April 10, 2014 Nankai Electric Railway Co., Ltd. Mobile Suit Gundam UC (Unicorn) x Limited Express Rapi:t. Launching “The Second Coming of Red Comet Limited Express Rapi:t Neo Zeon Version”! In conjunction with the operation of this train, We sell many kinds of commemorative goods. The Nankai Electric Railway commences operation of 「Mobile Suit Gundam × Limited Express Rapi:t “Second Coming of Red Comet Limited Express Rap:t Neo Zeon Version”」 on the Nankai Line and the Airport Line from April 26, 2014(Sat). This collaboration is commemoration the 20th anniversary of the opening Airport Line and the 20th anniversary of the commence operation of Limited Express Rapi:t. “Mobile Suit Gundam UC” is the one of a series of “Mobile Suit Gundam” that the popular animation. Both the Airport Line and Limited Express Rapi:t reach the 20th anniversary in this year! The Airport Line (operating between Izumisano Station and Kansai Airport Station) was launched on June 15, 1994. Limited Express Rap:t debuted on September 4, in the same year. So both of the Airport line and Limited Express meet the 20th anniversary in this year. Our company show off the new potentialities and designs to people : customers of Rap:t and fun of the railways and Gundam throughout Japan. Rapi:t will be transformed in red, in the image of Neo Zeon! From May 17, 2014, special screening of the movie, “Mobile Suit Gundam UC, Episode 7 'Beyond the Rainbow'” will be shown at the Namba Parks Cinema and 35 movie theaters throughout Japan, and will be provided distribution service and Pre-sell Blu-ray too. The exterior of the only “one formation” of the Limited Express Rapi:t will be transformed into red, in the image of Neo Zeon, the organization led by Full Frontal,“Second Coming of Char (a character in the movie).” Moreover, three seats will be set up as special seats collaborated with characters of Mobile Suit Gundam UC. (Fig.1 「Mobile Suit Gundam × Limited Express Rapi:t “Second Coming of Red Comet Limited Express Rap:t Neo Zeon Version”」: The exterior image of Limited Express Rap:t) © 創通・サンライズ 1 Many kinds of plans tied-up with the operation of this train will be developed! We will not only operate this train, but sell commemorative goods (voucher for limited express, admission ticket, muffler towel, and clear file set, all of which featuring the images of Neo Zeon.) and develop many events. 2 Attached sheet 1 Regarding the service of “The Second Coming of Red Comet Limited Express Rapi:t Neo Zeon Version”! 1.Operation Period: April 26(Sat) to June 30(Mon),2014 2.Operation Section: Between Namba Station and Kansai-Airport Station 3.Designated train: One organization of the Limited Express Rapi:t 4.Contents: (1) The exterior of Limited Express Rap:t will be designed to image for “Neo Zeon”(“Neo Zeon” is the organization’s name of Gundam UC). Image color of “Neo Zeon” is Red, so color of Limited Express Rap:t is Red. You can feel the Mobile Suit Gundam UC’s view of the world. (2) It will be set up special seats collaborated with characters of Mobile Suit Gundam UC: “Mineva Lao Zabi”, “Full Frontal” and “Angelo Sauper” in the train. During the operation period of this train, the customer using the “Super Seats” can take photographs and can enjoy Gundam UC’s view of the world not only the exterior but interior of the Limited Express Rap:t. These special seats will be set up in the cars number 5. All customers using the “Super Seats” can take the special seats and take photographs. ※The customer using the “Regular Seats” cannot enter the cars number 5 of Limited Express Rap:t. Please give up the special seats each other when the seats were crowded with people to everyone spend the pleasure time in Limited Express Rap:t. (Fig.2 「Mobile Suit Gundam × Limited Express Rapi:t “Second Coming of Red Comet Limited Express Rap:t Neo Zeon Version”」Interior images of cars number 5) © 創通・サンライズ 3 Attached sheet 2 Regarding the sale of “Commemorative voucher for limited express of Mobile Suit Gundam UC (Unicorn) x Limited Express Rapi:t.” 1.Selling Period: From April 26(Sat), to June 30(Mon),2014 2.Types of Tickets / Fare: (1)Limited Express Ticket (regular sheet) : 1,020 yen (2)Limited Express Ticket (super sheet) : 1,440 yen 3.Selling at: The Service Center at the central gate of Nankai Namba Station(2nd floor), Shin-Imamiya Station, Tengachaya Station, Sakai Station, Kishiwada Station, Izumisano Station, Rinku-Town Station and Kansai-Airport Station. 4.The Tickets number for sale: Limited to 5,000 for each types of tickets 5.Sites for exchanging for Limited Express Tickets: The ticket windows of the Limited Express of Nankai Railway 6.The designated trains for the exchanged Limited Express Tickets and the designated sections covered by the train: Exchange the tickets for the Limited Express Tickets of the Limited Express Rapi:t (between Nanba and Kansai-Airport Station) which are sold during the period valid for exchanging. However, the tickets for exchange will be collected at the time of exchange. (1)Limited Express Ticket (regular sheet) (2)Limited Express Ticket (super sheet) © 創通・サンライズ 4 Attached sheet 3 Regarding the sale of “Commemorative admission tickets of Mobile Suit Gundam UC (Unicorn) x Limited Express Rapi:t” 1.Selling Period: April 26(Sat) to June 30 (Mon), 2014 2.Fare: 890yen ※The set of admission tickets for the six stations where the Limited Express Rapi:tα makes its stops(Namba, Shin-Imamiya, Tengachaya, Izumisano, Rinku-Town). ※Only Adult fare is available. 3.Validity period: If using the admission ticket, valid for only the day, during two hours after the admission, and available to use during the selling period. 4.Selling at: Ticket office at every station on Nankai Railway (expect for some station which is unmanned). 5.This number to be sold: Limited to 3,000 (Fig.3 The image of Commemorative admission tickets of Mobile Suit Gundam UC × Limited Express Rap:t) © 創通・サンライズ 5 Attached sheet 4 Regarding the sale of “Commemorative goods of Mobile Suit Gundam UC (Unicorn) x Limited Express Rapi:t” 1.Descriptions of merchandise: Commemorative Muffler Towel: 1,000 yen; limited to 1000 Commemorative "Clear File Set": 700 yen; limited to 1500 sets 2.Selling Period: April 26, (Sat) to June 30 (Mon), 2014 3.Selling at: The service center at the central gate of Namba Station(2nd floor), an3(convenience store) and Nasco+(kiosk) in the Nankai Namba terminal building and Kansai-Airport station.. ユニコーン 機動戦士ガンダムUC×特急ラピート 記念マフラータオル (The image of commemorative Muffler Towel of Mobile Suit Gundam UC × Limited Express Rap:t) (The image of commemorative Clear File Set of Mobile Suit Gundam UC × Limited Express Rap:t) © 創通・サンライズ 6 2014年4月10日 南海电气铁道株式会社 机动战士高达UC(独角兽)×特快 rapi:t 「红色彗星再临 特快 rapi:t 新・吉恩版本」4/26 出发! 运行同步发售记念特快票兑换券&记念入场券&记念商品 南海电气铁道株式会社(社长:亘 信二),值此机场线开业 20 周年和特快 rapi:t 运行 20 周年记念之际,与人气动画「机动战士高达」的系列作品『机动战士高达UC episode 7「虹 之彼方」』联合企划,2014 年 4 月 26 日(周六)开始在南海本线以及机场线上运行「机动战 士高达UC×特快 rapi:t 红色彗星再临 特快 rapi:t 新・吉恩版本」列车。 机场线与特快 rapi:t 今年 20 周年! 关西国际机场开业前的 1994年6月15日,开始运行机场线(泉佐野站~关西机场站之间)。 同年 9 月 4 日配合机场开业特快 rapi:t 登场,今年正值 20 周年,本公司特此记念,与「机 动战士高达UC」联合企划实施,以平时乘坐 rapi:t 的乘客为首,向全国的铁路迷与高达迷 们宣传特快 rapi:t 新的可能性和崭新的设计。 rapi:t 变成新・吉恩象征的红色! 电影『机动战士高达UC episode 7「虹之彼方」』,2014 年 5 月 17 日开始在以难波公园剧 院为首的全国 35 家影院活动上映,同时实施先行收费发布、Blu-ray 先行发售。此次列车, 特快 rapi:t1编组的车辆外观将变成象征着由被称为“逆袭的夏亚”的剧中人物弗尔・伏朗 特率领的组织「新吉恩」的红色,同时在车内将设置 3 个剧中人物的专用坐席。 各种各样的联合企划活动配合运行一起展开! 配合该列车的运行,以发售象征新・吉恩设计的记念特快车票兑换券,记念入场券,记念 商品为首,开展各种联合企划活动。 ユニコーン 機動戦士ガンダムUC × 特急ラピート 赤い彗星の再来 特急ラピート ネオ・ジオンバージョン © 創通・サンライズ 1 关于「红色彗星再临 特快 rapi:t 新・吉恩版本」的运行 1.期限 2014 年 4 月 26 日(周六)到 6 月 30 日(周一) 2.运行区间 难波站~关西机场站之间 3.对象列车 特快 rapi:t1编组 4.内容 (1) 特快 rapi:t1的车辆外观变更成象征电影剧中人物弗尔・伏朗特率领的组织「新・吉恩」 的红色的同时,到处实施表现机动战士高达UC世界观的设计。 (2) 在车内设置电影剧中人物「米尼瓦・拉奥・扎比」「弗尔・伏朗特」「安杰洛・索裴」的 专用席。运行期间,使用该列车超级坐席的乘客请尽情自由拍照摄影。 米尼瓦・拉奥・扎比专用席、弗尔・伏朗特专用席、安杰洛・索裴专用席设在 5 号车厢 (超级坐席)。正规特快车票不能入坐、摄影。 © 創通・サンライズ 2 机动战士高达UC(独角兽)×特快 rapi:t 关于记念特快车票兑换券的发售 1.期限 2014 年 4 月 26 日(周六)到 6 月 30 日(周一) 2.种类及售价 正规坐席用:1,020 日元 超级坐席用:1,440 日元 3.售票地点 关西机场站、临空城站、难波站 2 层服务中心 4.发售份数 限定各 5 千份 5.特快券兑换地点 南海电铁的特快售票窗口 6.特快车票兑换注意事项 可以兑换在有效期间内特快 rapi:t(难波~关西机场站之间)正在出售的特快车票。 但是、兑换券将在兑换的时候被回收 © 創通・サンライズ 3 关于「机动战士高达UC(独角兽)×特快 rapi:t」记念入场券的发售 1.期限 2014 年 4 月 26 日(周六)到 6 月 30 日(周一) 2.售价 890 日元 ※特快 rapi:tα 6 处停靠站的入场券套票 3.有效期限 使用入场券时、售票期限内入场当日只限1次、入场时刻开始 2 小时以内有效 4.售票地点 南海电铁各车站(部分除外) 5.发售份数 限定 3 千份 4 关于「机动战士高达UC(独角兽)×特快 rapi:t」记念商品的发售 1.商品名与概要 记念围巾毛巾 1,000 日元 限定 1,000 条 记念文件夹套装 700 日元 限定 1,500 套 2.期限 2014 年 4 月 26 日(周六)到 6 月 30 日(周一) 3.发售地点 关西机场站 2 号卖店(关西机场站月台)、难波站 2 楼服务中心 5 2014年4月10日 南海電氣鐵道株式會社 機動戰士鋼彈 UC(UNICORN)×特急列車「rapi:t」 「紅色彗星歸來 特急列車 rapi:t Neo Zeon Version 」發車! 慶祝活動將販售紀念特急列車兌換券&紀念入場券&紀念商品 南海電氣鐵道株式會社(社長:亙 信二)為慶祝機場線開業 20 週年及特急列車 rapi:t 運行 20 週年,特地與即將上映的超人氣卡通「機動戰士鋼彈」之系列作品『機動戰士鋼彈 UC episode 7「彩虹的彼方」』合作,將於 2014年4月26日(星期六)起,在南海本線及機場 線推出列車「機動戰士鋼彈 UC×特急列車 rapi:t 紅色彗星歸來特急列車 rapi:t Neo Zeon Version」 機場線與特急 rapi:t 的二十週年慶! 1994 年 6 月 15 日,在關西機場正式啟用前,機場線(泉佐野站~關西空港站)開始運行。同 年 9 月 4 日機場正式啟用,特急 rapi:t 也開始運行,至今年雙雙屆滿20週年。因此敝社特 ユニコーン 地與「機動戦士ガンダムUC」合作,讓 rapi:t 的老客人以及全國的鐵道迷、鋼彈迷可以體 驗分享特急列車 rapi:t 的新設計。 紅色 rapi:t! 電影機動戰士鋼彈UC episode7「彩虹的彼方」將於平成26年5月17日於難波 parks cinema 等全國35間戲院上映,並進行媒體試映,藍光片的試售等。這次為呼應有“夏亞再 臨”之稱的 Full Frontal 所率領的組織 Neo Zeon,故會將車廂外觀改成紅色,並且會在車廂 內設置三個登場人物的專用席。 相關企畫介紹 配合此次活動,將發售主題紀念特急列車兌換券、紀念入場券、紀念商品,並舉辦各種紀 念活動。 ユニコーン 機動戦士ガンダムUC × 特急ラピート 赤い彗星の再来 特急ラピート ネオ・ジオンバージョン © 創通・サンライズ 1 「紅色彗星歸來 特急列車 rapi:t Neo Zeon Version」的運行 1.期間 平成26年4月26日(星期六)~6 月 30 日(星期一)為止 2.行駛區間 難波站~關西機場站之間 3.使用列車 特急 rapi:t 1組成 4.內容 (1) 將特急列車 rapi:t 的外觀上改為紅色,呼應電影裡由 Full Frontal 所率領的 Neo Zeon 組織,並且會呈現出機動戰士鋼彈 UC 的世界觀。 (2) 在車廂內會設置三個登場人物的專用席,分別為「Mineva Lao Zabi」「Full Frontal」
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