,-·,., . ~. JO M&linisttatlve Reference Servi~e Report No. if', 6008 .NJ c. 1 ' ' ,, ' AMERICAN NAVAL OCCUPATION AND GOVERNMEN~ OF GUAM, 1898-1902 ' Prepared by I ' Dr. Henry P. Beers . ' \ Under the Supervision of Dr. R. G. Albion, Recorder of Naval Administration ! Secretary's Office, Navy Department .· Dr. W. N. Franklin, Chief, Division of Navy Depart­ ment Archives, National Archives Lt. Cmdr. E. J. Leahy, Director, Office of Records Administration, Administrative Office, Navy Department LAwt LI~H~M l .AID6t AOVOC.A i E G f.:~t.•lAL NAVY D£PARTMENT ·~--- .)! - .. -~ .. ~... ·:·:~·1 ~"· OfficE' of Records Administration Administrative Office Navy Department March 1944 02524 l . " . -~ . Administrative Reference Service Reports 1. Incentives for Civilian Employees of the Navy Department: A Review of the Experience of the First World War, by Dr. Henry P. Beers. ,. (Special Report, not for general distribution), May 1943. 2. U.S. Naval Detachment in Turkish Waters, 1919-1924, by Dr. Henry P. Beers, June 1943. 3. U.S. Naval Port Offciers in the Bordeaux Region, 1917-1919, by Dr. Henry P. Beers, September 1943. 3A. U. S. Naval Port Regulations, Port of Bordeaux, France (ReprOduction of 30 page pamphlet issued 19 March 1919) July 1943. 4. The American Naval Mission in the Adriatic, 1918-1921, by Dr. A. C. Davidonis, September 1943 . 5. U. S. Naval Forces in Northern Russia (Archangel and Murmansk), 1918-1919, ·'by Dr. Henry P. Beers, November 1943. 6. American Naval Occupation and Government of Guam, 1898-1902, by Dr. Henry P. Beers, March 1944. Note: Attention is called to Report No. 3A, which reproduces a 30 page pamphlet, "U. S. Naval Port Regulations, Port of Bordeaux, France•, published originally at Bordeaux -r by the naval port officer. It gives a comprehensive idea of the details of the routine functions of a port officer and might serve as a useful model for similar issues. -....,, ...__ -•'- --~-., ,·--·......... ' -. '.) '.· ~~ CONTENTS I. CAPTURE OF TH-E ISLAND OF GUAM 1. Seizure by the U.S.S. Charleston ...•.•........................ 1 2. Raising of the American flag ..................... ~ . ,3 3. Expedition of the Charleston to the Philippines ..... .- ....... ....... 3 II. ISLAND OF GUAM 1. Geography . ..... ....... -..... 5 2. Port of San Luis d' Apr a . .................. 5 3. Agana, the capital . ............. ...... 5· 4. The native Chamorros ............. _ ...................... 7 5. History of the Mariana Islands .................... .......... 7 6. Government of Guam under the Spanish .......................... 7 7. Neighboring- islaq,ds ........... o •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8 III, INTERREGNUM .1. Disposition of island affairs by Captain Glass ..................... 10 ~2. Visits by U.S. naval vessels ................................10 3. Guam acquired by treaty with Spain . _...................... ... 10 4. German acquisition of the other Spanish islands ...................10 5. Captain Leary and the fortification of Guam ......................11 _ 6. Preparations for the naval occupation of Guam ....................11 7. Lieutenant Cottman and the affairs of Guam ......................11 8. Commander Taussig's measures .............................12 a. Order in regard to the government of the island ...............12 b. Finances ............................... o ••••••••• 13 c. Government employees ......... ·...................... 13 _ -d. Joaquin Perez, acting governor ..... ......... ........•... 14 9. Lieutenant Cottman's recommendations ........................ _14 10. Surveillance by Lieutenant Kaiser ....•.•.....................15 a. Native officials and junta ......................... ., ...• 15 b. Activities of Lieutenant Kaiser ......................... o15 c. Departure of Sisto ....•....•.. -......... o ••••••· •••••• 16 d. Problem of the Filipinos ................•....... , .....16 e. Relations wi~ the Spanish Marianas .... o ••••••••••••••••• 16 f. Replacemen~ pf Perez. ..... o16 IV. ADMINISTRATION OF GOVERNOR LEARY 1. Guam placed under naval administration . •. •...... 18 a. Instwctions for the governor .. o • • • • • • • • • • • • •••• • •• , .18 2. Captain Richard P. Leary .. ~ .•.............................20 3. Political status of Guam .•....•......•••••..........•...•.•20 4. Guam expedition . • . • . • . • . • • . • . o • • • • • • • • • • • o 20 a. Preparation of the U .S.S. Yosemite ....•••.......•..•.•••• 20 ~. Voyage of the Yosemite ....••....•... o •••••• ~ ••••••••• 21 5o Establishment of the naval government of Guam •••....•....•.....• 21 a. Proclamation by Governor Leary ....•...••.... o ••••• o ••• 22 6. The governor's aide .••.....•...••.•.••...••..••.•..••.••.24 7. Administration of island affairs ..•.....••..•....•... o •••• o • o .24 a. Expulsion of the friars and priests ...•••............•.•••24 b. Deportation of Filipinos ...........•..................•26 c. Prohibition •...••.•.......... ... •..............•.• 26 d. Land titles .•.•....•...................... • o •••••• 26 • e. Land tax reform .....•.•...•.•....................• o27 f. Religious reforms ..........••....•...........•.. : .. 27 g. Concubinage .....•.....•.. , •..••.......•...••.....28 _ h. Agriculture •.••.•............ , ..•..........•......28 i. Public works •..••.•......•..•••....•.............. 29 j. Peonage .......•.......••................•..•. •.• . 29 k. Health and sanitation ...•.............••.•..... .• ...••29 · ~ ,,i ' ·-.-,·j' IV-. ADMINISTRATION OF GOVERNOR LEARY (Cont'd) l. Education . , . , , . • . • . .31 , .32 n1. Taxation. ...•..•....... , n. Custon1s . ............ , , .... ,32_ E o . .Finances ............................•...•.32 r· 8, Administrative organization of the island government • . , .....33 9. Judicial system. • . ...••.•33 ! t 10. Organization of the government, April 1900 . • . ....•..34 '-• _, - 11. ~e governor and the right of eminent domain . •......34 12. Local government ....................................•.•.35 13. Disposition of Spanish military equipment .............•...•.•..••35 14. Spani sh archives. •...........35 15. Termination of Leary's administration ......•.................••35 16. Criticism of the administration .•......•••.•.•..••••••36 , 17. Visitation by General Wheeler . ......•....•....... ,36 a. Wheeler's r eport . ..........•...•.37 V • ADMINISTRATION OF GOVERNOR SCHROEDER 1. Inauguration . .•..•.•..••• , .•.38 2. Administration of island affairs. .•..•.•.•••..•.•.• • •38 a. Prohibition . .•••..•.•••••.•••38 b. Health . ..•...•• ·....•.. • •38 c. Civil register . .•• • •••••..•••.••40 d. Legalization of marriages and divorces .•.•..•.•••••.•••••• .40 (0, Tumon leper colony ..................••.••••.•.••••••40 f. Education . • . ....•..•........•.•••.••••••••••40 g. Religion . • . ........ ·.....•.••••••.•• - •.•• .41 f i h. Public lands . ..............•.••••••••••••••••41 r i . Agriculture . .......••....••..•••••••••••••• •43 j . Public works ...........•..•.••.••..•••••••••• • •••••43 k. Taxation .........•..•..•.•.•.••••••••••••••••••• • •43 l. Finances.........•.•..•.•.•••••••••••••••••• •• • •••45 m. Collector of customs .••...••••.••••••••••••••••••••• ••45 n. System of accountability •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. A6 3. Commerce .. .•.....•.••.••••••.•••••••••••••• • ••••••• • ••46 4., Census •..••••••••••••••.•••.•••••••••••••••••••••••• ~46 5. Postal system ...••••••••.••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••• •46 6. Deportation of Caroline Islanders••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 47 7. Economic conditions • • • · • • •.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4'1 8. Hurricane of November 1900 ...•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••4'1 9. Earthquake of September 1902 •••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •49 10. Administrative organization •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••49 11. Judicial system •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••50 ' a. Appeal from the courts of Guam ••••••••••••••••••••••••••50 b. Code of laws •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••51 12. Termination of Schroeder's administration •••••••••••••••••••••••51 13. Appraisement of the naval government ••••••••••••••••••••..••••51 a. Petition for civil government •.•••••••••••••.••••••.•••••51 b. Citizenship .....•••..•.••.•.•.••••••.••••••.•••••••52 - c .. Lieutenant Cox's recommendations •..•••••••.•••• · ..•••••••52 VI. PORT COMMUNICATIONS, AND STATION SHIP '1.. Port organization and operations .••.••••••••.•••••••..••••.••53 a. Quarantine ..•..•.....•....•...•••.••••••.•.•••••••53 b. Shipping .••.••...•..••••••• • • · · • · · ••• • •••• · • • • • • · .53 c. Harbor improvement .•....•.•.••.••...••.•••••.•••••••54 d. Army transport service .•.••.••••.••••..•••• , •.••.•...•54 e. Discharging ships .•.••.•.•.•.••••••••••.••.••••• • · · · .54 2. Communications ••••••..•.•••.••••••••••••••••••.••.••••56 ii ,,'..., ,,.,. VI. PORT, COMMUNICATIONS, AND STATION SHIP (Cont'd) · 3. Station Ship ... .................................. • ....• 56 a. Yosemite . ............................•....•...•• 56 i. Overhauling and dry-docking in Japan ......•.....•••. 56 ii. Voyage to Cavite ...............• ......... ..•.•. • 57 iii. Lost in typhoon ................... .•.....••.... 57 b. Collier Brutus ..........•...........•.•......•..... 59 i. Coal hulk . ... , ...........•...•.......•.•• ·.•• 59 ii. Voyage to Manila and Nagasaki .....•.......•••.••. 59 iii. Coal hulk . ..............•............•....• 59 iv. Overhauling and dry-docking in Japan .......•...•...• 59 v. Station ship ................................ ; • 60 vi. Exploration for the Galvez Bank ...................• 60 c. Collier Justin .....•.
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