sECRETll20290410 DEPARTMENTOF DEFENSE JOINTTASK FORCE GUANTANAMO GUANTANAMOBAY, CUBA APOAE 09360 REPLY TO AITENTION OF JTFGTMO-CG 10April2004 MEMORANDUMFOR Commander, United States Southern Command, 3511 NW 9lstAvenue, Miami,FL33172. SUBJECT: Recommendationto Transferto the Controlof AnotherCountry for Continued Detention(TRCD) for GuantanamoDetainee, ISN: US9SW-000166DP(S) 1. (FOUO)Personal Information: o Firstname Middle names Last name: MehdiGhezali o Aliases: MehdiMohammad Ghezali o Placeof Birth: Stockholm.Sweden (SW) o Dateof Birth: 5 Julv 1979 o Citizenship: Sweden(SW) 2. (FOUO) Health: He is in good health. 3. (S) DetaineeSummary: a. (S) Background and Capture Data: o The detaineeclaimed to have been on vacation in Portugal and then visiting in Saudi Arabia from August 1999 to June 2000; however, the Portuguesegovernment provided evidence detaineewas jailed for theft during this time. o In January2000, detaineeclaims to have left Swedento attend Ramadanin Saudi Arabia with his friend Abdul Salam. o Detaineeclaims that he met anotherfriend, Yousef Fresh, while in Saudi Arabia. o Detaineeclaims that he and Abdul Salam traveled to Mecca and then Medina. Upon completionof the Haj, they returnedto Sweden. o While attendingRamadan, detainee claims he met a Moroccan namedNieem who convinced the detaineeto travel to London, United Kingdom (UK). o In May 2001, detaineetraveled to London,UK, and stayedwith Nieem. CLASSIFIED BY: Multiple Sources REASON:E.O.12958 Section 1.5(C) DECLASSIFY ON: 20290410 sECRETll20290410 SECRET I 120290410 JTF GTMO-CG SUBJECT: Recommendationto Transfer to the Control of Another Country for Continued Detention(TRCD) for GuantanamoDetainee, ISN: US9SW-000166DP(S) . Approximately two weeks later, detaineeand Nieem then traveled to Islamabad, Pakistan(PK), and stayedat one of Nieem'sresidences. o A week later, detaineewas taken to Abu Abdullah's housenear Jalalabad, Afghanistan (AF) by Nieem and stayedfor approximately 5 months. Detainee claims that all he "was did for those five months to study the Koran and go for walks." o When the coalition bombing began,Abdullah told the detaineeto leave Afghanistan becausethe Arabs would kill him and his family. Detaineealso claims that he choseto leave Jalalabad,AF, in October 2001 with a group of women and children in fear of being captured and executedby the Northern Alliance becausehe was a foreigner of Arab descent. o Abdullah made arrangementsfor Ali (a Moroccan) and Ismael (a Tunisian) to take the detaineeto Pakistan. o Detaineeand his companionstraveled for approximately 30 days before being arrestedalong the Afghanistan/Pakistanborder by Pakistani authorities and then turned over to US authorities. Detainee also claims he was capturedat an unidentified mosquenear the Pakistan/Afghanistan border. o Detaineeclaims that the Pakistani authoritiesconfiscated his passport,driver's license, and an unknown amount of money. b. (S) Transfer to JTF GTMO: Detaineewas subsequentlytransported to GuantanamoBay Naval Base,Cuba, on 17 January2002. c. (S) Reasonsfor Transferto JTF GTMO: To provide general-to-specificinformation on the cultural, religious, and ethnic recruitment of Muslim foreign nationals attendingthe Haj in Saudi Arabia. d. (S) Reasonsfor Continued Detention in Another Country: o Detaineehas been uncooperative,unforthcoming and deceptiveduring interrogations at JTF GTMO and has systematicallyrecanted both the original and later versions of his story. o According to sensitivereporting, within the last six months, detainee'sfather, Mehdi Ghezali,met with AbdolrahmanBarzanjee, an Al-Qaida associateand possible Ansar Al-Islam coordinator for Europe. During the meeting,Barzanjeearrapged to give Ghezali any assistance he might needin Sweden. o Additionally, according to sensitivereporting, a Swedishhijacking suspectstated that he did not personally know detainee,but he had met detainee'sbrother. o Detaineementioned that there was an article in a Swedishnewspaper stating that he was a terrorist and life for him has ended. o Detaineementioned during interrogationsthat a friend named Yusef visited him while he was in Saudi Arabia. According to sensitivereporting, there is a SwedishAl-Qaida 'pick-pocketing' operativethat goesby the alias Yusef who specializedin to finance Al-Qaida 2 sECRETll20290410 SECRET I 120290410 JTFGTMO-CG SUBJECT:Recommendation to Transferto the Controlof AnotherCountry for Continued Detention(TRCD) for GuantanamoDetainee, ISN: US9SW-000166DP(S) operations.This individual is alsoa closeassociate of Abu Zubaydah,a seniorAl-Qaida operative/facilitator. o Detaineewas capturedwith23 otherArabs from variouscountries to include, Denmark,Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, some of whomhave admitted to beingAl-Qaida or membersof andassociated with otherTier 1 terroristorganizations; which aredescribed as terroristgroups, especially those with statesupport, that have demonstrated the intentionand the capabilityto attackUS personsor interests.Detainee has yet to discussthese individuals, details of his travels,or placeshe stayed. e. (S) lntelligenceValue: JTF GTMO hasdetermined that this detainee is of medium intelligencevalue due to his knowledgeof: o Recruitmenttactics in SaudiArabia. o Nieem,a suspectedAl-Qaida facilitator. o OtherAl-Qaida members'travels and biographical details. o Safehousesin Afghanistan. o Al-Qaidatransit routes in andout of Afghanistan. 4. (S) Detainee'sConduct: Detainee'soverall behavior has been generally non-compliant and non-aggressive.ISN 166has disregarded the guards'instructions concerning cellblock requirementsand has been seen talking with otherdetainees in othercellblocks. 5. (S) EC Status:Detainee's enemy combatant status was reassessed on 24 February2004, and he remainsan enemycombatant. 6. (S) JTF GTMO Assessment: a. (S) Summary:It is assessedthat this detaineeis a possibleAl-Qaida member and had goneto Afghanistanto supportthe Taliban. Detaineehas been uncooperative and claims that he joined 20 womenand children trying to escapeAfghanistan; however, his capturedata states that he wascaptured with admittedAl-Qaida members. The detainee has stated that he will provide the UnitedStates with no information,even if it meanshe remainsincarcerated. It hasbeen determinedthat the detaineeposes a mediumrisk, ashe may possiblypose a threatto the US, its interestsand allies. b. (S) Recommendation:JTF GTMO recommendsthis detaineebe transferredto the controlof anothercountry for continueddetention. a J SEcRET I 120290410 SEcRET I 120290410 JTFGTMO-CG SUBJECT:Recommendation to Transferto the Controlof AnotherCountry for Continued Detention(TRCD) for GuantanamoDetainee, ISN: US9SW-000166DP(S) 7. (S) Coordination: JTFGTMO notifiedthe Criminal lnvestigative Task Force (CITF) of this recommendationon 9 March 2004. CITF hasnot evaluatedthe detainee. EncI , MITCHELLR. LECLAIRE BrigadierGeneral, U.S. Army DeputyCommander CF: CITF-JTFGTMO 4 sECRETll20290410 sECRETll20290403 BehavioralHealth ServiceAddendum to the TRCD Memo ISN: US9SW-000166DP(S) Language:Swedish, English, Arabic 8 Apr 04 1. Backeround a. The detainee is a24-year-oldSwedish male who arrivedat JTF GTMO in January 2002. He lacksa recordedpsychiatric history, as he hasnot accessedBehavioral Health servicessince his arrival. However,his psychosocialhistory is of concern.The detainee's fatherand older brother both havecriminal histories, and the detainee'sfather is thoughtto haveAl-Qaida ties. At aboutage 20, the detaineewas held for severalmonths in preventive detentionin Portugalfollowing arrestfor severalcounts of theft. His parents'marriage is 1o longerintact, and he appearsto havevery few closesocial ties at home. He completeda 9tn gradeeducation and accomplished a3-year training course in welding,but hasnever been employed,citing only a summerpractical experience in 1999that did not turninto a permanentposition. b. BehaviorEvaluation. Review of detainee'srecorded behaviors since he arrivedat CampDelta in January2002 reveals a historyof passivenon-compliance but a lack of overt aggressiveacts. He hasoccasionally verbally harassed guards and has frequently engaged in physicaltraining. The detaineehas made some attempts to teachand lead prayer, and he occasionallycommunicates with detaineeson otherblocks. He doesnot; however, appear to demonstrateleadership abilities, most likely due to his youthand lack of experience. 2. Disposition a. Summaryand Recommendation: From a psychologicaland behavioral perspective, the detaineecan be consideredan overallmoderate risk with regardto the U.S.,its allies,and interests.Of particularconcern are his youth,his own criminalactivities, his relationto others(father, brother) who havealso repeatedly engaged in criminalactivities, and his devoutover-identification with his religion,which appearsto makeup for lack of self-concept andself-esteem. These factors, along with his pasttravel destinations/methods, suspected associationswith membersof Al-Qaida,recorded non-compliant behaviors and distinct lack of cooperationduring period of detainment,indicate that the probabilityof this detainee returningto terroristactivities is ratedas high. The severityof the consequencesof that potentialreturn is ratedas moderate, as he doesnot appearto havehad a significantleadership role in the past,nor hashe takenon a leadershiprole duringhis detainment.He canbe consideredan easilymanipulated follower, readily influenced by others,and he will be highly vulnerableto effortsto recruithim for futureterrorist activities. His Westernresidence and passportwould likely makehim a very desirablerecruitment target. CLASSIFIED BY: Multiple Sources REASON:E.O. 12958 Section 1.5(C) DECLASSIFYON: 20290403 SEcRET I 120290403 ILI (L.
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