Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 7-15-1967 The Ledger and Times, July 15, 1967 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, July 15, 1967" (1967). The Ledger & Times. 5718. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/5718 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. eLheee • .5 • .14 -wee N7 deleoted Am A Beal All Round Kentucky Oommunity Nevem*/ - The Only Largest Afternoon Daily Circulation In Murray And 431.11 Irt Calloway County 0 And In County United Press In Our 88th Year International Murray, Ky., Saturday Afternoon, July 15, 1967 10* Per Copy Vol. LXXXVIII No. 166 Dr. 'Change Made In Seen & Hear Brunner Returns To Class a ta Room To Get Teacher Viewpoint J. G.ucah Campbell, former secre- Thirteen Killed •:•kounck tary-treasurer or the two Ken- nedy Tobacco corporations, an- In line with his philosophy store and to help the esteblished nounced today that Campbell Bur- MURRAY which he has expressed in the teacher continue his education. He ley Floors. Inc. have acquired all classroom, Dr, Edward _Brunner, recetved a plaque from the KEA of the property and equipment us- As Da Nang Hit of Murray State University - Ls re- in recognition of les outstanding ed in ace burley tobacco operations of Here is ADM more inf.:ornate= turning to the public schools to. service in tits area • the Kennedy corporations. on Murray weather. In les words!, "recharge his Peo- As adviser Ito the Student Nat- Campbell Burley Floors, Inc. of /eastern' batteries" - that is, ional lidatation Assocation for which J. G Campbell is presi- dent arid General Manager will The-Taal weather station was first to keeo himeeit, 9.3 a teacher of many years and adviser to the By Rockets teachers, aware of the problems Kentucky ENKA from operate the burley auction and maintained min,,/u1.1L 1, Ma to 1964-66, he storage warehouses formerly known • Fetruary 28, 1890 by Mr. J. P. teachers face today. has %meted closely with his stu- as the Paducah Burley Floors, at Jones. The station was re-hab- Dr. Brunner has, for the past dents He has been a consultant By EUGENE V. RISHER two Marine F8 Cruaedere and the same locations and with prac- SAIGON IN it/shed Aprtl 1, 1926 with Mr. H. eleven years, been a leader In the to Future Teacaers of America - In one of the several helicopt ers tically the Arne personnel. Vietnam war's B. Arnold the observer until Feb- field of curriculum in Kentucky groups in regional high sahooLs. most damaging at- "The whole base is jest covered as tacks, Communist nary 28, 1937 wee aa in Murray Mate Uni- The curriculum laboratory at troops today with shrapnte," said AO 132 versity. He has tweeted closely Murray State Unlveraity was de- Oaks Swim Team mauled the Pant U.S. aithase at Cbl. Robert Malloy of Coral with Da Nang with an audacious rocket les, Pia., commander of the 31111th He was followed by P. W. Wear teachers and administrators. veloped by Dr. Brunner, and he Thrcugh barrag e Tactical Fighter Wing "livery from September 1. 1931 to April his efforts. Guidence has served as its coordinator. To A willingness to gainble one's life is one of the qualifications Downs Mayfield Counseling was Officials, said 13 Americans were plane on the field "has some kind 1 30, 1939. eetablithed to let area Urachers know what was necessary to become a aunt pertOmer, as this daredevil demon- many The Oaks Country Club 8174M killed and 79 pounded A soore of of bole or another in, it." Western Kentucky school imitable In the oureiculum labor- strates - by permitting a heavy 'truck to run over his =est wag districts, even bdore It Marne atory, he teem defeated the Mayfield Coun- sercrait worth $48 million WUS de- R. R. Wear toot it.over August 1, treated and edits a cur- wily semen beard placed en MI chest to keep from having the accepted pokey in the rest of riculum ty Club swim teem In lepof meld stroyed and almost every plane on 1939 to Mar= 3, 1949. That's Rklph newsletter. body dragged along by the wheels. This Is only one of ell death de- Newspaper Workshop the state. He wrote chapters on Thursday. July 13 Murray com- the base suffered some damage. Wear for As a member of the Advisory tying Omuta, to be performed by the King Kovas Auto Daredevils the Kentucky Guidance piled a score of 210 against May- Three bar:oaks housing 150 men Will Be Services Committee on Teacher Education at tbe Murray-Calloway Comity Fair on 'Tuesday evening at 8 Held Here Handbook and its revile/Moe In fteld's 126 in the swimming- and each were demolished, J. Buchanan took It from Maroh in Kerguelry's 0Ourwil on Public o'clock. For Second Time 1963 he wrote a booklet eon echo- caving congetetion. The rockets came in five hies- 3. 1949 to December le, 1966. Higher Education, he worked on ;theft available though Ken- Richard Kahn, the Oaks swim ing barrages of 10 Mastics each. the devedopment of a coordinated Ten high achools In five states tucky incliatries. The -- Aasociated team mace, amid Murray won 22 The 10-minute fusillade ha the Murray State personnel took It Plotnim of student teaching for North Fork Baptist will send 21 students to Murray Industries of Kentucky asked him of the 25 first piece =len ribbons lase with pinpoint accuracy from train Decentbee 14, 1966 to June the sate. Industrial Church Plans Revival State University's second sureshi to revise this bocklet this year, Beads* majassestai, The winning blue ribbons were, hunching sties on a mountain sex 1z19 In proles- • Newspaper Wertsteg .which anti the- recta* has-just`-been Tony Boone, Diana Boone, Brat miles amuy,- - - The North Fork Baptist open July 23. eampleenl. shill45twati°1-1 he-14 Church Boone, 'Howard Boone, Lee Ann The rockets touched off raging the sta- a member of the *Mowing honor- Institute The five Kentucky schools John FA fecott book over will hold a revive; beginning Sun- Tammy Boone, Jane Duch- par- The teething of research in the ary Boone, foes in ammunition and fuel stor- • tron June L3, 1962 and ha.s taken societies: PIS Delhi Kappa, hie July 18 and continuing thr- ticipating sill be Ballard Memor- Mutation Depultne.nt at Murray wan. Eli Alexander, Karen Car- es. Big 500 and 760111pound bombs care of it stnce that time Since Kappa Delta Pi (Str Which he has emeell11111111=1/11111111 ial High. Barlow; Heath High, State gelveratte- was introduced ter, Janice Carter, Dated Garri- exploded with thunderous roars 1938 the station has been located been connselrlo for Wren( years). Set• August22 Weet Pacturah; Hoptinsolle: fit. by Dr. Righter because he war* son, Nancy Garrison, David Gore, Five of the Americans killed died with a radius of one-half mile of and PI Carrico& Mu. Bemuse- of Mary, Paducah; and Trigg Couuty. at his sbucienta to apply their Mi- Lee Hopkins, Joyee Hopkins, Pam flghttng the fires. the postalhoe at an elevaUon of his contribution to probational ele. Os their teaching. to do re- Hopkins, Mark Hunter, Morrie about 500 feet .we sea level. and community affairs, Dr. Brun- A seadon of the third sompid Close Airfield Tennessee schools will be Deers- search in their fields. He puteinto Hunter, lelp Harrell, Jay Pitman, ner bee been included in the new- Kentucky Industrial Develegthent burg and Lake County at Tipton- pract.ce what he taught by init- thotie.al. Pitman, Kevin Shahan. The attack closed the base run- The average temperature since est aciltion of Who's Who in Amer. Institute wilt be held on Ami d ville iating • student follow-up study and Dias Werren. ways for nine hours. Da Nang Is 1931 has been from 56.8 degrees mean thluostion. He has also been 22. at Murray State Univeralip. The other three schoots taking a high school graduates of West- Those taiOng second place rib- a major springbard for air &t- to ell degrees. aches in the oonertunite: Superin- Sessions in five other part well be Reitz High, Evans- ern Kentucky The US Office of bons were; lours Hocking. Jan tendent d the Clollege Presbyter- Ines are wheduled in heta against North Vietnam. US ville, Ind : Pope Courite Vigh. Rducation reread', approved des Nice, Lim Harrell, and Becky Marine headquarters in Vietnam • Weill we are getting up a bunch ial Chunth Sunday Shoat for 8ponsora are the Kentucky Goloonche ne. and Perryville, Mk research project and granted Me Buc hanan and about 7,000 Leathernecks are (0 themes to send to U Ctol. several years, District Chairman pertinent of Clammeroe and Coma intstrucUon will cover 900 for the study. He will whit Other ribbons were won by Steve based there Defense Secretary Dubia. of Si. Boy scouts of America, and Kentucky Chrenber of Comen111115. major phases of prcducing high with the State Hunter. JIB Noce, Gary Carter, Deps.rtment al Director of the Murray Lion's Aasocatte Comtrussioner saidaproot Robert S Mclearnare took off and school newspapers: news, editor- Education to Phil Byrn, Becky Thornton, De- camplete this atody Club. tnerce Leonard T. Kernen landed at Da Nang during his ials, features, columns, sports, The Seseisr Rae Ceres sent off 77 Ann Thacnton, and Terry Stokes.
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