LIGHTIN'G-UP TIME WEATHER FORECAST 7.59 P.M. Mainly Fine INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (EstabUshed 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 21—No. 1143 HAMILTON. BERMUDA. SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1936 3D PER COPY — AO/- PER ANNUM FRANCE WILL "ACCEPT" SANCTIONS' LIFTING GERMANY PLEASED BY SPEECH UQUOR LICENSE BILL SCHMELING KNOCKS OUT COMMONS HEAR STATE­ INVESTMENT CO's BILL VICE-ADMIRAL BEST IS AGAIN DEFERRED LOUIS IN ROUND 12 MENT ON PALESTINE POLICY BEFORE UPPER HOUSE PROMOTED ADMIRAL OF THE BRITISH PREMIER Long Session of Asembly Ex-Champion astonishes with Government's obligations to Banks' Bills Given a First Salute Fired at Dockyard Reading Yesterday Inclusion of Reich in European Yesterday Afternoon a flashing, deadly right Arabs and Jews Yesterday Morning ADJOURNMENT FOR WEEK stabilised peace hopes PERFUME DUTY REDUCTION A SENSATIONAL FINISH ASSURED FUTURE FOR BOTH APOLLO BECOMES FLAGSHIP NEW YORK, June 19.—The mete­ LONDON, June 19 (BOP.)—In a Yesterday's meeting of the Legis- When the Liquor License Bill was oric rise which had bi ought Joe statement to the House oi Commons, lative CouncU lasted for five min- For the first time since 1930, when OPPOSITIONS IN BRITAIN & CANADA once again before the committee Louis, 22-year-old Detroit "Brown Mr. Ormesby Gore, referring to con­ utes, the only business being four Admiral Sir Thomas Moulden Fuller, of the .House of Assembly yesterday Bomber," within an ace of the world's ditions to Palestine, said that by a first readings, two of them private K. C. B., C. M. G., D. S. O., was pro- CRITICISE SANCTIONS REMOVAL afternoon, Sir Stanley Spurling mov­ heavyweight boxing championship, new regulation firing at any member BUls. moted, a fuU Admiral's flag was ed first to substitute an entirely came to a jolting, crashing halt at of His Majesty's Forces or Police, The Hon. R. C. Hollis HaUett took hoisted on board the Flagship of the new clause 15, dealing with closing the Yankee Stadium here tonight and bomb throwing with intention up the Bank of Bermuda BiU, and the | America and West Indies Squadron ES, June 19. (CP)—The French Cabinet agreed today to hours, which clause contains, as far as he wilted before the piston-like to cause death or injury, was made N. T. Butterfield and Son Bank Bill, a minute after midnight yesterday. the cancellation of sanctions against Italy, dependent as is possible, those amendments i ight blows of the 30-year-ol d German punishable by sentence of death or for first reading by title as private Vice-Admiral the Hon. Sir Matthew ny decision adopted by the League." The Cabinet's de- R. Best, K. C. B., C. B., D. S. O., already made to certain sub-sections ex-champion Ma.x Schmeling. Ufe imprisonment. The Colonial BUls. These measures of 19 clauses s announced in an official communique which said, "The M. V. O., has been promoted Admiral. of the clause, and then moved that Seventy-five thousand delirious Secretary also gave the House classi­ each are identical, and the only faithful to the principle of collective action, will as- Official news of this promotion was the committee report progress. This | fight fans watched a sensational fied figures of casualties, which change made in the Lower House in f with any decision adopted by the League. Informed the BUls as advertised was to add ro received locaUy late on Thursday was done in order that no confusion finish to the heavyweight match of a showed a total death roll to date of rasent situation of the sanctions question, it felt that a each a proviso that they await His night. should arise in the minds of mem­ decade. 74 persons. i of the facts led it to accept their lifting." Majesty's pleasure in accordance with At one minute past midnight the bers and that they should be given He took the opportunity to , June 19. (CP)—The speech of the British Prime The fight commenced with book­ the Royal Instructions regarding I Admiral's flag was hoisted on the the opportunity of seeing the new makers offeiing long odds of five express appreciation of the Forces, Ir. Baldwin, including Germany in Britain's hopes for banking legislation, and to increase mainmast of H. M. S. York, the clause in the minutes before reach­ to one on Louis for a points decision, PoUce and officials for their devotion 1 European peace, evoked satisfaction in the Wilhelm- the maximum commission to the flagship, replacing the Vice-Admiral's ing any decision unpn it. and two to one on a knockout; and to duty and their loyalty in trying )day. A Foreign Office spokesman said, "Hitherto there has banks to 5 per cent from 2J per cent. flag. The York had the honour of The amending Audit Bill was read Father Time tipped the scales eight circumstances. He also paid tribute only Franco-British efforts. The inclusion of Ger- These BiUs wiU enable local banks being an Admiral's flagship for only a second time. It provides, in the to the Jews in IJj&lestine who, despite a decided step forward. Mr. Baldwin merely said what years in Louis's favour. But, recov­ to function as a trust company by a few hours. At one minute past 8 adsence of a quorum of the Audit extreme provocation and attacks, lave been contending all through." ering from a shaky defensive position additions to their corporate powers, a.m. the Admiral's flag was hoisted Board, for the member present to had exhibited most commendable r Hitler would now reply to the British question- which saw him close to defeat, though formerly they were unable on board H. M. S. Apollo, the Em­ proceed with the audit, and to re­ seh-restratot. He was glad to say s foreign policy, the spokesman answered, "That Schmeling fought his way through to do so on account of lack of power pire's newest cruier, which becomes the situation in the immediate still completely open. We would prefer a round-table port his findings at the next meet­ Louis's guard; and by the eleventh in their incorporating Acts. flagship of the Station while the York ing at which a quorum is present, neighbourhood of mandated terri­ ) a succession of written messages which allow for little round had piled up a lead in points The Government Museum Resolve is to England for a refit. tory was almost entirely undisturbed, give and take." when the Board may at their dis­ and seemed likely to register a knock­ was received without being printed. H. M. S. York, on the transfer of and there had been no crime or TAWA. June 19 (CP)—Canada lined up with the United cretion confirm the audit cairied out. It has a somewhat different status the flag, fired a fuU Admiral's salute I suporting the movement to lift sanctions against out. At the conclusion of two or three outrage whatever. The Government from the ordinary Resolve, on ac­ of 17 guns, and this was returned by The Premier, Mr. King announced in the House of Com- It also provides for the payment of the rounds, so bitter was the had not been and would not be moved count of the amount of £2,400 which the Apollo, which fired a salute of the Canadian delegates to the September meeting of of annual salaries to the members fight, the boxers slogged away re­ by violence and outrage. As soon it carries being a Government vote seven guns. Later to the day the two -jue bf Nations would be instructed to press for the lifting of the Board. An amendment mov­ gardless of the beU signalling the end as order was restored, but not before, to augment private donations to­ cruisers left Bermuda on their sum­ of sanctions. ed by Mr. Wilkinson to substitute of the round; and the referee warned a Royal Commission would visit Pales­ wards the erection of this institution. mer cruises. H. M. S. Dragon, the his statement a few hours after Mr. Eden's, but said £500 per annum as the salary for the Louis several times for low punching. tine to carry out a fuU and searching The Board of Works is the authority third cruiser at present on this Sta­ lian Government came to that decision independent of Chairman of the Board instead of The men fought sportingly, and gave investigation toto the causes of un­ to erect pubUc buUdings, but there tion, had saUed earlier in the day. viewpoint- At the same time, Mr. King said, Canada the £450 proposed in the Bill, was de­ and took terrific punishment. rest and grievances aUeged by either was some question in the Assembly me to support the League in its efforts to promote feated. An amendment proposed The first round of the 12 which Arab or Jew. The Arab people were about putting the work under the PREVIOUS PROMOTIONS security and peace, not alone through the League but by Mr. Toddings, to increase the the fight lasted—Schmeling knocked rightly proud of their historical supervision of another Board, the Legations to be established throughout the Empire. salary of the two other members of out Louis cold two minutes and 29 achievements and their contribution Board of Trade, which controls the The last Vice-Admiral to receive i. Bennett. Conservative leader, said, "By lifting sanc- the Board in a proportionate manner seconds after the twelfth round had to civilization, and there had been Aquarium, and also of the desira- promotion on this Station was Ad­ oubtedly put a direct premium on the violation of was not proceeded with.
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