Fiscal Services

Fiscal Services

. ·. .~-. :- ·. .. , . ' ~ ; _.... ' . I. ... ._,. ' .. ' ' 77 Archdiocese of Baltimore (Archidioecesis BaltimoreliBis) Most Rlwerend WILLIAM E. LORI, S.T.D. MO&t Reverend Archbishop of Baltimore; ordained May 14, 1977; appointed Titular Bishop of Bulla and A.mliary Bishop ADAMJ. PARKER His Eminence of W asbington. April 20, 1995; a_ppointed Bishop of B~port January 28, 2001; installed March 19, 2001; Auxiliary Bishop of Baltimorei..ordained May 27, 2000; EDWIN CARDINAL O'BRIEN, S.T.D., D.D. appOUlted Archbishop of Baltimore Mart:h 20, 2012; in· appointed Titufar Bishop of TMacoora and Auxiliary stalled as .mt.eenth ArchbishoP of'Baltimore May 16, BiShop of Baltimore 6, 2016; instal1ed Janu· · Grand Master Emeritus, Equestrillll Order of the H~ DeCember 2012. 320 CathMral St., Bal~, MD 21201. Tel: 410. ary 19, 2017. Office: 320 Cathedral SL, Baltimore, MD · SepUlcher of Jerusalem, Arehhlshop Emeritus of Balti· 547-5487. more, ordained May 29, -1966; appointed Auxi!iary 21201. Bishop of New York February 6, 1gg6i. Episcopal Onli· Square Miles 4,801. nabon March 26, 1996; appointed Coa.ojutor Archbishop for the Military Services AprilS, 1997; acceded as Arcli­ Established a Diocese November 6, 1789; Established bi.ohop August 12, 1997; appointed Arcllhishop of Balti­ an Archdiocese AprilS, 1808.. .JilOI'\. July 12, 2007; installed Fifteenth Archbishop of Baltunore October 1, 2007; appointed Grand Master of the City of Baltimore flllli Allegany, Anne f:hto Equestrian Order of the HolY Sepulchre of Jerusa­ Arundel; Baltimore, Canvll, Frederkk, Garrett, Har· lem and Archbishop Emeritus ol Baltimore August 29, ford, HoWIJI'd and Woshinllfon Co~s. · \ 2011, elevated to College of Cardinals February 18, 2"012· retired Dec. 8, 2019. 0/f'We: Equutrian Order of By a D«ree of the &ued. Congrr!gation u{ the Propa.­ .t)le Iidy Sepulchre ofJuusalem, 00120. gOlllio, July (9, 1858, approved by His Ifolinus, Pius IX. July 25, 1858, 'Prerogative t:I(Place" was conferred Mo&t Reverend on the Archdiocese ofBaltimore. By the explicit words of said decree u{the Holy 8«, the Archbishop ofBaltimore DENIS J . MADDEN tnlres preNthna over all Archbis_hops of the Umud States (Mt CordiTIIJI$) in CouTU:ils, gathuinp flllli mut­ J!'etued Awtiliary Bishop of Baltimore; ordained April1, ing. t:l(who.tever kind oftlua Hi£rarchy (in conciUis, cadi­ . l96~~tedAnxiliai-y Bishop ofBaltimore and Titu­ bus et comitiis quibuscumque) regardless of seniority .\ar ofBaia May 10, 2005; ordained August U, the ofother ~hbisho[»!_ in or Decree -2005; ~December 5, 2016. 320 Catlwlral S t., Bal· proTTWtion ordination. signed by 9ordtnalBoriiobo, August 15, 1858. ~MD 21201. Tel: 410-M7-5462. Chancery Office: 320 Cathedral •St., Baltimore. MD For legal titles ofparishes and archdiocesan ins.titutions, ' . 21201. Tel: 410-547-5446; Fax: 410.727-8234. consult the Chan.cery 0/fiCR.. • •• , l Web: ; ETTUliL· chancer)[email protected] . .......- . ,. STATISTICAL OVERVIEW P~llJiel Catholic Hospitals . · . 5 Total Students . 13,568 Arclib18hops . 1 TotalA¢sted . .. 1,785,550 Elementary Schools, Private . , 7 ' Auxiliary Bishop! . 1 Health Care Centers, ....•.. , . 5 Total Studenta . 1,434 · Reared Bmhops. • . .. .. .... 1 Total .Assisted .......· . 8,358 Non-residential Schools for the Disabled . 1 Pneal:lr Dioc:eBan Active in Diocese .. 181 Homes for the~ .. ... u Total Studenta . 126 ~l!bt· Dioce'lan Active Outside Diocese . 10 Total Assisted. 3,896 Catechesie/Religious Education: Prieets: Retired, Sick or Absent. .. 62 Residential Care of Children . 6 High S<hool Students . • . 4,513 .NiJ!nberofDwcesanPriesta ........ · 203 'Total Assisted . • . • • 1,280 Elementary Students. ... 84,716 : ~-Pnest&inDioceee . 182 Day Care Centera •• •... : •. ••••• 5 Total Students under Catholic InatniD- , ~e&tsmDiocese. : . 385 Total Assisted . • • 1,125 tion ......... 74,682 Specialized Homes . ' 8 Teachers in the Diocese: :pjoce.,omPnests ...• 4 Total ~sisted . 2,231 Priesta ....... .. 41 · · Tranm.tional Deacons . 3 Special Centers for Social Services. 28 Brothers ...... 19 ·' . Permauent Deacons ...••.••• • 8 Total Aasiated . • . • . • . 534,126 Sisters. .. ..... 36 • ~ti> Dioc:eee .. ... 181 Residential Care ofDisabled . 1 Lay Teachers.... 3,098 . Brothers .. .. .. .. .. 36 Total Aasi.8ted • • . • • • . • 207 Vital Statistlea TQtal Slater& . 672 other InstitutiOns . 1 Receptions into the Church: p~­ Total Assisted . · . 9,000 I:nfant Baptism Totllls. 4,969 139 Educ~ti~al . Adult BaJ.>tism Totals . 44(i Wi~ent~:·· ··· · Seminaries, Diocesan . 2 Received mto Full Communion • 370 · ~Diocesan Priests . 81 Student.os from This Diocese . • •• S9 Finlt Communfuna . 4,859 26 Student.os from Other Dioceee. 181 Confirmation& . 8,701 WitbM,~~~ests. Diocesan Students in Other Seminaries. 21 Matriages: .·=byPriests .. 82 Total Seminarians . • . 60 Catholic............. 892 _;_ t&, . b.Y Dearona. 1 Colleges and Universities . 4 Interfaith . 800 ~WlaDB . •• •• 8 Total Students. • 10,706 Total Marriagea . 1,192 .. B smn.d Mmatry. Personnel: High Schools, DiDCellan and Parish . 6 Deaths........ .. ·......... 8,784 ~a ......... 28 Total Students. 2,808 Total Catholic Population. · . ,. 501,465 616 High Scho_ola1 Private . 13 Total Population • , . • . • • . 8,250,032 .~Ministers 225 Total Stuaents. • . • . 6,762 '!~ Elementary Schools, Diocesan and Parish 39 . - ~~;.il.rohbi8h.,ps ~Moet Revs. JOHN CARROLL, D.D., Eminence JAMES CARDINAL. GIBBONS, D.D., cons. 26, 1984; Mo~t Rev. WILLIAM· DoNALD BORDEml, --'C· Aug. 16, 1790; Archbishop, April 8, 1808; Vicar Apostolic of North Carolina, Aug. 16, 1868; D.D., appt. Bishop of Orlando, May 2, 1968; cons. C:Qall,)Dec. S, 1815; LEoNA!Ill NEAJ.E, D.D., cons. transfen-ed to See of Riclunond, July 30, 1872; June 14, 1968; promoted to the· See of Baltimore llal~' Dec 7, 1800; ac~eded to the See of promoted to the See of Baltimore, Oct. S, 1877; Marcil 25, 1974; installed June 26, 197ll.; retired ~ Dec. 3, 1815; dted June 18, 1817; created· Cardinal Priest of S. Maria in Trastevere, April 6, 1989; died April 19, 2010.; His Eminence 1Bl7· ched MARECHAL, B.S., D.D., cons. Dec. 14, June 7, 1886; died March u, 1921; Moat Revs. WlLLIAM CARDINAL KEELE&, ord. July 17; 1965; COlla' M Jan 29, 18~; - JAMFB WIDTFIELD, D.D., MlcHA&L J. ~. D.D., cons. Bishop of St. appt. Titulai- Bishop of Ulcinium and .AWriliary '&c!:fli.B ay 25, 1828; died Oct. 19, 1834; ~L AU£118tine, June 30, 1914; promoted to the See of Bishop of Harrisburg July 24, 1979; ord. Bishop Apm :ro~• S·S., D.D., cone. Sept. 14, 1834; died Baltimore Aug. 10, 1921; died May 16, 1947; Sept. 21, 1979; appt. Bishop ofHarrisburg Nov. 10, cOns ~· 1861. FiiANcJS PATRICK KEN!u:C.K, D.D., FRANCJB P. Kl!OUGH, D.D., cons. Bishop of 1983; installed Jan. 4, 1984; appt. Archbishop of ~tme _ 6, 1830; Coadjutor Bishop of Providence, May 22; .J.934; promoted to the See of Baltimore April 6, 1989; installed as Fourteenth ~ phia, Pl'O~ted to the See of Baltimore Baltimote Nov. 29, 1947; died Dec. 8, 1961; Ria Arehbishop of Baltimore. May 28, 1989; created :-Sp: ' 19• 1851; died July 8, 1863; MARriN JOHN Eminence LAWRENCE CAiwiNAL SHEHAN, cons. Cardinal Priest & appt. Titular Church of Santa ~· D D , cons. Sept. 10, 1848; Coacljutor A.Wliary Bishop of Baltimore, Dec. 12, 1946; Maria de&li Angeli Nov. 26, 1994; retired July 12, ailtun of Louisville; promoted to the See of transferred to Diocese of Bridgeport, Aug. 25, 2007; died March 28, 2017.; EDWIN F. O'BR!Eai, ~re Motv 6, 1864; died Feb. 7, 1872; JAMES 1958; appt. Coadjutor Archbishop of Baltimore, ord. May 29, 1965; appt. Titular Bishop of Tizica A;.;"-~ . LT IIA'C1E!, D.D., cons.· Oct. 30, 1863; July 10, 1961; acceded to the See of Baltimore Dec. a.nd Auxiliary Bishop of Naw York Feb. 6, 1996; ~ of Newark; promoted to the See of 8, 1961; created Cardinal Priost of S. Clelnente, cons. March 25, 1996; appt. Coalljutor April 8, '"won! July 30, 1872; died Oct. 3, 1877; Ria Feb. 22, 1966; retired March 25, 1974; died Aug. 1997; succeeded as Ordinary to the Military BALTIMORE (BAL) 78 CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE U.S, : Services Aug. 12, 1997; appt. Archbishop of Priutly' Life and Ministry Board-Rev. AuSTIN Dir., Tel: 410-547-5537; Baltimore July 12, 2007; installed as fifteenth MURPHY, Chair; Rev. Msgrs. RICHARJ> B. Email:[email protected]. Archbishop of Baltimore Oct. 1, 2007; appt. Gnmd H!LGARTNBR JR.; KEviN T. SCHENNING; RICHARD Youth Retreat House, Monsil/nor O'Dwyel"-16623 Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy H. 1'1LLMAN, (Retired); Revs. JEIU!Y FRANCIK; Yorlt.Rd., P.O. Bm:310, Spar!~$, 21162. Sepulchre of Jerusalem Aug. 29, 2011; elevated to LAWIIENCE M. JOHNSON; MARc L. l..ANOUE; Tel: 410-472-UOO; Tel: 410..666-2400; Cardinal DeaCO.D & appt. Titular Church of St. CH!uSTOPHER P . MOORE, (Retired); BRIAN P. Fax: 410-472-3281; Sebastian on the Palatine Hill Feb. 18, 2012; NoLAN; M!CIW!L J. ORCHlK, V.F.; CHRISTOPHER Email: odwyer® MR. Pan. retired Dec. 8, 2019. WHATLEY. HOWARD, Dir., Vicars lkMral-Most Revs. DIINJS J. MADDEN, D.D., Deacon Life and Ministry Boartl--Deacons PAUL Email: [email protected]. V.G.; ADAM J. PARKER, Moderator of the Curia; WARDELL BARKSDALE; BRENT L. IIEATliCO'IT; Department of Manf1l{ement Seroices • Office of th• Rev. Msgr. JAY O'CONNOR, Interim Vicar. BRUCE K. HULTQUIST; GEORGE 8. KRAUSE JR.; Executive Directo~Tel: 410-547-5322; Office of the Archbiehop-Most Rev. WILI.U.M E. Lo!U, RoBERT K Sllll'l'H; PAUL A. WEB!!R; MRs. Fax: 410-882-8283; S.T.D., Tel: 410-547-5437; Fax: 410-727-8234; JACQUELYN SBNI!SCHAL. Email: [email protected]. MR. JOHN M Email: [email protected]. Faeilitiea and Real Estah Commission-MR.. DANlBL MATERA, CPA, Exec. Dir. & CFO, Priest Secretary to the Archbishop-Rev. LoUIS A. PALI.ACE, Chm. Email: [email protected]. BlANCO, Tel: 410-541-5568; La.y Employees Retirement Boord-MR.

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