AECL-4767 ATOMIC ENERGY OF L'ENERGIE ATOMIQUE CANADA LIMITED DU CANADA, LI MITE E THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR LE PROGRAMME NUCLEO- POWER PROGRAM ELECTRIQUE DU CANADA A Brief to tiie Science Council of Canada Me'moire soumis au Conseil des Sciences Submitted December 1972 du Canada en decembre 1972 Chalk River, Ontario April 1974 avri! THE CANADIAN NUCLEAR POWER PROGRAM A BRIEF TO THE SCIENCE COUNCIL OF CANADA* Submitted December 197i Chalk River, Ontario, April, 1974 AECL-4767 * Previously issued as Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Unpublished internal Report CRNL-K9(>. December 1972. The Canadian Nuclear Power Program A Brief to the Science Council of Canada* Submitted December 1972 ABSTRACT Canada has a commercially viable and extremely successful nuclear power reactor program that has assured its position among those advanced nations that are reaping the benefits of the peaceful exploitation of nuclear power. This Brief describes the Canadian program and relates it to the world picture of nuclear power development, ii also traces the Canadian program through its present status to the long-term options that will maintain its position as a source ol very low cosl electricity. < - •' ,.. , Chalk River, Ontario April 1974 Al-;Cl.-47(,7 * Previously issued as Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Unpublished Internal Report CRNL-896, December 1972. Le programme nucléo-électrique du Canada Mémoire soumis au Conseil des Sciences du Canada en décembre 1972* Résun *! Le programme nucléo-électrique canadien comporte des centrales nucléaires économiquement viables et fonctionnant à merveille. Ce programme range le Canada parmi les nations avancées sachant tirer parti de l'exploitation pacifique de l'énergie nucléaire. On décrit le programme en question et on le compare aux développements nucléo-électriques des autres pays. Enfin, on envisage son évolution vers des options à long terme qui consolideront la position des réacteurs CANDU comme sources d'électricité très bon marché. L'Energie Atomique du Canada, Limitée Laboratoires Nucléaires de Chalk River Chalk River, Ontario April 1974 AECL-4767 * D'abord publié comme Rapport interne de l'EACL, sous le numéro CRNL-896 (Décembre 1972) CONTENTS Pag* 1. Introduction 1 2. Knerg> Needs 1 •I. Nuclear Power 3 4. CANDU-PHW Rearlorr, 7 5. Advanced CANDC Reactor Options 12 6. Fuel Cycles and Fuel Utilization 14 7. Long-Term Options lti 8. Common Problems -') 9. Specilif Canadian Considerations '-2 10. Summarj' of CANL)'.J IJ<iwer Kear-tor Ch.n-actcrisiiLS -H 11. Rt.'latpd Considerations -•' 1 2. Keferrns-es . ;i! 1. INTRODUCTION its simplest form, the forecast energy demand (Figure 1) is the product of two terms: This Brief provides a status report on AECL's* — the world's population, and applied research, development and utilization pro- gram on nuclear power and attempts to fit this into — the energy per capita. the world picture. To provide a frame of reference The predictions^'^'") assume that the present some data are included on topics of which AECL has "population explosion" cannot continue indefinitely no claim to specialised knowledge, e.g., energy ?.nd that some means will be found to provide a reserves and requirements. levelling off at 15 billion. It is further assumed that It contains summaries of and references to the the average energy per capita throughout the world technological information, rather than a discussion of by that time will be about five times the present the issues raised in the correspondence relating to the average for the USA and Canada. Science Council Energy Study. However, these issues are referred to with sufficient adequacy to enable further, mere detailed, information to be requested as required. The Brief also attempts to demonstrate that the AECL nuclear power program satisfies the criteria for a major project related to science policy. That is to say, it: — is socially responsible — has major Canadian innovative content Q/YEAR — involves the transfer of technology to industry as an integral part of the program — is beneficial to the national economy — is competitive internationally on the quality of the work. 2. ENERGY NEEDS Global 2100 The world's demand for energy continues to grow Figure 1 - Projected world energy demand from all sources. (O • at an ever-increasing rate and the eventual exhaustion 1018 BTU ~1021J> of conventional energy sources is now within sight. In * AECL— Atomic Energy of Canada Limited 200 000 100 000 50 000 NOTE: FROM 1957 - 1971 FROM 1972 - 1978 MW(e) Installed 1957 11621 Nuclear Power 1958 15594 Capacity 1959 21141 26848 MW(e) 1960 1961 48774 1962 71683 1963 92649 1964 118700 ESTIMATED 1965 148061 I 1966 172614 I 1967 189743 ) 1960 1965 1970 1975 1978 YEARS Figure 1a — Actual and projected world nuclear power capacity. (Power and Research Reactors in Member States — 1972 Edition, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1972) PRODUCTION |10' BABREIS PER YEAR! Figure 2 — Estimates of world oil production, indicating magnitude of uncertainty. (Scientific American, 225(3), p. 69, September 1971) I900 1935 1050 W7J 3000 2025 20.50 2075 2100 Figure 3 - Estimated world coa! production, indicating magnitude of uncertainty. The broken 20 | curve shows the trend if production were to con- PRODUCTION I O9 METRIC TONS tinue to rise at the present rate of 3.56% per year. PER YEAR) Coal mined and burned to date is shown shaded. (Scientific American, 225(3), p. 69, September 1971) 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2*00 2500 2600 The actual and projected growth of world nuclear the thermal stations is coal imported from the USA power capacity is shown in Figure la. Figure 2 shows and the predicted demand is such that, were it. not for that oil (and hence natural gas) production is nuclear power, $300 million per year would be spent expected to decrease from about the year 2000 and on US coal by 1980. Similarly, New Brunswick is Figure 3 indicates that coal production is likely to considering the importation of oil to generate and pass through a similar peak by 2200. The depletion of export electric power. these resources and an increasing requirement for As a whole, Canada is exceptionally well endowed pollution control will force up the cost of energy with both fossil and nuclear resources, having rela- from fossil fuels. Most of the economically accessible tively plentiful reserves of coal, petroleum and hydro-electric capacity is already tapped and the natural gas, about one fifth of the world's uranium remaining sites are not significant in the overall reserves and comparable amounts of thorium^). On a picture. Tidal and reothermal power do not offer per capita basis Canada has much more uranium than appreciable contributions. Solar power is sufficient the USA, a fact Lhat may help to explain some for all needs, but that it can be harnessed econo- differences in the nuclear power programs of the two mically seems most improbable. countries. Unlike fossil fuels, nuclear fuels are avail- Nuclear power provides the only known means of able throughout the country at an insignificant cost reconciling the world's energy demand with what is differential. If nuclear fuel were produced in Halifax available. Already, 28,365 MW(e) of nuclear power is and consumed in Vancouver, shipping the fuel, even operating throughout the world and a further by air freight, would contribute less than 0.03 216,185 MW(e) is committed (Table 1). In Section 6 m$/kWh. In the past, some regions have benefited we will show that the world contains enough uranium greatly from having available low-cost hydro-electric and thorium to satisfy all nuclear fuel requirements power. Now nuclear power offers the reality of for centuries. The possiblity that some completely low-cost power without these regional disparities. new energy source will be discovered cannot be if Canada, as an affluent nation, wishes to aid dismissed. However, we should recognize that, for third-world countries, CANDU (Canada Deuterium any major technology, the period from initial concept Uranium) reactors could be made available to them. to large-scale commercialization is at least 30 years. Abundant electric power would be of inestimable Thus, we must do the best we can with what we s r value and, for reasons that will be given later (Section already have until at least the 21 ' century. 11), the CANDU system is uniquely suitable for a developing country. Canadian Canadian energy demands to the year 2000 have 3. NUCLEAR POWER been estimated' ' for the various fuels. For the year 2000 the predicted needs, as ratios of the actual 1970 Nuclear power can be obtained from two reac- values, are 5 times for coal, 3 times for petroleum, 4 tions, fission and fusion. Since the feasibility of times for natural gas, 6.5 limes for electricity and 50 controlled power from fusion has not yet been times for uranium. demonstrated, it will be considered later under Within Canada there are oovious regional varia- long-term options (Section 7). The heat released tions in energy resources. For instance, Alberta, with during the decay of radionuclides can be converted to large reserves of fossil fuels, has no immediate fear of electricity and, strictly, this too is nuclear power. The an energy shortage. Ontario has no significant fossil Commercial Products group of AECL is using radio- fuel resources and is already exploiting all major active cobalt, a by-product of electric power from the hydro-electric sources within convenient reach of Pickering reactors, to provide highly reliable, long- load centres. Quebec and British Columbia are still lived power sources for unattended equipment in harnessing hydro-electric power, but at the expense remote locationst6'7'. However, the total power rrom of increased transmission line costs. The transporta- such sources is insignificant in thp present context.
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