THE CATHOLIC PAGE 10 Summer of Love and Mercy July 5, 2019ommentator Vol. 57, No. 11 2019 LPA GENERAL EXCELLENCE AWARD RECIPIENT thecatholiccommentator.org C OPEN WIDE YOUR HEARTS Listening session on racism ‘ first step’ to healing By Richard Meek come her, she was a choir member and The Catholic Commentator even now prays the rosary monthly in the home of a white parishioner. Catherine Moore vividly remembers “Times, they are a changing,” said the first Mass she attended in an all- Moore, who also recalls hearing sto- white church. ries from older ancestors about being A native of Bertrandville who was spit upon, targets of vile comments or raised at St. Benedict having their heads A Gospel choir made up of choir members from St. Paul the Apostle Church, Immacu- the Moor Church, knocked against a con- late Conception Church and St. Francis Xavier Church, all in Baton Rouge, were stun- Moore admitted she crete wall when they ning as they sang songs of inspiration during the “Open Wide Our Hearts Listening was a bit reluctant were forced to attend Session on Racism in the Church” on June 29 at the Catholic Life Center in Baton when she initially an all-white parish be- Rouge. Photos by Richard Meek | The Catholic Commentator walked over one of fore St. Benedict, the the most significant oldest African-Ameri- ing a listening session on the United Roads native and chairman of the US- thresholds of her life. can church in the Dio- States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ CCB Ad Hoc Committee Against Rac- “There was not hos- cese of Baton Rouge, Pastoral Letter Against Racism. The ism, delivered a thoughtful perspective tility but you could tell opened in 1911. letter, titled “Open Wide our Hearts: on the pastoral letter he helped co-au- there was a cold chill “They might not be The Enduring Call To Love, A Pastoral thor. Bishop Michael G. Duca delivered that went through the changing fast enough Letter Against Racism,” was approved opening and closing remarks, as well as group,” she said of her The listening session brought because that’s a lot of by the USCCB in November 2018. the opening and closing prayers. reception. together nearly 150 people of years we are talking The listening session, presented by the “Today we are going to do the most Twenty years later varying ethnicities. about.” Office of Black Catholics, attracted an es- difficult thing there is: listen,” Bishop Moore, 83, has be- Moore was one of timated 150 people of many ethnicities to Duca said. “Unity in the neighborhood come a welcome attendee of the River nearly a dozen people who shared their the Catholic Life Center on June 29. will happen if just one person goes next Parish church. The ushers eagerly wel- experiences of racism in the church dur- Bishop Shelton J. Fabre, a New SEE RACISM PAGE 20 Fostering hope Commentator takes top honors By Debbie Shelley tive mom. They saw the great The Catholic Commentator need in Region 3 of Louisiana, which includes Livingston The Catholic Commentator won 10 In an all too familiar scene, Civil Parish and at present has awards in Division 5 in the Louisiana foster parents may only get a the largest number of children Press Association 2019 Better News- moment’s notice they will be re- in foster care within the state. paper contest, including first place in ceiving a foster child, who when They were going through General Excellence for the July 6, 2018 they arrive may be traumatized similar life experiences so they edition. after being quickly taken from talked on the phone and brain- Overall, the Commentator won six their home and may be suffering stormed on how they could first place awards and two second and from neglect or abuse. Foster establish a one-stop for foster third place awards. parents and children often need families to receive assistance “I could not be more proud of our support materially, emotionally they need. staff,” editor Richard Meek said. “All or spiritually. Landry posted on Facebook of the awards are amazing, but the one The Foster Village was the they were looking for a storage that stands out for me is the General Ex- Volunteers accompanied by family members dream of Amy LeJeune, foster space where they could col- cellence award. sort through items to distribute at the Foster mom, and Shayna Landry, kin- lect and distribute items that “To win such a prestigious honor is Village in Walker. Photo provided by Shayna Landry ship foster parent and adop- SEE FOSTERS PAGE 19 SEE AWARDS PAGE 14 2 The Catholic Commentator July 5, 2019 | PICTURES FROM THE PAST With all your heart By Dina Dow near to you, already in your mouths and in your hearts; you have only to carry it out” (Dt The joy of Ordinary Time continues as 30:14). God places in all the desire to know we celebrate the 14th and 15th Sundays. The truth, to know him. Therefore, as we turn to Gospel Acclamation grasps the themes for him with our needs, we come face-to-face both liturgies, “Let the peace of Christ con- with Jesus. St. Paul writes, “Christ Jesus is trol your hearts; let the word of the image of the invisible Christ dwell in you richly” (Col God” (Col 1:15). When we 3:15-16). Life-Giving see Jesus, we see God. It is Control the heart FAI H in this reality we know truth. What controls your heart? Not only is Christ within us, he Uniquely, our bodily heart contains a truly is peace. natural pacemaker, which controls the sparks How do I share peace? Freed by truth, of wave-like impulses causing contraction re- God sends us on our way to share this peace sulting in a heart rate and life-giving move- with all we encounter. Just as Jesus appoint- ment of blood. St. Paul suggests allowing ed and sent the 72 in pairs to proclaim the the “peace of Christ to control our hearts “ good news, so also we witness the same. We (Col 3:15). This “cardiac” theology gives anal- take nothing but what has already been given ogy to our lives. Most think of the heart as to us through grace and faith. We trust that a source of emotion. Certain aspects verify God will provide all we need. We surrender such a statement. Yet, as the peace of Christ to his will. Will everyone listen? Probably not. controls the heart we are open to what St. Yet, those who do, we offer them the peace of Augustine deems “tranquility of order” (City Christ. Bishop Michael G. Duca meets the press June 26, 2018 after the Vatican an- of God, Book 19, Chapter 23), this being the What must I do? nounced his appointment to shepherd the Diocese of Baton Rouge, replac- cause of rest among humanity. When have We have the blessing of hearing the story ing Bishop Emeritus Robert W. Muench. File photo by Richard Meek | The Catholic Commen- I been a cause of rest or peace for another? of the Good Samaritan on the 15th Sunday in tator How does this peace come to me? Ordinary Time. The parable begins with the Cry out with joy question from a lawyer, “What must I do to Isaiah and Moses respectively express have eternal life?” (Lk 10:25). This question | DID YOU KNOW the fullness of joy in the Lord. Each reiter- holds infinite realties for all. First, it is good ate God’s consistent provisions including to acknowledge the fact that heaven exists. comfort, safe passage, care, healing, mercy, “Heaven is the ultimate end and fulfillment compassion and peace. Even the psalmist of the deepest human longings, the state of St. Bridget exclaims, “We cry out to God with joy, and supreme, definitive happiness” (Catechism turn to him with all our needs” (Ps 66, 69). of the Catholic Church 260, 326; 2794, 1718). As debates over the role of wom- “God’s chosen instrument to lay the We place all of our needs prayerfully before Secondly, what do I need to do to get to heav- en in the Catholic Church continue, axe to the fruit of many an unfruitful the Lord in humility and trust. Further, St. en? Jesus, the ultimate teacher, answers with St. Bridget of Sweden, as Pope Bene- tree.” Paul says to “only boast in the cross of Jesus a question, (paraphrasing) “What have you dict XVI said, is “one of those wom- Her efforts bore fruit six years af- Christ,” (Gal 6:14) as it is Jesus’ ultimate sac- been taught by the law?” Out pours from the en who, despite having lived several ter her death when Pope Gregory XI rifice of himself on the cross where all of our young lawyer the summary of the law given centuries ago, still has much to teach came back to the Eternal City. needs are met with mercy and peace. The to Moses, rooted in natural law. With our the Church and the world.” According to Epic Pew, much is more we trust in God’s provisions for us, the whole being, we love God and neighbor. Je- St. Bridget, whose feast day is known about St. Bridget because greater the peace in our heart. Fortification sus acknowledges this as truth. Yet, the youth July 23, came from Uppland, Swe- the forefathers of the church were comes in superabundant graces flowing from pursues and asks, “Who is my neighbor?” (Lk den. She obeyed the wishes of her struck by her holiness.
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