RITZ OSPITALITY Rocky Mountain EditionH Fall & Winter 2005 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 584 BOISE, ID Rocky Mtn ad 8/19/05 10:56 AM Page 1 See you along the way. 1.800.800.8000 super8.com Each motel is independently owned and operated under franchise agreement with Super 8 Motels, Inc. located in the Adirondack Mountains of NY State open mid-May to mid-October Contact Ken and Linda Nelson at: 315 - 357 - 4111 [email protected] P.O. Box 357 Inlet, New York 13360 4 • Ritz Hospitality www.ritzfamilypublishing.com Ritz Hospitality Rocky Mountain Edition Fall/Winter 2005 What’s Inside features sections Hunting & Fishing From The Goose hunting at Editor’s Desk .................... 6 North Platte Lodge ...................... 7 The economic importance of Travel PAGE 14 Hunting and Fishing ..................... 8 Colorado National Monument .... 16 Hunter teaches how Fuel-Effi cient Driving Tips ........... 18 to fi llet a deer ............................... 8 Be Bear Aware ............................ 19 In the Heart of Southwest Colorado’s Pheasant Country ........................ 9 East Pine Ranch .......................... 20 OHV Use Requires Common Big Hole National Monument ..... 23 Courtesy and Common Sense .... 10 Eliminating The “Are We Montana’s Upland Bird There Yet” Factor ......................... 24 Outlook ........................................ 11 Tips On Trips ............................... 28 Wildlife and Brucellosis in the Devil’s Tower ................................ 29 Greater Yellowstone Area ............ 12 Ice Fishing Primer ........................ 30 PAGE 22 Casper-a perfect combination of attractions, year round .............. 31 Cody. The Man. The Town. The Legend ................................ 33 Cody Country-Camping, Fishing, Hunting and More! ........................ 36 profi les The fun doesn’t stop when the snow fl ies in Cody Country. Colorado No Way! ....................................... 37 Longmont Theatre Company ..... 15 Dubois ......................................... 39 Western Motel .............................. 17 Lander ......................................... 40 PAGE 26 Colorado Railroad Museum .......... 19 Riverton-At The Center Of It All ......................................... 41 Wyoming Saratoga ...................................... 44 Spear Ranch ............................... 27 The North Platte River ................ 46 Heart Six Guest Ranch .............. 32 The Medicine National Forest ..... 47 Buffalo Bill Historical Center ...... 34 Northwest Nebraska - Bring The Dude Ranchers’ Your Friends! ............................... 49 Association ................................. 35 Greater Phoenix is a metro area Central Wyoming College ............ 42 of many downtowns ................... 53 Wind River Casino ........................ 43 Aunt Martha’s This ‘n That & Marketplace ...................... 56 Battle Mountain Designs .............. 45 Advertisers Index ......... 58 PAGE 48 The Winter Wonderland of Brush Creek Ranch ..................... 47 Community Contact On The Cover: Midwest Information Montage Photo Credits: All photos* by Strawberry Hill Museum & Arizona ........................................ 60 South Dakota Tourism; *Iron Creek Lake, Wyo- Cultural Center ............................ 50 Colorado ..................................... 60 ming by Amy Gronewoller. S.A.E.G. ....................................... 51 Montana ...................................... 62 Want to see your photo grace the pages of Nebraska ..................................... 63 our magazine? Give us a call at 1-800-330- Southwest North Dakota ................................ 64 3482 or e-mail: info@ritzfamilypublishing. Windmill Inns’ Top-Notch Services, South Dakota ............................... 64 com for image requirements. Unique Amenities Generate Rave New Mexico ................................. 65 (All submissions subject to approval) Reviews From Guests ................ 54 Wyoming ..................................... 65 Rocky Mountain Edition Ritz Hospitality • 5 From The Editor’s Desk: Ritz Hospitality a Ritz Family Publication President / CEO Michael Ritz [email protected] Riding out the storm Executive V.P. Operations/ Editor Robert Davis ormally this column is reserved for highlighting the contents and [email protected] Nfeatures of this magazine, however, we at the Ritz Hospitality Sales Manager Magazine are compelled to discuss what we feel are important cur- Stuart Gronewoller rent events. [email protected] At the time of this publication Hurricane Katrina had made its way Offi ce Manager to the southern coast of the United States. The category 4 storm Angie Hawkins wreaked havoc in the Southern States leaving much of Louisiana, Graphics/Web Mississippi and Alabama without electricity. New Orleans was un- Heather Heaton derwater leaving it’s citizens homeless and in a state of confusion. [email protected] Many oil rigs were damaged in the storm, as well as being evacuated, Executive Secretary bringing domestic production of oil in the Gulf to a stand still. Amy Gronewoller In the wake of Hurricane Katrina the ripple effect in the economy will [email protected] most likely be felt for some time. Much of this already can be felt from the massive price increases at the gas pumps. Ritz Family Publishing, Inc. As with any time of crisis, the people of this great nation have shown, www.ritzfamilypublishing.com time and time again, their ability to overcome adversity. This situation is no different. Citizens will rise to the occasion to help those in need Corporate Offi ce and ride out the storm. Ritz Family Publishing, Inc. We at the Ritz Hospitality Magazine and Ritz Family Publishing, Inc. 714 N Main Street would like extend our thoughts and prayers to the survivors of loved- Meridian, ID 83642 ones lost to Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. Sales We at the Ritz Hospitality Magazine and Ritz Family Publishing, Inc. For all sales inquiries, call toll would also like to acknowledge the U.S. armed forces and extend a free 1(800) 330-3482 or very special thank you to all of our servicemen and women currently 1(208) 955-0124 [email protected] overseas and stateside helping to keep our families and freedoms Subscriptions alive and well. For a subscription or to change your existing address, call toll free 1(800) 330-3482 or 1(208) 955-0124 [email protected] Printed By Idaho Press-Tribune, Nampa, ID Copyright© 2005. All rights reserved. Every effort has been made to ensure ac- curacy of this publication, however, the publisher does not assume responsibility for omissions or typographical errors. The publisher does not assume respon- sibility or is liable for the contents of any Robert F. Davis advertising herein. Publisher’s liability for errors in an advertisement is limited to Executive V.P. Operations / Editor a correct insertion in the next publication. E-mail: [email protected] In the event of a misprint, the publisher must be informed of such error prior to printing of the next publication. 6 • Ritz Hospitality www.ritzfamilypublishing.com Special: HUNTING & FISHING Photo by: South Dakota Tourism We offer guides, hunting dogs, lodging, transportation, waterwater & electricity.electricity. Pheasants PAT TAGGART ������������������������������������ Quail ���������������������������� HUNTING & P&R ������������������������� Chukkar LODGE ������������������������������������ Prairie Chicken ���������������� Deer ���������������������� ����������������������������������� Come and experience the thrill of ��������������������� �������������������������������������� game bird hunting on Nebraska’s ������������� ������������������ unique sandhill grasslands. ���������������� ����������������� 308.654.3290 ���������������� ������������������ Bartlett, NE ��������������� [email protected] �������������� ����������������� www.funhunting.com ������������������� Rocky Mountain Edition Ritz Hospitality • 7 Goose Hunting at North Platte Lodge thethe finestfinest areasareas ifif SSoutheastoutheast WWyoming.yoming. motel of you choice and take you to WithWith overover 1515 pitspits strategical-strategical- the pit, where everything will be set lyly locatedlocated throughoutthroughout and ready to go. All you have to do is G o s h e n wait for the sun and shoot straight. You will hunt over large spreads of high quality decoys. Included in C o u n t y you spreads are Bigfoots, Avery full wewe cancan putput youyou bodies, Hardcore full bodies, Prairie wherewhere tthehe birdsbirds aarere ggoingoing Wind Socks , and our guides have all toto fly.fly. VeryVery highhigh successsuccess ratesrates the secret little tricks too! We have mixedmixed withwith eextremelyxtremely ccomfortableomfortable pits over water, corn, millet, winter o o s e blindsblinds andand fantasticfantastic rratesates mmakeake fforor wheat, bare dirt too which was one huntinghunting a greatgreat huntinghunting vacation.vacation. WeWe of our top producers last year! Ba- Ginin SSouthouth willwill putput upup toto fourfour shoot-shoot- sically, we will try to get you where easteast WyomingWyoming isis a treattreat ersers inin a pitpit ifif ttheyhey aarere wwithith the geese are. We can handle up to 30 all water fowlers should the same party and our hunters in large groups, but only by indulge at least once....then you minimum is two. Waterfowl hunt- special request. will keep coming back! Greater Cana- ing ends at
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