THE MONTANA NEWS, HELENA. MONTANA THE MONTANA NEWS. Socialist National and State Ticket not one of individuals, but rather of systems, will they be able to do anything in their own behalf. No individual is responsible for the THE YOUNG MAN For President— wrongs that are borne by the working class, and no individual can ISSl'K.I) WEF.KI.Y. Eugene V. Debs of Indiana. right them. Who Likes lo Wear CLOTHES For Vice President— The question of Joe Toole's moral character amounts to nothing That FIT PERFECTLY in this great class It would make no difference if he were J. M. WALSH t&UZg* Hen Hanford of New York Struggle, a -aint. The only fact to be considered is that he represents the Should know more about HUB OFFICE 22 I'AKK AVE. P. O. BOX 908 For Presidential Electors— •yetem that robs the producer of all but a mere handful of the product QUALITY Clothes. They are made W. N. Holden, of Silver Bow. of his toil ; a robbery from which springs all the misery of the work• so different from others; made by a Catered at ihe INwt Office for tranamlaaton J. F. Mabie, of Park. ing class. higher type of tailors, with more through the mail at necond cla«» ratea. Joseph Hoar, of Silver Bow. A rOM for Debs and a vote for Toole is no vote at all. It is styles, betrer fitting, bettei work• •imply knocking one vote down with another. In their political po• manship, and shape retaining abso• SUBSCRIPTION. »!.<» PER YEAR. For Oovernor— sitions. Debs and Toole stand, not side bv side, but face to face. lutely. If they weren't better, Much MalcombO. OWIalley, Silver Bow. AdTertiRinn Kat^« made known upon applica• better than other makes, we should tion at thi* office. For I ieutenant Governor— A. L. U. EXECUTIVE MEMBER'S POLITICAL ACTION. have no excuse for mentioning the John W. Frinke, of Deer Lodge. To Whom It May Concern: To those who do not know Mr. fact. The picture opposite shows For Congressman— John M. Kay. the fusion candidate tor superintendent of public in- one of our new winter models. Any subscriber not receiv• J H. Walsh, of Fergus. ItrttCtioSa, and his entire loyalty to organized labor, I wish to state ing the News regularly should that Mr. John M. Ks) was a member and in good standing of Red OVERCOATS notify this office at once. It For Chief Justice of Supreme Court— Lodge Labor I'nion, No. 70. of the American Labor I'nion, up to the lor the young man, sizes 12 to 20, only takes a one cent postal C. II. Parr, of Silver Bow. card. Our mailing list is prac• time the union dissolved and surrendered its charter. showing everything that is new in tically perfect, and manv errors For Clerk of Supreme Court— REES DAVIS. styles as well as fabrics, from are carlessly made at certain John Peters, of Carbon. Member of the Kxeeutive Board of the American Labor I'nion. postoftices, and our readers Helena, Oct. 20. —Independent. $4.50 up to $20 can assist us greatly in prompt• For Secretary of State— ly notifying this office of the Henry Lynch, of Fergus. Section of Preamble to Constitution of the American Labor SUITS same. I'nion: "Believing that the time has come for undivided working For State Treasurer— ehaSS politics] action, we hereby declare in favor of International So• Right Smart Suits for young man, Erik Olson, of Cascade. cialism, and adopt the platform, of the Socialist party of America in from 14 to 20 years, made of the For State Auditor— its entirety as the political platform of the American Labor I'nion, very latest Scotch and Knglish W. C Phelps, of Lewis ft Clarke. and we earnestly appeal to the members of the American Labor woolens, in single or double I'nion, and the working class in general, to be governed by these breasted sacks, from For Attorney General— provision's, to-wit :" E. O. Jackson, of Silver Bow. $10 to $18.00 1 Followed by immediate demands of the Socialist party plat• For State Superintendent of Public form of 1901.) 15he HUB Instruction— The Montana New - reproduces the two foregoing articles, which L. WEIGEL. Prat. Mrs. R. Anna derman, of Silver are -elf-explanatory, and serve as a sample in illustrating the ungrate• CORNER MAIM AND 6TH Bow. ful actions and inconsistency of the laboring man. Probably there i- not in the state of Montana a greater union man than Mr. Rees ALLIANCE AND UNION MEN ON SAME TICKET. Davis, if the flexibility of his lungs and larynx act as a barometer bv U Another glaring inconsistency in the maimer in which union < TRA0ES[| rilg7jc0UNCIL^ which to gauge. Hut in these days men are judged by their acts men are prone "to right the enemy along union lines" is shown in Eugene V. Debs Ben Hanford and not by their mouths. It is becoming all the more so as the So• the ridiculous proposition of placing upon their labor-democratic cialist movement advances, and today a goodly portion of the wage fusion ticket Mr. 11. N. Canoll. member of tbe Helena Citizens' Al• earners are beginning to realize that the real enemy is entrenched ANOTHER IMPROVEMENT IN THE MAILING LIST. liance, with that of J. K. Smith and F. Sanden, who are supposed within the union and not without. An effort lias been made for over two years to keep improving to be loyal unionists. It is stated that Mr. Canoll within the last Mr. Davis, we note that you are a member of the executive board Tbe Montana News, and with this issue we have added one m->re few months resigned his affiliation with the Alliance, apropos of his of the American Labor I'nion, which has repeatedly declared for slight improvement, which will be noticed by our subscribers when candidacy on the labor-democratic ticket. He is now busily engaged the principles of Socialism, and now on election day we lad you they glance at the small yellow label containing the name of the per• in writing illogical and nonsensical union labor sop—something he acting in the role of a Judas Iscariot to your Union and y our class, by son to whom the paper is sent. While this small affair may appear knows absolutely nothing about. The alpha and omega of his slush •Milting into office men who stand for political principles that era to manv to be ol minor importance, permit us to say that it is one is as to what he—Mr. C anoll—will do for the laboring men in Mon• diametrically opposed to the declarations of your union and your of no small cost, anil tells to each and every reader fifty-two times tana, and in part of Kurope, in case the workingman is wide awake class. Last spring we found you merged deep into the political mire, in the year when his subscription will expire. The great increase in enough to elect him to the state house. It is of little concern to The peddling through the streets, in the interest of democrat Richard The Montana News circulation forces the management to adopt the-e News as to whether Canoll belongs to the Citizens' Alliance; what we Purcell handbills regarding the strike at Lewistow n, that were abso• improved labor saving devices, ami especially BO when you take into are most interested in. is to the absurdity of tbe "pure anil lutely misleading, and for the purpose of using your union connection pointing consideration the fact that The News is not MMt to any address unless simple" union man Alliance members and to into office a man who stands for principles opposite to that anathematizing Citizens' the same is paid for in advance. Therefore, the figures and month hoist of your union. You pride yourself on your orthodoxy in unionism, declaring boycotts against them, as a means of forcing their demands, printed upon the label tells the story to the subscriber each week M Mr. Davis. And from that standpoint let us treat it with some little and when election time rolls around act cheek by jowl with Citi• to when his subscription expires, and saxes to the office an enormous zens' Alliance members on tin- same ticket, and elect them into politi• amount of correspondence and postage were not this improved system snalyahv Voa remember, Mr. Davis, that when you joined the cal power to use the forces of government against them the balance adopted. Comrades, hereafter your name will appear upon the label \merican Labor Union, the preliminary prerequisite was that you of the year, (ireat 1- consistency. Will the wage earner ever awake? on your paper witli the figures ami month showing when the same hold ap your right hand and swear before your God that you "would expires. Permit a short explanation now. that no tni>understanding rapport union men in preference to all others." Now, Mr. Davis, take may arise in the future: The figures will appear for instance in this the state democratic ticket and compare it with the Socialist, and < >n October 2$. at the Auditorium in Helena, the republicans held manner: Suppose you have paid until April i of next year; opposite then tell us, from a union standpoint, which ticket you ought to another brass band and red fire rally, with Joe Dixon as the star the name will be lAprO$, meaning the 1st of April. 190$.
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