US00881.5911B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,815,911 B2 Pettersson et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 26, 2014 (54) ALFENTANIL COMPOSITION FOR THE WO WO-OOf 16751 A1 3, 2000 TREATMENT OF ACUTE PAIN WO WO-OOf 51539 A1 9, 2000 WO WO-01/30288 A1 5, 2001 WO WO-O2/O67903 A2 9, 2002 (71) Applicant: Orexo AB, Uppsala (SE) WO WOO3,OO5944 A1 1, 2003 WO WO-2004/067004 A1 8, 2004 (72) Inventors: Anders Pettersson, Kode (SE); Barbro WO WO-2006/097361 A1 9, 2006 Johansson, Uppsala (SE); Emil WO WO-2006,103418 A1 10, 2006 Schwan, Uppsala (SE) WO WO-2007/081948 A2 7, 2007 s WO WO-2007/081949 A2 7/2007 WO WO-2007/141328 A1 12/2007 (73) Assignee: Orexo AB, Uppsala (SE) WO WO-2008/068471 A1 6, 2008 - WO WO-2008/085765 A2 7, 2008 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this WO WO-2008, 106689 A2 9, 2008 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 W. W838887} h A. 5,588 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. WO WO-2010/059504 A1 5, 2010 WO WO-2010, 132605 A1 11, 2010 (21) Appl. 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O. 3 ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Scheduled timepoint (hours) FG 2 US 8,815,911 B2 1. 2 ALFENTANL COMPOSITION FOR THE form is adhered to the surfaces of larger carrierparticles in the TREATMENT OF ACUTE PAIN presence of a bioadhesive and/or mucoadhesive promoting agent. This application claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C. 119 of Prior art documents, including international patent appli United Kingdom patent application serial no. 1207701.2 filed 5 cations WO 03/005944, WO 02/067903, WO 2007/141328, on May 2, 2012, and of United Kingdom patent application WO 2010/132605, WO 01/30288 and US patent application serial no. 1221130.6 filed on Nov. 23, 2012, the disclosures of US 2009/0263476A1 employ pH modifying agents to pro which are each incorporated by reference herein in their mote dissolution and/or absorption of active ingredients. entireties. European patent application EP2114383, US patent appli This invention relates to new pharmaceutical compositions 10 cations US 2008/0268023, US 2009/0048237 and US 2011/ comprising alfentanil that are useful in the treatment of pain, 009 1544, and international patent applications WO 2007/ particularly acute, short-term pain associated with Surgical, 08.1949 and WO 2008/085765 on the other hand relate to diagnostic and/or care-related procedures, and may be formulations comprising (specifically-stated) non-ordered administered transmucosally and in particular Sublingually. mixtures of opioids, for example Sufentanil, bioadhesive and Opioids are widely used in medicine as analgesics. Indeed, 15 Stearic acid, which form a hydrogel in use (Sublingual deliv it is presently accepted that, in the palliation of moderate to ery). International patent application WO 2010/059504 severe pain, no more effective therapeutic agents exist. relates to a Sufentanil formulation comprising oxygen Scav Opioid agonist analgesics are used to treat moderate to engers in packaging to minimise degradation. It stated in that severe, chronic cancer pain, often in combination with non document that the use of antioxidants. Such as butylated steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), as well as acute hydroxytoluene (BHT) in solid sufentanil formulations do pain (e.g. during recovery from Surgery and breakthrough not stop degradation of the API. pain). Further, their use is increasing in the management of Dissolvable lozenges, in which drug is embedded in a chronic, non-malignant pain. matrix, are disclosed in US patent application US 2002/ Additionally, invasive Surgical and/or diagnostic proce 016.0043 and international patent application WO91/03237. dures often give rise to short-lasting but nonetheless intense 25 International patent application WO 2008/106689 and US pain, which it is desirable to control if possible. Painful, patent application US 2009/0011030 disclose powders for invasive diagnostic procedures such as Soft tissue biopsies are inhalation, but also cross-reference the fentanyl lollipop frequently performed, particularly on elderly patients. Pain ActiqR). ful therapeutic procedures Such as orthopedic manipulations, Layered tablets are disclosed in international patent appli fracture repositions, minor Surgery and invasive endoarterial 30 cation WO 2006/097361 and US patent application 2010/ interventions are frequent events in the hospital setting. Addi 0233257. In WO 2006/097361, a single compacted core is tionally, routine care procedures such as wound dressing, made from mannitol and microcrystalline cellulose (and bedside examinations, turning, transportation, mobilization optionally other excipients). This core is then coated with and various imaging procedures are other examples where active ingredient (such as an opioid) in a solution or Suspen short-lasting, moderate to severe pain is frequently reported. 35 Sion. A pH-modifying component may be added at this stage. Such pain is self-evidently a problem in itself. If particu Spray-coated formulations are also disclosed in US 2010/ larly intense, such pain, even if it is very short-lasting, can 0233257. Compressible interactive mixtures are neither men cause undesirable stress/trauma in patients. Furthermore, the tioned nor Suggested in either of these documents. fear/anticipation of Such pain can in itself give rise to stress/ pH dependent transport of cationic drugs has been studied anxiety in Some patients in need of Surgical and/or diagnostic 40 (see e.g. Palmetal, J. Pharmacol. Exp. Then, 291,435 (1999) procedures, and in Some cases may even result on non-com and Wang etal, Eur: J. Pharm. Sci., 39,272 (2010)). US patent pliance (i.e. consent not being given for the procedure). A application 2007/0104763 discloses a lozenge for intraoral particularly problem exists in those patients with a low toler delivery comprising micronized fentanyl dispersed in a ance to pain, Such as children. matrix comprising dextrose. US patent application 2009/ Moreover, for many of the above-mentioned procedures, 45 0263.476 refers to opioid-containing (e.g. fentanyl) buccal the quality of the intervention may depend upon effective pain tablets in which a filler is employed, which is an alkaline management. metal oxide or hydroxide to improve transmucosal drug There is thus a presently unmet clinical need for useful and absorption.
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