. Namibia 2003–2010 11. Colombia 1999 37. Nepal 2006 12. Croatia 1993 38. North Korea 2002–2003 13. Czech Republic 1992–2010 39. Pakistan 2005–2008, 2010 14. Cuba 1997–2010 40. Romania 1995–2010 15. Democratic Republic of Congo 2008–2010 41. Serbia 2001–2007 16. Egypt 2002 42. Slovakia 1998, 2001–2010 17. Ethiopia 2003–2010 43. Somalia 1993 18. Georgia 2005–2010 44. Spain 2002 19. Great Britain 1997–2000 45. Sri Lanka 2005–2010 20. Greece 2007–2008 46. Sumatra 2009–2010 21. Haiti 2010 47. Tajikistan 1998 22. Chechnya/Ingushetia 1995, 2000–2009 48. Ukraine 1993, 1997, 2001, 2003–2010 23. India 2007 24. Indonesia 2006–2007 25. Iran 2003–2005 26. Iraq 2003–2010 Q Photo:
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