I Volume 56, Issue 3 * . Banner may be toI . blame for mis'sing checks JSU remembers 911 1, By Brandon Hollingsworth was not in the mailbox," Ellis said. confirmed that students who d~dnot six years later. News Editor "So I go the financial aid office to get their checks would have to wait Story on ge, make an inqu~ry." for manual processing to sort through Many JSU students received finan- There, Ellis said, workers told the delay. cia1 aid refund checks on Monday, him that due to a processing glitch, Adams indicated that JSU's new Sept. 10. his check would not be ready until Banner system is partly responsible SGA President David Some put the mmey in the bank, Wednesday, Sept. 12. for the problem. Jennings joins other sofrle spent it on booka, some on At the earl~est. "There were some lssues ~n the, student presidents in less savory expen&we$. , Another student, Kim Stark, was [older] Legacy system," Adams said, an effort to fight book However, some students, mostly tdd to Walt up to two weeks for her "But with the new Banner system, prices. those on scholarships, did not get any cfieck. third-party contra- are golng to Story on of those options. Their checks were "Anyone who had a scholarship have to be set up manually, and that's - held up due toan emor in the financid. and a loan wouId have to wakt until created a little b~tof an ~ssue." aid office. rneraning they may not see 'tyednesday," Stark said "If ~t wasn't Third-party contracts include Ala- ENTERTAINMENT their money for another week. in by Wednesday, it wopld be in next bama's PACT college tultion plan and Drama student Adam Ellis was Wednesday." other of fund- Students check their campus mailboxes oh among those taken aback by the The glitch originated in computer lng other than direct government a~d. ~~~d~~,sept. to see if they got paid. ~~~ll delay. processing, accord~ngto JSU Finan- see "Missing page were lucky enough. Photo by Matt Mcflael fie "I go to- plck up my check, and ~t ciaI Aid chief Vkkie Adtwns. 'She Chant~cleer Bookstore Russetf Crowe and blues Christian Bale pretend to be American in 3: 10 By Bethany Harbison bert re~ently came face-to-face to Yuha. It wh. Copy Editor with this tactic when purchasing Review on ! 3 his Macroeconomics textbook. In Most students will tell you that an attempt to save money, Larnbert purchasing textbooks is a painful buys many of his textbooks online. SPORTS experience at best. , This time, however, there was a kandall Stephens, store manager ' hitch in h~splan. After gettings its first of the campus bookstore located in An access code for Blackboa*, win of the season, led MB, points to textbook pub- requ~red by Lambert's instructor, !;% was enclosed in the ed~t~onof the by a stellar defense, a 2i IS and kip the matter is out of hk Rands. I book sold by both local book- change at quarterback "Publ~sherscome in here and see stores. was announced for the that we have used books and try ev- Online; Lambert found the exact Gamecock footbaJl team. ery way In the world to put us out book for $80, but by purchasing it Story on we of them," Stephens sa~d. locally, he was given the option of Stephens. who has worked at either $135 at the bookstore on the the bookstore for nlne years, has Square, or $140 on campus. w~tnessed firsthand the changes "If there's an access code includ- that the textbook busmess has un- ed, we %\it to buy the whole new dergone package:" Stephens said. When he first came to JSU, the "Sometimes we can buy acces- How much money have bookstore was able to buy many sories separately to saye students used books, both as buybacks from money, but publishers have picked you spent on your books students and from wholesalers up on that, too." for class this semester? "Publ~sherswere ev~dentlyhurt- Far instance, chem'istry students Page 2 Volume 56, Issue 3 1 U~UILHIIVIITU~ uqe uqzrrrrtcleer I CAMPUS - . I= JSU Model Arab League: The BRIEFS I= club will meet todav at 2:00 Saturday afternoon fever p.m. in Martin Hall, ioom 216. : Dr. Guillermo Fran- The club is open to any JSU cia Ill is now a certified student interested in Middle : syllabus reviewer for the East issues. For more informa- College Board. Francia - tion, contact Dr. Thomas Beau- will help verify each of com, 782-5811. the syllabi submitted by high schools wdrldwide Alpha Xi Delta would like to for compliance with congratulate all thir new BABY CUBS!! Contact Shalon Hath- Advanced Placement Computer Science cur- cock, [email protected] riculum requirements. Saturday, Sept. 15 is the deadline for fac- ulty members to submit m06-2007significant accomplishments. The results will be used in the compilation of the Annual Report to the President. Accomplishments can be submitted through JSU's PRISM system. The JSU Wellness Center began its fall awareness campaign yesterday. "Get'WeU JSU" took place at the Jack Hopper Cafeteria - Friday, September 7 with a healthy-food bar Student Alyshia N. Madison and presentations. The ' reported theft of properly on "Wellness Wednesdays" the lawn of Fitzpatrick Hall. series continues through The crime occurred between Dec. 5. the hours of 9:30 p.m. Sept. .7 and 10:45 a.m. Sept. 8. Stolen The Office of Distance was a Schwinn- bicycle and Education is offer- chain, valued at $220. Members of the Marching Ballerin* pose in their new uniforms before Saturday's homp footbrrll game against Chattanooga. ing two seminars this The Ballerinas performed with the Southerners during halftime of the game,~hahleQt to right; Jeam Gilbett, Lacy Sherrell, Students Amber Lawson and Jessiw Andrews, Whitney Gray, Olivia Anne, Ashley Vanderburg and Katie*& ehoto by Toni Nlrxrissl The Chanticleer month on the Blackboard Ahn Buteorn reported a bur- system. The first will be glary at 215 Fitzpatrick Hall. held on Sept. 18, and The crime occured between the second on Sept. the hours of 12:OO p.m. and 12: 27. To register, email 15 p.m. Stolen were $430.00 in cash and a pair of shorts. [email protected]. All . JSU remembers'9/11+* ' ,: training sessions are Student Pierce Douglas was - arrested for possession of mar- held in Room 174, Self ijuana at Sparkman Hall. Arrest Hall. occurred at 1:33 a.m. William J.A. Schultze was - From JsU News wire arrested !>r a DUI at the Grub six vears w Mart on F alham Rd. Arrest oc- By Zach Childree curredat, :30 p.m. Staff Reporter Sunday, September 9 JSU students and members of the community still believes that there was a lesson in all caf , Sasha T. Goldner was ar- gathered at Leone Cole Auditorium for a cer- it. rested for drunkenness on the emony on Tuesday, Sept. 11 to remember the "The message we were given that day was - quad at Ramona Wood Hall. sixth anniversary of the attacks on* Wotld 'We are one.'" ' Arrest occurrred at 1:16 am. Trade Center and the Pentagon. The theme of Even in unitv. Americans & &am, this year's program was Restoring Hope. I 10 Monday, September The master of ceremonies was Jason Wright, Student Justin E. McMiller Editor of the Mimosa. reported harassing communi- "We're here to remember the .lives lost on cations at Crow Hall. The crime *L^*C^r-C-I -----11 --A, _-- -1 -1 rrc - ----- ,---- r--P ----- -- ---------- - ----- -- -&., ,"U-Y'-.'-r-b .. Ivlonaay, September D --- - lo The master of ceremonies was Jason Wright, in Iraq and its connection the events of Student Justin E. McMiller to 911 I, Editor of the Mimosa. reported harassing communi- samething keynote speaker E$C Henry '*C&pn , "We're here to remember the lives lost on noted. cations at Crow Hall. The crime .West& that fateful day, as well as those wha lo~ttheir + occurred at 8:05 p.m. ' :'fTht? htase3 ,'F~edh$&PW' has W- - lives since then in preserving our fr*Om,** ,pme a c .cM," YTester said. :'F&& some- Student Erica Jackson re- 9, Wright said. "times hmes at -a; staggering msf-" po~tedtheft of property at the JSU graduate and author Pearl ~illiamshas h. Houston Cole Library. The Tim King, Akxia& % Gident a personal connection with the events o# Sep- of Student temirided the audience, crime occurred between the Affairs, tember 11". Her son, Maj. Dwayne W%m, "whether or not you support the war in Iraq or hours of 10:30 p.m. on Sept. 10 was killed in the attack on the Pentag-* not isn't important. That you support.our men and 10:46 p.m. on Sept. 11. "At every turn we looked to wake from and-women if~unifomis." the nightmare on 911 1" Williams said. "Even 'Th-ough the event ended with a prayer from though it seemed the sun wouldn't rise, it Rev. Jamie Waldhour, King may have summed did." up the sombe'r mood of the evening best with Williams, through her faith, used her grief his closing statement. to better her community. She awarded three "I've been fighting back tears all night." scholarships in her son's name, two of which will go to ROTC members and one to a mar- keting major. Rep: Aftur Davis, who also spoke at the ser- vice, emphasized faith as a defining factor in the evolution of American history.
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