THE REFLECTION OF THEORY OF HUMANISTIC PERSONALITY IN 5 SECOND OF SUMMER’S LYRICS JET BLACK HEART,HEY EVERYBODY, FLY AWAY AND VAPOR TERM PAPER By: SITI AISYAH 2014130033 STRATASTRATA ONE (S-1 ONE) OF (S-1) ENGLISH OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LANGUAGE AND CULTURE AND CULTURE DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF HUMANITIES DARMAPERSADAUNIVERSITY JAKARTA 2018 THE REFLECTION OF THEORY OF HUMANISTIC PERSONALITY IN 5 SECOND OF SUMMER’S LYRICS JET BLACK HEART,HEY EVERYBODY, FLY AWAY AND VAPOR TERM PAPER Submitted in Part Fulfilling for Obtaining Strata One (S-1) Degree By: SITI AISYAH 2014130033 STRATASTRATA ONE ( ONES-1) OF (S-1) ENGLISH OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LANGUAGE AND CULTURE AND CULTURE DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF HUMANITIES DARMAPERSADAUNIVERSITY JAKARTA 2018 UNIVERSITY OF DARMA PERSADA |ii INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY STATMENT PAGE I hereby declare that the termpaper is the result of my own work, not a half or total plagiarism of someone else’s, and all the sources quoted or reffered to have been stated correctly based on the actual date and time. Name : SitiAisyah Reg. No : 2014130033 Signature : Date : August 9th, 2018 UNIVERSITY OF DARMA PERSADA |iii UNIVERSITY OF DARMA PERSADA |iv UNIVERSITY OF DARMA PERSADA |v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, Praise be to Allah SWT for His mercy and blessing, finally I could complete this term-paper well, which entitled The Reflection of Theory of Humanistic Personality in 5 Second Of Summer’s Lyrics Jet Black Heart, Hey Everybody, Fly Away, and Vapor. This term-paper is submitted to the Strata One English Language and Culture Department of University of Darma Persada as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for obtaining the Strata One (S-1) degree. I would like to thank to all parties who have guided and supported me in finishing this term-paper, my appreciation is delivered to those who give contribution in completion of this term-paper, which I listed as follows: 1. Prof. Dr. Hj. Albertine S. Minderop, MA as the Adviser who has guided and helped me patientlyin the preparation of this research. 2. Eka Yuniar, SS, M.Si as the Reader who has checked and corrected the word by word thoroughlyin this term-paper, and also as my Academic Adviser who has guided and helped me patientlyin the preparation of my study every semester. 3. Tommy Andrian, SS, M.Hum as the Head of English Language and Culture. 4. Dr. Ir. Eko Cahyono, M.Eng. the Dean of Faculty of Humanities. 5. All lecturers of English Language and Culture who have given me so much knowledge and experiences. The secretariat whom helped during I collage at University of DarmaPersada. 6. My dear family, especially my parents, AdheSuwito and Reni Astuti, whose endless love bring me to this point, who never gives up to make her children get higher education, then is never tired to remind me to always pray and complete my term paper. My brother and his wife, Agung and Vina,who always gives they endless support in they own way. Their support cannot be forgotten. My dear cousin, Lina, Maya, Syifa, and Zahra, who always support and comforted me, if I was getting tired. Thank you 7. My trusted friends, Mutia, Syarah, Lya, and Nina, who always support me though with a great distance, but I know you always pray the best for me. Love you all. UNIVERSITY OF DARMA PERSADA |vi 8. My best friend, FirdaPrihatin, who spent her time wanting to interrupt until midnight to discuss about this paper, and always accompany my day on campus from early entry until 2014 until now. I am really grateful for your good company.My precious friends, Ary, Yuliana, Eva, Widya, Uha and Aghnia who always color my days and give me many advices, as well as the rest of my classmates in English Department class of 2014 who always support me. 9. My friends in communities, Gold Dragon fams, The God Father fams, Harley Quinn crew, Celestial crew, Avatar Music Jabodetabek, and all of my friends in the game online, who always color my day though from a great distance, we only connect through chat group, but you have made me laugh, happy smile when I'm dizzy with my script, and give support to me, thanks for everything. Overall, I hope that Allah is pleased to give all the good of all those who have helped. I hope this term-paper brings benefits to the next study. Jakarta, 2018 Writer SitiAisyah UNIVERSITY OF DARMA PERSADA |vii ABSTRACT Name : SitiAisyah Program of Study : English Language and Culture Department Title : The Reflection of Theory of Humanistic Personality in 5 Second Of Summer’s Lyrics Jet Black Heart, Hey Everybody, Fly Away, and Vapor. This term-paper discusses about the theme of lyrics. Two approaches, intrinsic and extrinsic approaches, are applied to analyze this lyrics. The concepts that is applied to analyze through intrinsic approach consists of imagery, figure of speech, and theme . The concept to analyze through extrinsic approach is humanistic personality by Abraham Maslow. This research explains about the reflection of humanistic personality in two 5 Secon Of Summer lyrics, as well as its relation to other intrinsic elements. In this research,Jet Black Heart and Hey Everybody lyrics is the primary sources and supported by some of relevant theories, concepts, and definitions which as secondary sources. Keywords: Jet Black Heart and Hey Everybody, Humanistic Personality, Abraham Maslow. UNIVERSITY OF DARMA PERSADA |viii ABSTRACT Name : SitiAisyah Program of Study : Departemen Bahasa Inggris dan Budaya Title : The Reflection of Theory of Humanistic Personality in 5 Second Of Summer’s Lyrics Jet Black Heart, Hey Everybody, Fly Away, and Vapor. Skripsi ini membahas tema sebuah lirik. Dua pendekatan, pendekatan intrinsik dan ekstrinsik, digunakan untuk menganalisis novel ini. Konsep-konsep yang digunakan untuk menganalisis melalui pendekatan intrinsik meliputi Imagery, majas ( personifikasi, simile, dan metaphor) dantema. Konsep untuk menganalisis melalui pendekatan ekstrinsik adalah teori cinta altruistik dari Stephen Garrard Post. Penelitian ini membahas tentang cerminan teorikepribadianhumanisrikdari Abraham Maslow dalam dua lirik, Jet Black Heart dan Hey Everybody, serta kaitannya dengan unsur-unsur intrinsik lainnya. Lirik Jet Black Heart dan Hey Everybody merupakan sumber primer dalam skripsi ini dan didukung oleh teori- teori, konsep dan definisi terkait yang menjadi sumber sekunder. Keywords: Jet Black Heart and Hey Everybody, Humanistic Personality, Abraham Maslow. UNIVERSITY OF DARMA PERSADA |ix TABLE OF CONTENTS COVER ………………………………………………………………………….. ii INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY STATEMENT PAGE ....................................... iii TEST FEASIBILITY APPROVAL PAGE .......................................................... iv APPROVAL PAGE ...............................................................................................v ACKNOWLEDGE ............................................................................................... vi ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... viii ABSTRAK ......................................................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................... x CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION .................................................................... 1 A. Background of the Research ............................................................................ 1 B. Identification of the Problem ............................................................................ 3 C. Limitation of the Problem ................................................................................. 3 D. Formulation of the Problem .............................................................................. 3 E. Objectives of the Research ................................................................................ 3 F. Methods of the Research.................................................................................... 4 G. Benefit of the Research ..................................................................................... 4 H. Systematic Organization of the Research ......................................................... 4 CHAPTER II : FRAMEWORK OF THEORIES ....................................... 6 A. Intrinsic Approach ............................................................................................ 6 1. Poetic Diction...................................................................................................... 6 B. Extrinsic Approach ............................................................................................ 9 1. Psychology.................................................................................................... 9 2. Humanistic Personality............................................................................... 10 CHAPTER III: THE SONG LYRICS OF 5 SECOND OFSUMMER’S LYRICS JET BLACK HEART, HEY EVERYBODY,FLY AWAY, AND VAPOR THROUGH INTRINSIC APPROACH.................................... 11 A. Poetic Diction .................................................................................................. 11 1. Song Lyrics: Jet Black Heart …................................................................. 11 2. Song Lyrics: Hey Everybody....................................................................... 18 3. Song Lyrics: Fly Away................................................................................ 23 4. Song Lyrics : Vapor …………………………………………………….... 29 UNIVERSITY OF DARMA PERSADA |x
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