NOVEMBER 01-110 STAT~ 19 ·* 1938 01-110 STADIUM (' MIC~IGAN TWENTY FIVE CEN TS E. OE RI t K C.H&T~ OMECOMI NC ~ $coft ~~IS THE SURE W_AY ... TO A LAWN OF ~w./.~ Bea4 WHEREVER you drive-to the big game or on a week-end trip, be sure your car is prepared for any kind of weathe r this fall. How would you like to have a lawn that people stop to admire? Give yourself and our family the same tire p rotection that all Many have discovered the way to such a lawn. They obtain leading race driver buy and use. When life depend on tire safety, fine turf by sowing Scott's Lawn Seed and they keep it looking its best race drivers u e Firestone Gum-Dipped Tire - the only tires made with Turf Builder. that are triple-safe. They are Triple- afe because: Scott's Lawn Seed is bright, plump and full of life. Extreme care and 1. The Fire t n e P a te nted G um-Dipping proce counteracts precision are used to clean out weed seeds until the final blend meets tire-destro ing internal friction and h eat and tha t mean the most exacting requirements. protec tion again t blowout . Turf Builder supplies the essential grass foods in the proportions needed for the healthy growth of grass. It is double acting. It not 2. They have two extra layers of Gum-Dipped cord under the only gives quick stimulation to lawns but it tread and that m ean protection a gainst punc tures. also furnishes them long-lasting nourishment. 3. They have a s cientifica lly de ign ed tread which top your Scott's Turf Builder and Lawn Seed have won car up to 25% quicker. That means protection again t skidding. national fame as the combination responsible ee your nearby Fire tone Dealer or Fire to n e Auto uppl & for America's most beauaiful lawns. e r vice to re a nd join the Fire tone ave-A -Life cam paign b · equippin g your car with a n ew et of Fire to ne Trip le- a fe Tires - 0. M. SCOTT & SONS COMPANY the only tires made that are safety-proved on the speed1.vay for your MARYSVILLE , protection on the h igh1.vay. Listen to THE FIRESTONE VOICE Listen to THB VOICE OF OF THE FARM - Interv i ews FIRESTONE f eaturinA Richard wi th t h e C h a mpion I LAWN CARE F arm e rs o f Cr ooks and MarAa r e t peaks and t h e Am erica, featurinA Ever ett lltch ell . 7 0 - pl ecc Fi r esto n e y mph o n y If you aren't receiving this helpful Ohio State Un iversity's new cham­ T wice weekly durl n A the n oon h o ur. Orc h estra, u n d e r th e direc t ion o f lawn service now, be sure to ask for pionship golf course was sowed with C ons ul t your local paper t o r tho Alfred Wallen s te in M o nday eveninits a free subscription. Scott's Seed station, d ay, and tin1e of broad cast. over a tio nwid e . B. C. R ed e t work. TODA y•s COVER OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY By "GUS" FREDERICK MACHETANZ, the Artist • MICHIGA r and OHIO - o ne o f the fi nes t GREN ER'S a thletic rivalrie in th e country. atu rally uch a YOUNG MEN GINGER Alf contest should be lated fo r H omecoming . • for HIRE Walking towa rd us, on th e cove r t oday, are two GOODYEAR T l RES young m en representing th eir re pec ti ve school B ob Again this year, hundreds of Ohio HELPS YOU of Michiga n and Bill of Ohio State. State students will be registered with GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES us for part-time employment. Most of them are young, able, experienced Bidding welcome to a ll of yo u and refl ecting the CELEBRATE SOH IO PRODUCTS and willing workers, whose financial friendly spirit and bond betwee n the two g rea t schools need is genuine, and whose gratitude COMPLETE SERVICE THE VICTORY are the mil es and linked arms of Bob and Bill. H ow­ for an opportunity to help themselves ever when t he game tart and they se parate, earh through helping you will be sincere. -or to their own si de o f the fi el d, from then on it's " may comforts you • As most Colwnbus residents know . the be t t ea m wi n" . Unless it i s a tie today I do the Student Employment Office is in defeat. not believe ho th will be miling a t the fini h. This operated by the University, and func­ 2189-95 N. High St. Phone, UN. 6921 tions without charge to student or em­ game mean a grea t d eal t o any loyal M ic higan or ployer. Every cent that you pay goes Ohio tate fan . Win or 1 e there will be no bitter­ directly to the worker. ne sand the only thing to do i "wait till next year" . There are dozens of small jobs in almost every home which can be done But-now that the water bu cket are a t h and and easily and efficiently by student help. the megaphones ready-ON " TITH THE GAME. Registered with us are experienced and dependable CHAUFFEURS, HOUSE CLEANERS, GARDENERS. FURNACE MEN, KITCHEN ASSIST ANTS, DOOR MEN, SECRET ARIES, ETC. During the coming fall and winter, why not take NOVtMBl:R advantage of this unique University 01-no STAT~ I 9 · I 9 3 8 0~ 10 ST AD IU M service. M I CI-IIGAN r w,NTY fl'/[ Cl.NH • Telephone UNiversity 3148 Student Employment 1. ,.' OHIO STATE'S MOST COMPLETE DRUG STORE Office Administration Bldg. Columbus VARSITY DRUG CO. The office is open from 8 to 5 on week 16TH AND HIGH ST. UN. 2367 days. excepting Saturdays, when it closes at noon. 2 3 TELLING•s ICE CREAM Now Produced Under the Sealtest System of Laboratory Protection The First Ice Cream Approved By Good Housekeeping SERVED ON THE CAMPUS By FACULTY CLUB UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL POMERENE REFECTORY ESTABLI HED 1906 DEPE DABLE REAL ESTATE AND I SURANCE SERVICE Of Milk and Men Athletes know the building power of milk. That's why most of them stick by it long after school days and rigid training rules. Try drinking a quart a day - you'll feel better and work better. WM. P. ZINN & CO. COLUMBUS MILK 37 N. Third St. MAin 3335 Columbus, Ohio L. D. 105 COUNCIL I LECKIE COAL COMPANY INC. COLUMBUS , OHIO Miners and Shippers POCAHONTAS NEW RIVER WEST VIRGINIA AND KENTUCKY COAL Copyrigh~Aii5Ni£e f£~iR~t;'S Univenity Athletic Association. Reproduclion in whole or in part forbidden without written perm ission ING REPRESENTATIVES, Football Publications, 370 Lexington Avenue, New York, N. Y. 4 5 THE FIRST FIFTY YEARS ARE THE HARDEST By James L. Renick In the pring of 1890 when Ohio rate was till in dition to the almost full co mpliment of Ohio college , waddling clothe - games with l\ I ichigan and l ndiana were added. 11ichi­ When Benjamin Harri on wa Pre ident of the gan was fir t played in 1897 and the \\'olverine won nited tates- 34 to 0. In 1899 the fir t moral victory in Ohio foot­ When John L. ullivan was heavyweight champion of ball annals wa. recorded-that year the Buckeye tied the world and a great l\lichigan team, 0 to 0. When all the boy and girls were singing "After the In 1912 football at Ohio rate wa revamped. L. W. Ball i Over," t. John wa; appointed Ohio rate played its 1 l anager of Athletics, and fir t football game. at the close oi the ea on " a int" was ans nation-wide public­ made Di rector of Athletic, and the fol­ ity, coast to coast radio lowing hookup and fan-faronade season Ohio rate became a group of youngster un­ the baby member of the \ Ve cle r the captain y of J e se tern Intercolle­ giate L. Jones traveled to Dela­ onference. ware on ) l ay 3 and won a Time )Iarche, On! 20 to 14 victory over Ohio Jack \Vilce as the new Wesleyan. coach . that greatest Little did any of that football player of all time, group think they had tarted hie Harley ... the fir t something that in a few Big Ten champion hip .. year would drive the pop­ the I 9 1 7 championship ulace into a frenzy and Front Row (Seated )-Herbert Johnson, C. B. Morrey. Back eleven . that scoreles Row-R. T. Ellis, " Kansas" hold it Miller, Paul Lincoln, Mike Ken­ tie with there for three nedy, F. W. Rane, H. H. Richardson, Jesse Janes, Capt.; H. E. Auburn Poly ... months out of the year. Rutan, Ed Martin, C. W . Foulk, Dave Haigler, Jack Huggins. Bob Fletcher's field goal El ewhere in the e page for Tllinoi tinch- George ole '91 , recounts the circum tance under comb and Huffman ... the Ro e Bowl g-ame ... the which football 1921 Illinoi vi tory . .. the radium dedication at Ohio tate was born. He tell how ... "G R .\~I) OLD RI\'.\L "of football in the the idea for an Ohio tate .ong which would be .a· Al Lilley was ecu red to coach the first team.
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