This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu SEPTEMBER 12, 1994 NOTE TO SENATOR DOLE FROM: SUZANNE HEI ,T .MANN RE: RADIO CALL-IN FOR MISSJSSIPPJIROORR WJCKEll Th; RQger Wicker campaign would like to know if sometime on T"Uesduy, - September 13. you could calJ a radio station and tape a brief session with them 1.o be released Wednesday, Septcmht:r 1'4, when you visit the State. The radio station is the Mississippi Network. They would take y<lu for as long or as short as your time ponnits any time on Tuesday. The qu~tions th~y will usk are: 1) What arc you coming to Mississippi for? 2) Why would :Roger Wicker be a good candidate. 3) What':> ahead for the Republican . l ... Party? and 4) Are you going tn run in J996? , jaJ.11 'At/f A. <XV: (}/VLO (#{J[ D:~~~1~ II , The comae! is cilhcr Jim Bevers o-;t,ss ~ow~60119 7-R877 should your \ ~ press office want 10 contact lhem on Tuesday. - • } 9 (Att4lched are some talking points and a bio on Roger Wicker to assist you.) 2-0:801-7 ~v0<0 f,w,,tt ".>cw ~~F 30 - 5 :3t1 'P 5 AM - l'Pt---l t T -lt)t:S /w€P V/f\\v\- 1vM 0-1 ,._/ ((:}IV~\{\ V'iA-£) WiV-tY ~~~~ c~ Cw1A~: 1cu 1 ) MU -°1114 Page 1 of 61 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu September 12, 1994 TALKING J>OJNTS FOR MlSSJSSIPPl PRESS AVA..i.., FOR ROGER WICKER - o Roger Wicker ha<> experience and has been fighting for Mississippians in the State Senate for the last seven years. Jn fact, Wicker wus the first Republican elected to the Senate from North Mississippi this century, winning over 70% each election period. o Wicker also worked for Sen. Trent Lott when he was in the U.S. House of Reps. as Counsel to the llousc Rules Committee. o Roger Wicker is tough on crime. He supports: • -truth in scntcndng legislation 'to make violent criminals serve - their full sentences ' • -additional prisons l.mdjuvenile facilities -stronger parole laws -the deuth penutly o Roger Wicker wants to improve the structure of the American family -traditional family values -pro-life o Roger Wicker wrote the bill to restructure Mississippi's welfare system. He supports: -effort-; on the federal level to re.quire work from uhle- bodicd welfare recipients -efforts to eliminate fraud and abuse o Roger Wicker wants to have prayer back in schools o Wicker supports n bnlnnced budget amendment o Wicker opposes the Clinton Health care proposal because: -it costs too much -it will cre,\te a huge bureaucracy -it will prevent us from being able to choose the doctor we want Wicker favors murkeHn'icntcd solutions to rising health care costs. o Campaign America has not given Wicker any money. Page 2 of 61 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu Roger F. Wicker Caadiwac for Congress first District of Mississippi Senator Roser Wioker was born on Iwy S1 1951 in Pontott :, Mississippi. He is the son of 111dsc and Ma. F~d Wicker of Pontotoe. Roger graduated from the Pontotoc Public SChools in 1969. from the University of Missi&Sippi in 19n, and from the Ole Miss law acbool in 1974i. While- ll Ole MisG, ho held a number of positfo~ in ~tudeul government, including President of tbe Associa.tcd Sludent B~. He was a member of ODK, Who's \\'ho. and the Ole Miss Hall offamc . ' Upon graduation from law school, Senator Wick~r eutered the United States /ili Force as a Ju~ Adv~lte and i;erved on active duty for four ytars. He then wolked on the Rules Coromittee SW:f ofUnited Stst~S Repre~entative Tmrt Lott in Wadllngton, D.C. ln 1982, Roger returned to YJ.i1:sisGippi '1id entered the pri~te practk.c of law in Tup~lo. Sinoe returning to Tupelo, Roger has parti.cip&ted in a number of community activitit$. He has served as President cf Tupelo Comm\Oity Theater, President <'.If the r b: Couuty I Yo\llli LaWyen. Vice Presiderit oftb~ Tupe!o Liosu Club, and on the North Mbsiuippi 1 Medical Genm Development Counoil. He il a mctnDcr of the Comnitinity Development I Pounduion nducatiou Rotmdwb~. the CDF Skills and Te9hnology Task Force, aDd is a graduate of Leadership Lee County. He serve& u o OellCO!l. Sund.Ry school teach~, and I choir mtmber at Fint R~ptist Chureh. Senator Wioker ~d four years u Lee Co~ty I Pliblio C>tfender nnd two )'CA1'1 u T\a~lo City Judge Pro Tem, He was recently I ! promoted to the rank of LieutCtiUt Colonel in the United St~tei Air Force Reserve. ! baer ic married to thi former Gnylc ~of Tupelo and they 1Utve three children; Mlrprct. age 14, Caroline, age 10, and McDaniel, aso 7. In Novtmber of 19a7. Roger WLC elected to the Statt s~te from District 6, which naoompa.sses p<>rtfon.a c£ Lee and l'ontotoo Co®ti~s. He was reelected in l 991 tad in the 1m Court ordered ~lal ~lc-ction. During the 1992 Leilsla.tive Session. Sena.tor Wicker served as Chairman of the Elections Committee, where he spearbe~ major ·I legislation to reform election prooeduret and oombat clectio.11 fn.\U!. He led the I JU"'"sful c«on to r"Pportion the State Senate in 1992. l ln January of 1993, Senator Wicker was appoi.ntocl ~of the Publio Health a.nd II W~Uiu:c Comm.ittcc which has jul'i~cti~ over all health related (jcpartments of state I i govenunent as well as legislative welfare reform efforts. He was the arch;tect of the I Welfare Restrueturina Act signed by Oovemor Ford.ice in April ~r 1993. Othtt ! CownitWt assignmen~ I include Educ.ation. JudicW)', riuau~. El~tions, and I Constitution. In l 99Z ~ again ill 199), his colleagues ~lected him to reprts~t the First Congressional 01$Uict on the Senate Rules Committee. I I I - · !---- l . Page 3 of 61 Born April 23, 1916 in JohnstonThis County,document sheis from was the collectionsformerly at the Dole of Archives, Four University Oaks of Kansas a daughter of the late Thomas and Miralda John- http://dolearchives.ku.edu Evans, 69, of Baltimore, Md., son Ingram. She was a homemaker. Vercial Ingram of Four Oaks, died Sunday in a Baltimore The funeral was held at 2 p.m. Monday in formerly hospital. Smyrna Free Will Baptist Church. The Rev. in Johnston County, she was a daughter of Charles Petit and the Rev. Matthew N. Stewart of- Born late Nebraska and Flonnie Mae Ingram. ficiated. Burial followed in the cemetery at Oliver's the The funeral will be held at 6:30 p.m. Thursday in Grove Baptist Church near Four Oaks. Saint Paul's Trinity Baptist Church in Baltimore, , Surviving are two daughters, Betty (Peggy) ( Denning of Dunn and Mary Parker of Benson; a Md. are three daughters, Julia Evans, Gail b stepdaughter, Ruby Tyner of Four Oaks; four Surviving and Christy Evans, all of Baltimore, Md.; d grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; 19 Evans, sons, Wiggly Evans, Carl Evans, Marty Evans, stepgrandchildren; 23 great-stepgrandchildren; five Evans, and Tony Evans, all of Baltimore, t and three great-great-stepgrandchildren. Jerome Md.; two brothers, Geglaire Ingram of Raleigh and I Emory Ingram of Four Oaks; two sisters, Katie t Rich of Smithfield and Velma Gay of Raleigh; and v Edwards, several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. s Marie Thompson VI a native of Johnston 0 Marie Thompson Edwards, 57, of Calvin Lane, Funeral held Monday Rosewood died Friday in Wayne Memorial Hospi- tal. She was a Johnston County native. for David John Royal Born January 13, 1937, she was a daughter of The funeral for David John Royal, 53, of Newton the late Joseph and Louise Massey Thompson. She Grove, formerly of Smithfield, was held Monday in was a member of the Church of Christ in Golds- Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church in New- boro. ton Grove. Burial followed in the church cemetery. The funeral was scheduled for 4 p.m. today He died Friday in Sampson Memorial Hospital (Tuesday) in Casey Funeral Home in Princeton. in Clinton. The Rev. Robert Goff Jr. was to officiate, with Born September 20, 1940, he was a son of Alonzo burial following in Princeton Cemetery. Royal of Newton Grove and the late Josita Korne- Surviving are her husband, Calvin G. Edwards; gay Royal. a son, Curtis Edwards of Pikeville; a daughter, Surviving in addition to his father are two Mary E. Smith of Princeton; a sister, Nancy Rose daughters, Alesia Sanders of Selma and Erica of Goldsboro; and nine grandchildren. Royal of Newton Grove; five brothers, Rufus Royal, The family suggests that expressions of sym- Sheril Royal, and Perry Royal, all of Newton pathy may be in the form of contributions to the Grove, and Willie Royal and William Royal, both of Myasthenia Gravis Clinic, 0396 Hospital South, Dudley; three sisters, Mamie Ingram of Fayette- P.O. Box 3403, Medical Center, Durham, N.C. ville, Garnette Poston of Raleigh, and Gaynelle 27710. Stewart of Wendell; and a grandchild. K mart employee held in cash theft Police reports Smithfield detectives on Sat- urday arrested a 19-year-old K mart employee on a charge that he stole $950 from the store.
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