AIX. tte msws «< . - ' BED 1ANK SECTIONS MB* Samnmdlnf; Tom* ToU Veaxtaefy. and vvitfebot Bias; RED BANK ONE .VOLUME LXI, NO. 49, RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 1,1939. Lee, Florence Gall Lee, Chester Leh- Rumson Council High School mann, Denny Lingo; Charles William Coleman Pupils William Finegan Rumson X°ung Man Lube, Abraham Franklin Mason, Seven Students , School Graduates Eleanor Maaterson, Donald Mat- Is 'Syracuse Graduate Awards Contract Commencement thews; Elizabeth Matula, Louella To Give Annual Arranging Music Mauon, William Franklin Maxson, Otto Strohmenger, son »f Mr. and Receive Diplomas To Get Diplomas For Storm Sewer Jr., Lucille McGough, Lydla Mc- Mrs. Otto Strohmenger of Lafayette At Leonardo Queen, Dolores Meehan, Rita Ann Dance Recital For Glen Miller f street, Rumson, la a candidate for At Rumson School Thursday, June 15 Kelsel, Mary E. Menosky, Michael a bachelor's degree at the 68th an- nual commencement of Syracuse A. P, Thompson of Red Menosky, Charles Meyer, William : t School Orchestra to Give Meyer, John J. E. Mieloch, Robert Mabel Coleman Is Rumson Young Man university. Monday, June 3. Baker and Trustee Commencement at - • Bank Gets Job—Charge Miller, Richard S- Morgan, Frank F. Preliminary Concert Mowbray, Eugene F. Murray, Oscar Directing—Betty Huhn Among Top Notch Prizes Awarded to River Street School— Against Pazicky - Tomorrow Night Leslie Nelman, James C. Papa, Ja,n- 1 ice Eileen Parry, Grace Gloria Per- to Be Accompanist Arrangers in Country Harold Raynolds, Jr.' Baccalaureate June 11. , rone, Dorothy Lorraine Petzbld, Wil- , The RujnsOn mayor and council at liam Detwlller Rapp, Eleanor Kath- The annual class* night exercises ot The 13th annual dance recital pf William Finegan, Church street, Seven students received diplomas the regular meeting last Thursday Middletown township high school erlne Raza, Lester John Rembert, the pupils of the Mabel Coleman Rumson. and his talent for arrang- One hundred and forty-elx seniors night'awarded a contract to A. P. Charles H. Root, Gustav Saledus, at the commencement exercises, on at Red Bank high school will receive were held last night at the Leonardo school of dancing will be presented ing music ha« reached the top of Saturday afternoon at the Rumson Thompson ot Red. Bank to install a grade school auditorium. The pro- Rosemary Joan Salmon, Roy Wil- tomorrow night at the' Red Bank the muslo world as an arranger for diplomas when commencement exer- new, and larger storm sewer In the liam Schadt, Grace* Mae ' Schenck, Private school. This Is the first time cises are held Thursday night, June gram included several selections by Catholic high school auditorium at 8 Glenn Miller and his band which diplomas have been given to grad- Parmly Park section of that bor- the high school band, a trumpet solo Robert Schlemann, John Albert o'clock. Miss Betty Huhn will be opened at the Glen Island casino 15, at,8 o'clock at tho River street ough, on a bid of $8,335.80. Other Schweitzer, Melyln Herbert Seruby, uates of this school. In the gradu- school auditorium. A baccalaureate by Vaughn C. Behn and a tuba solo the accompanist for the entire pro- recently. ating class were Mary Jane Cham- Udders we're William D. Layton ot by Jack Hafner. ' Dorothy Silver, Dolly T. Simpson, gram, wltich was arranged and di- Mr. Finegan was the former lead- service will be held Sunday night, Shrewsbury, $8,(535,28; Frank Nero bers. Jessica VanRensielaer Dcs- Raymond Silvio Squitierl, Eleanor rected by Mrs. Coleman, r of the Rurnsonlans, a band June'11, at the Presbyterian church. i & Son of Bed Bank, $8,677.76; Cos- The class song was sung, and the Stryker, Marjorie Gertude Thomas, pard, Margaret Rlker Haakcll, Bar- class history was recited by Barbara The settings for the recital have which he organized and conducted. Rev. John A. Hayes, pastor, will -de- tone & Fastiggi of Newark, $8,818.- Raymond G. Toynbee, Gladys Mabel bara Durham Potts, Harold Ray- liver the sermon. Llndley Freeborn. The prophecy was been arranged by J. E. Coleman During the time the band was one nolds, Jr,, Cynthia Townley and 68; Charles J. Hesse of Belford, $9,- Tracy, E. Elizabeth Tredeau, Myrtle from the Biltmore theater at New The principal speaker for the gr«i«, 351; A. Stanley Mundy & Co. of given by Janice Eileen Parry and a of the popular bands in this locality Helen Marie Willis. The diplomas Marie Trenery, Viola Tumidaiskl, Tork. > The costumes were made by. it toured the, country for a year. uatlon exercises will be .J. Walter Woodbrldge, $9,615.50, and Thomas graduation ensemble was presented William G. Turner, Eleanor VanHou- were presented by Cheston Sim- by Vaughn, C. Behn, Louise Josephine Miss Ethel Brandon. Since that time Mr. Finegan has mons, president of the board of trus- Reeves, a member of the faculty at J. MathU of Toms River $10,956.78. ten, Emily Janett Visconi, Stanley Peddle School, Hlghtstown. The Hi Elton, Charles William Lube,' Louella Wa&isky, Emmett Walling,1 Fitz Roy The program will be as follows: gone a long way as a noted arrang- tees. Rev. Percy G. Kammerer, Notification was received froai the Maxson, William Mergner, Fitz Roy Introduction.... "Stftr.-Sptngied Banner" er. The following article appeared head of Avon Old Farm school, plomas will be presented by Harold,' county board of freeholders that Walling, Helen Virginia Walling, (Audlenea plifti* rip* and ilng) A, Hendrickson, president of the Walling and John VanKirk, Jr. Class John H. Wenzel, Helyn B. West, Jay In Metronome, a very popular mag- Avon, Connecticut, was the principal Ridge road has been taken over by gifts were distributed by Franz A. Military tup ....: ... Helen Ttylor. Pat«y ailne among musicians: speaker. board of education, who will be 10*. the county and will be maintained Maynard White, John .Williams, Jr., Johnson,, Mary Glmbrom, BUI Cook* Braun, Ellen V. Broander, Edward Mary Theresa Wilson, Elfrleda Rose Golnr Dutch—Group 1: Francli Gimbron*. "YOUR ARRANGER." The trustees' prlfce for thn pupils troduccd by Edwin C. Gllland, super-. in the future at county expense. The Lewis Davis,' Eugene Peter Gedettls, Feter Maffi. Group 2: Jant Ford, Bar- •howlng outstanding qualities in tendent of Red Bank schools. Harry road all the way to Red Bank la now Zahlmann and Henry C. Molion. bara ROM, Mary Loalu Pluio, Rait Ha- "A serious-looking lad of 22 re- Evelyn Hazel Greenfield, Leonard ..tie Callandrillo, Marilyn• Saw, Bavcrly leadership, character, scholastic C. SIcbcr, principal of the senior high part of the county highway, system. Francis Hand, Genevleve Mary Har- cently approached Tommy Dortey school, will also speak. Declaring that .democracy cannot Erghmy, Jean Hayer, Anna Haromar, with an arrangement of 'Lonesome studies and athletics, and the Bak- A resolution was adopted notifying jes, Dorothy Louise Johnson, Charles Cafrnclla Sovlero, JOB Sage, GuatdQ er trophy to the outstanding athlete Tho address of welcome will be Paul Pazicky, proprietor of a tavern stand still and that it must be ex- Ford. Group S: H«l*n Taylor. Anna Road.' It looked good to Tommy, OTTO STHtoHMENCHBR., William Lube, Muriel Matthews, Wil- tended to other areas besides the po- Booth, Betty Hancock, Mary GJmbrone, were award to Harold Raynolds, Jr. given by Slguard Thompson, presi- on Lafayette street.to appear before liam Mergner, Robert Miller, Rich- He played It over. It sounded won- litical If we are not to be deprived of Barbara Ward. Patty Johnion. Bill derful. Nearly 1,000 graduates will hear The headmaster, Harold S. Clark, dent of the graduation class. Th« the mayor and council at a special ard S. Morgan, Rosemary Joan Sal- Cook*. Group 4: Marian MePhall, Htl. made the scholastic awards and Ed- mantis oration will bo delivered, by meeting Saturday, June 3, at 5 p. m., It entirely, Rev. William B. Spofford, an Bennett, Jerry Jeroliunon * "But Tommy already had a "staff United States Senator Arthur H. mon, Charles Robert Sipe and Anne rector of Christ church, Middletown, Vandenberg of Michigan deliver the gar B, Blake, assistant headmaster, Benedict LoClccro and the receiver to answer a charge thai he violated Elizabeth Stevenson. Tap dance and Bong 1Joyce Allaire. of capable arrangers. The lad want- mado the athletic awards. the recent amendment to the bor- urged the graduates of Leonardo Twinkle Toea „ Carolina Feeeux ed a steady Job, If possible. Tommy commencement address. The bas- ot tho mantle will be George Trufcln,' Baby Up and ions JPranola Glmbrone, Tho awards were as follows; ough liquor control ordinance by ' Rudolph J. Wlnthrop directed the high school to line up ^ilth the forces alao had a good friend, Glenn Mill- calaureate sermon will be given president of tho 12-B class. The clue seeking to maintain peace and de- Bobby Patrick, Peter Mafll. ftoy*l Moaa Sunday morning by Bishop Fred- Special mention for outstanding ac- gift to tho school will bo made by keeping his tavern open after 3 a. m. high school band, which was made Acrobatic dance .... Patsy .Johnson er, who just about that time dis- complishment in music—Barbara Boyd, Councilman Louis M. ..Hague, chair- up of James Allen, Dorothy Ashwell, mocracy In his baccalaureate address Poet and Peaeant overture Mary Gaul, covered that leading an up-and- erick V. Leeto of the Methodist Audrey Shlppee. Jessica Despard. Fred Comstock. Wester Buchanan' man of the police committee, in- John Ayers, Vaughn Behn, Daniel Sunday afternoon In the grammar Charlotte Olaen, Jeasle .Thoma*. Jean coming band and making all its ar- church. Bishop Lccte was gradu- Special mention for exceptional eon- will give tho farewell address, school auditorium: VanBuaklrk, Jean Ahearn, Grace Schuy- ated from Syracuse university 60 trlbullona In tlia Held of art—Ann Willis, Tho graduates are as follows: formed the council that Policeman Blacksmith, George Bruntz, Dean ler, Ann Nolan, Marian McPhail, Mary rangements requires about 48 hours' Cjnlhln Townley.
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