SPECIA L ISSUE .< ..y / h l Nx V Y / ;%4/ ; ' %'% 1! . ) - . - ( > N ? t . J *. # F A & : e B e TH E K :N YA G A ZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol. CVI- NO. 83 NAIROBI, 24th Septem ber, 2004 Price Sh. 40 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 7702 THE TRANSPORT LICENSING ACT (Cap. 404) APPLICATIONS TIIE undermentioned application will be considered by the Transport Licensing Board at Mombasa Koblenze Hall, on the following days: Monday. 27th September, 2004 - from MOMBASA/R/O4/I/OI to MOMBASA/R/04/1/28. Tuesday, 28th September, 2004 - from MOMBASA/B/04/1/29 to MOMBASA/B/O4/I/IO. ' W ednesday, 29th September, 2004. Thursday, 30th September, 2004 ) to consider deferfed cases and renewals for the year 2004. Friday, 1st October, 2004. ' E very ob jection in respect of an application shall'be lodged with licensing authority and ihe District Commissioner of the District in which such an application is to be heard and a copy therefore shall be sent to the applicant not less than seven dàys before the date of the meeting at which such an application is to be heard. Objections received later will not be considercd except where otherwise stated that the applications are for one vehicle. Applicants who are Kenyay ranzania or Uganda citizens of non-African origin must produce their certifîcates or any other documentary proof of their citizenship. and Ashpopulilcd atnhtesr ewfohroe , fnaoilt teox patetcetn fdu trhthee ra bcoovme mmueneitciant!lo anss pferor mre qthuei rBemoaerndt. of thi's notice, without a reasonable cause, will have their application refùsed ROAD SERVICE LICENCES M S/R04/3/0l S. G. Maina, P.O. Box 88, Muranga. Route: MS/lU04/3/08 E. H. Sharitl P.O. Box 35, Sultan Hamud. Nairobi - Thika - Muranga - Nyeri - Mugoiri Route; Nairobi - Mtito Andei and back. IKAS and back. IKAS 659N, 14P). 92SP, 14P). M5/R/04/3/()2 M . K. M waiti, P.O. Box 53131 - 00200, Nairobi. Route: Langata - Nairobi and M 5/W 04/3/09 A. C. Wachira, P.O. Box 144, Buruburu. back.tlG s 640R 14P). Route: Nairobi - Nyeri - Nanyuki and back. IIQAS 833N, l4P). MS/R/'04/3/03 M. (J. Hussein, P.O. Box 74, Uthiru. Route: Githurai - Nairobi and back. IKAS 496M). MS/R/04/3/l 0 Auto Selection Limited, P.O. Box 189, Maua. MS/R/04/3/04 N. M . Rinitari, P.O. Box 1241 , Embu. Route: Route: Mel'u - Maua - Nairobi and back. IIQAS Maua - Meru =' Chuka - Nairobi and back. 029R, 1 4P). IKAS 050Q, 33P). 515,* 04/3205 Bolpak Trading Limited, P.O. Box 43096' MS/W04/3/1 1 S. M. Kinuthia, P.O. Box 51210 - 00200, Mombasa. Route: Nyeri - Karatina - Nairobl2 Nairobi Route: Nairobi - Mertz and back. KAS and back. IKAS 078R, 14P), M 062Q, 26P). MS/R/04/3/06 S. M aina. P.O. Box 2221 0, Nairobi. Route: ' MS/R/04/3/l2 Auto Selection (K) Limited, P.O. Box 60930, imbasakasi - Jogoo Road - Nairobi and back. Nairobi. Route: Nairobi - Karen - Ngong and IKAS 597P, l4P). back. (KAS 637A, 14P). M5/:./04/3/07 J. Choke, P.O. Box 1 5573 - 001 00, Nairobi. MS/R/04/3/13 Jessikay Enterprises Limited, P.O. Box 40814, Route: Town - Eastleigh and back. (KAS Mombasa. Route: Nàirobi - Embu - Meru and 809W, 14P). back. IKAS l 75P, 14P). ' 67 109 2110 THE KENYA GAZETTE 24th September, 2004 ROAD SpxvlcBLlcExcEs--tctmrl.l :'B'' CARRIERS LIcENcEs---(Cgnl#.) M5/W04/3/14 Jessikay Entemrises Limited, P.O. Box 57473 M5/8/04/3/36 Woodventure (K) Limited, P.O. Box 84809, Nairobi. Route: Wangige - Gacbie - IJNEP - Mombasa. Route: Within Kenya IKAS 846L, Nairobi and back.(KAS.957L, 14P). pick-up). ' ' ,' Ms /ft/04/3/15 T. o. ogendo, p.o. Box 155:1 ,xairobi'. M5/8/04/3/37 Supper Meat Suply, P.O. Box 90564, Route: Kibera - Community - Railways and Mombasa. Route: Within Kenya. IIf.ZU 152). back. IKAS 954P, 14P). Msm/()4/3y38 Grand PaintsP.O. Box 301 35, Nairobi. Route; ' , MS/W04/3/16 T. 0. Ogendo, P.O. Box 1558 1 ,Nairobi. ' ' ' Within Kenya. IKAL 967t1 pick-up). Route: Kibera - Community - Railways and Ms/8/(/4/3/39 Esuke Transporter Limited, P.O. Box A 1 672, back. IKAS 95315 14P). Aom' basa. Route: Within Kenya. (KAS 0248, MS/R/04/3/17 M. C. Mbugua, P.O. Box 1 70, Thika. Route: Coter). ' Dagoretti - Kikuyu - Nairobi and back. IKAS vs/s/()g/g/4() o. N. Ngari, P.O. Box 236. Route: Witiin 274R, 14P). Kenya. IKAL 4j()u ,pick-up). MS/W04/3/18 ' Auto Selection Limited, P.O. Box 84869, uss/V/3/41 Inochem Enterprises, P.O. Box 16641 - 80100, Mombasa. Route: Kiambu - Nairobi and back. M ombasa, Route: Within Kenya IKAS 1.5811, IKAS 591R, 14). ' Puk-up). M S/W 04/3/19 Al - malik Brothers P.O. Box 99378 us/B/()4/3/42 M ! ! . s. Vatheka, P.O. Box 82048, Mombasa. Mombasa. Route: Rongal - Langata - Nairobl . Route: within Kenya IKAS 808L). and back. IKAS 832P, 14P). M S/B/04/3/42 Johnka Enterprises, P.O. Box 82048, M-''' 57- /04/3/20 African Medical & Research Foundation. P.O. Mombasa. Route: Within Kenya. IKAS 850L): Box 27691 - 00506, Nairobi. Route: Within . ' Kenya. IKAS 514M, 29P). M5/8/04/3/43 Simba Bakery Limited, P.O. Box 80393, ' Mombasa. Route: Within Kenya. IKAL 8628. M' S/lt/04/3Q1 P. G. Njoroge, 'P.O. Box 4519, Nairobi. Route: ' ; Uthirtz - Kino - Kangem' i - Nairobi and M5/8/04/3/44 M s M. Alseir, P.O. Box 82399, Mombasa. ' r ' backtlG s 6941). Route: Within Kenya (KSQ 984, pick-up). x (7' . M5/R/04/3/22 '-- B Gachanja, P.O. Box 63724 Nairobi. Route: M5+/04/3/45 S. M. Mathumbi, P.O. Box 1 159, Wundanyi. Nairobi - Tllika - Gatundu and back. IKAS Routt: Within Kenya IKXA 471, pick-up). .916R 26P). M5/8/04/3/46 Top Centre, P.O. Box 86587, Mombasa. Route; UB' CARRIERS LlcExcEs Within Kenya. IKAM 58514, pick-up). M5+/04/3/23 Jessikay Enterprises Limited P.O. Box 40814, M5/8/04/3/47 Famo Forwarders u mjua, .j,.o. sox 81400, Mombasa. Route: Menz - Em, bu - Nairobi and ' Mombasa. Route: Within Kenya. IKAJ 839Y). back. (KAS 54415 14P). ' M5/8/04/3/48 D. M. Kingoti,' P.O. Box 89l 77, Mombasa. M5/W04/3/24 F. Macharia, P.O. Box 33600, Nairobi. Route: Route; Within Kenya IK.ZX 399, pick-up). Nairobi - Limuru - Nakuru and back. IKAS ' ' ' 158R l4P). M5/8/04/3/49 Nishirin Limited, P.O. Box 42905, Mombasa. , Route: Within Kenya. IKAC 862V, pick-up). M5+ /04/3/25 K. J. Alemus P.O. Box 64506, Nairobi. Route: MS/B/04/3/50 L. W . M tana, P.O. Box 89900, Mombasa. Kangundo - Nairobi and back. IILAS 277Q, R ' 34P). oute: Within Kenya. IKZW 325, pick-up). M5/R/04/3/26 M M S/B/04/3/51 Redeemed Gospel Church, P.O. Box 88682, . Benson, P.O. Box 9.0, Chogoria. Route; Meru - Maua - Nairobi and back, IKAS Mombasa. Route: Within Kenya. II(.AK 481J). 910P)' M5/8/04/3/52 A1 - Malik Brothers Limited, Route: Within MS/W04/3/27 S. T. Dukow, P.O. Box 16265, Nairobi. Route: Kenya. (KAR 163F, pick-up). Eastleigh - Pangani - Nairobi and back. IKAP Ms/8/:4/3/53 Njmrod Mombasa Limited, P.O. Box 45738 205W, 26P). xairobi. Route: Within Kenya IKAP 800A). M5/W 04/3/28 Starliners Limited, P.O. Box 10061, Nairobi. us/sm4/3/54 Auto Selection Limited , P.O. Box 8469. Route: Sirare - Mombasa and back. Mombasa M ombasa. ' Route: Within Kenya. (KAQ 9470, - Kakame'ga and back. IKAS 2 13B, KAS 214B, KAS 57251, ICAS 573M 56,62P). MS/B/04/3/55 Grand Paints, P.O. Box 4332 1 , Mombasa. /5/8/04/3/29 F Route: Within Kenya. IKAM 229V, van). N. Mungai, P.O. Box 97486, Mombàsa. Routq: Within Kenya. (KWD 503). ' M5/8/04/3/56 Blue Cat Port Limited, P.O. Box 83053. ' ' M ombasa. Route: Within Kerlya IKAP 890T). ' MS/B/û4/3/30 Lightwares Co., P.O. Box 87331, Mombasa. Route: Within Kenya. IKAQ 0528, pick-up). M5/8/04/3/57 Shin - Ace Garments Limited, P.O. Box ' - . 87337. Rouke: Within' Kenya IKAQ 670Y). MS/B/04/3/31 Caltex 0i1 (K) Limited, P.O. Box 30061 , ' Nairobi. Route: Within Kenya. IKAL 085S). MS/B/04/3/58 Pwani Feeds, P.O. Box 8050 1 Mombasa. Route: Within Ken' ya IKAP 536W, van). M5/8/04/3/32 Limutti Holdings Limited, P.O. Box 82596, ' Mombasa. Route: .Within Kenya. IKAP 9958, M5/8/04/3/59 Miritini Building Project, P.O. Box 84653, pick-up). Mombasa. Route: Within Kenya (KAK 429J, . M5/8/04/3/33 Bundu Sports Tours, P.O. Box 4 1 696, pick-up). ' Mombasa. Route: Within Kenya. IKAD 752Q, MS/B/04/3/60 Kenya Ports Authority, P,O. Box 95009, pick-up). Mombasa. Route: Within Kenya IKAR 147L). M5/8/04/3/34 S. 0. Akuom, P.O. Box 95124, Mombasa. MS/B/04/3/6l Miritini Buildin' g Products, P.O. Box 84653, .-- -- ' Route: Within Kenya. (KAD 361 M). Route: Within Kenya IKAS 314K, pick-up). ksm/04/3/35 A. ondego, p.o. Box 89p88, Mombasa. Route: Ms/B/04/3/62 puriki Mills, P.0. Box 79126, Nairobi. Route: within Kenya IKAP 069D.'pick-up).
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