Fight 1001115 over location of Palouse regional airport A regional airport should be that "We ha ve the potential for a counties of Whitman, Asotin, constructed in the heart of the good airport-now we must see if Latah and Nez Perce. Cook ad- Palouse Country to serve the Pu- we can afford one." ded, "If all four counties get llman-Moscow-Lewiston-Clarks- A technical advisory commit- together and we can get federal ton area, a TAP Inc. study has tee is expected to be named support, it will cost us less than a indicated. within the next 60 to 90 days to mill a year." TAP Inc., a consulting firm choose a consultant to draw up a A fight is expected in regard to from Bozeman, Mont., has been master plan for the airport, site selection. The TAP report exarrumng the need for a which Cook estimates will cost recommended only that the site regional airport for the past between $8 million and $12 mil- be "as centrally located as poss- year. The TAP study was carried lion. ible within the Quad Cities out for a review committee Finances are not the only Region trade area on top of jhe headed by John Cook, head of stumbling block in the airport's hill north of Lewiston-Clarkston the College of Engineering future. According to Cook, assu- and south of Moscow-Pullman." Transportation Section Division. ming all four communities parti- The goal is to have "an airport According to Cook, the com- cipate, six government groups within 20 minutes driving dist- mittee has accpeted the results will be involved-the states of ance from any of the four com- of the study, and Cook added, Washington and Idaho and the munities," according to Cook. Daily Evergreen Washington State University Friday, March 9, 1973 Vol. 79, No. 87 Joseph Sorrentino Bellhop features cotton-tailed, Sorrentino fights long-eared bunny hostesses ex-convit stiglna "Probably the most cation transmuted my own life," outrageous aspect of the penal he asserted. By COLLEEN LEAHY system, I feel, is the stigma that But he said, "I don't think a Evergreen Staff attaches' to a man once he has standard educational opportu- been convicted of a crime," con- nity will prevent crime. Crime bunny (bun'i), n. [pl. BUNNIES (iz)] , a rabbit: pet name used by tended Joe Sorrentino. will not abate as long as 40 mil- children. Sorrentino knows the frustra- lion Americans are living in The bunnies you see at the Bellhop this Friday and Saturday nigh. tions of having a criminal poverty, the incubator of crime probably won't fit the above description, but they will have cotton record, a history that even is the slums where three out of tails and ears-with the possibility of twitching noses. graduation from Harvard Law four arrests take place." Sigma Iota, the hotel administration honorary, is once again School cannot blot out. The Los The slum veteran said the sponsoring a Bellhop complete with bunnies. The bunnies are coeds Angeles law professor related his answer to the educational who will coiled script that people spend for food and soft drinks, personal experinces with the problems is in meaningful legis- according to Michelle Frank, one of the coordinators for the bunny law-both as an offender and as lation for urban renewal and selection. a lawyer-to a capacity crowd in sound education. "The approa- Frank said at present there are 16 bunnies, eight for each night. the CUB Auditorium last night. ches we have now amount to She said there were no male bunnies, but she "supposed a guy could Concerning the ex-convict stig- putting bandaids on gangrene," have tried out if he wanted to." ma, Sorrentino continued, "I he said. The representatives from each living group were then screened by really find myself infuriated He cautioned against overuse Frank and another coordinator of the program, Becky Gottschalk. when I see what goes on-it took of testing. "The direction of all Finally, the contestants are screened one more time by a larger me three months to get clear- this testing on society is clear to panel from Sigma Iota. Frank said the criteria for being a bunny ance for the Justice Department me. The potential of a human included being "someone who would really like to work and is not and eight months for the Jonny being's life is being subject to Carson show." there just for the free ticket" (which every bunny receives to the searching measurement." Bellhop just for the night she doesn't work. "We also judge on When I joined the teaching staff at the University of Califor- "Maybe it will have some personality," Frank added. social utility," he continued, but Most of the bunnies from last year that were interviewed agreed it nia, the headline said 'Ex-con- vict teaches at University of won't it also rob young people of was a "fun experience." Janet Thompson said, "1 really had a good their dreams, crush out their time working with the other girls." California.' When I was in North Carolina, it was 'Even thug can ambition and destroy future Anne Kelly, another bunny from last year commented, "It was improve life,' which suggests hopes by saying you can't be a really a lot of fun, but also very tiring." that your central identity today teacher, or a lawyer because a Another bunny, who prefers to remain anonymous, said, "Some of is who you were 15years ago." test score says it is impossible?" the guys got kind of obnoxious and kept pulling at my tail all night. But the end of the night I had a big hole in my leotard!" Sorrentino's account of his He cited his own life as proof of identity's odyessy is recounted in test's inaccuracy. He argued his autobiography, "Up from that, "the most scientific and Never," which documents his penetrating of scientific life from the time he was a measurement cannot measure Brooklyn street gang leader to the soul of man. The soul of man his successful practice as an at- will remain his last inscrutable torney and law professor. frontier of defiance. He will al- One of his contentions is that ways have the ability to achieve more national resources should his dreams despite stark limita- be invested in education. "Edu- tions." Absenteeism helps defeat Senate constitution change A proposed constitutional amendment was defeated at yesterday'S University Senate meeting, even though 83 per cent of those present endorsed it. Although the measure received a favorable 59 to 12 vote, a constitutional amendment requires a two-thirds majority of the senate, or 65 votes to pass. Sixteen senators were absent. The amendment would have allowed nonsenators to head the senate standing committees. Clare Wiser, who endorsed the Weston Davis, Blue grass rock amendment, said that it would enable committees to choose "the best possible chairman without unnecessary restrictions." to head Bellhop's night club' Robert Littlewood, chairman of the Organizations and Structures Committee, said that sometimes the senator of the committee is not The night club atmosphere of The Bellhop guest of honor is the best qualified for the chairmanship or has other commitments that make him ineffective on a committee. the Bellhop will invade the CUB Michael Leven, vice president of ballroom, Friday and Saturday sales and marketing of Sonesta Another senator, Richard Crain, opposed the measure and stressed from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. The event Hotels, in Boston. Leven was that it was important for the vitality of the senate to have senators as chairmen of its most important committees. features Weston Davis, a seven- named by Sigma Iota, Society of After the amendment was defeated, Paul Castleberry asked the piece band and a Bluegrass rock Innkeepers, as Hotel Salesman senate to reconsider the vote. However, there is no constitutional floorshow, Custer's Last Stand. of the Year. provision that would allow polling of absentee members. Tickets at $5 a couple are still available for Friday night, but However, the Committee on Committees will have two meetings in Refreshments, in the form of May to put more senators on committees. Adolph Hecht announced .Saturday night tickets are sold the 'Sonesta Special' and soft that faculty elections would be from April 18 to 25 and winners would out, said Bellhop officials. drinks, will be served. be certified by April 27. Wounded Knee Talks continue as Indians reinforce Sphere WOUNDED KNEE, S.D. proposed a series of suggestions day and early yesterday. It ap- (AP)-As the government's to Interior Department officials peared that many of the Indians deadline for militant Indians to and termed the talks the most at Wounded Knee were carrying leave Wounded Knee approa- progressive so far. rifles, shotguns or pistols. Ear- ched, a group of lawyers yester- Meanwhile, the Indians at lier, it seemed only a small per- day reported progress in efforts Wounded Knee continued to gain centage of the Indians were ar- to mediate the 10-day-old con-· reinforcements as an estimated med. Wholesale prices soar 1.9% flict. 40 men carrying arms silpped An FBI agent at a roadblock WASHINGTON (AP)-Wholes~le prices soared 1.9 per cent last The lawyers said they past federal lines la te Wednes- outside Wounded Knee said month for the biggest rise since the early Korean War inflationary about the infiltration into the surge in 1951, the government said yesterday. village, "We can't stop all of The rise in February included another sharp increase of 3.9 per them." cent for farm products and processed foods, the third big monthly MONDAY NITE Women and children were jump in a row that added up to an annual rate of 56 per cent.
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