US009347961 B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,347,961 B2 Karlsen et al. (45) Date of Patent: May 24, 2016 (54) TEST KIT FOR THE QUANTITATIVE 2008/0058351 A1* 3/2008 Tung ..................... CO7B 59,002 514,259.3 DETERMINATION OF NARCOTC DRUGS 2008/0287.495 A1 * 1 1/2008 Tung .................... CO7D 317.64 514,321 (71) Applicant: CHIRONAS. Trondheim (NO) 2009.006870.6 A1 3/2009 Freudenschluss ......... C12P1/02 435,713 (72) Inventors: Morten Salihi Karlsen, Trondheim 2009/0093.422 A1* 4/2009 Tung .................... CO7D :S. (NO), Huiling Liu, Trondheim (NO); 2009/0208413 A1* 8, 2009 Reis ..................... CO7D 243/24 Jon Eigill Johansen, Tiller (NO) 424f1.81 2009/0291 152 A1* 1 1/2009 Tung .................... CO7D 417/12 (73) Assignee: CHIRONAS. Trondheim (NO) 424,722 2010/0130723 A1* 5, 2010 Latham .................... CO7K 1/10 c - r - 530/342 ( ) Notice: Subject tO any disclaimer, the term of this 2012. O156139 A1 ck 6, 2012 Katz-Birull . A61 K 31 136 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 4249.3 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. 2014/0227792 A1* 8, 2014 Johansen ............. A61K 31,137 436.8 (21) Appl. No.: 14/414,146 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (22) PCT Filed: Jul.19, 2013 EP 2551675 A1 1, 2013 JP 2008266.149 A * 11 2008 (86). PCT No.: PCT/EP2013/065.323 WO 2004.056398 A1 T 2004 WO 2006091885 A2 8, 2006 S371 (c)(1), WO 201102415.6 A1 3, 2011 (2) Date: Jan. 12, 2015 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2014/013063 Thomas Berget al: “C labelled internal standards.A solution to mini PCT Pub. Date: Jan. 23, 2014 mize ion Suppression effects in liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry analyses of drugs in biological samples?'. Journal of (65) Prior Publication Data Chromatography, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. NL, vol. 1218, No. 52, Oct. 26, 2011, pp. 9366-9374. 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Foltz et al: "GC/MS Assays for Abused Drugs in Body Fluids”, NIDARES MONOGR., vol. 32, Jan. 1, 1980, pp. pp. 1-214. * cited by examiner US 9,347,961 B2 1. 2 TEST KIT FOR THE QUANTITATIVE hallucinogens, including psychedelics, dissociatives and DETERMINATION OF NARCOTC DRUGS deliriants has become a worldwide major concern and has a tremendous The present invention relates to a novel test kit for the negative social, criminal and economical impact in all Soci quantitative determination of narcotic drugs containing at eties. In particular, the highly addictive 2-phenylethylamine least one deuterium free labeled, in particular C labeled, hallucinogens and/or stimulants such as amphetamine, meth isotopologue of a narcotic drug. amphetamine and ecstasy are consumed in ever-growing Furthermore, the present invention relates to the use of the amounts. Therefore, it would be particularly desirable to have novel test kits in chemical analysis and metabolic Studies. compounds of this type available that are labeled with 'C 10 and, optionally, with 'N and/or "O, however, not in combi Additionally, the present invention relates to a novel ana nation with deuterium, in order to have reliable standards for lytical method for the determination of narcotic drugs. the chemical analysis of Such illegal psychotropic, narcotic drugs at hand. CITED DOCUMENTS Sigma-Aldrich and Cambridge Isotope Laboratories offer 15 'Co'N-phenylalanine, Cambridge Isotope Laboratories The documents cited in the present application are incor offers 'Co-phenylalanine and 'CI-, 'Co- and porated by reference in their entirety. 'Co'N-tyrosine and Sigma-Aldrich offers "Cal-ritalinic acid. The compounds are used for tandem MS standards. DESCRIPTION OF THE PRIOR ART However, the compounds are not narcotic drugs, and, there fore, cannot serve as standards for their analysis. Chemical analysis of pharmaceuticals and legal and illegal In the article of I. A. Low, R. H. Liu, M. G. Legendre, E. G. drugs and their metabolites and impurities can be performed Piotrowski and R. L. Furner in Biomedical & Environmental by any method applying combinations of gas chromatogra Mass Spectrometry (1986), 13 (10), 531-534, the use of a phy (GC), liquid chromatography (LC), ultra performance methamphetamine containing only one 'C-carbon atom is liquid chromatography (UPLC), mass spectrometry (MC), 25 described in the mass spectrometry analysis. tandem mass spectrometry (MC/MC) and/or nuclear mag The article of R. S. Hsi and L. S. Stelzer, Synthesis of netic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), as for example, GC Adinazolam multiply labeled with Carbon-13 and Deute MS, GC-MS/MS, LC-MS, LC-MS/MS, UPLC-MS, UPLC rium, in Journal of Labelled Compounds in Radiopharmaceu MS/MS, UPLC-MS/MS, LC-NMR and UPLC-NMR. ticals, Volume XXVII, No. 3, 287-295, 1989, describes the Internal standards are used to determine the level or quan 30 synthesis and the spectroscopic properties of "Cal-adina tity of each analyte in the sample. Traditionally, such an Zolam. However, no test kits are disclosed. analysis is performed using deuterium labeling of the analyte. Berget al. (J. Chrom. Vol. 1218, no. 52,9366) describes the However, disadvantages associated with deuterium labeling use of "C-methamphetamine as internal standard. are the risk of exchange, i.e. deuterium and hydrogen can be The Japanese patent application JP 2008–266149 A dis exchanged in the workup procedure, and different elution 35 closes estradiol with a 'C-benzene ring and various times, i.e. the deuterium labeled compounds elute differently Co-precursors such as "Cal-benzene, -nitrobenzene, -io from the native, unlabeled compounds both in GC and in LC. donitrobenzene, -iodoaniline, -iodophenol and -iodoanisol. In addition, the deuterium labeled compounds may have a However, "Cal-estradiol is no narcotic drug and, therefore, response factor which is slightly different from the response it cannot serve as a standard for the chemical analysis of factor of the native, unlabeled compounds. 40 narcotic drugs. The C isotope labeled internal standards are particularly The article by A. Weis and S. P. Markey “Synthesis of suitable of minimizing the effects of ion suppression effects D/L-Norepinephrine-U-'C)” in Journal of Labelled Com in LC-MS/MS analysis, therefore the quantitative analysis in pounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, volume XXV, No.
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