E2102 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks October 28, 1997 have done on behalf of women and children in grams such as dental hygiene, child safety, CONGRATULATIONS TO THE my State. and parenting. The clinic is also a training site FLORIDA MARLINS WIC is a proven program that efficiently, ef- for student nutritionists from Montclair State fectively, and humanely helps children and University and other colleges. HON. PETER DEUTSCH families by providing food for pregnant Nationwide, more than 7 million women, in- OF FLORIDA women, breast-feeding women, and young fants, and children depend on WIC for nutri- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES children. Participants meet with a professional tion assistance. St. Joseph's is one of the Tuesday, October 28, 1997 nutritionist who assess their nutrition needs, most outstanding centers in that national net- then issues coupons that may be redeemed at work. This is one of the most efficient and ef- Mr. DEUTSCH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to local supermarkets for products such as milk, fective programs our Government has to offer. congratulate the Florida Marlins for having infant formula, baby food, cereal, and other And it is the type of program the government won the 1997 World Series Championship. nutritious food. Unlike food stamps, the cou- should offerÐreal help with real problems for Created by Wayne Huizenga, administered by pons can be used only for specific productsÐ people unable to help themselves. Never let Don Smiley, built by Dave Dombrowski, and a coupon for a gallon of milk cannot be used us take the food out of the mouths of babies. managed by Jim Leyland, this young team to purchase snack food or candy, for example. achieved the top honor, to which 28 teams as- The GAO says that for every $1 spent on f pire, in just 5 years. By reaching the World WIC, America realizes $3.50 in savings on Series in record time, the Florida Marlins is health care costs during the most important TRIBUTE TO JOHN J. GRADY the youngest franchise ever to win the World formative years of childhood. WIC means Series and has thus assured itself a place in healthy mothers and healthy babies. In this, HON. CONSTANCE A. MORELLA history. the most technologically advanced nation in OF MARYLAND Before this reason, the Florida Marlins had the world, we cannot allow children to go to never been in the play-offs. Throughout the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bed hungry. 1997 division series, however, they never In addition, WIC is a major Federal program Tuesday, October 28, 1997 trailed in games won. They initiated their quest that has endured none of the scandals that Mrs. MORELLA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to by overpowering the San Francisco Giants have plagued so many programs. It is most ef- honor the memory of John J. Grady, a con- and then went on to win the National League ficiently run. Yet this program has come under stituent, a community leader, and a good Championship Series by upsetting the Atlanta the threat of cuts repeatedly in recent years. friend who passed away this month. Braves. Then, in a dramatic, extra-inning, sev- I have had to fight to eliminate a cap on the Jack Grady, born in Springfield, IL, came to enth game, they defeated the Cleveland Indi- number of participants and to restore cut fund- Washington to attend Catholic University. Al- ans to become the 1997 World Series cham- ing in the last two Congresses. Further attacks though he returned to Illinois briefly, he called pions. Within 5 years, the Florida Marlins at- on this program will not be left unanswered. Montgomery County home for most of his life, tained a monumental goal that has historically Cutting WIC is literally a matter of taking food and with his wife Patricia, raised his wonderful taken championship teams decades to accom- out of the mouths of babies. family here. He had a distinguished career in plish. I had the pleasure of visiting St. Joseph's government and business, and he contributed The 25 players who achieved this feat are: recently to meet with both professional provid- to the community life of the entire Washington Kurt Abbott, Moises Alou, Antonio Alfonseca, ers of services and the women who benefit metropolitan area. Alex Arias, Bobby Bonilla, Kevin Brown, John from the program. It is clearly one of the best- A former FBI agent, Jack also worked for Cangelosi, Jeff Conine, Dennis Cook, Craig run WIC clinics in existence and participants the Foreign Operations Administration, first as Counsell, Darren Daulton, Jim Eisenreich, truly appreciate the assistance they receive. It the inspections division director and then in re- Alex Fernandez, Cliff Floyd, Felix Heredia, shows that WIC funding is, in fact, well spent. Livan Hernandez, Charles Johnson, Al Leiter, Founded in 1978, St. Joseph's is the largest cruitment. He later became deputy to the As- sistant Air Force Secretary and then deputy di- and Greg Zaun. WIC program in the State. With 19,000 clients The Marlins' victory was a victory for all Flo- per month, it serves residents of Bergen, Mor- rector of the International Cooperation Admin- istration. ridians. In a community as diverse as ours, ris, and Passaic counties at 23 facilities across people from different backgrounds have united Jack was twice the recipient of the Air Force the tricounty area. Sites include hospitals, in their admiration and pride for our baseball Exceptional Civilian Service Award and was Health Department offices, community centers, team. I applaud the athletic prowess of these presented the prestigious Arthur S. Flemming Head Start programs and other social service men and commend the dedicated efforts of Award, given to the top 10 government work- agenciesÐlocations where low-income moth- their coaches and manager. I know that the ers under the age of 40. After leaving govern- ers are present and able to learn of the serv- Florida Marlins will continue to give Floridians ment service, he served as vice president of ices offered by the program. One clinic is lo- as a spirit of unity and strength in years to Carl M. Freeman Associates and head of its cated in a Paterson storefront and another is come and look forward to another champion- management company. In 1965, he founded a mobile WIC on Wheels to enhance out- ship season in 1998. Grady Management Inc., a firm that today em- reach. f In addition to its wide variety of locations, ploys 400 people and manages 12,000 apart- St. Joseph's takes other steps to make WIC ments, as well as commercial buildings, in the TRIBUTE TO BECK MEMORIAL services accessible. The main office in Washington-Baltimore area. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ON ITS Paterson is open three evenings a week and Jack also served with dedication on the 183d ANNIVERSARY the storefront office in Paterson is open Satur- boards of the Apartment Home Council, the days. If funding becomes available, extended Apartment Owners and Builders Association, HON. JOSEÂ E. SERRANO and the Century National Bank. A member of hours may be offered at other locations as OF NEW YORK the John Carroll Society and the Knights of well. The staff reflects the cultural and ethnic IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mix of the programs participants, including Malta, Jack also contributed his many talents Tuesday, October 28, 1997 speakers of Spanish, French, Italian, and Ara- and gifts to the board of trustees of Holy bic. Outreach programs are conducted with Cross Hospital in Silver Spring. Mr. SERRANO. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay Hispanic and African-American grassroots or- Above all, Jack was devoted to his friends tribute to Beck Memorial Presbyterian Church, ganizations and an Arab community liaison. and especially his family. My husband and I a South Bronx landmark that on October 26, the clinic also promotes breast-feeding with have precious memories of celebrating Pat 1997, celebrated its 183d anniversary in a a lactation consultant and two lactation peer and Jack's 50th wedding anniversary 4 years worship service. The theme for the service counselors who visit new mothers in hospitals ago. The outpouring of love was moving and was ``Standing on the Promises.'' and follow up with telephone calls and home inspiring. Jack will ``live on in love.'' Beck Memorial Presbyterian Church was visits as necessary. Breast pumps and other I offer condolences to his wife Pat, sons founded in August 31, 1814 as West Farms supplies are offered at no cost. Kevin and John III, and his daughters Cheryl Presbyterian Church, in the West Farms The clinic provides a wide variety of other and Jan. School House on the west side of Boston services, including immunization registry and Mr. Speaker, I honor the memory of John J. Road. The present church, directly opposite referral; referrals to other health and social Grady, a man who touched the lives of many the original building, was constructed with a services agencies such as substance abuse people and a man who will be greatly missed legacy from Charles B. Beck and dedicated on and food pantries; and special education pro- by all who knew him. October 29, 1905. Beck has seen the South.
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