Apr. 25 / Administration of Barack Obama, 2010 a stable and prosperous world. We are con- and effectively deal with the challenges of the vinced that, acting in the “spirit of the Elbe” new millennium. on an equitable and constructive basis, we can successfully tackle any tasks facing our nations NOTE: An original was not available for verifi- cation of the content of this joint statement. Remarks Honoring the 2009 World Series Champion New York Yankees April 26, 2010 Hello, everybody. Everybody have a seat, Sox fan like me, it’s painful to watch Mariano’s please. cutter when it’s against my team or to see the Yankees wrap up the pennant while the Sox [At this point, the President exchanged greet- are struggling on the South Side. Although, I ings with Yankees manager Joseph E. Girardi. do remember 2005, people, so—[laugh- He then continued his remarks as follows.] ter]—don’t get too comfortable. [Laughter] But for the millions of Yankees fans in New Hello, everybody, and welcome to the York and around the world who bleed blue, White House. And congratulations on being nothing beats that Yankee tradition: 27 World World Series champions. Series titles; 48 Hall of Famers—a couple, I As you can see, we’ve got a few Yankees expect, standing behind me right now. From fans here in the White House—[laugh- Ruth to Gehrig, Mantle to DiMaggio, it’s hard ter]—who are pretty excited about your visit. I to imagine baseball without the long line of want to actually start by recognizing Secretary legends who’ve worn the pinstripes. Last sea- of Treasury Tim Geithner, who is here, and son, this team continued that legacy, winning Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood. 103 games and leaving no doubt who was the Now, I understand Ray and Joe went to the best team in baseball. same high school a few years apart. [Laughter] But what people tend to forget, especially But they grew up, obviously, big Yankees fans. after watching their teams lose, is that being a I want to congratulate the Steinbrenner Yankee is as much about character as it is family, Brian Cashman, and all the folks who about performance, as much about who you helped to make this team what it is. And I are as what you do. Being successful in New want to thank all of the members of the New York doesn’t come easy, and it’s not for every- York congressional delegation. And I notice a body. It takes a certain kind of player to thrive couple of Connecticut and North Dakota guys in the pressure cooker of Yankee Stadium, showing up here too—[laughter]—all of somebody who’s poised and professional and whom take credit for the Yankees’ success. knows what it takes to wear the pinstripes. It [Laughter] takes somebody who appreciates how lucky he Now, it’s been 9 years since your last title, is and who feels responsibility for those who which must have felt like an eternity for Yan- are less fortunate. kees fans. I think other teams would be just So it’s somebody like Mark Teixeira. Before fine with a spell like that—[laughter]—the he was a three-time Golden Glove winner, Cubs, for example. [Laughter] But this is a Mark was a 21-year-old kid fresh out of Geor- team that goes down to spring training every gia Tech. Shortly after signing his first Major year expecting to win it all, and more often League contract, Mark visited his old high than not, you guys get pretty close. Of course, school and asked how much it would cost to if I had Rivera, I’d get pretty close too. set up a scholarship in the name of a friend [Laughter] My White Sox would get close ev- who’d been killed in a car accident. And when ery year. That attitude, that success has always he was told it would cost $75,000, he wrote a made the Yankees easy to love and, let’s face check on the spot. And he’s been funding that it, easy to hate as well. [Laughter] For a White scholarship ever since, helping to make the 540 Administration of Barack Obama, 2010 / Apr. 26 dream of college a reality for students in his er, manager, and coach had written their name hometown. down. The team ended up winning all five Someone like Jorge Posada. The first time I games that week, a fact that Joe doesn’t think met Jorge was with his wife—where’d Jorge go? was a coincidence. And this summer, they’ll be Right here—at a fundraiser on behalf of folks doing it all over again. who needed help in New York City. Five-time That same spirit was on display today, when All Star, one of the emotional leaders of this the team visited members of our Armed Forces team, but he’s also the father of a son born with recovering at Walter Reed. They spent time a rare birth defect that has required numerous with soldiers and their families, bringing hope surgeries and expensive treatments. And Jorge and joy to folks who really need it at a time of and his wife have made it their mission to reach great difficulty. And so I just want to thank you out to families who aren’t as fortunate as they personally for taking the time to do that. are, offering resources, providing a support net- In the end, that’s what makes the Yankees work for parents, helping children who suffer special. It’s not simply the names on the roster from the disease live healthy and happier lives. or the size of their trophy case, it’s the people And so we’re very proud of the kind of work underneath the pinstripes that set this team that Jorge has done. apart. It’s the players and coaches who shoulder And of course, then there’s Jeter. Where’s a legacy unlike any other, but who share a belief Jeter? There he is right there. Sportsman of the that anybody blessed with first-class talent also Year, according to the Sports Illustrated, and has an obligation to be a first-class person. you can see why—passed Lou Gehrig to be- come the alltime Yankee hit leader. But Derek That’s what being a Yankee is all about. would rather tell you a story about being in That’s why I want to congratulate this team, for spring training with another Yankee legend, winning the World Series and for showing every Don Mattingly. I love this story. Walking off an young person what it means to be a true profes- empty field together one day, Mattingly sug- sional. gested they run to the clubhouse, telling Derek, Congratulations, everybody. Great job. “You never know who’s watching.” And Derek took that lesson to heart, and 15 years later, he NOTE: The President spoke at 3:15 p.m. in the still runs everywhere like he’s trying out for the East Room at the White House. In his remarks, track team, always setting an example, always he referred to George M. Steinbrenner III, hustling, which is why, I think, everybody says principal owner and chairperson, Joan Stein- that he epitomizes the best of the Yankee tradi- brenner, vice chairperson, Harold Z. Stein- tion, so—[applause]. brenner, managing general partner and cochair- And then somebody like Joe, a proud son of person, Henry G. Steinbrenner, general partner Illinois, I want to note. [Laughter] As the and cochairperson, Jennifer Steinbrenner youngest manager in Yankees history to win a Swindal and Jessica Steinbrenner, general part- World Series, Joe is still in better shape than ners and vice chairpersons, Brian Cashman, se- some of the players. I just want to—[laugh- nior vice president and general manager, Mari- ter]—he looks good. But what makes Joe ano Rivera, pitcher, Mark C. Teixeira and Der- proudest is HOPE Week, a program where the ek S. Jeter, infielders, and Jorge Rafael De Yankees help make a difference in the lives of Posada, catcher, and Don Mattingly, former in- folks in need. Last year, Joe put out a signup fielder and coach, New York Yankees; and Lau- sheet for anyone who wanted to participate. ra Posada, wife, and Jorge Luis Posada, son, of And when he checked the next day, every play- Jorge Posada. 541 Apr. 26 / Administration of Barack Obama, 2010 Statement on Senate Action on Financial Regulatory Reform and Consumer Protection Legislation April 26, 2010 I am deeply disappointed that Senate Re- tions and a lack of accountability on Wall publicans voted in a block against allowing a Street nearly brought our economy to its knees public debate on Wall Street reform to begin. and helped cause the pain that has left millions Some of these Senators may believe that this of Americans without jobs and without homes. obstruction is a good political strategy, and The reform that both parties have been work- others may see delay as an opportunity to take ing on for a year would prevent a crisis like this this debate behind closed doors where finan- from happening again, and I urge the Senate cial industry lobbyists can water down reform to get back to work and put the interests of the or kill it altogether, but the American people country ahead of party. can’t afford that. A lack of consumer protec- Remarks at the Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship April 26, 2010 Thank you very much.
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