ISSN 0100-2945 DOI: http://dx.doi.org /10.1590/0100-29452020542 Botany and physiology Rubus alutaceus (Rosaceae), a new species for Colombia with agronomic potential Brigitte Liliana Moreno–Medina1 , Fánor Casierra–Posada2 , Sofía Albesiano3 Abstract – In Gachantivá, Colombia, Rubus alutaceus has been used for commercial purposes for more than one decade but so far with unknown taxonomic identity. For its identification, the anatomical and morphological characteristics of its flowers, fruits, leaves, stems, and seeds, as well as the physicochemical characteristics of its fruits such as color, equatorial and polar diameter, fresh weight, pH and total soluble solids (TSS), were studied. Qualitative and quantitative morphological parameters were evaluated, and longitudinal and transverse cuts were made for histological studies. The plants were found to have trifoliate and pentafoliate leaves; whitish–yellow subglobose polydrupes, fully mature fruits with 8.8°Brix TSS; elliptical, subglobose seeds with ruminated endocarps; anatomical calcium oxalate crystals in the form of druses and raphides in the leaves and branches; and abundant hairs, simple and glandular (colleters) addition to vascular tissue with a more or less continuous appearance. High value in TSS, positively influences fruit agribusiness and the presence of simple hair and colleters can reduce the attack of pests, these variables identify the new species and give it agronomic potential to strengthen its cultivation and marketing. Index terms: Calcium oxalate crystals, colleters, histology, taxonomic novelty, postharvest parameters. Rubus alutaceus (Rosaceae), uma nova espécie para a Colômbia com potencial agrícola Resumo – No município de Gachantivá, Colômbia, Rubus alutaceus é usada com fins comerciais, ha mais de uma década, sem que até o momento se conheça a sua identidade taxonômica. Com o propósito de identifica-la, estudaram–se as características anatômicas e morfológicas das suas flores, frutos, folhas, caules, sementes; características físico-químicas dos frutos, sua cor, segundo a escala CIELAB, o diâmetro equatorial e polar, peso fresco, pH e sólidos solúveis totais (SST). Avaliaram- Corresponding author: se as variáveis morfológicas qualitativas e quantitativas, e realizaram-se cortes longitudinais e [email protected] transversais com o objetivo de fazer estudos histológicos. Encontraram-se plantas que apresentam Received: August 24, 2019 folhas trifoliadas e pentafoliadas; polidrupas subglobosas de cor amarela–esbranquiçada, SST de Accepted: February 19, 2020 8,8 °Brix em frutos completamente maduros; sementes elípticas, subglobosas com endocarpo ruminado; anatomicamente apresentam-se cristais de oxalato cálcico em forma de drusas e ráfides Copyright: All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise nas folhas e ramos e abundantes pelos simples e coléteres, além do tecido vascular de aspecto noted, is licensed under a Creative mais ou menos contínuo. O alto teor em TSS influencia positivamente o agronegócio dos frutos e Commons Attribution License. a presença de estruturas secretoras incluindo tricomas e coléteres simples podem reduzir o ataque de pragas; essas variáveis caracterizam a nova espécie e conferem potencial agronômico para fortalecer seu cultivo e sua comercialização. Termos para indexação: cristais de oxalato cálcico, coléteres, histologia, novidade taxonômica, parâmetros pós-colheita. 1PhD Student in Chemical Sciences of the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC), Tunja, Colombia. E–mail: brigitte. [email protected]. (ORCID 0000-0003-0920-2744). Beneficiary call 733 of Boyacá. 2Agronomist, Ph.D., Professor, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC), Tunja, Colombia. E–mail: fanor.casierra@uptc. edu.co (ORCID 0000-0001-7508-5174) 3Biologist, M. Sc., Ph.D. Professor, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC), Tunja, Colombia. E–mail: adriana.albe- [email protected] (ORCID 0000-0002-8672-6018) 1 2 B. L. Moreno–Medina Introduction diversity and different physicochemical and medicinal properties that are attributed to biological factors Rosaceae is represented by 3000–3200 species, 90– such as apomixis, hybridization, polyploidy, and the 100 genera, 20 tribes and four subfamilies (WALTERS, environments of cultivated areas (ROMOLEROUX, 1996; 1961; ROMOLEROUX, 1996; POTTER et al., 2007; BALLESTERO et al., 2004; MARULANDA et al., 2012; ZHANG et al., 2017). They have a worldwide range, CORREA et al., 2014; MORENO–MEDINA et al., 2018). but are most diverse in the Northen Hemisphere and in On the other hand, in Colombia, agronomic and post– some subtropical regions (ZHANG et al., 2017). The harvest management is inadequate, which is aggravated species include edible fruits, ornamental trees and shrubs by the fact that the fruits have a limited shelf–life and deciduous or evergreen, with alternate leaves that are are characterized as being highly perishable, resulting in sometimes stipulated, simple or compound, imparipinnate low profitability of the crops (MORENO–MEDINA and or webbed, with three to five leaflets, with axillary or DEAQUIZ, 2016). terminal inflorescences that is racemose, in panicles This paper deals, the anatomy and morphology of or solitary, and persistent, complete, actinomorphic, the flower, leaf and stem were described in addition to the pentameric flowers, sometimes with numerous stamens physicochemical parameters of the fruits of the cultivated and white to purple petals. The receptacle expands into a species Rubus alutaceus, which is reported as a taxonomic flat or convex disc, forming a cup on whose edges insert novelty, along with the agricultural potential of this specie. the sepals, petals and stamens. The fruits can be achenes, capsules, drupes, or knobs, which sometimes take part of the receptacle during formation, in addition to the Materials and methods ovary, (HEYWOOD et al., 2007). Owing to the fact that enormous morphological diversity, the species of this Field phase: Three field trips were made to the El Carmen family present difficulties for taxonomic identification farm in Gachantivá, Colombia. This municipality is (GONZALEZ-ROMANO and CANDAU, 1989; located at 5°45’03’’N and 73°32’58’’W and 2504 m a.s.l. ROMOLEROUX, 1996; KALKMAN, 2004; HUMMER The site has moderate, scattered slopes and forms narrow and JANICK, 2009; XIANG et al., 2017). Additionally, valleys. The climatic conditions include a temperature some taxa are important from the economic viewpoint range of 12–18 °C, annual average pluvial precipitation because they are fruit and ornamental species such as above 1000 mm, altitudes between 2,100 and 2,600 m Malus domestica or Rosa sp. respectively. a.s.l. and native forests, including oak stands (EOT– Rubus (Rubeae) is the genus with the highest GACHANTIVÁ, 2013). Were collected 5–10 samples, number of species, 750 (ALICE and CAMPBELL, in the flowering and fruiting stadium. The samples were 1999), distributed in 12 subgenera (ROMOLEROUX, processed in the Laboratory of Genetics and Molecular 1996). Morphologically, they are shrubs or sub–shrubs, Biology–GEBIMOL of the Pedagogical and Technological often stoloniferous, with needles from 1 to 2 mm in University of Colombia (UPTC). length, racemose inflorescences, simple or compound panicles, flowers that are complete, perfect, hypogynous, Laboratory phase: The morphometric data, both actinomorphic, dichlamydeous, heterochlamydeous, reproductive and vegetative, were recorded as follows: dialisepal and dialipetal, with free stamens, convex 1.) Vegetative morphology: Growth habit; branches: receptacle, apocarpous gynoecium, more than 15 carpels, consistency, shape, thickness, length, type of branching, and fruits that are grouped, solitary or polydrupes color of the epidermis; leaf: composition, duration, limb (ROMOLEROUX, 1996; BUSHWAY, et al., 2008; leaf shape consistency, length and width, type of margin, AYALA et al., 2013; DRENCKHAHN, 2019). In apex shape, length and shape of the leaf base, length of Colombia, as in other countries of the Andes region, petioles and petiolules, arrangement on the stem, type representatives of this genus are found at altitudes between of venation, type of stipulations, presence or absence 0 and 4500 m a.s.l. (MARULANDA et al., 2012; BERNAL of prickles and presence colleters. 2) Reproductive et al., 2015). Rubus glaucus, called mora de Castilla, morphology: flower: type, color, phytography, position stands out as the most cultivated and commercialized; in of the gynoecium, symmetry, type of calyx and corolla, addition, there are other taxa with important productive type of inflorescence; fruit: external color, shape; Seeds: and commercial characteristics, such as R. adenotrichos, number, shape, size and type of surface. The minimum and R. alpinus, R. bogotensis, R. floribundus, R. giganteus, maximum values registered in the individuals collected R. megalococus, R. nubigenus and R. rosifolius, which were taken into account (STEARN, 1996; MORENO, enrich production systems in Colombia (CANCINO et al., 1984; FONT–QUER, 2001; BECERRA et al., 2002; 2011; MORALES and VILLEGAS, 2012). Along with the RAMÍREZ and GOYES, 2005; JUDKEVICH et al., numerous species and varieties of the Rubus genus that 2017). are established as crops, there are great morphological Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal, 2020, v. 42, n. 2: (e-542) Rubus alutaceus (Rosaceae), a new species for Colombia with agronomic potential 3 Anatomical description: stems, leaves and flowers were blue if b* < 0,
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