Impressum Contents Publication: Information Bulletin of the Swiss- Board of the Chamber and its Chapters 2–3 Chinese Chamber of Commerce Editorial 5 Circulation: Chamber News In print approx. 1’500 General Assembly; New Members; New Book 6–7 Ex. and on website. Wirtschaftsmission nach China; Changes at SECO 8–9 To the Members of the New Consul General; New SWISS Services 10–11 Chamber and of the China Environment & Research 12 On the Road to Expo 2010; Swiss Plan Facilities 13–17 Chapters in Geneva, Lugano, Beijing and CONTENTS Shanghai; among them Economy Annual Economic Report – May 2007 Update 18–30 the leading banks, trading companies, in- Hong Kong surances and industrial Economic Report 2006 32–34 firms. To Trade Or- CEPA-Update between China and Hong Kong 36 ganizations, Govern- Hong Kong at Baselworld 2007; 10th Anniversary of Handover 37–38 ment Departments, leading Chambers of Business Matters Commerce in Switzer- Learning from Asia 40–42 land, Europe and The 36 Strategies 44–46 China. Successful Business Development in China 47–50 Responsible Editor: Human Resources Susan Horváth, Swiss-China Human Resources Management 52–56 Managing Director More Not Fewer Expats are Needed; H&R Trends 57–58 Employee Retention; Home, Sweet Home? 58–59 Swiss-Chinese Cham- ber of Commerce Legal Matters China’s New Tax Law 60–62 Höschgasse 89 China’s New Franchise Regulations 62–65 CH-8008 Zurich Various Short News on Legal Developments 66–67 Switzerland Revision on M&A Rules, M&A in Shanghai Region 68–71 Tel. 044 / 421 38 88 Forum on Chinese Business Law 72–73 Fax 044 / 421 38 89 e-mail: [email protected] China Abroad Website: www.sccc.ch Chinese Companies Go International 73–74 Investing in Europe; China Fact Finding Mission 2007 74–77 Printing: Swiss Guide for Chinese Visitors; Pop-up Switzerland 78 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) 79–82 werk zwei Print + Medien Communications Konstanz GmbH Project on Multilingual Typography 82–85 P.O. Box 2171 Fast IP Links from Europe to China 86–88 CH-8280 Kreuzlingen News & Infos: China & Switzerland; Successful Communications 89–92 Switzerland Tel. 0049/7531/999-1850 News from Members www.werkzwei-konstanz.de New Swiss Re Study; Plastics Know-How at GF 93–94 Trip of the School of Management to China 94–97 Advertising: Culture & Leisure Conditions available By Magical Hands; Tao Hua Shan; Buddha with 1000 Hands 98–103 on website Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival; IFA in Beijing; RADO News 104–107 www.sccc.ch Classic Car Rally Hong Kong – Beijing 108–109 Deadline for next issue: Services 2/07 November 30 Useful Contacts in China & Switzerland 110–111 Membership Card Values 2007 112 1 Board of the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce Executive Committee Members: President: Kurt Haerri Member of the Executive Committee, Schindler Elevators Ltd., Ebikon Vice President: BOARD Dr. Richard Friedl Vice President, ABB Switzerland, Baden Treasurer: Peter R. Schmid Head Executive Relations, Credit Suisse Group, Zurich Secretary: Wolfgang Schmidt-Soelch Partner, Heidrick & Struggles, Zurich Managing Director: Susan Horváth Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Swiss-Hong Kong Business Association, Zurich Members: Dr.Theobald Tsoe Ziu Brun Attorney-at-Law, Brun studio legale e notarile, Lugano Dr. Daniel V.Christen CEO, Assetis AG, Zurich Alexandre F. Jetzer Member of the Board of Directors, Novartis AG, Basle Dr. Kurt Moser Küsnacht, former Director of economiesuisse (VORORT) Dr. Esther Nägeli Attorney-at-Law, LL. M., Nägeli Attorneys-at-Law, Zurich Honorary Members: Dr. Erwin Schurtenberger former Swiss Ambassador to China, Minusio Dr. Uli Sigg former Swiss Ambassador to China, Mauensee Dr. Marc Ronca Attorney-at-Law, Counsel, Schellenberg Wittmer, Zurich, Geneva Past President of Chamber, Zurich Board Members: Maurice Altermatt Head of External Affairs Department, Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry, Biel Lore Buscher Regional Director, Central & Eastern Europe, Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) Frankfurt am Main, Germany Jean-Michel Chatagny Head of Asia, Member of Life & Health Executive Board Asia (LA), Swiss Reinsurance Company, Zurich Ester Crameri Confiserie Sprüngli AG, Zurich Bruno W. Furrer CEO, BF Bruno Furrer Consultant, Steinhausen Dr. Beat Krähenmann Director, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Basle Dr. Gregor Kündig Member of the Executive Board, economiesuisse, Zurich Nicolas Pictet Partner, Pictet & Cie., Geneva Jürg Reichen Head International Banking, Member of the Board, Zürcher Kantonalbank, Zurich Stefan Scheiber Managing Director, International Sales and Services, Bühler AG, Uzwil Thomas Schelling Vice President, Nestlé S.A., Vevey Dr. Ralf C. Schläpfer Partner, Head Strategy Advisory, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Zurich Erwin A. Senn CEO, ALSECO (Holding) Ltd./T-Link Management Ltd. Worldwide Transportation Engineering, Freienbach Dr. Kurt E. Stirnemann Chairman of the Executive Committee of Georg Fischer AG, Schaffhausen Peter G. Sulzer Zurich Marco Suter Chief Credit Officer, Member of the Group Managing Board, UBS AG, Zurich Franziska Tschudi CEO, Wicor Holding AG, Rapperswil Lukas Utiger Vice President, Lonza Ltd., Basle BULLETIN 1/07 SWISS–CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Thomas P. van Berkel President, Nitrex Ltd., Zurich 2 Dr. Jörg Wolle CEO, DKSH Holding Ltd., Zurich Geneva Chapter President: André Übersax Director, Chamber of Commerce in Fribourg Vice President: Maître Philippe Knupfer Lawyer, LL. M., Pictet & Cie., Geneva Secretary: Gérald Béroud Director and founder, SinOptic, Lausanne Treasurer: Bernard Büschi Chairman, Bernard Büschi & Cie., S. A., Geneva Board: BOARD Christophe Borer Partenaire, Léman Capital SA, Genève Dr. Daniel V.Christen CEO, Assetis AG, Zurich Irmgard L. Müller Director, Beau-Rivage Palace, Lausanne Nicolas Pictet Partner, Pictet & Cie., Geneva Jean-Luc Vincent President, Salon International des Inventions de Genève Yafei Zhang Assistant de Direction, Shanghai Overseas, Geneva Ticino Chapter Chairperson: Dr.Theobald Tsoe Ziu Brun Attorney-at-Law and Notary, BRUN Studio legale e notarile, Lugano Executive Committee Members: Renato L. Bloch Attorney-at-Law, Bloch Law Offices, Lugano Andrea Fioravanti Attorney-at-Law, Studio legale Sganzini Barnasconi Peter Gaggini, Lugano Walter Landolt Attorney-at-Law, Lugano Nicola Simoneschi Director, TREINVEST S.A., Lugano-Paradiso Silvio Tarchini Founder, FoxTown Factory Stores, Mendriso, Villeneuve, Rümlang Francesca Wölfler-Brandani Founder, Centro Culturale Cinese “Il Ponte”, Lugano Legal Chapter Zurich Chairperson: Dr. Esther Nägeli Attorney-at-Law, LL. M., Nägeli Attorneys-at-Law, Zurich Legal Chapter Geneva Chairperson: Maître Philippe Knupfer Lawyer, LL. M., Pictet & Cie., Geneva Here for You in Switzerland: Camera di Commercio Svizzera-Cina Section Ticino c/o Brun Studio Legale e Notarile Via Ariosto 6 Case postale 5251 Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce CH-6901 Lugano Höschgasse 89 Phone +41-91-913 39 11 CH-8008 Zurich Fax +41-91-913 39 14 Phone +41-44-421 38 88 E-mail [email protected] Fax +41-44-421 38 89 Chairperson Dr. Theobald Tsoe Ziu Brun E-mail [email protected] Website www.sccc.ch Legal Chapter Zurich President Kurt Haerri c/o Nägeli Attorneys-at-Law Phone +41-43-343 99 93 Chambre de Commerce Suisse-Chine Fax +41-43-343 92 01 Section Romande E-mail [email protected] 4, bd du Théâtre Chairperson Dr. Esther Nägeli 1204 Genève Phone +41-22-310 27 10 Legal Chapter Geneva Fax +41-22-310 37 10 c/o Pictet & Cie., Geneva E-mail [email protected] Phone +41-58-323 19 03 Website www.sinoptic.ch/scccgeneva/ Fax +41-58-323 29 50 Office hours Monday–Friday, 9.00–12.00 h E-mail [email protected] President André Übersax Chairperson Maître Philippe Knupfer For full overview of useful contacts in China and Switzerland turn to pages 110 &111 in this issue. BULLETIN 1/07 SWISS–CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 3 eZdeaZ iZX]cdad\n XjhidbZgkVajZ L^cc^c\ >ciZgcVi^dcVa8dbbZgXZ8ZcigZ!=dc\@dc\ ÄdcZd[i]ZldgaYÉhiVaaZhi Wj^aY^c\hl^aa]VkZadc\ZgZaZkVidgh]V[ihi]VcVcnZm^hi^c\Wj^aY^c\^ci]ZldgaY# L]Zci]ZYZkZadeZghd[=dc\@dc\ÉhcZlaVcYbVg`lZgZadd`^c\[dgi]Zg^\]i eZdeaZVcYiZX]cdad\n!i]Znejii]Z^gigjhi^cHX]^cYaZg#LZViHX]^cYaZgVgZ egdjYid]VkZWZZchZaZXiZY[dgi]^hegZhi^\^djhXdcigVXiidhjeean&('ZaZkVidgh VcYZhXVaVidghÄ^cXajY^c\_jbeZaZkVidghi]ViVgZadc\Zgi]VcVcnegZk^djhan ^chiVaaZY#>i^hVc]dcdjg[dgHX]^cYaZgVcYVl^c[dgi]ZeZdeaZVcYWjh^cZhhd[ =dc\@dc\# lll#hX]^cYaZg#Xdb Moving Notice The Culture of As of August 1st 2007 the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Relationships Commerce (SCCC) and the Swiss-Hong Kong Business Association (SHKBA) will be at new premises. Höschgasse 89 (before 83) all other coordinates remain the same: EDITORIAL CH-8008 Zurich It has been extremely well perceived by many Swiss business leaders, that Doris Phone +41-(44)-421 38 88 Leuthard, our newest member of the Federal Council of Switzerland, will Fax +41-(44)-421 38 89 strengthen economic ties and relationship with China by means of conducting a [email protected] state visit already during her initial year in office. This is a most vital step for all [email protected] our future endeavours with Corporate China. This will reinforce our position as an important trade partner and further strengthen established links and maintain www.sccc.ch a good dialogue with the Chinese Government. Doubtless, everybody who has been exposed to Chinese business culture so far would acknowledge that building relationships is a key success factor in doing busi- Summer ness with and in China. But I doubt whether we foreigners have sufficient clarity what the meanwhile quite fashionable word “Guangxi” really means and to what Vacation extend the demand for “space” in our already overloaded agendas likely will be. From July 16th until August The Chinese culture differs from the western culture in many ways, including 17th the Chamber in Zurich how business is established. For example, the Chinese prefer to deal with peo- will be closed, due to moving ple they know and trust. On the surface, this does not seem to be much different activities and summer holi- from doing business in the western world.
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