This digital document was prepared for Cascade Historical Society by THE W. E. UPJOHN CENTER IS NOT LIABLE FOR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT W.E. Upjohn Center for the Study of Geographical Change Department of Geography Western Michigan University 1100 Welborn Hall 269-387-3364 https://www.wmich.edu/geographicalchange [email protected] OUR PHONE LOWELL TW 7-9262 Serving The Forest Hills Area VOLUM.E VI SUBUFtBAN J,fFE, FEB. 16, l9fil NUi\rBE& ·18 First Aid Classes at Ada, Cascade Vote Monday in Primary Cascade fire fcrest Hills High School Ada Township A lively turn-out is expected at quaint the Ada Township citizens D f t Mk the Ada Township Primai·y on Mon- with their candiclales. epar men a e The First Aid Classes which will day, Februal'y 20, where four can- Fol' other Ada Township pos1- begin on Wednesday evening, Feb­ Road Program ruary 22 will be held in Building Ada Township Board met with didates are seeking the Township Uons Mrs. Blancbe Loveless clerk 11960 Report Supervisor post on the Republican is unaposecl: Neal VandePeerle, " B"' of the Forest liills High the Kent County Road Commisi1m I School at 7 :30 p. m. sharp. on Friday, Februal'y 10, for the ticl:et. 7712 Two Road, the present The Cascade Township Fire De- ~. ~1le 1 Anyone wishing t.o take first aid annual meeting. At this time the :1 he cancl1da lcs ~ r e .r- 1ed G1 ecn~ t.reasurer 1s ~opposed by Kath-1 partment submits the following B1 adley, 8271 East Fulton Road, 1ync Sytsma, 1121 Thornapple Riv- fire report for the ycai· 1960. or a refreshe1· course to renew road program for the township was Carl J . Keena, 7523 Knapp, N. E. ; er Drive. · their First Aid cards may do so planned for the year 1961. Richorcl A. Lynch, 8815 Conser va- Ed McCormick, 8930 Three Mile A total 0~ ~6 fll'e calls . were by calling George Strain, GL 6-7381 The following rnad construction tion Rd., N. E .; and Allison C. Road, the present member of the a n s 1~1ered. w11hin the township, m­ or Frank Atherton, UN 8-2604. program was accepted: The coun­ Roa rk, 7655 Leona rd Street. board of review is opposed for cludmg tour clw?llmgs, 3 ~utomo- ty program includes the completion Statcments by each of these office by Robert F. Rhoades biles! 14 grass lircs and five oth­ Fr. James C. Cusack of Honey Creek Road with black­ candidates along wi lh comments 4950 Cascaclc Road, S. E. Mrs'. Ier fires such as sheds or gar­ To Speak at St. Robert's topping, also Grand River Drive commenls by olher interested cil- Mona Rooker, is not opposed for ages. fl'om Buttrick A venue cast to the izens have been published by Sub- Justice of Peace. For the four Losses on dwellings and contents Thursday, Februa,ry 23rd town line, approximately .5 of a urban Life, in a n effort to ac- year term of trustee Robert Ward, was $425 and other buildings and mile. McCabe Road is opposed by Ken- contents $1,425 and automobiles St. Robert's Parish in Ada ex­ This will be graded and black· neth Anderson, 1879 Honey Creek . $525, for a total loss of $2,375. tends an invitation to all interest­ topped. Pettis Avenue will also he ed parties, men and women, to Ada Athletic Association Road. Six candidates arc seeking The greatest number of causes improved from Honey Creek Road hear Father James C. Cusack talk to Egypt Valley Road, by grad­ Annu~Mee~ng,Feb.23 the for constable positions. of fires was again the careless on the a ll important growing work On<' Race Jn Cascade burning of rubbish, for a total of ing and blacktopping a distance of the Confraternity of Christian 1 Please mark February 23rd on In the Cascade Township Repub- ten. of 2 2 miles. This program will your calendar, for this is the date Doctrine. be for 1961. lican pr imary there is only one In addition to these fire calls, Father Cusack is the Assistant of the annual Ada Athletic Assoc­ contest, that of the board of re- there were a few assists to oth­ The 1962 program will include iation meeting. Director of the C. C. D. in our Di­ the blacktopping of Pettis Avenue view. In 1his r ace Earl N. Ben- er departments; approximately 20 ocese. C. C. D. wo1·k is designed Development of a recreational tlcy, 4475 Quiggle Ave.; Francis emergency or rescue calls, and 3 from Egypt Valley Road to Knapp area for your chi ldren is to be to prepare laymen to teach reli­ Avenue, a distance of 2% miles. Campau, Cascade Road; and Ben houses and two barns burned for gion but is opened to others who discussed, and your thoughts and Zoodsma, 2844 Thornapple River training purposes. This wil l complete the blacktop opinions al'e needed. wish to learn more of their faith. of Pe1 tis A venue in Ada Town­ Drive ar c seeking the position. The fi remen continue to train The uitimate goal is a Jay organ­ Please plan on attending thi s For the other o(fices the incum- and take advantage of any avail­ ship. important meeting a nd discussion. ization with the ability to function To\\'nShip Program bent ofCicers are unopposed: Ger- able schooling in order to keep efficiently in all phases of Con­ rit Baker, supervisor; Mrs. Edna proficient and keep abreast of fire The township program is to fin­ fraternity work and to encourage ish the work started last fall on Osmer, clel'k; R. Lee Patterson, fi ghting tactics. )thers to follow the example of Guest Minister treasurer; Minor L. Cook, trustee. Fire officers, Grover Buttrick, McCabe Road from 2 Mile to 3 The Eastmont Reformed Church those who are now devoting many Mile Roads. This will be surfaced Ernest H. Clark, 4346 Buttrick, is. Julius Boersma and Bernard Mc­ hours of their time to the further­ will have as guest minister ~un­ seeking the Justice of P eace nom- Diarmid recently completed anoth­ with blacktop this summer. day February 19, the Reverand ing of God's work in our Diocese. An estimate is being made for ination. er regional fire schooling, under Father Cusack will talk at St. Pierce Maassen. Rev. Maassen is the direction of the University of the improvement of McCabe from the Executi ve Director of Temple b D Robert's on Fulton S1. in Ada on Bailey Drive to %. of a mile no1th C • Cl Michigan and local area instruc­ Thursday, Februa ry 23 at 8 p. m. Time, the radio bl'oadcast of the· ommun1ty U ance tors. Chief Sybrant Dykhouse also of Conservation Road. This will Reformed Churches of America. Coffee will be served by the ladies be -,reparcd for blacktopping in A square dance will be sponsor­ completed a course in Fire Fight­ of the Guild. He will conduct the morning and ed by the Murphy School Com· ing and Aircraft Crash Rescue; an 1962. evening services and Leach the a­ munity Club on F r iday evening, extension course from the Air Un­ VISITS FROl\'l W. VIRGINIA dult Sunday school class. February 17, from 8 to 11 p. m. iversity. Lo-well Yl\'.l CA Rev. Weeber will conduct the at the school, with Leigh Bileth Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reynolds, services al the Ada Community doing the calling. The "Pause that replentishes" 4430 Burton Street, S. E., have as Sponsors Swim, Reformed Church by Classical ap- Everyone is invited to attend. your p u r s e . Suburban Life their guest, Mr. Reynold's mother, poinlment. Children are invited a lso, from Want Ads. Mrs. T. J. Reynolds of Point Pleas­ Gym Program the fourth grade up. ant, West Virginia. DISCUSSION l\IEETINGS TO Boys and girls of third through sixth grades of Thornapple, Cas­ BEGIN ON FEBRUARY 23 JUNlOR HIGH ASSEl\IBLY L h v d p I d A d cade and Martin Schools can now The Rev. Karl Marsh of Grace The Junior High of the Forest ync 1 an e eer e an n erson enroll in the second series of gym Episcopal Church wfll conduct dis- Hills High School will hold a Pa- and swim instruction classes to be cussion group meetings at St. Mi- triotic assembly at the school at Present v·1ews on Operat·1on of Ada Twp~ held at the Grand Rapids Central cheals Mission each Thursday eve- 1 :45 p. m. on Friday, February - Y. M. C. A. ning at 8 p. m. beginning on F eb- 17. Parents are invited to attend. We, the undersigned candidates Richard A. Lynch for supervis­ The program is held Mondays ruary 23 and continuing through I for township office, wish to take or: 8815 Conservation Rd.; Presi­ for boys and Wednesdays for gii ls March 30. Read Suburban Life Want Ads. I this opportunity t.o give our views dent of the Ada Businessmen's As­ for eight weeks and begins F eb­ about the very important election sociation ; operates a business in ruary 20 and 22. to be held in Ada Township next the community; active in schoQl The program fee is $6 for Y Monday, F ebruary 20. The follow- affairs; married, with four children members, $8 for non-members. Carl J• Keene. 0 f Knapp Rd : Ad a, See ks ~~s~ principles seem important to served wi th the United Marine Further information can be se­ Corps in Korea (now a reserve cured by calling the Lowell YMCA Nominat·1on as Ada Townsh·1p Superv·1sor 1.
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