THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF STRATHROY-CARADOC BY-LAW NO. 8-15 A BY-LAW TO ADOPT AMENDMENT NO. 5 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF STRATHROY-CARADOC WHEREAS under Section 17 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13, authorizes municipalities to adopt official plans and amendments thereto; WHEREAS under Section 22 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13, permits persons or public bodies to request council to amend its official plan; AND WHEREAS the requirements for the giving notice and the holding of a public meeting of this amendment have been met; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc deems it advisable to amend the Official Plan of the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF STRATHROY-CARADOC AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT: Amendment No. 5 to the Official Plan of the Municipality of Strathroy- Caradoc consisting of the attached text and schedules is hereby adopted. 2. THAT: the Clerk is hereby authorized to make application to the County of Middlesex for approval of Amendment No. 5 to the Official Plan of the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc. 3. THAT: this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. Read a FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED IN OPEN COUNCIL this 2nd day of February 2015. Mayor Clerk AMENDMENT NO. 5 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE MUNICIPALITY STRATHROY-CARADOC SUBJECT: GENERAL AMENDMENT JANUARY 2015 PART A - THE PREAMBLE 1.0 PURPOSE AND EFFECT The purpose of this Amendment is to implement a number of changes to the Official Plan to ensure consistency with the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS), conformity with the County of Middlesex Official Plan and to reflect changing circumstances since the adoption of the current Official Plan on April 18, 2006 and its subsequent approval on July 17, 2007. 2.0 LOCATION This Amendment generally applies to all lands within the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc as well the following site-specific areas in Strathroy: lands situated on the north side of Second Street and on the west side of Adair Boulevard; and, lands situated on the south side of High Street and on the west side of York Street. 3.0 BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The Amendment addresses the following circumstances: • Amendments to the Planning Act through Bill 51 and the Strong Communities through Affordable Housing Act; • Enactment of the Green Energy Act which generally exempts renewable energy projects from approvals under the Planning Act; • Connection of Strathroy to the Lake Huron Primary Water Supply System; • Full municipal services for Mount Brydges including connection to the Lake Huron Primary Water Supply System and a strand-alone sewage treatment plant; • Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) where the Municipality has the ability to apply or not apply MDS I and II in certain cases; and • Matters of a housekeeping nature that have been identified in the day-to-day administration of the Official Plan. PART B - THE AMENDMENT All of this part of the Amendment entitled ‘Part B - The Amendment’, including the attached Schedules ‘A’ and ‘B’, constitutes Amendment No. 5 to the Official Plan of the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc. Amendment No. 5 to the Official Plan - General Amendment page 1 Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc January 2015 The Official Plan of the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc is hereby amended as follows: 1) Unless pertaining to historical context, all references to the “Township of Strathroy-Caradoc” are replaced with the “Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc”. 2) Unless pertaining to historical context, all references to the noun “Township” in respect of the Township of Strathroy-Caradoc are replaced with the word “Municipality”. 3) Unless pertaining to historical context, all references to the adjective “Township” in respect of the Township of Strathroy-Caradoc are replaced with the adjective “Municipal”. 4) Section 1.0 Introduction, is amended by deleting “(2001 census population: 19,114)” located in the first paragraph and replacing it with “(2011 census population: 20,998)”. 5) Section 1.0 Introduction, is amended by deleting “(2001 estimated population: 13,500)” located in the second paragraph. 6) Section 1.0 Introduction, is amended adding the following sentence to the end of the second last paragraph and that the last paragraph be deleted in its entirety: “On March 5, 2007 pursuant to Bylaw 14-07, the Township of Strathroy-Caradoc undertook a name change and is now known as the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc.” 7) Section 1.2 Basis, is amended by deleting it in its entirety and renumbering the remaining subsections in order. 8) Section 1.5 Design Population, is amended by deleting it in its entirety and replacing it with the following: “1.5 DESIGN POPULATION The most recent census of the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc amounts to a population of 20,998 (Statistics Canada: 2011). An estimated 15,000 persons reside in Strathroy and an estimated 2,200 persons reside in Mount Brydges. The remainder of the population resides in Melbourne, Campbellvale, Delaware West and the rural area of the Municipality. The population of the Municipality is projected to increase to 27,000 by the year 2034, the end of the planning period. Strathroy is expected to accommodate the majority of the future population growth having amenities and services to attract development. The design population shall be reviewed regularly at the time of the statutory 5 year review of the Plan.” 9) Section 1.6 Growth Management Strategy, is amended by “the period 2005-2025” located in the first sentence of the first paragraph and replacing it with “the period 2014-2034”. 10) Section 1.6 Growth Management Strategy, is amended by deleting the second and third paragraphs in their entirety and replacing them with the following: Amendment No. 5 to the Official Plan - General Amendment page 2 Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc January 2015 “Strathroy, being by far the largest settlement area in the Municipality, is the logical and practical focus of growth and development in the Municipality given its supply of undeveloped land designated on full municipal services or capable of being serviced. Under the County of Middlesex Official Plan, in the hierarchy of ‘settlement areas’ Strathroy qualifies as an ‘urban settlement area’ having the demonstrated potential to accommodate the majority of the Municipality’s future growth. Mount Brydges also qualifies as an ‘urban settlement area’ under the County of Middlesex Official Plan providing an existing community function. It has an ability to accommodate future growth and development being connected to a municipal water supply system and a municipal sanitary sewage system. Melbourne is a partially serviced community by a municipal water supply system. In the absence of a municipal sanitary sewage system, individual on-site sewage disposal systems are prevalent. While this settlement area provides a community function, Melbourne does not have the demonstrated potential to accommodate significant growth in the absence of full municipal services. Unless and until services change, new development shall be small in scale and intensity and limited to infilling and minor extensions of existing development. Under the County of Middlesex Official Plan, Melbourne qualifies as a ‘community settlement area’.” 11) Section 1.6 Growth Management Strategy, is amended by deleting the last sentence of the last paragraph in its entirety and replacing it with the following: “The growth management strategy of the Official Plan for the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement and in conformity with the County of Middlesex Official Plan.” 12) Section 1.8 Matters of Provincial Interest, is amended by deleting subsections a) through n), inclusive, and replacing them with the following: “a) the protection of ecological systems, including natural areas, features and functions; b) the protection of the agricultural resources of the Province; c) the conservation and management of natural resources and the mineral resource base; d) the conservation of features of significant architectural, cultural, historical, archaeological or scientific interest; e) the supply, efficient use and conservation of energy and water; f) the adequate provision and efficient use of communication, transportation, sewage and water services and waste management systems; g) the minimization of waste; h) the orderly development of safe and healthy communities; h.1) the accessibility for persons with disabilities to all facilities, services and matters to which this Act applies; i) the adequate provision and distribution of educational, health, social, cultural and recreational facilities; j) the adequate provision of a full range of housing, including affordable housing; k) the adequate provision of employment opportunities; l) the protection of the financial and economic well-being of the Province and its municipalities; m) the co-ordination of planning activities of public bodies; Amendment No. 5 to the Official Plan - General Amendment page 3 Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc January 2015 n) the resolution of planning conflicts involving public and private interests; o) the protection of public health and safety; p) the appropriate location of growth and development; and q) the promotion of development that is designed to be sustainable, to support public transit and to be
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