University of Calgary PRISM: University of Calgary's Digital Repository Alberta Gambling Research Institute Alberta Gambling Research Institute 1972 Bibliographies of works on playing cards and gaming Jessel, Frederic, 1859--; Horr, Norton T. (Norton Townshend), 1862-1917. Patterson Smith http://hdl.handle.net/1880/538 book Downloaded from PRISM: https://prism.ucalgary.ca PATTERSON SMITH REPRINT SERIES IN CRIMINOLOGY, LAW ENFORCEMENT, AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS A listing of publications in the SERIES will be found at rear of volume BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF WORKS ON PLAYING CARDS AND GAMING A reprint of A Bibliography of Works in English on Playing Cards and Gaming by Frederic Jesse1 and A Bibliography of Card-Games and of the History of A Bibliography of Works in English on Playing Cards and Gaming First published 1905 by Longmans, Green & Co., London A Bibliography of Card-Games and of the History of Playing-Cards First published 1892 by Charles Orr, Cleveland, Ohio Reprinted 1972 in one volume by Patterson Smith Publishing Corporation Montclair, New Jersey 07042 New material copyright @ 1972 by Patterson Smith Publishing Corporation Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Bibliographies of works on playing cards and gaming. (Patterson Smith reprint series in criminology, law enforcement, and social problems. Publication no. 132) Reprints of the 1905 and 1892 editions, respectively. 1. CardsBibliography. 2. Gambling-Bibliography. I. Jessel, Frederic, 1859- A bibliography of works in English on playing cards and gaming. 1972. 11. Horr, Norton Townshend, 1862-1 9 17. A bibliography of card-games and of the history of playing-cards. 1972. 2548 1.B5 1972 016.7954 77-129310 ISBN 0-87585-132-0 This book is printed on permanent/durable paper PUBLISHER'S NOTE The centuries-long persistence of gambling as a so- cial problem makes access to the literature of the subject of great importance to the social scientist. The two principal bibliographies on the subject of gambling and playing cards, those by Jesse1 and by Horr, are republished in the Patterson Smith Reprint Series in Criminology, Law Enforcement and Social Problems for this reason-uite apart from the in- terest which different aspects of the subject hold . for students of the graphic arts, psychology and conjuring, and for historians of manners and of mathematics. There is inevitably some overlap between the two bibliographies. The great majority of entries are, however, unique to one or the other, and both are therefore reprinted here in their entirety. Many decades have passed since the first appear- ances of Jesse1 and Horr. Perhaps some day a com- piler will bring modern bibliographic techniques to the task-enormous with a body of literature so large, diffuse, and ephemeral--of producing a work which will amalgamate the information provided in its pred- ecessors, correct their errors and omissions, and bring vi their chronological scope up to more recent times. Until that heroic compilation is published, scholars can benefit from being able to consult in one volume two works of uncommon scarcity and value. January, 1972. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WORKS IN ENGLISH ON PLAYING CARDS AND GAMING A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WORKS IN ENGLISH ON PLAYING CARDS AND GAMING COMPILED BY FREDERIC JESSEL T-ONGMANS. GREEN. AND CO. PREFACE I HAVE compiled this bibliography in the hope that it may be of some use to those who, like myself, take an interest in books dn gaming. I have described the title of every work, however slight, on cards or gaming that I have been able to discover, and have also included all books which contain allusions, of sufficient importance to be recorded, to those subjects. Among books on Conjuring, I have of course included all books on Tricks with Cards; in addition to these however, the many hundreds of works on Conjuring and Recreations in general all make more or less mention of card tricks. Of these I have described only those which are interesting on account of their antiquity or importance. Those readers who desire fuller details in this branch of literature will find them in the Bibliography of Conjuring by Mr. E. Stanyon. I have included a few plays and works of fiction which depend on gaming for their plots, or which contain scenes which illustrate the mode of playing some particular game. I have examined personally nearly all the books in my list, but of some I have only been able to record the titles which I have found in the bibliographical xii works of Watt, Lowndes, Allibone and Hazlitt, and the English and American Catalogues of Books. For a few titles, mostly American, I am indebted to the works on Card Games of Messrs. Rheinhardt, Horr and Butler, and to the columns of Whist. In periodical literature, I have endeavoured to discriminate between the two classes of publications which we usually speak of as magazines and as news- papers. It is obviously impracticable to treat of the latter ; of the former class I have not found many articles on gaming, etc., recorded in the various indexes to periodical literature, and I have had to rely almost entirely on my own collection. I hope that the index will be useful to any inquirer on the bibliography of any one game, or branch of gaming. Any corrections or additions that may tend to the improvement of this book will be gratefully received, as also any suggestions likely to prove useful in the compilation of a similar bibliography of French books on Gaming which I have in contemplation. FREDERIC JESSEL. LONDON: May, rp5. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PLAYING CARDS AND GAMING (Notes and intwpOZatiotts of th? Com.bare inserted in $arenthesw.) A., MA J0R.-See Coles, Charles Barham. I. ABBOTT, J ACK.--Treatise on Jack Pot Poker, with the Game of Sancho Pedro when played for Stakes. 24mo. J. E. Eyrich, New Orleans, I 88 I. (Am. Cat.) 2. ABBOTT, JACK.-Do. 63 pp. 16mo. George Muller and Co., New Orleans, 1902. 3. ACE OF SPADES.-The Theory and Practice of Bridge. By ' Ace of Spades.' 75 pp. 12mo. The Times of India Press, Bombay, 1903. 4. ACKERMANN'S PICTORIAL PLAYING CARDS.-Thirteen coloured plates and 2 I pp. of introduction, illustrative of the accompanying tale of ' Beatrice ; or, The Fracas.' I 5 pp. 4to. Rudolf Ackermann, London, I 8 I 9. (Reprinted from Ackermands R@ository of A rts, I 8 I 8- I 8 I 9.) ADEPT, AN.-See No. 221. ADEPT, AN.-See No. 587. ADEPT, NO.-See No. 1403. 5. ADVENTURER, THE. (P.)I No. 29. The Character of * a Gamester De- fended (by John Hawkesworth). Feb. 12, 1753- No. 35. Plan of a New Paper called the Beau- Monde (by Richard Bathurst). March 3, 1753- 6. AIKEN, WILLIAM BUCK1NGHAM.-An Outline of the Principles and Leads of American Whist. (A card.) 4 pp. 16mo. Noyes and Davies, Norwich, U. S. A,, 1893. 7. ALBANY LAW JOURNAL, THE. (P.) -Vol. 44, p. 5. The Baccarat Prosecutions, by Sir E. Clarke. Albany, 1899. ALDENHAM, LORD. See Gibbs, Henry Hucks. 8. ALEXANDER, W. A,-Card Playing. 29 pp. 16mo. Richmond, Va, 1892. g. ALL THE YEAR ROUND. (P.)-8vo. London. Whistology. Vol. 2, p. 480. March I 7, I 860. The Demon of Homburg. Vol. 2, p. 517. March 24, 1860. Cheating at Cards. Vol. 5, p. 33 1. June 29, 1861. Periodical publication. 3 ALL THE YEAR ROUND-continued A Game of ~cart6.Vol. 17, p. 44. January 5, I 867. A Gambler's Life in the Last Century. Vol. 18, p. 324. September 28, 1867. The Dying Tiger. Vol. g, N. S., p. 36. November 23, 1872. Diamond Cut Diamond. Vol. g, N. S., p. 393. March 8, 1873. Spielbad Super Mare. Vol. 16, p. 3 I 9. June 17, 1876. Strange Hands at Cards. Vol. 17, p. 77. October 7, 1876. A Run with many Packs. Vol. 17, p. 303. December g, 1876. Packs of Cards, Old and New. Vol. 21, p. 38. December 28, 1878. An ' Escroquerie.' Vol. 22, p. I 79 Feb- ruary 8, 1879. Card Games. Vol. 40, p. 65. Feb. 5, 1887. Female Gamblers. Vol. 42, p. 8 I. January 20, I 889. Monte Carlo Sketches. Vol. 43, p. 276. September 2 I, I 889. Gambling and Burglary. Vol. 43, p. 546. December g, 1889. 10. ALLEN, BESSIE E.-Whist Quiz Cards. (Fifty cards of questions on Whist and two of directions for play.) 32mo. Milwaukee, 1897. I I. ALLEN, GEORGE W.-Poker Rules in Rhyme. 72 pp. 24mo. New York, 1895. (Beautifully illustrated and printed.) 12. AMATEUR, AN.-Whist : its History and Practice. Illustrations designed by Kenny Meadows, and engraved by Orrin Smith and W. Linton. x+ gg pp. 16mo. Bell and Wood, London, 1843. I 3. AMATEUR, AN.-Do. New edition. x + 99 pp. 16mo. D. Bogue, London, 1844. 14. AMATEUR, AN.-Backgammon : its History and Practice. By the Author of ' Whist.' With illustrations designed by Kenny Meadows and engraved by W. - Linton. vii + 79 pp. 16mo. D. Bogue, London, 1844. 15. AMATEUR, AN.-Whist and Backgammon : Their History and Practice. (T5e last two works in one volume.) D. Bogue, London, 1844. AMATEUR, AN.-See No. 464. 16. AMERICAN, THE. (P.).-American Whist. By G. T. Lanigan. Vol. I, p. 55. Philadelphia, I 887. AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST, THE (P.)-See Nos. 338, 339, 340 and 1695. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHO- LOGY. (P.).-See No. 562. 17. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY. (P.).-The Gaming Instinct. By W. I. Thomas. Vol. 6, p. 7jo. Chicago. May 1901. 18. AMERICAN LAW REVIEW, THE. (P.) -Baccarat and Royalty. Vol. 25, p. 8x9. St. Louis, 1899. 19. AMERICAN NATURALIST, THE. (P.) -Gambling among the Utah Indians.
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