February 26, 2008 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 2 2583 Human Services from President Ronald In 1914, Professor Emeritus Joel Spingarn I know that my colleagues in the United Reagan. After a quick confirmation by the of Columbia University became Chairman of States Congress join me in commending Lois Senate, Dr. Bowen served in the cabinet until the NAACP and recruited for its board such Aukland for her leadership and service to Jewish leaders as Jacob Schiff, Jacob President Reagan left office in January 1989. Billikopf, and Rabbi Stephen Wise. Humboldt, Iowa. I consider it an honor to rep- Now retired, Dr. Bowen resides in Bremen, In the climactic civil rights drives of the resent Lois in Congress and I wish her the Indiana. He has been awarded over twenty- 1950s and 1960s, Jewish participation was all very best in her future endeavors. five honorary degrees during his life, including but overwhelming. f one from the University of Notre Dame and The NAACP’s headquarters are in Balti- another from Baylor University. more, Maryland and it has regional offices in HONORING WOMEN’S CLUB OF So, today I rise to pay tribute to Dr. Bowen California, New York, Michigan, Missouri, SARASOTA’S 95TH ANNIVERSARY for the great achievements he has gained not Georgia, Texas, and Maryland. Each regional only for himself, but for the people of Indiana. office is responsible for coordinating con- HON. VERN BUCHANAN ferences in the states included in that re- His service to this nation is admirable and his OF FLORIDA gion. Local, youth, and college chapters or- legacy serves as a great example of a life ganize activities for individual members. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES well-lived. The NAACP is governed nationally by a 64- Tuesday, February 26, 2008 f member board of directors led by a chair- man. The board elects one person as the Mr. BUCHANAN. Madam Speaker, I rise CELEBRATING THE AFRICAN- president and chief executive officer for the today in honor of the Women’s Club of Sara- AMERICAN CONTRIBUTION TO organization. sota, which is celebrating it 95th anniversary BLACK HISTORY Departments within the NAACP govern this year. areas of action. Local chapters are supported Since 1913, the members of the Women’s HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL by the Branch and Field Services department Club of Sarasota have been a persuasive and the Youth and College department. The OF NEW YORK voice for political causes, provided educational Legal Department focuses on court cases of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES opportunities for area children, and facilitated broad application to minorities, such as sys- several community improvement projects. Tuesday, February 26, 2008 tematic discrimination in employment, gov- Founded by 63 women, the Club’s motto of Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, I rise today ernment, or education. The Washington, D.C. bureau is responsible for lobbying the U.S. ‘‘Not Self, but Service’’ has been evident in its to honor Black History Month and to enter into Government. The Education Department many accomplishments over the years. Their the RECORD an editorial from New York works to improve public education at the first clubhouse served as the public library for CaribNews for the week ending February 19, local, state and federal levels. The goal of 30 years, providing the community with a 2008, ‘‘Celebrating the African-American Con- the Health Division is to advance health care place for social and cultural activities. Con- tribution to Black History—the NAACP—Then for minorities through public policy and edu- cerned about the well-being of area children, and Now.’’ cation. they helped pass the compulsory school at- The National Association for the Advance- As of 2004 the NAACP had approximately 500,000 members. tendance law, introduced medical-dental in- ment of Colored People (NAACP), originally spections and inoculations in public schools, called the National Negro Committee was f organized a local PTA, and helped found the founded on February 12, 1909 by Ida Wells- HONORING LOIS AUKLAND Helen Payne Nursery School. Barnett, W.E.B. DuBois, Henry Moscowitz, During World War I, the group supported Mary White Ovington, Oswald Garrison the war effort by organizing a local chapter of Villiard, William English Walling. The 6 found- HON. TOM LATHAM the American Red Cross. They also increased ers, who comprised a multi-racial group of OF IOWA access to health care by helping to establish Americans, renewed the struggle for civil and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sarasota Memorial Hospital—a community political liberty. We now know the organization Tuesday, February 26, 2008 owned hospital. They helped with the city cen- as the NAACP. Mr. LATHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise today sus, and were strong proponents of the 19th In the early years, the NAACP concentrated Amendment to the U.S. Constitution giving on using the courts to overturn the Jim Crow to recognize Lois Aukland of the Royal Neigh- bors of America Chapter in Humboldt, Iowa, women the right to vote. laws that permitted racial discrimination. The Today, the Sarasota Women’s Club con- NAACP in 1913 organized opposition to Presi- for receiving the National Fraternal Congress of America’s, NFCA, Most Valuable Partici- tinues the same spirit of service with annual dent Woodrow Wilson’s introduction of racial educational scholarships, special donations to segregation into the federal government pol- pant, MVP, Award. The MVP award highlights Lois’ service to several charitable organizations. icy. The NAACP devoted a significant amount On their anniversary, I congratulate them for her community and relief organizations around of energy after World War I and in the 1920s their achievements and have every confidence Iowa. Lois is the local secretary and treasurer and 1930s to publicize the lynching of blacks they will continue to play an important role in and has held the office of recorder for 13 throughout the United States and sought fed- the improvement of our community and the years. She has been the strongest recruiter for eral legislation against those states which re- lives of others. the chapter by increasing the active members fused to prosecute. f Today, the NAACP continues its mission to from 5 to 20. ensure the political, educational, social, and Lois has also been involved in many volun- PERSONAL EXPLANATION economic equality of rights of all persons and teer organizations and activities which include: to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimina- the Domestic/Sexual Assault Outreach Center HON. KENNY C. HULSHOF planning committee, vice president of the Da- tion. OF MISSOURI kota City Worth While Club, the Girl Scouts (From the CaribNews, Feb. 19, 2008) IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES representative for JOIN HANDS DAY, and a CELEBRATING THE AFRICAN-AMERICAN CON- Tuesday, February 26, 2008 TRIBUTION TO BLACK HISTORY—NAACP— member of a team for the local Relay for Life THEN AND NOW fundraiser. Lois has received various awards Mr. HULSHOF. Madam Speaker, on Feb- The NAACP was founded as the National including the Rookie of the Year by Humboldt ruary 25, 2008, I was unavoidably detained Negro Committee on February 12, 1909, by a Ox Bow Chapter of Izaak Walton League of and missed votes. Listed below are the votes multi-racial group of political activists in- America and was the inspiration behind her I missed and how I would have voted had I cluding W.E.B. DuBois, Ida B. Wells, Henry local chapter receiving the Camp Recognition been here. Moscowitz, Mary White Ovington, Oswald Award each year since its inception. H. Res. 978, Rollcall No. 69: Expressing Garrison Villiard, and William English Lois earned this award for her dedication to support for the designation of the week of Walling. DuBois edited the association’s magazine, The Crisis, which reached more supporting women and serving communities, March 3–7 as ‘‘School Social Work Week’’ to than 30,000 people. One often overlooked as- which is what Royal Neighbors of America is promote awareness of the vital role of social pect of the NAACP’s history is that the Jew- all about. Lois has been a tremendous exam- workers in schools, and in the community as ish community contributed hugely to the ple for her community, and I commend her on- a whole. Had I been here, I would have voted NAACP’s founding and continued financing. going commitment to helping others. ‘‘yes.’’ VerDate Mar 15 2010 13:58 Sep 29, 2010 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR08\E26FE8.000 E26FE8 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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