The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448 [email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus Vol. 35 No. 5 Aug.—Sept. 1957 •James E. Armstrong, '25 Editor John N. Cackley, Jr., '37 Managing Editor A standing ovation from 800 alumni demonstrated their enthusiasm for the academic degree presentation to Van Wallace, '27, at the Reunion Weekend banquet. Left to right: John W. Brennan, '27, Detroit, Mich., national Class Vice-President of the Notre Dame Alumni Association; Joseph F. Leek, Van's traveling companion; Van Wallace; John Cackley, banquet toastmaster, of the Alumni Office staff; and Father Hesburgh, who awarded the degree to Van. Story on page 2. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Professors Don Plunkett, '29 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Officers And Carl Mathes Die in May JOSEPH I. O'NEILL, '36 Honorary President J. PATRICK CAN.VY, '28 President PATRICK J. FISHER, '36 Two prominent Notre Dame faculty fessor Matlies wrote many Masses, in­ Club Vice-President members died during the second strumental compositions and songs and JoH.v W. BREN.N-AN, '27 . semester. Professor Donald J. Plunkett, a number of these have been performed . Class Vice-President '29, acting head of tiie Department of by the Philadelphia S>'mpIiony Or­ JOSEPH E. WHALE.V, '29 .... Biology and a member of the Univer- chestra which is conducted by one Fund Vice-President sit)''s staff for 25 years, suffered a fatal of his close friends, Eugene Ormandy. JAMES E. .AR.MSTRONC, '25 Secretary heart attack on May 19. Associate pro­ i Directors to 1958 fessor Carl Mathes, pianist, organist, composer and teacher of the Notre JoH.s- W. BRENN-AN, '27 Van Wallace Given American Blower Corp., Detroit 32, Mich. Dame Department of Music, died May J. PATRICK CANNY, '28 12. Mr. Matlies had been blind since Degree at Banquet 14700 Clifton Blvd., Cleveland, Ohio birth and his deatli closed a career of PATRICK J. FISHER, '36 David Van Wallace, '27, of Mt. 605 E. 42nd St., Indianapolis, Ind. more than 33 years of leadership in Clemens, Mich., received an honorary JOSEPH E. WHALEN, '29 tlie music field. Hotel Ft. Des Moines, Des Moines, Iowa baclielor of science degree at tlie an­ Prior to joining tlie Notre Dame nual alumni banquet on June 8 witli faculty in 1932, Professor Plunkett Rev. Theodore M. Hesbui^h, C.S.C, Directors to 1959 taught biology presenting the degree to Van. A for­ at Carroll Col­ OSCAR JOHN DORWI.V, '17 mer Notre Dame athlete. Van Wallace Texas Company lege, Helena, has been paralyzed since his freshman 135 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N. Y. Mont. He was year in 1924 as the result of a swim­ EDMOND R. HAGGAR, '38 awarded a mas­ ming pool diving accident. For almost Haggar Company ter of science 6113 Lemmon Avenue, Dallas, Texas 33 years he has been confined to an degree by the EUGENE M. KENNEDY, '22 ambulator)' cot. The Notre Dame Club University of 174 South Mansfield .Avenue Illinois in 1937. of Detroit a few years ago, with the Los .•\ngcles 36, Calif. help of a local women's organization FR/\NCIS L. LUWDE.N, '36 Professor 701 College Highway, Evansville, Ind. Prof. Don Plunkett Plunkett \\'as a in tliat city, raised enough money to Directors to 1960 member of the Indiana Academy of send Van to the Lourdes shrine in Science and the American Association France. They also purchased a station LEO J. VOCEL, *17 for the Advancement of Science. He is Vv'agon for him, specially designed for Union Trust BIdg., Pittsburgh, Pa. his comfort. RJWJIOND W. DURST, '26 sur\'ived by his widow, Dorothy; a son, 840 Lathrop Ave., River Forest, III. James T., Notre Dame sophomore; and Many alumni and otlier friends of JULES K. DE L,\ VERGNE, '33 two daughters. Colleen and Patsy. Also tlie University have seen Van's "wagon" 413 Pere Marquette Bldg. sur\'iving are tliree brothers, Devere at football games in tlie stadium as well New Orleans, Louisiana WILLIAM E. COTTER, JR., '41 Plunkett, '30, assistant dean of tlie Col­ as at student pep rallies in the field 114 Laurie St., Duluth 3, Minn. lege of Arts and Letters; Roy and John house. He attends various gatherings Plunkett, both of Detroit; and one of the Detroit Alumni Club and is a Chairmen of the 1957 Committees | sister. Miss Be.«sie Plunkett of Cadillac, frequent visitor on campus. Van is e.K- Midi. Funeral services were held in tremely active, although paralyzed from J. PATRICK CANNY Executive Sacred Heart Church at Notre Dame. tlie neck down, inasmuch as he is an PATRICK J. FISHER Club Activities Professor Mathes was one of the JoH.N W. BRENNAN Class Activitic: avid reader, sells insurance and can JOSEPH E. WHALEN \ commimity's fine artists and was not typewrite letters. Van's promising Foundation^ Alumni Fund and Giftsi only a compe­ athletic career as a basketball and base­ FRANCIS L. LAYDEN | tent musician ball player on Fighting Irish teams was Preparatory School Relations JOHN W. BRE.N.VAN f but was also a cut short by the crippling accident in linguist. He Job Counseling and Placementl 1924. OSCAR JOH.V DORWI.V Inter-Alumni Affairs] won interna­ Van has not achieved his youthful JOSEPH E. WHALEN \'~ tional fame a ambition of becoming a practicing engi­ ,1 Prestige and Public Relations^ few years ago EUGENE M. KENNEDY j neer. Instead, he has attained some­ when a Christ­ Religion and Citizenship'/ thing infinitely more worthwhile, he EDMOND R. HAGGAR AND j mas carol pro­ has become a great "institution" at EUGENE M. KENNEDY Nominations. gram he ar- FRANCIS L. LAYDEN Budget and Finance Notre Dame and a tremendous inspi­ Prof. Carl Mathes ^^^^j f^^ ^he PATRICK J. FISHER Resolutions ration to alumni everywhere. His choir of Our Lady of Hangar)' Church mother and his sister were present when This maganne is publlslird bi.iiiont}il}' b)' the Univcttity of Notre Dame, Xotre in South Bend was taped and broad­ he was awarded tiie degree by Father Dame, Ind. Entered as second class mat­ cast to countries behind the Iron Cur­ Hesburgh. Van, truly, is representative ter Oct. 1, 1939, at the Post OfBcc, Notre Dame, Ind. under the act of Aug. 24, 1912. tain by the Voice of America. Pro­ of the real Notre Dame spirit! Notre Dame Alumnus, August-September, 1957 More than 800 alumni returned to the campus for the Reunion VS'eekend program on June 7, 8 and 9. Early arrivals on Thursday were members of the N. D. Monogram Chxb who enjoyed a golf outing and business session. Class dinners on Friday evening and 'Class Masses the following morning were two of the features on the week­ end agenda. Alumni heard national president Pat Canny and Rev. Theo­ dore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., speak at the alumni banquet on Saturday night. ijAn innovation on the program was the Field Mass celebrated in the Com- mtmity Cemetery on Sunday morning for all alumni. Rev. John Wilson, C.S.C., '32, also preached the sermon. Members of the Classes of 1907, 1912, 1917, 1922, 1927, 1932, 1937, 1942, 1947 and 1952 registered on Fri­ day afternoon and Friday evening at the Law Building and in the various residence halls. An all-day golf tourna­ Observing their Golden Jubilee are these members of the 1907 Cbiss. ment attracted numerous alumni on Saturday and winners were awarded . prizes that evening at the alumni banquet by Father George Holderith, CS.C. Special features of the weekend in­ 800 Return for cluded Father Hesburgh's luncheon for tlie Silver Jubilee Class (1932), the ..band alumni meeting, the presentation of Sherwood Anderson papers and the Reunion Program Lafcadio Heam collection to the Uni­ versity Librar)' by John Paul Cullen, '22, and John Bennett Shaw, '37, re­ 10 Classes Celebrate Anniversaries spectively, and the various "informal hours" conducted by the Colleges of Engineering, Arts and Letters, Science, Commerce and Law. Alumni, who graduated in 1932, enjoyed their Silver Jubilee during Reunion Weekend. Notre Dame Alumnus, August-September, 1957 '•:m::2^m^mmm^m ^ustodazf, '^••'li,^-- TIP*- .;"'V 'fyWff\/^. New Members of Advisory Council Fr. Bachofer Named Acting Biology Head (^ Five businessmen have been appointed to the Rev. Qetus S. Bachofer, C.S.C, has been ap­ Advisory Council for the College of Commerce pointed acting head of the department of biology according to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C. at Notre Dame, according to an announcement The newly named members are William H. by Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C, president. Coleman, partner in Ball, Burge and Kraus, A radiation biologist. Father Bachofer succeeds Cleveland, Ohio, brokerage firm; Robert H. Gore, the late Professor Donald J. Plunkett who was Jr., The Governors' Club Hotel, Fort Lauderdsile, also serving as acting department head. Father Fla.; James M. Morrison, The Morrison Construc­ Bachofer currently is engaged in research deal­ tion Co., Hammond, Ind.; Richard A. O'Connor, ing with the effects of radiation on the nerves chairman of The Magnavox Corp., Fort Wayne, of animals. The project is supported by the Ind.; and Hugh M. O'Neill, president of Anchor U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. He also con­ Motor Freight, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio. ducts classes in radiation biology and physiology. James Gerity, Jr., president of the Gerity- A native of Salina, Kansas, Father Bachofer was '? Michigan Corp., Adrian, Mich., is chairman of graduated from Notre Dame in 1938 and re­ the 41-member advisory group which meets ceived a doctorate from the University of Chicago semi-annually on the campus.
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