Burkhard Rost CV BURKHARD ROST TUM Informatics/Bioinformatics i12 Boltzmannstrasse 3 (Rm 01.09.052) 85748 Garching/München, Germany & Dept. Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics Columbia University, New York, USA Email [email protected] Tel +49-89-289-17-811 Web www.rostlab.org Fax +49-89-289-19-414 Photo: © Eckert & Heddergott, TUM Document: CV Burkhard Rost TUM Technical University of Munich Affiliation: Columbia University Highlights: • 208 invited talks in 37 countries (incl. TedX) • 272 publications (212 peer-review, 183 first/last author) • 2019/03: >38,500 citations, h-index=91 (Google) • PredictProtein 1st Internet server in mol. biol. (since 1992) • 8 years ISCB President (International Society for Computational Biology) • 207 trained (27% female, 55% foreigners from 37 nations on 6 continents) • co-published with over 984 scientists Brief narrative: Burkhard Rost obtained his doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.) from the Univ. of Heidelberg (Germany) in the field of theoretical physics. He began his research working on the thermo-dynamical properties of spin glasses and brain-like artificial neural networks. A short project on peace/arms control research sketched a simple, non-intrusive sensor networks to monitor aircraft (1988-1990). He entered the field of molecular biology at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany, 1990-1995), spent a year at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI, Hinxton, Cambridgshire, England, 1995), returned to the EMBL (1996-1998), joined the company LION Biosciences for a brief interim (1998), became faculty in the Medical School of Columbia University in 1998, and joined the TUM Munich to become an Alexander von Humboldt professor in 2009. From 1998-2010, he has been leading a research group of about 10 PhD students in the Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics in the Medical School of Columbia University. Since 2009, he has begun also to also build up a group at the TUM in Germany. Including graduate students, the group in Munich has been exceeding the average of 20 for the last 7 years. Issues related to gender, diversity and equality of opportunity have been important aspects of these developments, as has been the incentive to benefit from the appeal of relevant science to energize young minds. One particular detour aiming at the improvement of teaching was a JavaScript seminar using machine learning and data mining to predict future events in the book/movie series Gamer Of Thrones in spring 2016 that made it to over 600 published media potentially reaching 1.2 billion readers. In 1992, Dr. Rost developed the first Internet server for protein structure prediction (PredictProtein) that began at the EMBL, moved to Columbia University, and on to the TUM in Munich. In fact, in terms of a server that responds to queries more complicated than a lookup, PredictProtein is the oldest such service in molecular biology, having gone online before or at the same time as other database lookup services such as ExPasy, SWISS-PROT, or BLOCKS. Since, the group has contributed many highly used and original methods for the prediction of aspects of protein function and structure. His major contribution has been the combination of machine learning and evolutionary information. His academic research goal focuses on the development of top tools that can be applied in the context of analyzing entirely sequence organisms. Recently, the lab has been focusing on analyzing the effects of sequence variation and their implications for precision medicine and personalized health. Details: http://www.rostlab.org. status Jan 19, 2016 1 Burkhard Rost Tabulated CV Tabulated Curriculum Vitae Date prepared: Mar 22, 2019 Name: Burkhard Rost Gender: Male Marital Status: Married with one daughter (born Dec. 2002) Citizenship: German Birthplace: Northeim, Lower-Saxony, Germany Current position: Professor, Unit chair Address TUM, Department for Computer Sciences (Informatik) Unit for Bioinformatics & Computational Biology (i12) Boltzmannstrasse 3, 85748 Garching/Munich, Germany tel.: +49-89-289-17-811 email: [email protected] Education 1971-1980 High school, Herzberg, Lower-Saxony, Germany 1980-1982 Obligatory service in German air force 1982-1985 Study of physics at Justus-Liebig-University Gießen, Hessia, Germany 10/1984 Bachelor in physics 1985-1988 Study of physics at Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, Germany 1985-1988 Study of philosophy, history and psychology at Heidelberg University 1986-1988 Master thesis at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg Univ. Topic: 'Learning algorithms for spin-glass-like neural networks' Sponsor: Prof. Dr. Heinz Horner, Heidelberg 11/1988 Bachelor in philosophy and history, Heidelberg University 12/1988 Master in physics, Heidelberg University 12/88-06/90 Grant of the 'Stiftung Volkswagenwerk' (VW Foundation), Inst. Theor. Physics, Heidelberg Topic: 'Theoretical analysis of the possibilities of seismic and acoustical sensor networks to verify arms control treaties for aircraft' 07-10/89 Research project in the USA (Princeton, Washington DC, MIT) 1990-1993 Completing studies in physics, Heidelberg Univ. and EMBL, Germany 07/1993 Writing PhD thesis Topic: 'Neural networks and evolution - prediction of protein secondary structure' Sponsor: none à 07/1994 PhD in physics: Viva voce for Dr. rer. nat. (Doctor rerum naturarum) at Institute for Theoretical Physics, Ruprecht-Karl University Heidelberg, Germany Professional Positions 1986-1988 Assistant at Institute for Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg Univ., Germany 12/88-06/90 Research fellow at Inst. for Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg Univ. 07-10/1989 Visitor at Institutes in the USA (Princeton, U. of Concerned Scientists, MIT) 07/90- 1992 Visitor at EMBL Heidelberg, Germany 07/93-12/94 Research fellow at EMBL Heidelberg, Germany 01/95-12/95 Research fellow at EBI Hinxton, Cambridge, England 01/96- 04/98 Research fellow at EMBL Heidelberg, Germany 05/98-11/98 Researcher at LION Biosciences Heidelberg, Germany à Over 600 years, Heidelberg Universtiy has allowed scholars to present doctoral theses on any research subject without sponsor. Apparently, I was the first who exercised this right over, at least, the last 60 years. 2 Burkhard Rost Tabulated CV 12/98- 05/00 Assistant Professor at Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Columbia University, New York, USA 07/2000-2010 Associate Professor at Dept. of Biochemistry & Mol. Biophys., Columbia 2004-2010 Affiliated Faculty, Dept. of Medical Bioinformatics, Columbia University 2002-2010 Faculty Center of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (C2B2) 07/2005-2010 Tenure in Dept. of Biochemistry and Mol. Biophysics at Columbia University 2006-2010 Associated Faculty in the Department of Pharmacology at Columbia Univ. 2006-2010 Associated Faculty in the Irving Center of Cancer Research at Columbia since 06/2009 Alexander von Humboldt Professor in Department for Computer Sciences at the TUM Munich, Germany since 06/2009 Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies, IAS-TUM, Germany since 02/2012 Adjunct Prof., Inst. Food & Plant Sciences WZW - Weihenstephan-Freising, Germany Professional Organizations and Societies 1995-now Program Committee of ISMB (Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology) 1996-now Member of ISCB (International Society for Computational Biology) 2002-now Board of Directors ISCB (International Society for Computational Biology) 2002-now Member of NYAS (New York Academy of Sciences) 2005-2006 Vice President ISCB (International Soc. for Computational Biology) 2006 President Elect of ISCB (International Society for Computational Biology) 2007-2014 President of the ISCB (International Society for Computational Biology) Professional Experiences 1992-now Over 500 referee reports for peer-reviewed journals (including Nature, Science, PNAS, Cell, EMBO J) 1995-now Over 50 reviews of grants from individuals and institutes (countries: Austria, Canada, Denmark, England, Germany, Israel, Italy, Norway, Netherlands, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, USA); ad hoc panels for NIH and NSF, including role as chairman. 2001-now Ad-hoc panels for grants from the NIH, NSF and the European Community 2005-2009 Associate Editor of PLoS Computational Biology 2006-now Associate Editor of Bioinformatics 2006-now Associate Editor of Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 2009-now Deputy Editor of PLoS Computational Biology 2005-now Editorial Board of FASEB (representative from ISCB) 2006-now Editorial Board of Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics 2007-now Editorial Board of Bioinformatics and Biology Insights 2001-2006 Editorial Board of Journal of Medical Informatics 2002, 2005 Editor for ISMB (Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology) proceedings 2004-2006 Editorial Board of Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 2005-2006 Editorial Board of Bioinformatics 2002-2007 Organization of New York Computational Biology Society in the New York Academy of Sciences 1999-2005 SAB for company LION Biosciences, Heidelberg/Cambridge UK 2004-now Co-founder, CEO of BioSof, Delaware, USA Invited Talks (208 invited talks in 37 countries) 1988 (1) 12/1988: London, England: Workshop on Arms Control 1989 (2) 09/1989: Washington, DC, USA: Union of Concerned Scientists; 10/1989: Princeton, USA: Institute for Advanced Studies 1990 (3) 05/1990: Prague, CSFR: Workshop on Arms Control; 09/1990: Vienna, Austria: Conference on Arms Control; 10/1990: Mosbach, Germany: Conference on Arms Control 1992 (3) 06/1992: Elba, Italy: Conference
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