1 i - ™' :••• • '-fcaas moi^K •»>».-n- ; *f r li^^iF J"l !• B'Kvi••'BSK^SKBSVI • •••'•;••• •-''•"•> *r H • • J r T :. :.• .*• -•-...* .-nl?.•F^1.-''J5lv: -. ^IsS-- •; ' .*.••. .»,•'\*> .r&^v'Sv• *•<>> • . :• ^>'&.••<*.W.a v..£r-•^;v *B>"-.;-v>*j <*, OTT . • '-*rL ™ >"'• \^-rv :'.-\ ~.••^ PRINTED IN THE T0WN 0F ENFIELDi CQWRS3MD|| TNAII1^ENn-W SUBURBA)l DISTRICTS, COMBINING A POPULATION OF MORE THAN 25,D00 BETWEEN HARTFORD AND SPRINGFIELD- 7-•-' -IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IH IT 'M2L ' * v !^Ej^PA^dHEp^«80 OONNBCTIPPT, THI0IR8PAY, DflOBMaW 8, 1921* single Copy 6 Cent* XXXX1I., Board ofifirade Closes Next'Week ; * • . P$r '->S''i:'r;" of Use 1 Hears Taxation Talk -EXAMINATION PAPERS FOR LOCAL POSTMASTERSHIP MUST BE FILED "Snooks" Dowd, Springfield Inter- Representatives of - Fraternal Or­ State Star To Appear With, ganizations To Convene At The DISCOURSE ON TAXATION, VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT FEATURES v WITH THE CIVIL SERVICE AUTHORITIES AT WASHINGTON BY W- locals.—K. of C. To Play on Masonic Club Rooms on Pearl Thursday Nights Hereafter.— Street To Organize - a General THE MONTHLY MEETING HELD IN THE NEW ASSEMBLY HALL „. MIDNIGHT NEXT TUESDAY.—DARK HORSE CAUSINGM Fast Tcains Booked to Appear Cables Destroyed 1:30 Committee for the Christniiis Here But Fans Must Get Behind Celebration For the Poor of the AT THE HIGGINS SCHOOL LAST EVENING.—REGULAR i S I CONSTERNATION AMONG THE CANDIDATES. and Support. Them. This Afternoon At Town. BUSINESS ALSO TRANSACTED, « ; 5 . •- v1 In so far as the examination r intense as the contest icomes to a What's the matter with local practically all the organizations ^figures in it, the contest' for the close. It is expected that all con- basket ball fans in this town? JFurey's Corner. Men of the town of a social and frater­ Joseph P. Berry of Boston was debtedness, and the adoption of the testants will be going at top speed \Don't they care to support their the speaker at the monthly meet­ "pay as you go" system. ^ d- Uocal postmastership will end at nal character will be represented from the moment that the papers clubs any more or is their inter­ Narrowly Escape. ' at the meeting which is to be held ing of the Board of Trade last In urging the building of a new@l| rmidnight next Tuesday night, when are tiled, until the final selection est in the game completely dead. at the .Masonic Club Rooms tomor­ evenings. His theme was Taxa­ High School he condemned the' •yz:si: f the date for filing the papers with is made. Assistant Postmaster It would seem so, judging fron» row evening for the purpose of tion, Valuation and Assessments, present High School and from the , the attendances of the "games dur­ Three employes of the Southern on which subjects he is a lecturer -the Federal Civil Service Board ex- Gourlie seems to* have the pole; in New England Telephone' Company, organizing a general committee to exhibition of a Are drill which he •'.- . ;plres. This action however is con- the race, and with the reported ing the past couple of weeks! Is arrange for a community Christ­ at the Boston University. The witnessed there yesterday morning : it necessary to have the big-time narrowly escaped death at 1:30 meeting was held in the new As­ - .isidered only. as. a preliminery to backing of the Republican Town this afternoon while at work at mas tree for the poor children of he stated that the narrow woodenilf' ^-^the. real contest. It •will of course committee his >chances appear to pro's appear with local teams in the town. While not all of then) sembly Hall in. the Higgins School stairway through which the child-lj improve daily. He is closely press­ order to guarantee a large crowd, the corner of Franklin and Enfield and was well attended. Among 1 ' ^succeed In .eliminating a few of streets. The men were splicing have had an opportunity to meet, ren from the various rooms were* ? 6'.,''V; :? '-the candidates, but other than that ed by 'Robert Kelly, however, who or a good game? From our ex­ the audience were a number of compelled to pass hurriedly made" cable on a pole i when a gasoline and select the two representatives the real fight for the place is yet is looming up as a strong con­ periences during the past two sea­ that .were agreed upon at the pre- ladies and fathers who are not mem­ it a vertible fire trap. After Mr. sons we have had about enough torch which fthey were using set bers of the Board of Trade. The to be made. The note of con- tender. Another formidable con­ fire to the tents' that was protect­ liminery meeting, the organization Perry had finished his address heS&K ^ K ^\iifidence that has been heard for testant is Olin Woodward, who is of their exhibitions for the pre­ will be represented by the officers address preceded the regular busi­ answered a number of questions.®>j||ife® ing them from the weather. The ness meeting and proved to be iseveral days from the camjps of at being backed quite heavily to . win. sent. Too many of the games men were compelled to jump from or some two designated by . them and elucidated further s:ome of:#% ; ".three of the contestants was rude- First Selectman iBromage, who is looked fishy and were not always at the meeting tomorrow night. one of":the most interesting and the points made while speaking. !i;i good. the .poles at a considerable distance instructive that has ever been held silenced today when the rumor no novice in certain phases of from tEe ground, but were unin­ After the committee is organized At the regular' business' §essionj|| heard that there was "another such" a contest; is being frequently Basketball a few seasns ago was and officers are elected, the active under the auspices of the Board. that followed, the~<B?-4jrfre- of the^f' jured except the; shaking up they After explaining the various forms : : intn the+h O flolHfield." " Yh© B0W mentioned, but so far his candidacy one of the best local sports with received. The tent was destroyed work will commence ' with a rush Board were amended - changing the >fs, yet unnamed, but if lacks official confirmation. His overflowing crowds turning out to as it is figured, from past exper­ of taxation, Federal, State and annual meeting from October toMl 'isii ^ k ¥^1&#:?clalmant is and two cables carrying 200 pairs Municipal, the speaker .gave a stories about his candidacy are active candidacy would certainly every game and most of the teams of wires each were burnt off. iences that the time before Christ­ April and increasing the na nual||fj|^ ..'W%ffeto be given credence, he Is very add zest to* the contest. Many were made up of local men. Fans mas will be just about sufficient to lengthy and analytical explanation dues from $2 to $5. Among the&|jj| Vy • ^ This has-'put the telephone ser­ of the Cambridge, "Mass., system ^.f^Mjmuch in the race. He is said to citizens who would entirely "disre<- are being offered the same brand vice out of commission to Hazard­ complete the arrangements. The mpst important business transactedScS. of valuation, which . in his opinion J ISfeplphave unimpeachable qualifications gard the political a!spe!ct of the of basketball, is not better than ville and .Somiersville, also the En­ affair will be financed by voluntary was the authorizing the president;".'.' V :' ; ^^fl-'and a backing so substantial that Postmastership are highly favor­ at that time and still they refuse subscriptions from the members of was the nearest thing to an equit­ to appoint a committee of five '• i field street, section and north to able system that has yet been «:it has rather staggered the other able to the retention of the pre­ to turn out. lit certainly has the state line. In all about 800 the organizations represented, and confer with the Board of Select-!;® *men in the race who pretend to sent incumbent, James T, Murray, been discouraging to both the by any other persons who are dis­ adopted by any municipality. Al­ men and the Lighting Co. with re-plf :£?"'•$ telephones are "dead." Cables though some of its basis prin­ ; J have some "inside'' information who is also a candidate,, but un­ managements of the "Kaceys" and are being rushed from Hartford posed to assist financially. While gard to establishing a /'Whitef!® s';. •"V-if i^g^Jregarding. the mysterious one which der the "rules" governing the se­ the Big-Harts, who are striving nothing definite has been done in ciples has been adopted, it has not Way" in the business section otlSfl '•*§ • v' and a large crew of. repair men is a^' a whole ever been tried by the ^M#!limhev ,will not disclose. lection this does not • seem pos­ every effort to give the public the being assembled. It was stated by the matter of the selection of the Thompsonville. ^ sible. The events of the last best, as evidenced by~the game in date or place in 'which the exer­ smaller municipalities. In dis­ It was announced that Motorif| -M Wiw&S$-: In the meantime the other can- Manager George Rising this after­ cussing the conditions as he found ^Nlfetasdidates, except to be temporarily forty eight hours portend inter St: Joe's Hall last Tuesday even­ noon that some of the service would cises are to take place, it is known Vehicle Commissioner Stoeckelsp-f esting if not startling develop­ ing. It's up to the fans if tnBy that inasmuch as Christmas Day them in our community he states would be the speaker at the Jan-;|^ : S WliSnon-plussed by the latest phase of be restored in six hours, but that that our tax rate was ten mills u"-il&l^the situation, are waging an earn- ments in the contest within the want the game, to turn out and it would take at least 24 hours to falls on Sunday many will favor uary meeting.
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