NILES HERALD -SPECTATOR M Ho. M LocaNEWS SINCE 1951. ÏI Thursday, December 18, 2014 niks.chicagotrihune.com Go Sixty top Chicago-area chefs name their best meal of the year. Inside! EducatIon-. Guide SPECIAL SECTION Annual bike ride brings more than 1,000 toys. I PAGE 6 Nues Herald-Spectator © 2014 Chicago Tribune Media Group All rights reserved Happy HQ!ìdaysfrom Northwest Community.Çredit Union .I . ifYEAR5NORTHWEST COmmunftycret union i: WE'RE HERE FOR YOU wc-LO9 lIS1IN .LS NOi>1tOt0959 vèsit nwccu1com o' czill today 8476471O3O L>iW : 00000 ISID id3O 8930 Waukegan Rd. Morton Grove, IL 60053 000O00 s-rong9T8 :i'i 5TO-3i01 2 THURSDAY DECEMBER 18 2014 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION NIL OPEN6-S sIôssotti Ltao2a OPEN6 COMFORTABLE FOOD CO M FU !Iine-Jn pecia1s hwl,ule (i iiuIfc 77ìL-'tua jf'Hftrc SLOW ROASTED PRIME RIB r FILET MIGNON HAM - $160 ¡4 & LOBSTER TAIL Brown SugarG1azed rn, pasta marinara, TWIN LOBSTER TAILS 'oney-gazed carrots ULTIMATE PORK CHOPS AL FORNO DINNER FORTWO ROAST TURKEY - $150 4PM-1OPM BAKED STUFFED SHRIMP Lb.Whole Turkey, Walnut $tuhrlg, Grav'Honey- TWIN FILET MIGNON OSCAR Glazed Carrots ..ín addition to our regular menu 4-COURSE DINNER FEATURING ROAST PORK - $150 . APPETIZER (FRIED CALAMAR!) otissene-Roasted Pork, , Soue OR SALAD Walnut StHng, Pork 5avy, Honey Glazed Carrots ENTREE SELECTION INCLUDES . TwIN FILET MIGNON OSCAR BAKED STUFFED SHRIMP ers include mashed FILET MIGNON & LOBSTER TAlL c:::oes, qrden salad, PARMESAN CRUSTED RIB EYE STEAK bread and sweets tray. DESSERT Each meal serves 15 APPLE CINNAMON Orders must be placed by ICE CREAM Monday, December 22. W/CARAMEL DRIZZLE Gift Certificate Special &49 W. Lawrence Ave. Buy $100 Worth & Receive 1. A Bonus* $25 Gift Certificate! ( Cumlerlaricl Ave.) *Boflus Certificates cannot be used until Jan. 1, 2015 Norriclge .. -IN AK AWAYCA IN ULLS 'V 70E'-453-5300www.theHossomcafe.com MAKE YouR RESERVATIONS TOPAY! NIL A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION I THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2014 3 AT LINCOLN WOOD PLACE Let us help you with your rehabilitation and skilled nursing care needs. We've been there when you need us and will care for you as part of our family. Whetheryou need post-hospital Rehabilitation or Skilled Nursing Care, we can offer you the full continuum of care. Fresh, chef-prepared cuisine daily Short term stays available to give the primary . Charming Skilled Nursing & Rehab center caregiverpeace ofmind and rest that they need Comprehensive therapies including Excellent reputation in the community physica4 occupational and speech I5 StarMedicare Rated community J CALL US AT 866-441-4796 LINCOLNWOOD PLACE a Senior Lijstyle community FOR A PERSONAL LUNCH INDEPENDENT LIVING IASSISTED LIVING I SKILLED NURSINGIREHAB 7000 N. McCORMICK BLVD. I LINCOLNWOOD, IL 60712 AND TOUR TODAY! WWW.SENIORLIFESTYLE.COM c;:1rl Seruing the community since 1991. _i T:.RtLNr) ( 4 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2014 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION NIL NILES HERALD -SPECTATOR GO Ms Fhet. Ms LOCALNew SNcE 1951. Mommy on a Shoestring New Year's Eve fun with the kids John Puterbaugh Rich Bird Jill McDermott PAGE 36 Editor Managing Editor VP of Advertising 847-682-5907 EDITORIAL ADVERTISING CORRECTION Phil ßodrnhr, News Editor Mike Harvel,Advertising Director 312-321-2259 312-646-9552 The village of Nifes spent [email protected] [email protected] a total of $4,310.28 on Ryan NiIunn. Managing Editor for Sports DispIay 647-486-9200 postage to mail out fliers 312-321-2694 classified: 847-486-9200 related to a referendum [email protected] (mail: [email protected] that eventually stripped the Legalt [email protected] city's mayor of the power suntimesrepnnts.com Ohifliañes 847-998-3400, option 6, Photo Dup&afion or [email protected] to fill trustee vacancies, pioneerlocal.mycapture.com according to records. This SERVICE & NEW SUBSCRIBERS was incorrectly reported MAILING ADDRESS Phone: 877-855-7722 350 N. Orleans, 0th Floor, Email:[email protected] in the Dec. II edition. The Chicago 1160654 customer k Hogs Nues Herald Spectator NWSLLIT REGISTRATION Mon-Fri.: 6:30 am-B p.m. regrets the error. Emails with top local stones twice each week Sat.: 6:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Gots niles.suntimes.com/newsletter Sun.: Barn-noon PIJBUCA11ON INFORMATiON Naos HeraIl-Speclato, (U5PS 39t-880) Voi 65. No. 52. PUblished 52wies pwyear ADV[R11SINGTEPAiSANO CONDItiONS AcoeØaItrnOadS by Pobbsher olOaptOSYcOIdIIOnOd on IttO the toftmolngtonns. Ptwmeansttts puahon, N parent(s). subsidoliles and ataOO. by Sin-flmos M LIC. ® 20M, 350 N. O,1ens, Lhcago IL 60654. 5inecop $1.50 PenOdICaIS postage paid at AmsenagcothatPuhen'sItabIityn rolahontoanyact,onnsolon, faalurntopubhsh. otnrrorüittu pubstiolgo1anyadw,H notnxcoedtheantount paidtonsoch ad. Underno circomslaocesiII Puhsheneverbo abol ttiEcago IL 60607 and addition mang othe Ore-year sabscnpoon $5200. n-coiaity orgy. Cali (077) t55-7722 for any ndiroct, consequtM ospecdamages, or cay oltwn costs anng ont or rotated to any act. oninolon, failurn to pubsh, o, error ol the ikatof ad. h is flsole rosnsbdity st the Advn,Ssento chock the to subscribo. POSTMASTER. Send address changes to Neo HeraId-5ptatoi, o/o Paneeí Newpap&s Inc., tOO c00000t0005 ofeach t000rtioe. Publisher marces the ñit to hmitthe amount of advetiisrn& to odd, or eteet any copy, and to cancol any adverlistng at Cssolediscoetion w,thoot notice Aitaenitsenagnees to indemnify and N Orleans, Oliucago IL 60654 New subscnbo st1s require emI address. tfor same reasonyou choose to cancol hold Puhlisherhaomlosstrsm and against any IiabiIty. loss or caponne (including roasonahin attnmnys toes) minng from any claims rosuhingfrnm publication by Pablishee otttoe Advertiser's ads. pinoso noto that a rotund procesong ten may app3y, currnntty $8. WHERE PAST MEETS PRESENT WH ER E CITY MEETS SUBURBS WHERE HE MEETS HER WHERE WE FINO COMMON GROUND I C0MNG ATTRACTIONS . I12/13BOBBY M SINGS'RATPACK" CLASSICS Ii 21211 JOlRUNflON & FRIENDS PERFORM SANTANA I INYE 201 5: RICK LINDY & THE WILD ONES s , 1/MI7T() SPACE AVAILABLE 5 I , s ...I......I..s...I CAlL 1ORÍSERVEYOURPARTYTODAYI I . LUNCH DINNER BANQUETS CATERING 5707 N. CENTRAL AVE. FIND US ON CHICAGO. IL 7737755 144 Your guide to the weekend and beyond 'KEEPING TRA[)IIUN ESH WWW.COLLETTIS.COM O penTa bi e Every Thursday NIL A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION THURSDAY DECEMBER 18 2014 5 * ** A MILLION REASONS TO * * 4 * /r * * 4 * * * * s Write a letter to Santa & help make wishes come true! Bring your stamped Ìetter to Macy's, addressed to Santa at The North Pole, and drop it into our special Santa letter box - or create and send your letter online at macys.com/believe. We will count all the letters received and donate $1 for each to Make-A-Wish, up to $1,000.000. Plus, we're asking America to wish big! When you send your letter to Santa online, you can be a part of the longest wishlist to Santa. To learn more, visit macys.com/believe #MacysBelieve MAI(EQV)YÍSH*the magic of giving therTaqc ocysof * .com 6 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2014 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION NIL Annual Toys for Tots bike ride delivers morethan 1,000 tòys NATALIE HAYES Special for Pioneer Press sleigh was no match for a pack of determined bikers on a mission Santa'sfrom Nues early Friday morning to deliver thousands of toys to kids in need this holiday season. A group of 140 bikers gathered at Am- ling's Cycle on the 8100 block of Milwaukee Avenue early Friday morning to continue a long-running tradition thatwas started by shop owner Joe Reichert more than a decade ago. The annual Toys for Tots ride helps Bikers start their Toys for Tots ride into Chicago from Amling's Cycle in Nues Dec. 12. I KEVIN TANAt(AJCHICAGOTRIBUNE MEDIA GROUP deliver thousands of toys for the Salvation Army-run program, which hopes to make When they arrived at Mystic Celt about sure every kid has a toy to open on Christ- an hour later, the riders helped load the mas. trucks before they headed inside the bar The tradition resumes each year dur- to fill up on a celebratory brunch and take ing the second week of December, when a down a few morning Irish cocktails. group of volunteers bikes nearly 15 miles in Steve Schermerhorn of Park Ridge joined the cold weather to the Mystic Celt bar on Amlings Cycle's Toys for Tots ride during Southport Avenue in Chicago's Lakeview its second year in 2003, and said he hasn't neighborhood. missed a year since. When the bikers arrive, a pair of "It's a way to help the kids in need during Marines are standing in a big empty truck Christmas, and it's also a lot of fun because stationed in front of the bar, ready to load it turns into a pub crawl," Schermerhorn the toys. said. Sgt. Clayton Gilbert helped pack the At 8:30 a.m. shortly after the bikers had truck with the more than 1,200 toys deliv- arrived at Mystic Celt, the mood in the bar ered by the bikers. was jovial as the crowd caught up with old The 28-year-old, who has spent Christ- friends and chatted with the Marines. mas in Iraq, said he'll never forget how loved Waitress Caroline Clark has worked at he felt when he received packages from the Mystic Celt for more than a decade, and strangers during the holidays. said she never misses the Toys for Tots ride. "I remember getting a pair of socks - "I come in at 7 (a.m.) every year to get which I still have - and it made me incred- ready for them, and everyone is very excited ibly happy," Gilbert said. "Now I can be on when they arrive," Clark said.
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