SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, i JANUARY, 1943 Anthony St. George Lyster, Esq., Indian Ser- CHANCERY OF THE ORDER OF SAINT vice of Engineers, Chief Engineer and Secre- MICHAEL AND SAINT GEORGE. tary to the Government of-the Punjab in the ist January, 1943. Public Works Department, Irrigation Branch. The KING, has been graciously pleased to Arthur Allen WaugB, Esq., C.I.E., Indian Civil give directions for the following appointments Service, War Production Commissioner and to the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael Secretary to the Government of the United and Saint George: — Provinces in the Industries and Excise Departments. To be Additional Members- of the Third Class, or Companions; of the said Most Distinguished Order:— CHANCERY OF THE ORDER OF SAINT Peter Alexander Clutterbuck, Esq., M.C., MICHAEL AND SAINT GEORGE. Acting Assistant Under Secretary of State, Dominions Office. ist January, 1943. The Honourable Thomas Murdoch, President The KING has been graciously pleased to of the Legislative Council, State of give directions for the following appointments Tasmania. to the Most Distinguished Order of Saint The Honourable Robert Clarkson Tredgold, Michael and Saint George: — K.C., Minister of Justice and Defence, To be Additional Members of the Second Southern Rhodesia. Class, or Knights Commanders, of the said Donald Yates, Esq., M.C., a,leading metal- Most Distinguished Order:— lurgist in the State of South Australia. Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart, Esq., Director-General, Political Warfare Executive. CHANCERY OF THE' ORDER OF SAINT Colonel (local Brigadier) Stewart Graham MICHAEL AND SAINT GEORGE. Menzies, C.B., D.S.O., M.C., late The ist January, 1943. Life Guards. For official services. The KING has been graciously pleased to Sigismund David Waley, Esq., C.B., M.C., give directions for the following promotions in, Under Secretary, H.M. Treasury. and appointments to, the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George: — To be Additional Members of the Third Class, or Companions, of the said Most Distin- To be an Additional Member of. the First Class, guished Order:— or Knights Grand Cross, of the said Most ~' ' wished Order:—. William Boyd, Esq., C.B.E., Deputy Representative of the Ministry of War Sir Wilfrid Edward Francis Jackson, Transport in the United States of America. K.C.M.G., Governor and Commander-in- Chief, Tanganyika Territory. The Honourable Thomas Henry Brand, Chief Executive Officer on the British side of the To be Additional Members of the Second Class, Combined Production and, Resources Board or Knights Commanders, of the said Most in Washington. Distinguished Order:— Henry Albert Jones, Esq., M.C., Senior Sir Edward St. John Jackson, K.B.E., lately Administrative Officer, United Kingdom Air -Lieutenant-Governor, Malta. Liaison Mission, Ottawa. Charles Joseph Jeffries, Esq., C.M.G., O.B.E., John Ashwell Stirling, Esq., O.B.E., Assistant an Assistant Under Secretary of State, Secretary, Board of Trade. Representative of Colonial Office. the Department in Washington. Charles Campbell Woolley, Esq., C.M.G., Colonel Frank Charles George Twinn, lately O.B.E., M.C., Governor and Commander-in- Director of Postal Services (now Regional Chief, Cyprus. Director, South Western Region), General To be Additional Members-of the Third Class, Post Office. OY Companions, of the said Most Distin- guished Order:— John Vionee Alexander, Esq., Chairman of CHANCERY OF THE ORDER OF.SAINT Aden Settlement and Chairman of Aden Port MICHAEL AND SAINT GEORGE. Trust. ist January, 1943. Commander John Hinton . Carrow, D.S.C.,' The KING has been graciously pleased to R.N. (Retd.), Colonial Administrative give directions for the following appointments Service, Senior Resident, Nigeria. - to the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Gerald Hallen Creasy, Esq., O.B.E., an Michael and Saint George: — Assistant Secretary, ColoniarOffice. To be an Additional Member of the Second Robert Edward Harold Crosbie, Esq., O.B.E., Class, or Knights Commanders, of the said . Colonial Administrative Service, District Most Distinguished Order:— Commissioner, .Palestine. John Humphrey Wise, Esq., C.B.E., Indian Edward Trevor Dyson, Esq., Colonial Adminis- Civil Service, Counsellor to the Governor of trative Service, Officer of Class I, Grade i, Burma. Ceylon Civil Service. Stanley .Alfred Andrew Hammond, Esq., To be an Additional Member of the Third Educational Adviser to the Comptroller for Class, or Companions, of the said Most Development and Welfare in the West Distinguished Order:— Indies. Richard Gordon Bathgate Prescott, Esq., John Edward Stewart Lamb, Esq., Colonial O.B.E., Officiating Inspector-General of Administrative Service, Provincial Commis- Police, Burma. sioner, Tanganyika Territory. IRumb. 35841 TO The London Gazette - . Of TUESDAY, the 2$h of DECEMBER, 1942 by Registered as a newspaper FRIDAY, i JANUARY, 1943 CENTRAL CHANCERY OF THE ORDERS CENTRAL CHANCERY OF THE ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD. OF KNIGHTHOOD. St. James's Palace, S.W.I, St. James's Palace, S.W.i. ist January, 1943. -. ist January, 1943. The KING has been graciously pleased to The KING has been graciously pleased to signify His Majesty's intention of conferring signify His Majesty's intention of conferring the Peerages of the United Kingdom on the Honour of Knighthood upon the following: — following: — Thomas Baxter, Esq., Chairman of the Milk To be Barons. Marketing Board for England and Wales. Admiral of the Fleet Sir Roger John Brownlow Gerald Francis Carter, Esq., O'.B.E., Principal Keyes, Bt., G.C.B., K.C.V.O'., C.M.G., Assistant Solicitor, Office of H.M. Procurator D.S.O. -General and Treasury Solicitor. The Right Honourable Sir Miles Wedderburn Professor John Harold Clapham, C.B.E., Lampson, G.C.M.G., C.B., M.V.O., H.M. Litt.D., F.B.A., Vice-Provost of King's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten- College, Cambridge, President of the British tiary at Cairo and High Commissioner for Academy. the Sudan. Fred Clarke, Esq., M.A., Litt.D., Professor of Sir Charles McMoran Wilson, M.C., M.D., Education, University of London. President of the Royal College of Physicians. Walter Palmer Cobbett, Esq., C.B.E. For The KING has been graciously pleased to public services in Manchester. •declare that the undermentioned shall be sworn Major Jack Benn Brunei Cohen, Honorary of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Treasurer of the British Legion. Council: — Alderman John Edward Daw, J.P., Chairman Richard Kidston Law, Esq, M.P., Parlia- of the Devon County Council. For services mentary Under-Secretary of State, Foreign to Civil Defence. Office; Member of Parliament for South- Alexander Dunbar, Esq., Controller General, West Hull since 1931. Ministry of Aircraft Production. Osbert Peake, Esq., M.P., Parliamentary Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, Esq., F.R.S., Under-Secretary of State, Home Office. Professor of Chemical Technology, Imperial Member of Parliament for North Leeds since College of Science and Technology. Joint 1929. Secretary of the Royal Society. William Whiteley, Esq., M.P., Joint Parlia- Frank Minshull Elgood, Esq., C.B.E., mentary Secretary, H.M. Treasury. Mem- F.R.I.B.A., Chairman of the Executive ber of Parliament for the Blaydon Division Board and Honorary Treasurer of the of Durham, 1922-1931, and since 1935. Church Army. The KING has been graciously pleased to Clifford Henry Figg, Esq., Business Adviser to signify His Majesty's intention of conferring the Secretary of State for the Colonies. Baronetcies of the United Kingdom on the Archibald Finlayson Forbes, Esq., Deputy following: — Secretary, Ministry of Aircraft Production. Arthur Malcolm Trustram Eve, Esq., M.C., William Kenrick Gibbons, Esq., C.B., Principal T.D., K.C., Chairman, War Damage Com- Clerk, Public Bill Office, and Clerk of the mission! (Colonel, T.A.). Fees, House of Commons. William Macnamara Goodenough, Esq., J.P., Edwin Savory Herbert Esq., Director, Postal D.L., Chairman, Nuffield Trust for the and Telegraph. Censorship Department, • University Medical School, Oxford. Ministry of Information. ~2 SUPPLEMENT TO THE 'LONDON GAZETTE, i JANUARY, 1943 . Summers Hunter, Esq., Managing Director of The Honouraole .Mr. Justice- George Douglas the North-Eastern Marine Engineering Com- McNair, M.B.E..,.Puisne Judge of'the High- .pany (1938) Limited"! Regional Director •.. Court of. Judicature at .Fort. William in (Merchant-Shipbuilding arid Repairs), North- JBengah > ••• ^.-' East, of England. ' ; ' :'.,-'., The Honourable Mr. Justice Vere Mockett, Alderman George Kenning, J.P. For .public Barrister-at-Law, M.B.E., Puisne Judge of 'services in Derbyshire. ' the High Court of Judicature at' Fort St. Lieutenant-Colonel Hoe'l. Llewellyn, D.S.Q., George, Madras. .. , D.L., Chief Constable of Wiltshire.. - - John Francis Sheehy, Esq., C.S'.L, Indian Civil . Service,..Senior Member, Central' Board of Professor Stanley Robert Merchant, C.V.O., Revenue, and Additional Secretary to the . D.Mus., F.R.A.M.,. F.R.C.M.,. F.R.C.O., . Government of India in the Finance Depart- Principal of the Royal Academy" of Music. ment. .• . • ' Ralph Ismay Metcalfe, Esq., Director, Tanker Rustom Pestonji Masani, Esq., J.P., Provincial Division, Minis try "of'War Transport. • Leader, National War Front,. Bombay and William Murray Morrison, Esq!', M.Inst.C.Ei, • lately Vice-Chancellor, University of Bom- M.I.E.E., Vice-Chairman -and Managing .bay. • . " - . " • ' ' • Director, British . Aluminium. .Company Robert Ecklin Marriott,.Esq., General Manager, Limited. • East Indian Railway, Calcutta. George Horatio Nelson,. Esq., M.LE.E., Arthur Cecil Griffin, JEsq./ O.B.E., General M.I.Mech.E., .Chairman • -and- Managing Manager, North-Western Railway, Lahore. Director, English Electric Company Limited. Gerald Showdon Butler, Esq., C.I.E., Deputy For services to'the Ministry of' Aircraft Pro- Director-General (Armaments Production), duction and to the Ministry- of Supply. Directorate-General, Munitions Production, Frank Nicholson, Esq., C.B.E.; D.L., Chair- • . Department of Supply, Government of India. man of'Sunderland Local Employment Com-- James .Remrie Izat, Esq., V.D., Agent and • mittee.
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