TUESDAY. MARCH 4. IMB fflanrl^patrr lEvrnins i|(raUi - AvieragB DbOf Net ProM Rbr Fro The fVeak M e * The WeaUier St. Maiy*a Bplsoopal Oufld ■me ICastef Ifoson degree will The KMtee Krafters of the Emanuel Lutheran Church Fehrm iy 66, 1866 About Town wfUjopcnanr a food aalo bomor- bo ojeempUfied by the Nathan TWCA will complete work on property committee will meet Jaycees WiVefe Clear and qidte oold tdM| rcwr aAor tho 10 a.m. asrvlco Hale Square Chib degree team paper bur1iq> Oowers at its foroonow at 8:80 ptm. In the tk» WHM «( awiPM o( Om- «t I t lCary% Ohurch. llio Guild at a meeting of Uriel Lodge of tneeting tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. board room at the church. To Hear Doctor Low 6 to 16. Itoroenw aw CtiUKh Wfll 15,465 w B homo ita n cid h r maoting Itasonn at the Masonic Tempie at the Community Y. Mrs. An­ FOR EXPERT and oold. High in Om 80s. ; « t 7:90 In thn.aaw at U a.m. in tbo’Partali BUI. in Merrow on Saturday at 8:80 thony Satafta will instruct the Dr. Phillip B. Sumner, ob­ Maneh«9ter—^A City of Village Charm Midweek Bible classes and a WHEEL ALIGNMENT—W H E^BALj^ON Q jC w taf it tlM olMmdt. Memhors aia romhided to p.tn. A roast beef dinner will group in an egg shell Baster stetrician and gynecologist will devotional service, will be con- speak about, "Prepared Child­ COMPLETE MIAKE SERVICE brtng aandwidMak D im art and be served by the Square Club project. Hoetesses are Mrs. y o u LXXXVIII, NO. 131 ITHIRTT-SIX PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1969 (Claroifled AdvertMng an Page S6) PRICE TEN CEirfM M «t’n ChilatUn Growth <kioted tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. birth (Lamaze Method)", at hovaragao wU bo aorvod by at 6:80 p.m., after which the Alan Hartstein and M n. Philip at the CTiurch of Christ, L ^ ^ RADIATCm REPAIRING AND fflBRVICE O n op « ( Nhfth UnlUd MeUIn- degree work will be complet­ Washer. the Manchester Jaycee Wives dint Chnreh w4l n m t tonight at Mrs. Gayfond Oannon, lOon and Vernon 6ts. - SEE EMo T m ton , and lAta. Bmma ed. llckets for the dinner may meeting tomorrow id 8:80 p.m. • ;ao At tho ahuTRh. be obtained from any ofHcer of at the Center Congregational Brown. Officers and directors of .Jehovah’s Witnesses will have Uriel Lodge. Omar Shrine Club will meet at Church, Federation Room. The TlM OoBamintlon fln ro of group dlscuBsionB c f,a Bible aid program will also includiy,a film CLARKE MOTOR SALES Sch^eickurt Overcomes Illness ICanchoator Gran0 i wlH ro- the home of Raymond B. Bogue, *1, ■* , , , ,, , Mil,..,1111 M l I a iiron imi North United Motbodiat Church tomonow at 7:30 p.m. at 18 presented by the Parents Asso­ RT. 6 iBid 85, BOLTON— 643-9521 ^ win moot tom on w mt 9:15 p.m. hearse the FliM and Soeond do- 39 Bryan Dr., tomorrow at 8 Chambers St., 726 N. Main St., p.m. ciation for Childbirth Ekluca- nt tho ciMirdi. grooo tonight at 7 at Orange ter Cheipter, Disabled American 281 Woodbrlcige St., 144 Oilffln tlcm (PACB). HaU. Ih o Grange w(U oonfor the Veterans, will nveet tomorrow Rd. In South Windsor, and A Harvard College and Tufts A Lantoo w w too wlU bo held Ocgrros at Ha mastliv tomor­ at 7:80 p.m. at the VFW Home. The UtUe . Theater of Man­ French Rd., Botton. Medical School gradtiate. Dr. Astronauts Enter LEM IF TOU WBRB TO ti— mil nt 7:90 p jn . nt Eton row at 9 p.m. at Oiani^ Hall. chester will meet tomorrow at Sumner served his Internship <W I SICK HURT, SPACB CBNTBR, Houston Air Force Cd. McDivlb fol­ Maneuvering like a swimmer NonaEoltenl ladhomn Church. Rotreahments will be sorvad af­ Crescent Lodge of Odd Fel­ 8 p.m. at ItB studio, 22 Oak St. ITiere will be a Lenten serv­ and residency at Hartford Hoe- ter dM —■r-t1f g lows of Bast Hartford will spon­ All ticket returns from "Picnic" bow long could you keop up your (AP) — In the first spaceship lowed Schwelckart throuj^- the in the weightless world of space, ice tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. at pital, and haa been in Manches­ lemt OT'^ mortgage payments? transfer by Americans, James Schwelckart was the 0rst to Tin mootlnc at Proooptor sor a setback card party Thurs­ should be made at this meet­ tunnel the LBM, leavng Concordia Liutheian Church. ter practice since 1969. W rite . PtaoM . Visit . A. McDivltt and a slightly: sick Air Force Col. David R. Scott transfer through a tunnel which Onmmn ehnptor, Botn S i^ n Bon Bsra Chapter, B’nai day at 8 p.m. at Odd Fellows ing. The event is open to the pub­ Russell L. Bchweickart moved alone in the command modide, was formed when Apollo 9 Phi oorarity, oeheduled for to­ B’lith, will present a "Spring Hall, 991 Main St., Bast Hart­ First CTiurch of Christ, Scien­ lic; those interested in attend­ ford. The event is open to the today tram the Apcdlo 9 ioom- which femalned hooked nose- linked up with the LBM shortly night, hao boon pootponod until Fashion Show" tonight at 9:80 A midweek Bible study end tist will have Ms regulhr mid­ ing please contact Mrs. Norman mand aMp to a lunar module at Temple Beth Sholom, 400 B. public, and prizes will be award­ JO H N E. DOYLE tq-nose prith the lunar vehicle. after launching from Cape Keik- ICnreh 19 at the home of Mn. prayer servloe will be conduct­ week testimony meeting tomor­ Holmes, 21 Bigelow St. (LBM) and beamed to eai^ a nedy Monday on a planned 10- Middle Tpke. Fashions and ed. McDlvitt and Schwelckart rranUin Bovins, U)mwood Dr., ed tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. at row at 8 p.m. at the church. 66 OoimeetlcaH BlvC picture of the crowded cabih. day earth orbit mission. models are from the Carriage mounted a televlsian camera In Bolton. Trinity Oovenant Chui^. Hie meeting is open to the pub- the rear of the LBM cabin and House Boutique. Refreshments The Rev. Kenneth Steere vdll Uc. They reported all syalems Schweickart made the switch kEMoo Wolcatne will be served. 1709010 may be FOR RENT 568-4447 working well, an enooufage- sent a Seven-minute telecast to aihout 8:80 a.m. B6T and was conduct a book review discus­ The Rev. Norman Swensen, earth. obtained at the door. sion of "The Couples” by J. d s * i 16 mm. Movie Pn>- ment to American plans to land followed 80 mtauitoe later by TOagofi Chib will moot txadght pastor of Trinity Oovenant Center'Congregational Church joBters sound or sileat, aloo a t 7:90 at liDtt'fl Oonumnity UixUke at a Book Seminar to­ Church, will preach at a N«w York Lift Inturaneo C4Nnpany two men on the moon in a simi­ "BxceUwit," Mlsaion Control Apollo 9 commander McDlvitt. will have a finance coordinator 68 mm. slide proj ectem lar LBM next July. BriL Rosorvationo for the club’s Nathan Hale PTA executtve morrow from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Lenten "Qidet Hour” service on a monitor. Tile transfer marked the first business school tonight at 7:80 Life Insuranct • Group Insuranca Schwelckart overcame an up­ board will meat tonight at 9 at in the library of Center Con­ tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. at Annuities • Hsalth Insuranca It showed a wide Euigle view at three busy days in which the social on MhtVh U may bo p.m. in the Federation and'Rob- WELDON DRUO CO. set stomach and vomltlqlg be­ nwde at the moating. the school. gregational Church. Elmanuel Luthemn Church. blne Rooms of the church. 767 M sfo St^-Tel. 646-8661 __________ Panslon Plana of the cabin, with the two pilots LEJM 4s to he eubjeoted to a il- fore making his transfer istanding. at their control posi­ fpxrom series of teste. The oatro- through a tunnel connecting the tions. nauts today were to verify the two vehicles. I- As if to signal he was all craft 9s reedy to sup^rt a space The illness was not reported right, Schwelckart smiled and w«dk fay Bcfawetckert Thursday to newsmen for several hours v.'aved to the folks back home. and a complex eeparatton, ren- and came to light only after the Initially there was problem deovoug and docking exerotse itetronauts asked for a ^ v a te with communications. Friday. conversation with groimd, con- "I can see you talking, Jim," If the LBM does not work, troUers. the groimd said. "Too bad I America’s timetaUe for landing Afterwards Mission Cbntrol can’t read your Ups.” men ^ mooti could receive Center admitted tha In an ear­ Communl<»itlan8 came In a major setback. lier private talk Schweickairt re­ about half way through the tele^ With the knar vehicle ported he had an upset stomach cast and McDivltt asked how manned for the first time, the The and hod vomited. In the second the ground read him. astronauta and ground stattans talk, he reported he was feeling . "You're coming in loud and switched to the code names fine. clear," the ground answered. "Spider" for the L;BM and It w as the third atraigM Apob .Barller McDlvitt reported "Gumdrop" for the command to flight in which one or more of "everything’s fine" after check­ module.
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