REPORT FOR APR 1, 2021 - APR 30, 2021 (GENERATED 4/30/2021) VERMONT WOOD - SEO & DIGITAL MARKETING REPORT Search Engine Visibility & Competitors NUMBER OF ORGANIC KEYWORDS IN TOP 10 BY DOMAIN verm on twood.com verm on tfu rn itu rem akers.com m adein verm on tm arketplace.c… verm on twoodworkin gsch ool.… 1/2 20 15 10 5 0 May Ju n Ju l Au g Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr ORGANIC SEARCH ENGINE VISIBILITY ORGANIC VISIBILITY INCL. COMPETITORS 10 .0 0 Domain Organic visibilit y Pre vio us p e m adeinverm ontm arketplace.com 6.91 +0.47 7.50 verm ontwood.com 6.43 - 11.60 verm ontfurniturem akers.com 2.50 - 10.60 5.0 0 verm ontwoodworkingschool.com 1.56 = vtfpa.org 0.13 - 12.91 verm ontwoodlands.org 2.50 0.09 +89.7 3 0 .0 0 May Ju n Ju l Au g Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Google Keyword Ranking Distribution # OF KEYWORDS TRACKED # OF KEYWORDS IN TOP 3 # OF KEYWORDS IN TOP 10 # OF KEYWORDS IN TOP 20 0 8 10 Previou s period Previou s year Previou s period Previou s year Previou s period Previou s year 29 0% - 100% 0% 14% 0% 0% 1 of 8 Google Keyword Rankings ORGANIC POSITION NOTES Ke yword Organic posit ion Posit ion change verm ont wooden toys 4 = T he "Or ganic Posit ion" means t he it em r anking on t he Google woodworkers verm ont 4 = sear ch r esult page. T her e ar e verm ont tim ber products 5 = appr oximat ley 10 it ems per page verm ont wooden artisans 5 1 of r esult s. verm ont wood products 5 = Example: An organic position of 3 verm ont lum ber 6 1 m eans that keyword is ranking on verm ont wooden gifts 6 2 PAGE 1 and ITEM num ber 3 on verm ont handm ade furniture 8 1 PAGE 1. verm ont custom cabinetry 11 1 verm ont m ade furniture 13 1 handcrafted verm ont products 35 2 verm ont building supplies 39 9 verm ont butcher blocks 60 1 verm ont m ade products 68 8 m ade in verm ont 7 9 11 butcher blocks 100+ N/A custom cabinetry 100+ N/A handcrafted products 100+ N/A verm ont wooden countertops 100+ N/A wood products 100+ N/A wooden countertops 100+ N/A wooden toys 100+ N/A Google Ads (DEMO DATA: Will Be Replaced With Your Google Ads) CONVERSIONS BY CAMPAIGN Campaign Conve rsions Cost / Conve rsions Cost Search - Brand 3.00 = $18.87 - $12.85 $56.62 - $38.56 Display - Retarget 2.00 +1.00 $149.24 - $154.21 $298.48 - $4.97 Search 2.00 - 1.00 $119.88 - $19.96 $239.7 5 - $17 9.7 6 Display - Placem ents 2.00 +1.00 $7 4.42 - $7 6.88 $148.85 - $2.46 Search/Rem arketing - Brand 0.00 = N/A N/A $4.93 +$4.93 Search - Com petitors 0.00 = N/A N/A $92.69 +$18.00 YouTube - Bum per 0.00 = N/A N/A $21.36 +$4.94 2 of 8 IMPRESSIONS CLICKS CONVERSIONS CONVERSION RATE 38,431 342 9.00 2.63% Previou s period Previou s year Previou s period Previou s year Previou s period Previou s year Previou s period Previou s year - 1% - 86% - 18% - 46% 13% 80% 38% 233% SEARCH IMPRESSION SHARE SEARCH LOST IS (BUDGET) AVERAGE CPC COST 49.82% 11.66% $2.52 $862.67 Previou s period Previou s year Previou s period Previou s year Previou s period Previou s year Previou s period Previou s year - 11% - 26% 840% 100% - 1% 163% - 19% 43% TOP KEYWORDS WITH QUALITY SCORE Ke yword Clicks Impre ssions Click-T hrough Rat e (CT R) Qualit y Score [eternity web] 12 - 2 34 - 8 35.29% +1.96% 10 = " scout digital" 5 +4 51 +19 9.80% +6.68% 3 = " eternity verm ont" 5 +4 16 +5 31.25% +22.16% 9 = +eternity +web 5 +2 21 - 11 23.81% +14.43% 10 = +digital +m arketing +in 4 +4 29 - 18 13.7 9% +13.7 9% N/A N/A [eternity] 4 - 1 43 +8 9.30% - 4.98% 7 = +digital +m arketing +vt 3 +1 15 - 17 20.00% +13.7 5% 7 = " bluehouse group" 3 +1 17 - 14 17 .65% +11.20% 3 = [digital m arketing] 2 - 6 89 - 3 2.25% - 6.45% 7 = +web +design +vt 2 - 2 92 - 4 2.17 % - 1.99% 7 = 3 of 8 Google Ads Display (DEMO DATA: Will Be Replaced With Your Google Ads) CONVERSIONS BY CAMPAIGN Display Ad wit h image Conve rsions Cost / Conve rsions Cost Impre ssions Clicks We' ve Got You Covered | Websites & Relationships | Get 2.00 +1.00 $109.43 - $120.18 $218.85 - $10.7 5 12,095 - 4,097 107 - 27 Better Results O nline Ad nam e: HTML5 - Build Relationship 002- 1.00 +1.00 $12.86 +$12.86 $12.86 +$12.86 1,160 +1,07 3 7 +7 300x250px.jpg; 300 x 250 Ad nam e: HTML5 - Build Relationship 001- 1.00 = $18.91 +$3.60 $18.91 +$3.60 1,87 1 +989 13 +5 300x250px.zip; 300 x 250; Ad nam 0.00 = N/A N/A $0.00 = 808 +197 0 = Im ag Ad nam e: Im age - Build Relationship 0.00 = N/A N/A $0.00 = 10 - 11 0 = 001-120x600px.jpg; 120 x 600 Ad nam e: Im age - Build Relationship 001- 0.00 = N/A N/A $0.00 = 22 +5 0 = 200x200px.jpg; 200 x 200 Google Analytics TOTAL SESSIONS UNIQUE USERS NEW USERS RETURNING USERS 1,048 939 910 143 Previou s period Previou s year Previou s period Previou s year Previou s period Previou s year Previou s period Previou s year - 30% 40% - 29% 42% - 30% 43% - 27 % 32% AVERAGE SESSION DURATION PAGES PER SESSION AVG. PAGE LOAD TIME (IN SECO… BOUNCE RATE 00:01:44 3.9 3.07 0.00% Previou s period Previou s year Previou s period Previou s year Previou s period Previou s year Previou s period Previou s year 26% - 0% 8% 53% - 36% - 64% - 100% - 100% 4 of 8 CONVERSIONS CONVERSION RATE CONTACT FORMS COMPLETIONS CONTACT FORMS There is no data for this period 0 0.00% 0 Previou s period Previou s year Previou s period Previou s year Previou s period Previou s year 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% CONVERTING GOALS FROM ORGANIC, DIRECT, SOCIAL & PAID/CPC CONVERTING GOALS FROM PAID There is no data for this period There is no data for this period TOP EVENT CATEGORIES CONVERTING GOALS BY MEDIUM PHONE CALLS (CALLRAIL) Eve nt Cat e gory Tot al Eve nt s There is no data for this period There is no data for this period View Website 312 View Profile 84 Em ail Click 14 Phone Click 12 Instagram Click - VWWC 7 Facebook Click - VWWC 4 Newsletter Signup 2 Phone Click - VWWC 1 Pinterest Click - VWWC 1 YouTube Click - VWWC 1 SOURCE / MEDIUM BY SESSIONS Source / Me dium Se ssions google / organic 67 3 (direct) / (none) 236 bing / organic 32 baidu.com / referral 26 verm ontvacation.com / referral 13 duckduckgo / organic 12 us4.cam paign-archive.com / referral 11 yahoo / organic 8 Eternity / website 6 m ailchi.m p / referral 5 verm ontwoodworkingschool.com / referral 5 search.aol.com / referral 4 bestofverm ont.cabotcheese.coop / referral 3 us4.adm in.m ailchim p.com / referral 3 vtfpa.org / referral 3 facebook.com / referral 2 m ail.google.com / referral 2 5 of 8 TOP PAGES Page Pat h Page vie ws / 688 /find-verm ont-wood-products 386 /furniture-residential 238 /gagnon-lum ber-inc 17 0 /the-tree-house-hardwoods-and-m illshop 126 /lum ber 124 /woodware-and-gifts 118 /sm ead-woodcraft 94 /press-and-m edia/ 82 /buildings-and-cabins 7 8 /contact-us 7 4 /appalachian-engineered-flooring 7 0 /board-of-our-team 7 0 TOP SEARCH ENGINES /join-now 7 0 /cabinetry-and-built-ins 66 Source Se ssions /m illwork-windows-and-doors 66 Pre vio us p e rio d /carvings-and-sculptures 64 google 92.6% +1.2% bing 4.4% +2.1% duckduckgo 1.7 % - 1.0% yahoo 1.1% - 1.9% TOP REFERRERS sogou 0.3% - 0.2% Source Se ssions baidu.com 26 92.6% verm ontvacation.com 13 us4.cam paign-archive.com 11 m ailchi.m p 5 verm ontwoodworkingschool.com 5 search.aol.com 4 TOP BROWSERS TOP OPERATING SYSTEMS bestofverm ont.cabotcheese.coop 3 Browse r Se ssions Ope rat ing Syst e m Se ssions us4.adm in.m ailchim p.com 3 vtfpa.org 3 Chrom e 528 Windows 425 facebook.com 2 Safari 320 Macintosh 240 Firefox 68 iO S 213 Edge 63 Android 146 UC Browser 26 Chrom e O S 14 TOP REGIONS TOP CITIES Internet Explorer 13 Linux 8 Sam sung Internet (not set) Re gion Se ssions Cit y Se ssions 12 5 Am azon Silk 5 Tizen 2 Verm ont 335 (not set) 110 Android Browser 5 New York 100 Chengdu 51 O pera 3 Massachusetts 7 6 New York 47 New Ham pshire 59 Rutland 43 Sichuan 51 Burlington 31 (not set) 45 Shelburne 22 Florida 32 Shanghai 17 New Jersey 32 Essex 14 Connecticut 27 Montpelier 14 California 25 Stowe 14 Google Search Console AVERAGE POSITION (SITE) AVERAGE CTR (PAGES) 29.9 1.13% Previou s period Previou s year Previou s period Previou s year 8% 4% - 7 % 3% 6 of 8 TOP CLICKS (PAGES) Page s Clicks / 82 /gagnon-lum ber-inc 59 /the-tree-house-hardwoods-and-m illshop 37 /furniture-residential 36 /appalachian-engineered-flooring 24 /client_m edia/files/History%20of%20Woodworking%20L… 23 /sm ead-woodcraft 21 /lum ber 20 /buildings-and-cabins 19 /verm ont-woods-studios 17 /m illwork-windows-and-doors 16 /woodshop-equipm ent 14 TOP CLICKS (QUERIES) /find-verm ont-wood-products 13 /toys-and-gam es 13 Que rie s Clicks /carvings-and-sculptures 12 gagnon lum ber 39 /dick-walker-sawm ill-etc 12 verm ont wood studios 9 /verm ont-hardwoods 12 verm ont woodworkers 9 verm ont furniture m akers 8 verm ont woodworking 8 verm ont wood products 7 TOTAL CLICKS (SITE) TOTAL IMPRESSIONS (SITE) appalachian engineered flooring 6 sm ead woodcraft 5 588 47,166 tablelegs.com 5 jk adam s 4 copeland furniture verm ont 3 the tree house hardwoods & m illshop 3 the treehouse 3 tree house hardwoods 3 treehouse wood 3 verm ont natural coatings 3 vt wood 3 Previou s period Previou s year Previou s period Previou s year vwwc 3 - 20% 53% - 14% 50% andrew pearce 2 andrew pearce bowls 2 appalachian flooring 2 TOP IMPRESSIONS (DEVICES) birdseye architecture 2 dick walker sawm ill 2 De vice T ype Impre ssions furniture m ade in verm ont 2 Desktop 30,815 jk adam s dorset vt 2 Mobile 15,246 russell supply 2 Tablet 1,105 treehouse hardwoods 2 verm ont cabin builders 2 verm ont hardwoods 2 verm ont shed works 2 verm ont wood 2 7 of 8 Glossary METRICS GLOSSARY Avg CPC (Aver age Cost Per Click)The average am ount charged for each click on an ad.
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