Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons Scrapbooks Peaks Island Archives 4-1954 Hilda Shute Scrapbook, No. 1, part 2 : April 1954 - July 1955 Hilda Shute Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/peaks_scrapbook Recommended Citation Shute, Hilda, "Hilda Shute Scrapbook, No. 1, part 2 : April 1954 - July 1955" (1954). Scrapbooks. 3. http://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/peaks_scrapbook/3 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Peaks Island Archives at Portland Public Library Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Scrapbooks by an authorized administrator of Portland Public Library Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~npoy, Jan. 31, 1955 13 ~~~ •. niATh'E, SaTlJRDAY, JANU~%~{19; ~;·_ 1 Pe.£!:ks Island !Miss Ruih Stt1rgis, Bel~v:e~ Group Hali; jPHS Teacher, Dies llttre Mi.s Ruth Leighton s,urgis, · Winter Meeli ng ror 35 }·enrs an &ntlfsh teacher Robert F. St.i!Ungs. vioe prcs­ in l'ortlond :fflgll school, died idenL of Trefethen.Evergr~n lhi.s JJ10ro\ng in a loe.(L.J Dllraiug Jmprovrment A~"50CiAtion. 50-ned horne alter an \11.ness of more as mt..ster or ce.rcrnonies t\t thC f,han a ·year. annu~t mid-winter gct-tosctnl!f Miss Sture;!r. who was made and d~_nn.er held in \he J..a.fa.ye:tt,~ he;id ·ot the £ntltsh d.ap:'LrtlP.ent Hotel Sal.ul'd_ay evening. at the locnl high scllool ir\.J942, M)-. Sk.Utings re$d R't"Cetlngs ht\.d bee'r1 on to.we or a.Qscncc b~· from Robert F . Bowman. p~Sl· ca.use or ti.er illness until hct dent and 1r1rs . .Bowu~an who atl!. retirt:men'- lut sr,rln12. In Flotl<ll!';, Miss Thcr<sa L.. AltboUJth sho had ne.ver re• Cram. ~e~l'l'. Newtonvllre'l cove.red trom the t:Uett..~ or .all Mass.: ~- and Mrs. John ·n: op,ora:Uon performed in Septet))· 03w::-.on. PhUadclphfa, -Po.: M.r.s: bcrr 19!>3. sbe never nnowed }\er Hugh H. M.UUmore and Mrs. spirits to Oag. Our!ng th• t.el\· Ma.r~hall M, T:\tro. NtH~tucke~ len set(..flOtt. .lasL }-Ca'r, ~be ,?X· hfa.nd. Mn.ss. "· pre.$Sed her faith in God and His Greetings were ext.ended to purp'os.f! ln one or a series o! tn­ out-of-town members Mtcnd.ing:' , sptr-11ttonn1 mtssa,gr.,- f rom P(lr\.­ They were·Mr. t\nd M.rs. OentOI). : lnud people prLrited In the Port­ W. Rando.11. Winchester. Ma'.SS.;- -~ la od Even1.r.g EX'tll'e65 Mrs. Horace A. Litt.le, EllsWoroh: ln her act h·e c.treer as- a. M.rs. Martha ·Je(lrlcs, Rocl>cstor. 1 tea.ober r;h!} wa.s friend aod coun­ N. a; Mrs. F)'cd Bcnrce and I s~1of to hu.bri.reds or bo;·?> and Mrs. LetOY Curtf.s. Auburu and girls. D11Ting 11'!!' lUnl$5 mallY ot MiSSll'RUth L. sh• .-gj5 Miss Florence M. Alexander: these contrU,,.1ted to the hc.a1,-y "'+L ~ .Ncwton,·Ule~ Mass. =·· e6sts of t..rentment in apprc.'(:\t1 - . 'The 'President ,mnounced th~ non O:f ;Lhe man; ~tndly t hini!~ lo~i; !1!acbmg <;nreer at. PorU1m flrg-r; swnmer mc-eUng is sched~ shC h~fQ done tor th.cm. fi~'l School uted tor June. 21 In the cliib· .M'iss Sturgis wns nn actcnowl- :-,,ht? was &. member. o{ the hoUS(, at Trefethen Ldg .. Peaks:\ e(lscd· authority on Old PorLland Im ma.nu~~ &~ti.st Church. wher.e­ Ts!and. , ~n<l~cr delh·cred fJ.undrcds of she ha~ sifn•,cil ~s un officer. of. oeori,c J , f!uelin conduct•<! tectu~~ ~n t.hnt nubJett. inaltin.g tti! ~V~rrdn s: , Fede-raUon. and "T've Got n s eer et" progr~ ·\ them' ~:more mtete"tlOJ with ro. _e\er:;1,l Jea;s a:s ohurch The panel in,;Juded Do. ,Joseph c:<blbil's:. '1rom PorLJ;nd', ..,-.arly school lthraria.n. M..w.. ~o~t d:;i.,y.s:-··~ · w:.ls a. past prestdcnt. or the Ma;c- S. Whltc, Mrs. Horace A. 1.. u,.- .­ Ue. Miss F1oreoce Alexo..nder nod ~e.\•er .1iggardly wit.h her enrn- Dowen club. il me.mbcr o( the: P'tancis O'Donnell. Group sing- in&S sh• cow.1·1buted to ..·orthY t>o.rlJl<l>d Ro,.lnl Clltb Ch6!'1<&, c.."'ri.ls~·.ttorrf:'t.tli·r Jecture proceed:;. a.nd. a ch:l.rt.er" member of th; 11:'I!_was 1oUowed by grunP.s. .~~ ~e i,roC~ct$ 1rom· sol]':.c o! hei ffiHor ch02r or the Immanuel The.-.a,c, Ufary to the a.>nclall­ ~ttifea boto~.the N•iloib.u:c.u• &ptlsc Ch11r r.h. MacV'aiw·Po.:1t. AL. wm, meet t\t C~t~tOtf'A:t!.iociit~on 'lllff>re donntc·d S~e a~so w3:s A _member of ~~ 8 n.rn, \llmorrow with l\~i-s. Olive ·~ .; t,!le; }fiackett Me m-o r i ~ 1 ~at.uma:.., POn~nd an~ ~at~ Tow~d. Adnmi, St. Mrs. Gr.?r­ I~~: P~ala IS!ilnd. She bad rn,chNs A"""'°tttlqns, th.• NE'So trude ~li.'inn~ is ch~irman o! -,.t . .n. ,any summon< at I.be Englsnd Assoclat10µ. o! EngJ15l1 -f,4ncl. __ , Tea~hers: tho PonJand Altr,~ the nfoJ1uJ $'Um.mer fair t-0 be lltld Jul:, 23, · 'fi!,i.,.s.J1orn in Po,·IJ~rid Dec Club .~he Bat.es Club and Port• Mr. and Mrs. John E. Phllllppe, , 1.• -1,Eg.,"l;tli• ·ilm,!()>t., o{ tb• htc !ruut c ollege <;;Jub .••nd w., a,n PorU&nd, summer residents of Oe~~ · ··'W_?: an'd tdn. T. stut,;t:;.. active .m~ber of the em-t!an Seashore A \'c.• left Sn.turday ror r V~fi:' , l;lllll'.Ji.s ~a,i ~radiiaLed Pla:,.ers. , ,• . scve-r:L .vteeks' vacation in Ro11y­ tr,,!ji'· ~b,i;tTand rush Scbool in Pu:oern! .en·lces,1'!i'll~be hel9 wood. P.la. , iii~,. '}ll~:tr,m B4"'5 <:roUeu in at 2.30 p . m~J\/lo~.in. tinmrui~ RM3'Rlcha,rd){. Br!ds Phlla• I 1~, ~g;ol)c f.,.Tof, leao.hlllll u~1J3a prlot, Chu~, Inlcnne delp hln, rctumed to duty' ye,ler~ · , .... ·" ·" • _.;aijai!dJ= Ylill b.e. J.~WO.sLOru>-dll.-_ I aay io1Jowi.ng -seVerlll :aar,s' Jea..\-'e · • · . J'#,tl•nd Jt.!,c.j Evcniog E,pms, Tuesdoy, F.\;. I'S, 1955 wjth bi,; parent•. M t~d.. Mxs. Henry r...,. Briggs, Plea . A~e, The Firs~ Aid Cla.<s, ~ll();ns<>ren bY t.he Calends Study ctub. "ilt meet iP Tola!~ Hall M 8 p.m: ta; morrow. -~~~- Ocrkudc Ingra... h.am, @a-1.iiifriui, a·nnounces this wUI be lhe last ui;ht for regis­ t-tatJoo. Mr. aud l.\1.rs. Edw:t1'd H11.rri3 Greenwood St., hnd ns Sund•Y guest& ber son and dau;rhter-ln­ la.w; 1,fr'. and Mrs. o avtd Fnrn­ ~,_.?l and son, Bruce. Belmont, .:.1'.iss.. and Mr&. Famrntm·1. mother, l\-frs. Lawrence McKin­ lr-Y. Atlanta. Ga. • ·. •• ., , /-'1v lf Winter Comee ~ ·T:~vo F~roilies In ,van~ Given Peaks Lsland ls Slippiug,~ :o; ,; I I year ago our chi.er mentw: ox Shelter At City Hospital .: . _I was shipping us pnSSYWillOW§:t. [amWes ti.i;h\. UY, w~o, ls 1 TWo to\;\lin.i w~mpJoyed, stayco cember and. aru>le. blossoms' . ,~1 { children t-nd two ~dolts wert! at Lhc home tti ~ to get t1~f tbey orchids?) In January. , i•k~n to ciw'F{osplt,,l for aheltcr PIP.OS oleareil CIC.1 Welfare.,dt· ye$ u, rd nY alter !n~&tlglit,01-s rC<ltor Motth6v; :L Batton sai,: I year, so far, noi a sing!~ 5ll round them s\ltferins srom the · Barro11 p~inted out: l\,a( ~·, peep com~s across the bay. .w ~ ~ . cold wd lo·k or lood, capL Har• famll!es were taktl\ to ttt<l mam " . Id · 1.od•Y home at tlte bOSPltilLJind ·n_o.t to, our Kindly Old Phil6so1?,fi! : "· ol'!,!:- M~gu:;;" ·~lilldren • UlCiI lbe .ho.sp!tal section 'wber~ b~cb ·\ tbere, by means of the sulmi · ,i, ~ rvuI O e Jd 'i,Od [ ha.Ve ha<J. to b<, pl&~ fr> the.oor• mC?thcr, and. a. Y~&.r-o . ·~ . 0 · ridorsdo accorru:iiod.Q-te the o.~.e,:. .. ble, how t he lsla.nd gn:nmah& ., Oll~ of the da..u.;h_,ers. cam~ trom flo\11 o! "P.a.tients. out with I~ shadow yesferda} , hak~ ~il).Ild. '!'he [ I r • ~ ~at The hOsµita-t,lnu; Hl. beds ~n.d though. and got t.hts reP.lY bro.utbt 111cm from the ls)~ud to there are now 156 patierit5 the,;e. i '' · soot. Pier where the;· were he said. we don't ha'!_~ a11y grolllldh · + t-r;L!J.Sterred to . Ult ponce ambu~ .Beds have been S(!t up 1n tht:! here. All the hogs,are up !n Ci fa.nee. Ag-es of the chlldr~n -are corr1.dors r.or -more lhan ti month. 11, H. 12. 11 and the ye:aT ..old B~n-on sa!d. J We put this down as an enigm\~ I ~lii!d. lie e1<1>l•i11ed tMt :~t was 001 mark and you are free to m~•.
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