HMX Of CHARITY The Life and Vforfe of St. Vlnanf de Paul PART 6 »q <riw: ma* BurUnk THE CATHOLIC TIMES—9 Canonization Is Near Friday, November 27, 1953 1 I'or Pius X, 2 Others Ohio CASTELGANDOLFO, Italy — (Radio, NC) — An event VtHCENT »5 News In Brief awaited by the Catholic world seems virtually certain to take PFMEMBEQFD POOR DONT wZ O HA.E A / o place during the coming Marian Year—the canonization of FOUNDER OF O-tANCE J o Blessed Pius X, who reigned from 1903 to 1914 and was one of three GREW SOCIETIES, 2 CINCINNATI — Religious the most beloved Pontiffs of all ONE OF Christmas cards this year came time. Two other canonizations are restore all things in Christ.” M-ttCH IS A close to one-fifth of th? total out­ also almost sure to be Marian Year confrater- put of one of the nation’s lead­ Blessed Peter Ixiuis Chanel was wry called events. born at Lyons, France, in 1803, and ing card manufacturers. The Gib­ The last major step toward con­ was martyred at the age of 39 on OF CHARITY. son Art Company of Cincinnati ferring the Church’s supreme hon­ IN »6I7, reported that this year’s ratio of the Island of Futuna in the Tonga VINCENT MAO 18 per cent marked a ri*e of four or on the humble-born Pontiff, who Archipelago on April 28, 1841. He FORMED A has frequently been called the had been a diocesan pnest for SOOETVTO per cent over last year. Pope of- the- Eucharist,- - - was taken some years when he joined the AIOTI when the Sacred Congregation of Marist Fathers and was sent to the POOR MILLVILLE — Theodore May­ Rites formally approved two mir- mission field. During his three nard, Catholic historian, calls the acles wrought through his inter- years of missionary labors, he was Queen of Peace parish in Millville cession since he was beatified on responsible for establishing a flour­ “a mode] rural life parish” in his June 3, 1951. ishing community of converts. new book. “The Catholic Church In addition to approving the Blessed Maria Crocifissa di Ro­ and the American Idea.” miraculous cures of a lawyer and ma was born in Brescia, Italy, on The church school, convent and a nun attributed to Blessed Pius November 6, 1813, and died on De­ rectory were constructed entirely X, the Congregation voted favor­ cember 15, 1855. In a cholera epi­ by the parishioner* except for the ably on miracles in the causes of demic in 1836, when many victims CS6AMZE YOURSELVES RX TO FORM TH»5 SOQETY plastering. WTM RATHER VINCENT two other candidates for canoni­ were abandoned by those who fear­ TMJ5 6000 WORK, MDUft AS OUR DIRECTOR* > -o- ANCFXR GRCvv-KZATx », pwitual rewards would be zation, who seem likely also to be ed contagion, she set her fellow OF WOMEN MIGHT BE J • ABLE TO HELP... BUT 5 GREAT I wiLL «VE sou n PAYS W PATRONIZE infallibly proclaimed as saints citizens an example by coming to ANY HELP I CAN. THEY MOULD t-USNE THE TIMES ADVERTISERS. at ceremonies in St. Peter's Ba­ the aid of the afflicted. BE RCH ENOUGH TO silica in Rome during the Marian This was the beginning of the GJVE W AND MONEY TO THE y.^-. * WE PAY YOU Congregation of the Handmaids of CAUSE. J% Charity. Founded in 1839, the con­ organization They are Blessed Peter Louis VrfbS KNQVVN A5 Chanel, a Marist priest who ranks gregation was recognized in 1843 thelaoesof as the first martyr for the Faith and later received the approval of charttvano rr 6% INTEREST in Oceania, and Blessed Maria the Holy See. STILL EXISTS Let Your Money o TODAY Work For You. Crocifissa de Rosa, foundress of the Congregation of the Handmaids of Charity. Blessed Peter was be­ Divorces Blamed COLUMBUS DISCOUNT atified by Pope Leo XIII in 1889. AND LOAN and Blessed Maria by Pope Pius On Lack Of Pre- * B. BROAD ST. XH in 1940. Colombo*. Ohio FL. SMI Among the 'achievements of Marital Briefing Pius X's pontificate wore pro­ WEST LIBERTY, W. Va. — (NC) visions for the catechetical in* —Hundreds of thousands of mar­ PPOOUCBO BY CATtCMenCM GUftD, SX.?AUL.MI*H- struction of children and adults, riages that end in separation or . Ant.nobiM the admittance of younger chit* divorce could be kept intact if dren to First Holy Communion, young couples were properly brief­ CALL and the fostering of frequent ed beforehand on the ch;ef booby- Communists Losing EBNER Communion. Blessed Pius X or* St. Catherine, Teachers’ Patron Fulda Plans traps in married life, according to Coal and Supply Co Pauline R. Joyce dered the compilation of the Ground In France, Father John A. O’Brien of the Uni­ HARDWARE A COAL Code of Canon Law and prompt* versity of Notre Dame. Two Catholic JE. 5407 MA. 3566 ed Biblical studies, and sacred Diplomat Declares “Such pre marital instruction is 1942 Denon. Cehmbaa. O. music according to the princi­ NEW YORK—(NC) —There no !• 8wth Third 8L no less important than the blood "Ebner's Quality Coal' ples of St. Gregory the Great. test and should be required before longer is danger of France going Celebrations Calamhe. He established rules for sacred a license to wed is granted,” Fa­ communist, Henri Bonnet, French FULDA, Germany—(NC) — The eloquence, defended the purity of ther O’Brien said. Ambassador to the United States, old West German see city of Fulda Catholic doctrine against heresy The address by the noted author declared here. is preparing for two big Catholic and error, and extended every ef­ and marriage counsellor was a The Ambassador spoke *t a events next year: The commemora­ fort to advance the clergy in vir­ highlight of Religious Emphasis luncheon in Manhattan College tion of the 1200th anniversary of tue, discipline and learning. The Week at West Liberty State Col­ which was part of a program hon­ the death of St. Boniface, “Apostle Delaware great motto of his reign was “to lege. oring three French-born Brothers of the Germans,” whose tomb is A detailed investigation of 5.000 of the Christian Schools on their in Fulda cathedral, and the 76th marriage failures indicates nine 50th year in religious life. German “Katholikentag.” booby-traps lie in the path of a Ambassador Bonnet said that Close to 100.000 Catholics from Delaware Milk Robinson-Hanrahan long and happy married life, Fa­ France had made great strides in all part* of the country are expect­ ther O’Brien said. “Plain drunken­ recovering from the. devastation ed to attend the St. Boniface cele­ Co. Funeral Directors ness ruins the largest number of left in the wake of World War II. brations. which will take place Cor. Winter A Franklin marriages, accounting for about He spoke of the sacrifices made by from May 30 to June 13. Already 27 N. Union Phone 311 Coal Co. 30% of our broken homes,” he both the United States and France new efforts are underway to make Delaware said. “In addition, it is a contribut­ in fighting communism on the bat­ it possible for Catholics from East­ Established 1924 ing factor in the wreckage of many tlefields of Korea and Indo-China. ern Germany to come to Fulda. Ralph J. Kramer, Sr. other marriages.” He said that the North Atlantic The government of the State of Flowers The firms listed here deserve Richard D. Kramer “Infidelity ranks second and is Treaty Organization countries are Sister M. Faustina, O.S.F., fourth grade teacher of St. Mary Hess* hat granted fund* for the SPECIALIZING IN the cause of about 25% of our mar­ motivated by the highest principles Grade School, Columbus, is pictured ebove instructing some of her restoration of the cathedral which to be remembered when you are riage failures.” the Notre Dame Young students in the fundamentals of long division. Sr. Faustina, by Gibson RESIDENTIAL FUEL of Christian civilization and have is to be completed next yeer. The distributing your patronage to priest declared. “In four out of five as their one common objective the a’ong with other teeehers throughout the world celebrated the feest preparetions for the celebration Phones 2-8681—2-4711 PROMPT, CLEAN DELIVERY cases the husband is the guilty attainment of peace. of their patron St. Catherine of Alexendria, Wednesday, Nov. 25. are in charge of Bishop Johannes the different Lines of business. First Quality Fireplace Wood Delaware partner. It must be emphasized St. Catherine, of noble birth and learned in the sciences, whan Dietz of Fulda. that marriage begets not merely a irresponsibility, 13%; incompati­ only 18 years old, presented herself to Emperor Meximinus who wes Th? program for the next “Kath­ legal but also a moral and religious AD. 1277 bility in temperament or charac­ violently persecuting the Christian*, upbraided him for his cruelty olikentag". (German national con­ obligation to be faithful to one's ter, 12%; in-law interference, 7%; and endeavored to prove how iniquitous was the worship of false gods. vention) will be prepared by a com­ Service A Repairs for All Makes vows.” sex maladjustment, 5%; mental ill­ The infuriated Emperor detained her in the pelace and sum­ mission of the Central Committee ®f Cars — U. S. Royal Tiros The Peoples Store t 281 W. MOUND ST. Father O’Brien listed other ness, 3%; differences over religion, moned numerous scholars whom he commanded to use ell their of German Catholics which is booby-traps and their relative im­ Night* — Sundays — Holiday* 3%; and money troubles, 1%.
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