Homecoming Queen To Become Nun Good Shepherd Nuns 70 Years in Denver Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Factory Workers Begin V Content* Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1952— Permission to Reproduce, Except on Addition Planned for Chapel Articles Otherwise Marked, Given A fter 12 M. Friday Following Issue Daily Rosary for Peace A group of Catholic ”nien Symbolizes Success of Work employed at Aircraft Mechanics, Inc., in Colorado Shepherd Sisters in the convent, Springs initiated a Friday Xn addition to the girls’ chapel The enlarging o f the chapel is Rosary for world peace and at the Convent of the Good Shep­ necessary to provide sufficient ac­ and have their own spiritual ex­ tbe conversion of Russia. The DENVER CATHOLIC herd in Denver will mark the 70th commodations for the girls shel­ Rosary is offered in their ercises. One of the Good Shep­ lunch hour. year of work in the Archdiocese tered at the home, who number herd nuns acts as their superior. Seven men turned out for of Denver by the Sisters of the from 100 to 130. A balcony in They were established at the Den­ Good Shepherd. the chapel that provided room,was the first Rosary, Jan. 23. The ver convent in 1931. devotion will be held every found unsatisfactory, and is be­ The addition to the girls’ chapel The 1952 Catholic Directory Friday noon through Good will extend some 35 feet south. It ing removed in the present build­ Friday. To Stanley Koiczyck, ing project. lists 20 Sisters of the Good Shep­ a member of the Colorado will match the present chapel in herd at the convent, as well as Springs K. of C., goes the T o obtain money for the chapel credit for promoting this Fri­ style, and will be the width of the addition, the sisters sold the south­ seven lay teachers. The number VOL. XLVIII. No. 24. THURSDAY, JANUAkY 29, 1953 DENVER, COLORADO present chapel, 35 feet. of Magdalen‘nuns is given as 24. day Rosary, which is believed east corner of their property, at to be the first of its kind in Mary Jo O’Grady, the S. Colorado boulevard and E. (See story on page 3.) the area. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. AT ST. VINCENT DE PAUUS DEDICATION FEB. 11 Florida, to the Sinclair Oil Co. Was Felix Gonzales of Denver Hugh B. O’Grady of 614 Emer The property sold has a 125-foot son, Denver, left Jan. 26 for frontage along S. Colorado boule­ Atchison, Kans., to enter the no vitiate of the Benedictine nuns. vard and is the same in depth. Young Alexian Religious A former homecoming queen Founding Pastor to Preach Attorney Joseph Craven handled at St. Francis de Sales’ high the’ transaction for the sisters. school and the second young The first pastor of St. -f -f -f- + + ' ■ Edwin A. Francis is architect Takes Vows on Deathbed woman to leave for the convent Vincent de Paul’s parish, from Mother of God parish in for the chapel addition, and Guy ' By Rev. Robert E. Kekeisen Denver, will deliver the ser­ three weeks. Miss O’Grady at­ Sanctuary of St. Vincent de Paul's Elder is the contractor. Brother De Porres (Felix Gonzales), the son of Mr. mon at the new church’s tended Mt. St. Scholastica col­ The Sisters of the Good Shep and Mrs. Rupert Gonzales of Ft. Logan, made his final lege in Atchison for a year after dedication Wednesday, Feb. lerd began their work in Denver high school. 11, and the first assistant named vows as an Alexian Brother on his deathbed at the con­ Mary Jo’s brother Jack was to the parish will offer the Sol­ in 1883, when they came at the gregation’s novitiate in Gresham, Wis., Jan. 23. He died graduated from Regis college in emn Mass. The announcement invitation of Bishop Joseph P the same day at the age of 21. 1952 and is now a member of was made by the Rt. Rev. Mon­ Machebeuf. The founding staff The young religious, still far the coast guard. Four other signor Eugene O’Sullivan, pastor. He enrolled in St. Francis de brothers and sisters are married consisted of four sisters, who from the time of final profession 'The speaker will be the Rt. Sales’ high school and was and have families. cared for 86 girls. according to the Alexian rule, gp'aduated from that school in Rev. Monsignor Francis W. En route to Atchison, Miss was given this spiritual consola­ 1949. Felix entered St. Thomas’ Walsh, P.A., of New York, and O’Grady stopped o ff to see Have Cared For tion because he lay dying. seminary and studied there until the celebrant of the Mass, the friends. Over 6,500 Girls Brother De Porres— called by 1951, when he left Denver to Rev. Delisle A. Lemieux, pastor his teachers at St. Francis de join the Alexian Brothers at of St. Catherine’s, Denver. Arch­ The sisters have cared for more than 6,500 youthful charges dur­ Sales’ hig'h school, Denver, the Nashville, Tenn. The Alexians Gift in Gratitude bishop Urbaji J. Vehr will offi­ care for the poor and the sick. ciate at the ceremony of dedica­ ing their 70 years in Denver Brother De Porres showed tion at 10:30 a.m. Figures in the last report of the great promise in -the religious for God's Favors Montignor Walth on Nor. Catholic Charities show that they life, and was making good, 24 delivered the sermon at the progress when he was stricken, dedication of tha new St. had cared, for a total of 6,423 just last week, with acute ap­ Adds $30 to Burse Catherine’! church in Denver. girls through 1951 pendicitis. The appendix rup­ The celebrant of the Mats at The St. Mary Euphrasia junior- tured, and he was in a dying “ In thanksgiving for God’s the dedication of St. Cather­ senior high school at the convent condition before medical aid goodness to me” is the label put ine’! wa! Father Lemieux, pa!- offers each girl a program suited could be secured. on a $30 donation made this tor, who will aUo offer the The young man’s funeral, for week to the Guardian Angels’ M a !! at St. Vincent de Paul’!. to her needs, interests, ambitions, which his family traveled East, was held at the Alexian burse, the Denver archdiocesan Two other priests who have ability, and personality. fund for the education of sem­ Brothers’ novitiate in Gresham, served as assistants at St. Vin­ inarians. This gift, from During 1951, 180 teen-age Wis., Tuesday, Jan. 27. cent’s in the parish’s span of friend” in Denver, added to an­ girls, including 76 newcomers, Father Weinzapfel will history will take the other major other anonymous gift from Den­ offer a High Mass of Requiem offices in the Mass. The Rev. received care, specialized training, ver in the amount of $25, for Brother De Porres in St. Charles Sanger, pastor o f Sa­ and formal schooling. Twenty re­ brought the burse total to $2,110. Patrick’s church. Ft. Logan, It is interesting, and logical, cred Heart parish, Roggen, will ceived high school diplomas. Friday, Jan. 30, at 8 o’clock. that a person who has received be deacon, and the Rev. Clement Stenographic positions were se­ The classmates and friands of special gifts from Almighty God Gallagher, pastor of St. John’s, tha departed brother are in-- Yuma, subdeacon. cured for 15 who went home. Four should select a contribution to went on to collegiate studies, 15 vited to attend the Mass. the priesthood burse as a fitting Masters of ceremonies for the means of rendering thanks. It is gala event will be the present completed the eighth grade, four difficult to imagine a more ap­ assistants of St. Vincent’s, Fa remained to continue high school, Louis Budenz to Give propriate manner of showing thers George Weibel and Arthur seven returned to their parents, gratitude to God than by help­ Dresen. and four went to live with rela­ Brother De Porras Second Tolk in Denver ing to further His plan for the A dinner for the clergy will salvation of the world. Priests be served in the parish cafeteria tives. Releases, positions, and best orator the school has pro­ Louis F. Budenz, America’s are God’s special agents in the immediately following the dedi­ other plans were arranged for 62 duced— won fourth place in the leading authority on the Com­ sanctification of men’s souls. It cation ceremony and Mass. Mon­ ^irls through Catholic Charities national contest sponsored by munist monaee in America, has Pe Art Studio* designed and executed the interior is they who “ instruct unto jus­ signor Walsh will be honored at ■ “ THIS BEAUTIFUL SANCTUARY co-operation from par­ the National Forensic league in agreed to give a saeond talk at tice,” administer the ^ace-deal- a reception at 7 :30 that evening.' art work of the church. The interior oftifb-^liW b Chicago in 1948. His awards for Loretto Haights collage in and main altar of the new St. Vincent de is virtually complete for the ceremonies, at which ents, relatives, employers, and speech in local competition were Denver during his stay here. ing sacraments, and in general An open house will be held Paul church, Denver, will be the scene of the Archbishop Urban J. Vehr will preside.— (R«p- numerous. The famed ex-Communist, acts as links between God in the new edifice Sunday, schools.
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