T WITNESS MARCH 3, 1966 10* publication. and reuse WCC Proposals for for War Negotiations required EPISCOPAL CHURCH CENTER HENRY KNOX SHERRILL LIBRARY Permission 815 SECOND AVENUE 17, NEW YORK DFMS. / Canterbury and Pope Church to Talk Doctrine? Episcopal the of Archives 2020. Mississippi Poor Rap Government Copyright Bishop Banyard Backs Committee In Warning on Extremism SERVICES The Witness SERVICES In Leading Churches For Christ and His Church In Leading Churches NEW YORK CITY EDITORIAL BOARD ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH Tenth Street, above Chestnut THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH P hiladelphia , P e n n a . OF ST. JOHN THE DIVINE Jo h n M cG i l l K b u m m , Chairman The Rev. Alfred W . Price, D.D., Rector W . B . Sp o f f o r d Sr ., Managing Editor Sunday: Holy Communion 7, 8, 9 10, Morn­ The Rev. Gustav C. Meckling, B.D. ing Prayer, Holy Communion and Ser­ Ed w a b d J. M o h h , Editorial Assistant Minister to the Hard of Hearing mon. 11; Organ Recital, 3:15 and ser­ O. Sy d n e y Ba b b ; L e e A. Be l f o r d ; R oscoe Sunday: 9 and 11 a.m. 7:30 p.m. mon, 4. T . Fo u s t ; R ic h a r d E. G a r y ; G o r d o n C. Weekdays: Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri., Morning Prayer and Holy Communion 7:15 12:30 - 12:55 p.m. (and 10 W ed.); Evening Prayer, 3. G r a h a m ; D a v id Jo h n s o n ; H a r o l d R. L a n - Services of Spiritual Healing, Thurs. 12:30 d o n ; L e s l ie J. A. L a n g ; B e n j a m in M in i f i e ; and 5:30 p.m. W . N o r m a n P it t e n g e r ; W i l l i a m St r in g - THE PARISH OF TRINITY CHURCH f e l l o w . CHRIST CHURCH R e v . Jo h n H e u ss, R e c t o b D. D., C a m b r id g e , M a ss. TRINITY The Rev. Gardiner M. Day, Rector Broadway & Wall St. Sunday Services: 8:00, 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. publication. Rev. Bernard C. Newman, S.T.D., Vicar Wed. and Holy Days: 8:00 and 12:10 p.m. Sun. MP. 8:40, 10:30, HC 8, 9, 10, 11. EDITORIALS: - The Editorial Board holds and EP 3:30; Daily MP 7:45, HC 8, 12, Ser. monthly meeting when current issues before CHRIST CHURCH, DETROIT 12:30 Tues., Wed. & Thurs., EP 5:15 ex. the Church are discussed. They are dealt 976 East Jefferson Avenue Sat.;- Sat. HC 8; C Fri. 4:30 & by appt. The Rev. William B. Sperry Rector reuse with in subsequent numbers but do not 8 and 9 a.m. Holy Communion (breakfast necessarily represent the unanimous opinion for served following 9 a.m. service) 11 a.m. ST. PAUL’S CHAPEL of the editors. Church School and Morning Service. Holy Broadway & Fulton St. Days, 6 p.m. Holy Communion. Rev. Robert C. Hunsicker, Vicar CONTRIBUTING EDITORS required Sun. HC 8:00, MP & HC Ser. 10; Weekdays PRO-CATHEDRAL OF THE MP & HC 8:00, HC 12:05 ex. Sat., (also T h o m a s V. Ba r r e t t ; Jo h n P a ir m a n Br o w n ; HOLY TRINITY 7:15 and 1:05 Holy Days); Int. 1:05 ex. 23 Avenue, George V G a r d in e r M. D a y ; Jo s e p h F . Fl e t c h e r ; Sat.; EP 5:10 (ex. Sat., 1:30); C Fri. 4:30- P a r is , Fr a n c e 5:30 & by appt.; Organ Recital Wednesdays F r e d e r ic k C. G r a n t ; H e l e n G r a n t ; C ot- Services: 8:30, 10:30 (S.S.), 10:45 12:30. w i n C. R o a c h ; B a r b a r a St . C l a ir e ; Mas­ Boulevard Raspail Permission Student and Artists Center s e y H. Sh b p h b b d Jr .; W . B. Sp o f f o r d Jr . The Rt. Rev. Stephen Bayne, Bishop CHAPEL OF THE INTERCESSION The Very Rev. Sturgis Lee Riddle, Dean Broadway & 155th St. ☆ The Rev. Ronald D. Weaver, Canon DFMS. Leslie J. A. Lang, Vicar The Ven. Frederick McDonald, / T h e W it n e s s is published weekly from Canon Chaplain Sundays 8, 9, 11; Weekdays: Mon. Fri. September 15th to June 15th inclusive, with Sat. 9; Tues. 8; Wed. 10; Thurs. 7. the exception of one week in January and Church bi-weekly from June 15th to September 15th ST. LUKE’S CHAPEL N e w Y o r y C it y 487 Hudson St. by the Episcopal Church Publishing Co. on Rev. Paul C. W eed., Jr., Vicar behalf of the Witness Advisory Board. ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH Sun. HC 8, 9:15 & 11; Daily HC 7 & 8. Park Avenue and 51st Street C Sat. 5-6, 8-9, by appt. ☆ Rev. Terence J. Finlay, D.D. Episcopal 8 and 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion 9:30 and The subscription price is $4.00 a year; in 11 a.m. Church School. 11 a.m. Morn­ the ST. AUGUSTINE’S CHAPEL bundles for sale in parishes the magazine sells ing Service and Sermon. 4 p.m. Even­ of 292 Henry Street for 10c a copy, we will bill quartely at 7c a song. Special Music. Reverend William W . Reed, Vicar Weekday: Holy Communion Tuesday at copy. Entered as Second Class Matter, August 12:10 a.m.; Wednesdays and Saints Day, Reverend Jeffrey T. Cuffee (Priest-in- Charge) 5, 1948, at the Post Office at Tunkhannock at 8 a.m.; Thursdays at 12:10 p.m. Sundays: 8:00 a.m. HC, 9 a.m. Sung Mass, Organ Recitals, Wednesdays, 12:10. Eve. Archives Pa., under the act of March 3, 1879. 10:45 a.m. MP, 11:00 a.m. Solemn Bi- Pr. Daily 5:45 p.m. Lingual Mass; 4th Sunday: 10:00 a.m. Mass in Spanish; Weekdays: 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. 2020. HC, 9:15 a.m. MP, 5:15 p.m. EP CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINTY Write us for 316 East 88 th Street ST. CHRISTOPHER’S CHAPEL Sundavs: Holy Communion 8; Church School 48 Henry Street 9:30; Morning Prayer and Sermon 11:00. Copyright Reverend William W . Reed, Vicar Organ Information (Holy Communion 1st Sunday in Month). Reverend Janies L. Miller (Priest-in-Charge) AUSTIN ORGANS, Inc. Sundays: 7:30 a.m. HC, 9:00 a.m. Sung Mass, 11:15 a.m. Mass in Spanish, 5:15 GENERAL THEOLOGICAL p.m. EP Weekdays: Monday and Wednesday, Hartford, Conn. SEMINARY CHAPEL 8:00 a.m. HC; Tuesday, Friday, Saturday Chelsea Square 9th Ave. & 20th St. 9:00 a.m. HC, MP before each Mass, 5:15 Daily Morning Prayer and Holy Commun­ p.m. EP ion, 7. SHARING (7:30 Saturdays and holidays) THE CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY Christian Healing in the Church Daily Choral Evensong, 6. York Avenue at 74th Street Onlv Church magazine devoted to Spiritual Near New York Memorial Hospitals Hugh McCandles, Vincent Anderson, Clergy Therapy, $2.00 a year. Sample on request. ST. THOMAS John Fletcher, Student Chaplain Founded by Rev. John Gaynor Banks, D-S.T. 5th Ave. & 53rd Street 1ee Belford, Philip Zabriskie, Thomas Gibbs, This paper is recommended by many Rev. Frederick M. Morris, D.D. John Danforth, Associates Bishops and Clergy. Sunday: HC 8, 9:30, 11 (1st Sun.) MP Hi Sundays: 8 a.m. HC; 9:30 Family (H C ) 3S) Ep 'Cho 4. Daily ex. Sat. HC 8:15, HC Addzess: Wed. HC 7:20 a.m.; Thurs. HC 11 a.m. Tues. 12:10, Wed., 5:30. One of New York’s FELLOWSHIP OF ST. LUKE Noted for boy choir; great teredos most beautiful public buildings. 2243 Front St. San Diego 1, Calif. and windows. VOL. 51, NO. 9 The WITNESS MARCH 3, 1966 FOR CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH Editorial and Publication Office, Eaton Road, Tunkhannock, Pa. Story of the Week Central Committee Proposals of according a place in negotia­ tions both to South Vietnam To Bring Vietnam Negotiation and the National Liberation publication. Front ...” ★ World Council of Churches negotiation with a consider­ and It was suggested that “ar­ leaders, citing the “futility of ably enlarged unit of the inter­ rangements be encouraged for reuse military action” to solve Viet­ national control commission — negotiations between South for nam’s problems, issued a state­ India, Canada, Poland — to en­ Vietnam . and the NLF in ment urging the U.S. and South sure cease-fire commitments are the hope that there may be Vietnam to halt bombing and honored.” found a negotiating authority required calling for an end to North Viet­ The statement declared that representative of all South Viet­ namese infiltration of the South. there would be bitter racial and nam.” Adopted after lively discus­ other resentments if the U.S.
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