of the 1993 IEEURSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems Yokohama,Japan July 2630,1993 Toward the Control of Attention in a Dynamically Dexterous Robot* A. A. Rizzi +and D. E. Koditschek University of Michigan, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Abs t kact ’ recent successful effort to achieve the spatial two- batting two freely falling balls into independent Figure 1: The Yale Spatial Juggler [lo] 1 dtroduction must stress considerations of update and latency over mere throughput. Moreover, the process of extracting a little in- formation from a lot of data is driven toward the minimum that will suffice for the task at hand rather than striving for the most that might logically be had. Finally, when previously sensed data mediates the collection of new in- formation, a stability problem may result. The architecture of our original setup is briefly reviewed in Section 2. The recent success of the two-juggle could not have found that there is already enough room have been achieved without the enhancements to the vision in getting its management right as to presage system that we describe in Section 3. Although the work- important and novel problems that might be ing enhancements were developed in an ad hoc manner and implemented through a process of empirical trial and error, we suspect that the resulting system (or, at least, a suitably polished version thereof) should admit a relatively simple formal description. In Section 4 we present our progress in particularly simple case. rendering such a formal description with the hope of pro- moting a more principled approach to solving such sensory control problems when we encounter them in the future. a1 world. Such sensors must be dynamical in 2 Juggling Apparatus Our juggling system, pictured in Figure 1, consists of three major components: an environment (the ball); the robot; and an environmental sensor (the vision system). After briefly sketching the properties of the first two of these we describe the originally conceived vision system in this sec- tion. All of this material has been presented in greater depth in [9, 81. constraints to meet, the management of resources Buhler et al. [4] proposed a novel strategy for implicitly commanding a robot to “juggle” by forcing it to track a reference trajectory generated by a distorted reflection of the ball’s continuous trajectory. This policy, the recourse a “mirror law,” amounts to the choice of a map m from the phase space of the body to the joint space of the robot. A ~ 0-7803-0823-9/93/$3.00(C) 1993 IEEE 123 robot reference trajectory, to a small window of a threshold-sampled (thus, binary val- ued) image of each field. Thresholding, of course, neces- r(t) = m(b(l), i)(l)), (1) sitates a visually structured environment, and we presently illuminate white ping-pong balls with halogen lamps while is generated by the geometry of the graph of m and the putting black matte cloth cowling on the robot, floor, and dynamics of ball, b(t). This reference trajectory (along with curtaining off any background scene. Thus, the “world” the induced velocity and acceleration signals) can then be as seen by the cameras contains only one or more white directly passed to a robot joint controller. In following the balls against a black background. In the case that only prescribed joint space trajectory, the robot’s paddle pursues one white ball is presented, the result of this simple “early a trajectory in space that periodically intersects that of the vision“ strategy is a pair of pixel addresses, c E IR4, con- ball. The impacts induced at these intersections result in taining the centroid of the single illuminated region seen by the desired juggling behavior. each camera. Central to this juggling strategy is a sensory system cap Figure 2 depicts the sensor management scheme we had able of “keeping it’s eyes on the ball.” We require that employed to obtain ball positions in support of the previ- the vision system produce a 1 KHz signal containing estim- ously reported spatial one juggle [9]. Each camera is ser- ates of the ball’s spatial position and velocity (six measure- ments). Denote this “robot reference rate” by the symbol r, = 10-3sec. Two RS-170 CCD television cameras consti- tute the “eyes” of the juggling system and deliver a frame consisting of a pair of interlaced frames at EO Hz, so that a new field of data is available every rj = 16.6. 10-3sec. The CYCLOPS vision system, described in [8, 51, provides the hardware platform upon which the data in these fields are used to form the input signal to the mirror law, (1). The remainder of this section describes how this is done. Figure 2: Timing Diagram for the Deployment of a Two 2.1 Triangulation and Flight Models Node Cyclops System in Support of Single Ball Sensing [lo] We work with the simple projective stereo camera model, viced by a pair of processors. A field from a camera is p:R3-+R4 acquired in time 7, by one of the pair while the other is busy computing its centroid. The necessary computations that maps positions in affine 3-space to a pair of image will take longer than the allotted time, r~,if more than plane projections in the standard manner. Knowledge of the about 1200 pixels are examined. Thus, the moments are cameras’ relative positions and orientations together with taken over a small subwindow of 30 by 40 pixels centered knowledge of each camera’s lens characteristics (at present at the pixel location corresponding to the centroid address we model only the focal length) permits the selection of a of the previously examined field. The pair of image plane “pseudo-inverse,” centroids, c E R4,is delivered to the vision coordinator at p’ : R4 --+ R3, field rate, and is between one and two fields old, depending such that pt o p = idRs. We have discussed our calibration upon how much time it takes to form the centroid. procedure and choice of pseudo-inverse at length in previous In summary, centroid data from one processor is passed publications [9, 81. over to the second whose window coordinates are adjusted For simplicity, we have chosen to model the ball’s flight accordingly. Note that this represents the active compon- dynamics as a point mass under the influence of gravity. A ent in the sensing strategy upon which more attention will position-time-sampled measurement of this dynamical sys- be focused below. The data is passed forward as well to tem will be described by the discrete dynamics, the triangulation/observer processor. The two nodes then reverse roles, and the process repeats. a ~j+l= Fa(~j) = A,wj + U,; 2.3 Signal Processing Given a report of the ball’s position from the triangulator, we employ a linear observer to recover its full state - po- where s denotes the sampling period, ZI is the gravitational sitions and velocities. As described above, the window op- erates on pixel data that is at least one field old, acceleration vector, and wj E IR?. Pk = F-‘’ (Wk), 2.2 Sensory Management to produce a centroid. we use pk as an “extra” state vari- able to denote this delayed image of the ball’s state. Denote Following Andersson’s experience in real-time visual servo- by wkthe function that takes a white ball against a black ing [l]we employ a first order moment computation applied background into a pair of thresholded image plane regions ~ ~~ and then into a pair of first order moments at the ICth field. ‘In the case of a one degree of freedom ann we found that a simple The data from the triangulator may now be written as PD controller worked quite effectively [3]. In the present setting, we have found it necessary to introduce a nonlinear inverse dynamics ik = pt 0 0 P(cPk). based controller [Ill. The high performance properties of this control- wk (3) ler notwithstanding, our present success in achieving a spatial two- Thus, the observer operates on the delayed data, juggle has required some additional “smoothing” of the output of the law described in a companion article mirror [6]. $k+1 F” (p;)- G(C$k - bk), (4) 124 the gain matrix, G E is chosen so that A, + behavior. Finally, their addition to the original sensor man- is asymptotically stable - that is, if the true delayed agement system introduces the first hint in our work that Cp,, were available then it would be guaranteed that controlling the machine’s “state of attention” may be an 2 important and fundamental problem in robotics. the mirror law an appropriately extrapolated version of these estimates as follows. The 3.1.1 Occlusion Detection corrected by the prediction, Bringing the two one-juggle tasks closer together in space greatly increases the potential for the balls to pass arbitrar- e Lk denotes the time required by the centroid com- ily close together in a particular image resulting in an occlu- at the kih field. Subsequently, the mirror law is sion event. Handling such situations requires either the abil- next entry in the sequence, ity to detect and reject images containing occlusions, or to locate the balls reliably in spite of the occlusion. Our disin- clination to pursue the second option relates to our interest in exploring robust and extensible algorithms suited to our until the next estimate, $k+l is ready. computational resources. While a two-ball occlusion can be relatively easily disambiguated, more balls or more complic- ated shapes give rise to increasingly difficult and computa- 3 bensing Issues Arising from Actuator Con- traint s tionally intensive geometric problems.
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