Meeting of the Council Monday, 4th December, 2017 at 6.15pm (or upon the conclusion of the extraordinary meeting) in the Council Chamber at the Council House, Priory Road, Dudley You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council for the purpose of transacting the business set out in the numbered agenda items listed below. Agenda - Public Session (Meeting open to the public and press) 1. Apologies for absence 2. To receive any declarations of interest under the Members’ Code of Conduct 3. To confirm and sign the minutes of the meetings of the Council held on 9th October, 2017 as a correct record 4. Mayor’s Announcements 5. To receive reports from meetings as follows: Meeting of the Cabinet held on 26th October, 2017: Councillor P Harley to move: (a) Capital Programme Monitoring (b) West Midlands Fire Service Governance (c) Annual Review of the Constitution Councillor S Clark to move: (d) Medium Term Financial Strategy Councillor L Taylor to move: (e) Review of Housing Finance 6. Membership of Committees 2017/18 7. West Midlands Combined Authority Borrowing Powers and Amendments to the Key Route Network 8. Notice of Motion (a) To consider the following notice of motion received from Councillor P Brothwood on 28th August, 2017: “Following the successful trial of the 2 hour free parking in Dudley borough we move to extend the current policy of 1 hour free parking to two. This is a result of continuing budget improvements over the last 6 months.” 9. To answer questions under Council Procedure Rule 11 Questions on Minutes, Action Notes and Delegated Decision Summaries – these are contained in the separate book circulated to Members of the Council. 10. To consider any business not on the agenda which by reason of special circumstances the Mayor is of the opinion should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972. Chief Executive Dated: 23rd November, 2017 Distribution: All Members of the Council Please note the following concerning meetings at Dudley Council House: • In the event of the alarms sounding, please leave the building by the nearest exit. There are Officers who will assist you in the event of this happening, please follow their instructions. • There is no smoking on the premises in line with national legislation. It is an offence to smoke in or on these premises. • Public WiFi is available in the Council House. • This meeting will be recorded and broadcast on the Internet. • The use of mobile devices or electronic facilities is permitted for the purposes of recording/reporting during the public session of the meeting. The use of any such devices must not disrupt the meeting – Please turn off any ringtones or set your devices to silent. • If you (or anyone you know) is attending the meeting and requires assistance to access the venue and/or its facilities, please contact the officer below in advance and we will do our best to help you. • Information about the Council and our meetings can be viewed on the website www.dudley.gov.uk • Elected Members can submit apologies by contacting Democratic Services: Telephone 01384 815238 or E-mail [email protected] Dudley Metropolitan Borough Minutes of the proceedings of the Council at an Extraordinary Meeting held on Monday, 9th October, 2017 at 6.00pm at the Council House, Dudley Present: Councillor D Tyler (Mayor) Councillor A Taylor (Deputy Mayor) Councillors A Ahmed, K Ahmed, S Ali, S Anderton, A Aston, M Aston, J Baines, N Barlow, C Bayton, H Bills, R Body, P Bradley, P Brothwood, R Buttery, K Casey, S Clark, I Cooper, B Cotterill, J Cowell, S Craigie, T Crumpton, C Elcock, B Etheridge, M Evans, A Finch, K Finch, J Foster, A Goddard, M Hanif, P Harley, R Harris, S Henley, J Hill, A Hopwood, L Johnson, L Jones, K Jordan, I Kettle, E Lawrence, A Lees, K Lewis, P Lowe, P Miller, A Millward, M Mottram, S Mughal, G Partridge, C Perks, D Perks, S Phipps, N Richards, S Ridney, H Rogers, M Rogers, K Shakespeare, D Sparks, D Stanley, E Taylor, L Taylor, D Vickers, V Wale, S Waltho, T Westwood and Q Zada together with the Chief Executive and other Officers Prayers The Mayor’s Chaplain led the Council in prayer. 22 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillors M Attwood, N Gregory, Z Islam, J Martin, R Scott-Dow and S Tyler. 23 Declarations of Interest No declarations of interests, in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, were made in respect of the business to be transacted at this Extraordinary Meeting of the Council. 24 Electoral Arrangements A report of the Chief Executive was submitted. It was moved by Councillor P Harley, seconded by Councillor D Vickers and following a debate it was CL/26 Resolved That the results of the consultation on the proposed changes to local elections be noted and that the present process of elections by thirds be retained. The meeting ended at 6.20pm MAYOR CL/27 Dudley Metropolitan Borough Minutes of the proceedings of the Council at the meeting held on Monday, 9th October, 2017 at 6.20pm at the Council House, Dudley Present: Councillor D Tyler (Mayor) Councillor A Taylor (Deputy Mayor) Councillors A Ahmed, K Ahmed, S Ali, S Anderton, A Aston, M Aston, J Baines, N Barlow, C Bayton, H Bills, R Body, P Bradley, P Brothwood, R Buttery, K Casey, S Clark, I Cooper, B Cotterill, J Cowell, S Craigie, T Crumpton, C Elcock, B Etheridge, M Evans, A Finch, K Finch, J Foster, A Goddard, M Hanif, P Harley, R Harris, S Henley, J Hill, A Hopwood, L Johnson, L Jones, K Jordan, I Kettle, E Lawrence, A Lees, K Lewis, P Lowe, J Martin, P Miller, A Millward, M Mottram, S Mughal, G Partridge, C Perks, D Perks, S Phipps, N Richards, S Ridney, H Rogers, M Rogers, K Shakespeare, D Sparks, D Stanley, E Taylor, L Taylor, D Vickers, V Wale, S Waltho, T Westwood and Q Zada together with the Chief Executive and other Officers 25 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillors M Attwood, N Gregory, Z Islam, R Scott-Dow and S Tyler. 26 Declarations of Interest Declarations of interests, in accordance with the Members' Code of Conduct, were made by the following Members: Councillors M Aston, A Finch and K Finch - Any references to North Priory Community Centre - Non-Pecuniary interests as members of the Committee. Councillor A Aston - Any references to matters affecting West Midlands Ambulance Service (WMAS) - Pecuniary interest as an employee of WMAS. Councillors M Evans, D Sparks and D Vickers - Any matters relating to Castle Hill Development and all references to Dudley Zoo - Non-Pecuniary interests as members of Dudley and West Midlands Zoological Society Limited. Councillors D Stanley and M Hanif - West Midlands Combined Authority - Transport Delivery Committee - Non-Pecuniary interests as Members of the Committee. Councillor C Bayton - References to Council budgetary issues - Pecuniary and Non- Pecuniary interests due to employment by Unison representing the Community and Voluntary Sector. CL/28 Councillor S Mughal – Minutes of the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee – Non- Pecuniary interest as her sister worked for an agency used by Children’s Services. Councillor T Crumpton – Minute No. 8 of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee (West Midlands Combined Authority) - Non-pecuniary interest in view of his employment with Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC). Councillor S Phipps – Minute No. 8 of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee (West Midlands Combined Authority) - Non-Pecuniary interest as a Member of the West Midlands Combined Authority Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Councillor K Casey – Minute No. 26 of the Development Control Committee (Plans and Applications to Develop – Application No. P17/0184 – Vacant land site of former Commercial Tip, Bourne Street, Coseley) - Non-Pecuniary interest as he had entered into discussions with residents who objected to this application, prior to its consideration at the Development Control Committee meeting. Councillor H Rogers – Minutes of the Ernest Stevens Trusts Management Committee - Non-pecuniary interest as Chair of the Friends Group for Mary Stevens Park and Swinford Common. Also in relation to her involvement with the Project Implementation Team - Heritage Lottery Bid for Mary Stevens Park and attendance at stakeholder meetings. Councillor T Crumpton – Minutes of the Ernest Stevens Trusts Management Committee - Non-pecuniary interest as a Member of Wollescote Park Group. Also in relation to any reference to Age Concern as direct discussions had been held with the Group. Councillor J Cowell – Minutes of the Ernest Stevens Trusts Management Committee - Non-pecuniary interest as a former Trustee of Mary Stevens Hospice. Also in relation to any reference to Age Concern as discussions had been held with the Group in the past. Councillor M Hanif – Minutes of the Ernest Stevens Trusts Management Committee - Non-pecuniary interest as he had attended meetings in view of being a member of Friends of Wollescote Park Group. Councillor A Ahmed – Minute No. 18 of the Taxis Committee (Application for Review of Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Driver’s Licences – Mr ABA) - Non-Pecuniary interest as he was known to the driver. 27 Minutes Resolved That the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 10th July, 2017 be approved as a correct record and signed. CL/29 28 Mayor’s Announcements (a) Halesowen in Bloom The Mayor reported on the success of Halesowen in Bloom in the Heart of England Awards. Following remarks by the Cabinet Member for Environmental Services (Councillor K Shakespeare) and Councillor H Bills, the Mayor presented the award to representatives of Halesowen in Bloom.
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