ALMANACALMANACALMANAC WEEKLYWEEKLYWEEKLY A miscellany of Hudson Valley art, entertainment and adventure | Calendar & Classifieds | Issue 45 | Nov. 7 – 14 Stage Servant of Two Masters in Stone Ridge • Half Moon Theatre’s Love/Sick in Poughkeepsie • Little Shop of Horrors in Rhinebeck Art Hudson Valley Seed Library’s “Art of the Heirloom” show in Kingston Music Matuto in New Paltz • Chris Cornell in Kingston • Tosca in Poughkeepsie Night Sky The latest on Comet ISON Movie 12 Years a Slave Kids’ Almanac Puppet show at Museum of Firefighting • Marine biology fun at “Phantom of the Aqua” ELVIS COSTELLO The Man who put the “life” in “prolific” AT UPAC IN KINGSTON UPAC AT THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14 NOVEMBER THURSDAY, page 6 2 ALMANAC WEEKLY November 7, 2013 Leaving the CHECKCHECK ITIT OUTOUT house can be a CHECK IT OUT wild ride... 1 2 3 4 DARIAL SNEED DION OGUST | ALMANAC WEEKLY Gagnidze is the corrupt, lustful Scar- 12 and under. Tickets are available at the Soundgarden frontman and Bardavon screens pia. Riccardo Frizza conducts Pucci- Bardavon box office at 35 Market Street in solo artist Chris Cornell is ob- Puccini’s Tosca from ni’s sweeping, dramatic tale of mur- Poughkeepsie, (845) 473-2072; the UPAC 2 viously one of the great scream- the Met this Saturday der, lust and political intrigue. box office at 601 Broadway in Kingston, ers in rock ‘n’ roll history; but Prior to the performance, a pre-show (845) 339-6088; or through Ticketmaster unlike most screamers, he possesses a The Bardavon will continue talk will begin at 12:30 p.m., when at (800) 745-3000 or www.ticketmaster. creamy, muscular lower register that The Met: Live in HD with Puc- ticketholders are invited to enjoy an in- com. For more information, visit www. he put to such great use on classics 1 cini’s opera Tosca on Saturday, sightful talk on the production led by bardavon.org. like “Fell on Black Days.” And while November 9 at 1 p.m. Patricia Leslie Gerber, music educator at Marist’s Cornell is arguably one of the three Racette portrays the tempestuous Center for Lifetime Studies and author of great architects of the Seattle sound, diva Floria Tosca in Luc Bondy’s pro- all Hudson Valley Philharmonic Playbill Soundgarden’s Chris in his solo work he has shown real duction of Puccini’s enduring favorite. liner notes. Cornell plays UPAC in range and a big set of ears. Roberto Alagna sings Tosca’s lover, Tickets cost $26 for adults, $24 for Bar- Kingston on Wednesday Cornell appears solo at the Ulster Per- the painter Cavaradossi, and George davon members and $19 for children age forming Arts Center (UPAC) in Kingston on Wednesday, November 13. If you want an idea of how it is likely to sound, con- )UHH)LOP6FUHHQLQJ sult his 2011 solo live release Songbook. It )ULGD\1RYHPEHUSP is quite good. The show starts at 8 p.m. 7KH+ROLGD\ Tickets cost $69, $54 and $49 and are $UW available at the UPAC and Bardavon box $UWLQWKHVW&HQWXU\ offices, as well as through Ticketmaster 6KRZ :LOOLDP.HQWULGJH at www.ticketmaster.com and (800) 745- 1RYHPEHU-DQXDU\ $Q\WKLQJLV3RVVLEOH 3000. UPAC is located at 601 Broadway in Kingston. 5HFHSWLRQ6DWXUGD\1RYHPEHUSP $QLQWLPDWHORRNLQWRWKH :$$0 $OVRRQYLHZ PLQGDQGFUHDWLYHSURFHVV -RVKXD6WHUQ6ROR6KRZ RIRQHRIWKHPRVWH[FLWLQJ Rosendale Theatre 6KDURQ5RXVVHDX$FWLYH0HPEHU:DOO DUWLVWVZRUNLQJWRGD\ screens Trash Dance 6PDOO:RUNV6KRZ this Sunday %HQQHWW(OHPHQWDU\WK*UDGH 6DWXUGD\1RYHPEHUSP 5LFKDUG)UXPHVV This month’s screening in )RXQGHURI5 )+DQGPDGH3DLQWV 3 the Dance Film Sundays series &$6( (QFDXVWLFDV0HWDSKRUDWDONDQGVOLGHVKRZ at the Rosendale Theatre will 678',(6 feature Trash Dance, a comical, :RUNVIURPWKH:$$0 IRU:$$0PHPEHUV wacky and yes, uplifting film that doc- 3HUPDQHQW&ROOHFWLRQ uments the beauty in garbage trucks -RKQ&DUUROO3HOHGH/DSSH and the sanitation workers who pick *HOD)RUVWHU$UQROG:LOW] up our trash. And if that’s not enough :22'672&.$57,676$662&,$7,21 086(80 intrigue to inspire a visit to the The- 7KURXJK-DQXDU\ 7LQNHU6WUHHWĪ:RRGVWRFN1<Ī atre, the “big reveal” at the end of the 129'(&# 7KHKRPHDGGUHVVIRU$UWLQ:RRGVWRFN )RUDGGLWLRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQYLVLWZRRGVWRFNDUWRUJ film shows that trucks can dance. November 7, 2013 ALMANAC WEEKLY 3 Trash Dance will be shown on Sunday, For more info on the market, visit www. Debbie DiPietro. vember 9 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., in- November 10 at 2 p.m. davenportfarms.com or call (845) 687- The Ulster County Photography Club cluding fiction and nonfiction titles, Filmmaker Andrew Garrison follows 2204. began in late 2005 as a forum for local signed copies, local history, novels, choreographer Allison Orr of Austin, – Quinn O’Callaghan photographers of varying levels of exper- classics and more. Books are in vari- Texas as she accompanies city sanitation tise and provides a community for photog- ous states of condition, but all are workers on their daily routines juggling raphers in which there is the opportunity readable and collectible. work and home lives. Orr’s choreography Vets get in free on for discussion, networking and growth. The Starr Library is located at 68 West defies easy description; she challenges au- Veterans’ Day at FDR Competitions and critiques are standard Market Street in Rhinebeck. Titles and diences to expand their notions of dance Library activities at meetings, where participants information about many of the books will and performer and what can be presented receive feedback as well as the opportu- be posted on the Library’s website at www. onstage. She finds the raw material for her The Franklin D. Roosevelt Presi- nity to assess others’ works. Club meet- starrlibrary.org. For more information, work among the stories and everyday ex- dential Library and Museum will offer ings have guest speakers from a range of call (845) 876-2127. periences of ordinary people, spending free admission for veterans all day on backgrounds, and the Club serves as a months researching and immersing herself Veterans’ Day, Monday, November 11 resource for learning and improving all in the community that she is engaging. Un- from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Check in at the aspects of one’s photography, including Civil War history covering that which is essential to the life Henry A. Wallace Visitor and Educa- use of equipment, shooting techniques, program this Sunday in of a community but often goes unnoticed tion Center at the FDR site, located at editing and printing. New members are Red Hook is central in Orr’s work, as she seeks to give 4079 Albany Post Road in Hyde Park. always welcome. voice to people who may be marginalized For more information, e-mail clifford. Meetings are held the second Wednes- The Elmendorph Inn, located at or frequently overlooked. Trash Dance [email protected] or visit www.fdrli- day of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Eso- 7562 North Broadway in Red Hook, takes an interesting turn as Orr convinces brary.marist.edu. pus Library. For more information, call will host a Veterans’ Day program on the workers to collaborate with her in a (845) 338-5580, e-mail [email protected] Sunday, November 10 at 3 p.m. featur- dance performance involving their sani- or visit www.ucphotoclub.org. ing letters and stories about Civil War tation trucks in a beautiful spectacle that Ulster County veterans who lived in the region. Civil brought out an audience of thousands. Women’s Network’s War artifacts will also be on display. The film is one hour, seven minutes in alternative health fair Rare Book Sale this The free event with refreshments is length. Admission costs $10 for adults and in Woodstock Saturday at Rhinebeck’s co-sponsored by the Rhinebeck and $6 for children age 12 and under. Dance Starr Library Red Hook Historical Societies. For Film Sundays are held on the second Sun- more information, call (845) 876- day of every month at the Rosendale The- The River Rock Spa at 62 Ricks Road Find rare, unique and autographed 0246, e-mail [email protected] or visit atre at 330 Main Street in Rosendale. For in Woodstock will host the third an- books at the Starr Library Rare Book www.rhinebeckhistoricalsociety.org. more information, call (845) 658-8989 or nual alternative health fair hosted by Sale in Rhinebeck on Saturday, No- visit www.rosendaletheatre.org. the Ulster County Women’s Network on Tuesday, November 12 at 5:30 p.m. Twelve Hudson Valley health care THECENTERFORPERFORMINGARTS Woodstock Playhouse experts will provide introductions For box offi ce and information:845-876-3080 hosts Well-Strung to their healing-arts disciplines. At- www.centerforperformingarts.org ATRHINEBECK Quartet this Saturday tendees will create their own wellness package of three 20-minute work- The Well-Strung Quartet shops from the 12 that will be avail- offers an unusual spin on the able. Preregistration by Friday, No- 4 classic string quartet format. vember 8 is requested. The cost is $10 These young virtuosi sing as for members or $15 for non-members well as scrape the bows, and are as with advance purchase, or $15 for likely to cover Adele as Mozart. members and $20 for non-members On Saturday, November 9 at 8 p.m., who register after November 8 or the the Woodstock Playhouse presents the night of the event. Send your check to Well-Strung Quartet, fresh off their ap- UCWN, Box 144, Boiceville NY 12414. pearance on ABC News. Tickets cost $70, Light refreshments will be available. $55 and $45 and are available at http:// Participating practitioners include Angel woodstockplayhouse.org. The Woodstock Ortloff, Barbara Ellen, Betsy Stang, Bev- Playhouse is located at 103 Mill Hill Road erly Halley, Cindy Brody, Doreen Peone, in Woodstock.
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