msgsgj:; ...................^ . a _______' _ _ B S Q C i ijyiose fopryi HujujHfl Pri maiiry near-r-B1- ^ lY^k ^ I liTTDf£ 1 o 3 CopT'^ C f 2 5 " LJ^Srw s^thyear,N o.142 Twin Falls,i. hId ah o - . - 1 11 - MMonday, May 21,1984 , I t J ___________ ■ - • ^ * r- eaa i r i i i i i r ^ L i A b uulldozer l fills a break ini n the diversion channeilel carrying w ater to MutMurtaugh Lake 1 O cakleyJ floo(d can<lals l = i l nlishecd, buttleaki; i n g By HAL BER]2 R N T 0N p.m.,I county officials Ississued an they leasedised a “worst case" -L T /m es-/V ens■s vw r ile r aip p e a l fo r v o lu n te e r s tot( work evac. on scenarios« for the town ttwelve-hour shifts lo shorere up sag- that .v-uld bebe putj Into action if tbe O A K LEY' -— The rusty gates of a gingj banks less than a milelie west of ■ 'Oakley Damm should! collapse. But long-unusedd ccanal diversion opened O( akley. B u rle y P o liceIce ChiefC Lem an Messley iSin^ Sunday monomlng to release flood On a brighter note, Earlrl Corless.i reaffirmed SundaySu lhal the dam H a^. watere frotnjrnjOakley_ResecvplMnto ____...ai Bureau of Reclamationm. official was-in ^wdxl shape.-Hesi said there ' a 17-mile-lonong channel leading to whon took hourly measurenements of was only a “slight“sll possibility" of a a R K th e S n a k e Rliv iv e r . thet reservoir level Suhday,/, said the breech, Oakley Cairanal Co. officials hope ratet of rise had begun slo'lowing by Northwestst ofol the reservoir, pro- the channeld -— completed late Sat- latei afternoon. • blem s croppedjp e d \ip along a second urday nightIt iafter a frcnlzed four- "We’re hoping for a leveivelkigoff • diversion chanjhannel completed eariler )y hundreds of volunteers i d a y e ffo rt b y I tomorrow,” said Corless“ “ w In the weekk'eek th a t flow s Into - and contractcclors ^ can safely drain crossedc his fingers and1 glanced Murtaugh Lake.La) Throughout the enough walealer from the runoff- downt at reservoir waters■s lapping weekend, farmersfam and volunteers ------ -su-ollen rescxservoir. lo-cllmlnate-the—...withln-3J-lnches-of-tho v I'P-of1 a responding: to a radio appeal for --------------- d a n g e r of dowlownstream flooding, r new ly-raised r o t k sp illw ayy- . help fought.to:.to beefI u p th e ch ao n e lls.. late Sunday, the new B ut b y la Although the diversionI is com- banks, whichch aret crumbling under channel alrejready was beginning to plete,f Burley police contntln u e to W a te r lapipped p Ihe bottom of the I le b o a rd s o n to p o f th e OaOakley Reservoir splllw“'ay erode weak< sspots in Its banks. At 9 ' pi r e p a re fo r th e w o rs t. On StSaturday, • See OAK!iAKLEYooPageA2 B S t m m m n p rOlTlBjja liF !^steal^ B y B O N N IE B A IR D JO rN E S be b e liev e d lo h a v e stolen threelli different -hlgli-Uthatlets_ilghl In^thejail. ItIll Is covered_ stolen_1975 Meroury_sedan.Me The car .wasas n o t p a ir o f g re y p riso n cco o v eralls w h ic h th e y cu t In Timcs-tiewswriier - . vevehicles and were armed andmd traveling wesl ' byuiibrcr e ^ a b l e pla stic . reported sibleiolen until later Sunday momming, half. Apparently, he said, one left wearing a inIn a stolen picki^truck — possiblypos trying to “They!y dissasembled two near-tir-by smoke which'furthenier delayed the m anhunt. H all:II sa id g r e y to p w ith th e regularre g i orange trousers, and r e tu r n to f a m ilia r a re a s In Wash/ashlngton. alarms,” Hall said, “ and then used'*d w h a t m a y th e p a i r h a d1 aba t o u t five h o u rs b e fo r e th e stolenst< the other wiht an orange top and grey iVashlngton convicts .who JE R O ^ - Two Waf )cen a radio antenna wiree andi some car was reporixirted and a description fumislished— trousers.------------- ♦ kept frightened area rcresidents behind iockcd H all s a id th e tw o som ehowV bl<blocked lheir cell k n iv e s a n d fo rk s to sta r t a flir in e ." to o ffic e rs Inn Id ah o and ad j oln ln g a re a s , Hall, who faces re-electionre-( T u e s d a y a g a in s t te r a ru n n in g g u n b a ttle dcdoor fro m c lo sin g com pletelyly ala f le r 11 h a d b e e n ^ doors last March after sheriff said the pair usedI magazinesn ... Al Mountainaln Home a jeep was takenI rnear a hard driving campaigncan: of his opponent a rg e ag ain S u n d a y a fte r opopened for feeding or to allowow one of them lo ^ wllh police were at larg ic r p a p e rs to fuel the fire a nid d succeededs where the cor:ar was found just off the freeveway.. Larry Gold of HaielUzelton. said he didn’t expect ro m e C ounty.jail. gcgo to the restroom. The jailil cccells are opened e s c a p in g fro m lh e Je ro rr ning a hole in the plastictic window, Thc jeep wasas recoveredi In Caldwell wheilere a ' the escape to help hhis isc < au se. Sheriff Elza Hail saUsaid Timothy /Mgers. 25 orand closed electronically from3m io u tsid e lh e cell " .th e re b yy wV o rk in g It loose, burglary andid theflt of a pickup truck occurrurred “I may as well adnadmit It," he said. "It’s my 26. m a d e a su ccessfu l ara re a ., and Jeffrey Morris, 26 ."W hyy Ithc door Into the cat-walkk was> open,. sometime betv•etween 9 a.m. and noon. H all;II said Jail, so I have to ttake the responsibility, break for freedom In thlh( e e a rly m o rn in g hours This allowed them accessss toi a w a lk w a y vve d o nl’l ’t know,” he said. “I don’on’t have a arifleandpist(listol and som e c lo th in g w e re takenta However, I can’t sitsit downdi a t th e Ja il 24 ho u rs a S u n d a y . bcbetween the cell blocks, From)m Uiere,I they got ,24-hour• JailerJ and after hours theJie deputies from the homtome where the pickup truckk was day.” - - Hall said the pair, housedho In the sam e ccll Into a "cal-wiilk" area alonglg Uth e o u ts id e w all uirough u , and check to see thetie prisoners reported stolen>len. Holl said his JailerHer works eight hours a day while awaiting furtherher court appearances, q{ of the building by means off a door that was an, TO and all right, but they don'on’t go back When the esescapees left Jerom e’s jail,. tht e y a n d Is n o t on d u ty durind u r g w eek en d . H e said h is apparent^ fled aboul'ul 4 a.m. Sunday. They go somehow left unlocked -- probablyp after into thee2 cat walk behind the cell arcarea. Orte of were barefootoot — as they have bwn sincesl budget won't supportx)rt a fulltim e Ja ile r athough were discovered n ^In:Ingaboul7:30ajTn. g when cfcanlngSaturday, ............. m y m aQin lr o rd tft^ Is th a t th is doorx r ^ kept""entering the’JerJerom e jail ■r^'and were'weai‘arin g ~ h e has asked forsui^r:u(3t a system for som e time.— ---------- o f fic e rs m a d e a ro u tinnc e c h eck of th e Ja il a re a . Hall explained that in thchc cat-walk area locked ,butIt'locksbykey,"hesaId.bi d. prison coveral>ralls. However, Hall said, onceo "This is thc first>1 esescape from our Jail since Sunday evening. HallHa said the pair Is tlie re Is a ta ll n a rro w w indowA — -- fiv e to six fee t Offle’rsrs believe the men left Jenferome in a outside of theliheir cells they w ere able to firfind a . SeeESCASCAPE oo Page A2 -Demo7lh o p e f u lss-cnrgue ' — /sraeeirxjirpitatresin i o s ^ t ^^ S y f i^ _ ByMONAZIADE Two hours earlier, atat noon, an lsraell-«oidier •• bestriiiin n in g ml i a t e s . ^ TheAssoclatcdPresscss ; was wounded in a grenamade attack on an Israeli By CAROLE FELDMAN^ ment speed<;ech at Morehouse College IjV' patrol In SIdon, a Lebaibanese port city 25 miles mML.
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