32 The Billboard ROUTES -GENERAL INDOOR NEWS May 23, 1936 F Martel, Gus: (Stork) New York, no. Fan,Billy:(ClubHollywood)Springfield,Martell, Paul: (Arcadia) New York, b. Van Duzer, Roger: (Larchmont Casino) Larch- Mass., nc. Martin, Ted: (Childs' Paramount) NYC, re. mont, N. Y.,- ro. Matteson, George:(McPherson's Point)Co- qatanae fake Farmer, Willie: (Leon and Eddie's) New York, nesus Lake, N. Y., nc. Veil, Tubby: (Bruns' Palm Garden) Chi,c.. Masters, Frankie: (Edgewater Beach) Chi, h. By BETTY HUNTINGTON Ferdinando, Angelo: (Great Northern) NYC, h. Mayno,Artie:(Belmont Grill)Bridgeport,Wallace, Soy: (Avenue Tavern) Indianapolis, Fiddler, Max: (Towne Club) Pittsburgh, nc. Conn., re. nc. Jackie (Kiki) Roberts (Mrs. Cook to Fields, Shep: (Pierre) NYC, h. Meadowbrook Boys: (Versailles) NYC, re. Waterhouse, Frank: (400 Club) Wichita, Kan.,you)is back in town for the summer Finch, Freddie:(Club Paramount) La Salle,Meeker, Bobby: (Pal.) San Francisco, h. no. with her husband, Ted Cook, who has /11.nc. Meir, Harvey: (Gayety Village) Chi, c. Watts, Kenny:(Dicky Wells) Harlem, New Fischer, Art:(Dutch's) Chi,c. Meeker, Paul: (Shawnee) Springfield, 0., h. York, nc._ accepted an engagevaent at the Hotel Fisher, Mark: (Roosevelt) New Orleans, h. Meo, Jimmy: (Royale -Frolics) Chicago, no. Weeks, Ranny: (Cocoanut Grave) Boston, re. Saranac as piano player with the or- Fodor, Jerry: (Veterans' Club) Toledo, 0., no.Meroff, Benny: (Fox) Detroit, t. Weems, Ted: (Palmer House) Chicago,h. chestra.Jackie looks well and is taking Fomeen, Basil: (Waldorf-Astoria) NYC: h. Messner, Dick: (Park Central) NYC, h. Welkly, Wee Willy: (Columbia)Columbia,her pneumo refills here at the Lodge. Four Aces: (Roxy Club) Chi, nc. Meyers, Jack: (Club New Yorker) New York, N. J., h. Francisco, Don: (Bal Tabarin) San Francisco, no. Weiser, Leo: (Michigan Tavern) Niles, midi., Tommy (Hoofer) Vicks is still in town. nc. Miller, Joe: (Casa Blanca) Chi, no. nc. and curing at Downing's cottage on Franklin, Sid: (Yacht Club) NYC, nc. Miller, Russ: (Edgewood) Treton, N. J. West,Neil;(Colonial)Fostoria, 019-20;Main street.We're glad to know he is Fray, Jacques: (St. Regis) NYC, h. Miller, Walter: (Breakers) PalmBeach, (State)Greenville, 0.,21;(Murphy) Wil- Frisco, Sammy: (Tuite & Dean's) Chi, c. Fla., h. mington, 0.,22-23, t. up and around again after a rather Funk, Wash: (4444 Club) Cincinnati, nc. Minor, Frank: (Barrel of Fun) NYC, nc. White, Dave: (Oasis Grill) New York City, re.serious attack of pneumonia. G Mooney, Art: (Oasis) Detroit, nc. Widmer, Bus:(Gladstone) Casper, Wyo., h. John (Harry Lauder) Louden will go Gasparre, Dick: (Savoy. Plaza) New York, h.Moore, Carl: (Normandie) Boston, b. Williams, Griff: (Aragon) Chi, b. Geering, Bob: (Jockey Club) Dayton, 0., re.Morgan, Russ: (Biltmore) NYC, h. Williams,Joe: (MarkTwain)Hannibal,in for dramatic stock this summer. At Gendron,.Henry: (Guyon's Paradise) Chi, b. 'Mullaney, Johnnie: (73revoort) Chi, h. Mo., h. present he is busy directing Peg o' My Gentry, Tom: (Walled Lake) Detroit, b. N Woods, Howard: (Robert Treat) Newark, h.Heart with someofSaranac'slocal Gilberto, Don: (Toreador) New York, no. talent and sponsored by the Saranac Gill, Emerson: (Lotus Gardens) Cleveland, nc.Nagel, Harold: (Rainbow Room) New York, Graham. Eddie: (Nut Club) New York, no. no. Yuhasz, Johnny: (Durant) Flint, Mich., h. Lake Craft Guild. Grant, Douglas: (Leonardo) Newbury, Mass.,Nance, Ray: (Dave's Cafe) Chi,c. Hannah (Zimmie) Zimmerman had a re. Nash, Joey: (Mounds Country Club) St. Louis, surprisevisitfrom her hubby and Gray, Glen: (Rainbow Room) NYC, nc. Mo., cc. Zarin, Michael: (Waldorf-Astoria) New York,friends last week, who drove up from Green, Johnny: (Earle)Phila, Navarre, Ted (Roseland) Brooklyn, N. Y., br.Zatour, Joseph: (Biltmore) New York, h. t. Navarro, Al: (Belvedere) Baltimore, h. Zwilling, Sid: (Belleview) Belleaire, Fla., cc.New York and found her well on the Grunau, Harry: (Torch Club) Canton, 0., nc.Newman, Ruby: (Rainbow Grill) RockefellerZwolin, Ted: (Moulin Rouge) Detroit, c. mend. Center, N. Y., no. Hail, Ewen: (Plaza) San Antonio, h. Niebaur,Eddie:(Casino Moderne) Chicago, Eddie (Four Carhons) Ross has re- Hall, George: (Taft) New York, h. no. DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL turned to the Lodge after his second rib Hall, Sleepy: (Lord Baltimore) Baltimore, h.Noble, Ray: (Paramount) NYC, t. operation, which was performed at the Halstead,Henry: (Jefferson)St.Louis,Norvo, Red: (Commodore) NYC, h. At }tome Abroad: (Grand) Chi 18-23. General Hospital here by our "Old lie,. Mo., h. Nolan, Bob: (Gibson) Cincinnati, h. Awake and Sing: (Selwyn) Chi 18-23. liable" staff surgeon, Dr. W. Woodruff. Hamilton, George: (Mark Hopkins) San Fran- 0 Boy Meets Girl: (Victory) Dayton, 0., 20-21;of Saranac Lake.Eddie is doing nicely. cisco, h. O'Connell, Mac: (Larchmont Casino) Larch- (Hartman) Columbus 22-23;(Cass) Detroit Hamp, Johnny: (Peabody) Memphis, Tenn., h. mont, N. Y., nc. 25-30. JimmieCannon,former saxophone Handelman,Phil:(Fifth Avenue) NYC,h.Olman, val: (Ambassador) NYC, b. OldMaid: (Boulevard)JacksonHeights,player with Ray Noble's Orchestra and Hanson,Lloyd: (MarcusWhitman) WallaOlson. Walter: (New Julius) Gardenville, N. N. Y., 18-23. husband of Marion (NVA) Cannon, is Walla, Wash., .h. Y., re. Personal Appearance: (Belasco) Los Angelescuring at Northwoods San, and with Hargraves, Bobby: (Kit Kat Club) NYC, nc.Oregonians, The: (Veterans) Myrtle Point, 18-23. ' Hartley, Hal:" (Fairmount) Hull, Que.,- Can., Ore., b. Three Men on a Horse: (Harris) Chi 18-23. good reports.Marion is here at the cc. Osborne, Will: (Lowry) St. Paul, h. Three Men on a Horse: (Wilson) Detroit 18-23.Lodge and doing well. Harris, Claude: (Joey's Stables) Detroit, nc. Three Men on a Horse: (Broad St.) Phila 18- Ruth (Davis) Hatch, ex-NVA patient, Harris, Phil: (Arcadia) Phila, nc. 23. who left here last year, has given up her Heidt, Horace: (Drake) Chi, h. Pablo, Don: (National Roof) Peoria, /11., ne,Tobacco Road: (National) Washington, D. C., Henderson, Fletcher:(Grand Terrace)Chi,Pancho:(Pierre) NYC, h. 18-23. position in 'New York to take a much - no. Panico, Louis:(Olympic) Chicago, b. Tobacco Road: (Pal.) Hartford, Conn., 18-23.needed rest, when she will again resume Herbeck, Ray: (Multomah) Portland, Ore., h.Parham, Tiny: (Club Havana) Chi, nc. Winterset:(Cass) Detroit18-23; (Nixon)her duties,in the fall. Hess, Edith: (lVfeCleans) Pensauken, N. J., no.Parker, Johnny: (Stables) Chi, c. Pittsburgh 25-30. Hessberger, George: (Old Heidelberg) Milwau-Pearce, Red: (Jeff Davis) Tupelo, Miss., h. Johnnie DeGiovarmi, who blewin, kee, re. Peary, Bob: (Graemere) Chi, D. town for a brief visit and checkup last Hill, Teddy: (Ubangi) New York, nc. Pecoraro, Dick: (Monte Rosa) NYC, re. INDEPENDENT BURLESK week, has returned to Ramsay, N. J., to Hines, Earl: (Riverside) Milwaukee, t. Perry, Ron: (St. Moritz) New York, h. - continue his position as manager of a Hoffman, Earl: (Bon Air) Chi, cc. Peterson, Dee: (Anchor Club) Sandusky, 0.,Beauty Parade: (Werba) Brooklyn 18-23. theater there. Holmes, Herbie: (Ringside Club) Ft. Worth, ne. Hello, Paree: (Republic) NYC 18-23. Tex., no. Platt, Earl: (Broad Street Grill) Harrisburg,Melody Maids: (Bijou) Phila 18-23. Please check on your health to avoid Hopkins, Josh:(Club German) Pawtucket, Pa., re. Rounders: (Gayety) Baltimore 18-23. "the cure" and write to those you know R. I., no. Pollack, Ben: (Peabody) Memphis, Tenn., h.Sporty Widows: (Howard) Boston 18-23. in Saranac Lake. Howard, Ben: (Silver Tavern) Chi, no. Prima,Louis:(FamousDoor)Hollywood, Huntley, Lloyd: (Mount Royal) Montreal, h. Calif., no. Hutton, Ina Ray: (Shea's Hipp.) Toronto, t.Provost,Ed: (Donabues) Mountain View, MISCELLANEOUS J N. J., ne. Jewish WPA Unit Janis, Freddie: (Parody Club) Chicago, no. Pryor, Louis: (Rustic Tavern) Jasper, Ind., b.Almond, Jethro, Show: Hemp, N. C., 18-23. Jergens, Dick: (Palomar) Los Angeles, b. Purvis; Jack: (Thru Looking Glass) NewBaker's, M. L., Side Show: Knoxville, Tenn., Johnson,Charlie:(Small'sParadise)New York, no. 18-23. Opens With Success York, nc. R Becker,Magician:Madison,Wis.,18-23; Jones, Isham: (Palomar) Los Angeles. Rained, Paul: (Post Lodge) Larchmont, N. Y. Dodgeville 25-30. NEW YORK, May 16.-The Jewish unit Jordan.Faye:(Edgewater Club)Lafayette,Raeburn, Boyd: (Muehlebauh) Kansas City, h,Bragg Bros.' Show: West Canaan, N. H., 18- . La., no. Rainbow RamblerS: (Club Moose) Haverhill, 23; Canaan 25-30. of Federal Theater Project last Friday K Mass., no. Daniel, Magician; Avon, Ill.,18.23. presented at the Public Theater,66 Kavanaugh, George: (Blossom Heath) Detroit,Ramos, Ramon: (Forge Club) Miami. no. Dressen & Purcell Circus: Mt. Pulaski, Ill., 20;_SecOnd avenue, We Live and Laugh, a nc. Ravazza, Carl: (St. Francis) San Francisco, h. Stonington 21; Maroa 22; Assumption 23;musical revue made up of a series of Kavelin, Al: (WilliamPenn)Pittsburgh,Reader,Charles: (Fort Montague)Nassau, Bement 25; Sullivan 26; Pana, 27; Shelby- Pa., li. B. W. I., h. ville 28. sketches portraying various phases of Keener, Lee: (Madison) Jefferson City, Mo., h.Redell, Herbie: (Casino) Chicago,c. Harlan Med. Show: Brownsvilld, Pa., 18-23. Jewish life, both modern and old, and King, Bert:(Shelton) NYC, h. Regal, Tommy: (Syracuse) Syracuse, N. Y., h.Mel -Roy, Magician: Wheaton, Minn., 20; El-with settings depicting scenes in this Ring,Henry:(Mark Hopkins)San Fran-Regis, Del: (Anchorage) Phila, no. bow Lake 21; Breckenridge 25; Crosby 26-country and abroad. Fourteen individual cisco, h. Reichman, Joe:(Stotler) Boston, h. 27; Chisholm 28; Bovey 29; Cass Lake 30. Kirkham, Don: (Blakeland /nn) Denver, no.Reynolds, Buddy:(Rose Garden) Hannibal, numbers in all were offered, something Klein, Jules:(Stotler) Detroit, h. Mo., b. (See ROUTES on page 76) after the fashion of a vaudeville show, Knapp, Orville: (Waldorf-Astoria) NYC, h. Ricardel,Joe:(Jimmy Kelly's)Greenwich and were introduced by it master of cere- Korbin, Van: (Madison Casino) Chicago, c.
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