TRINITY 81 f^jl^l COLLEGE 'HARTFORD -CONNECTICUT in|i P""If" "! Vol. LXXXVI • Issue 9-November 15,1988 TH1RTNTTYSl IRTPOD • lvil \H JL lilBPl 1 JLXJLJL \w/JL/ Tolstaia Assesses Alcohol Literary Freedoms Policy - By Jennifer Gura - tional literature is art; not all books written are art." In the Soviet Union Reviewed News Staff Writer today, books that talk about events, such as historical novel, are quite - By David Copland - The Area Studies department popular, but Tolstaia believes these News Staff Writer proudly presented a lecture by Ta- are neither interesting nor lasting. taina Tolstaia, one of the foremost Other styles of Russian writing, Dean of Students David women fiction writers of the Soviel such as the satirical movement and Winer held an open meeting with Union, on November 8. The focus of the ironic style, she says "have grasped students of an Alcohol Task Force her lecture was the evolution of So- the essence of what our life was for November 2 to discuss alcohol abuse viet literature in the past century. Born years." However, shealso maintained on campus. Winer noted that he and in Leningrad in 1951, Tolstaia cur- that the Soviets are tired of laughing the Deans at other NESCAC schools rently holds the position of Writer-in- at life and that people now want find alcohol to be the number one Residence at the University of something more poetic or lyrical. problem. "We have some concern Richmond. The new literature of Russia is over other chemical use as well," said She concentrated on the great "human, beautiful," capable of being Winer. "But, mostly we are concerned freedoms in writing and publishing considered art— not just fiction. with alcohol use. There seem to be that Soviets have gained in the past Tolstaia sees great promise in Neo- several students who abuse it, and I few years as a result of Glasnost. She Russian prose which in the past dec- want to get them treatment." stated, "Because of Glasnost the per- ade has become more poetic and in There were 15 students who fect freedoms in art and literature are Neo-Russian poetry , which has in met with Winer, most of whom were so much, that at times, we don't even contrast become more prosaic. These from fraternities or the Student Gov- know what to do with it." factors combined created a literature ernment Association (SGA). Some Tolstaia traced the beginning of "with the ability to penetratethedepths issues discussed were how to run all- Russian literature back to the time campus parties and the use of kegs in Tatiana Tolstaia discussed freedoms in the Soviet Union. Photo by Sue Muik when the idea of a writer as a writer in Continued on Page 4 the residence halls. turn developed the concept of "inner "Some people get excited freedom"— which Tolstaia feels is at the word 'keg,'"said Winer. "It's a the only true freedom in existence. concept that has a meaning all its She talked of how for years and years Communist Dissident Talks own." Soviet writers had lamented that if Pieter Boelhouwer '89, only they had freedom, the could say who attended the meeting, said stu- something worthwhile. However, dents suggested that the Resident now that they have this freedom, she On Current Reform in China Assistants take a bigger role in the added, "They have nothing to say." Liu was expelled from the Chi- things that they need for every day dorms where most alcohol problems She described this dilemma in - By John Claud- nese Communist Party in January life...and there's nothing left over," now exist. All-campus parties are terms of an analogy: "We wanted to News Staff Writer 1987 for writing a book about corrup- he said. running more smoothly now because knock at the locked door, and we tion in the government of Manchuria, The economic reforms going on of the new monitoring system. "It knocked loudly, but suddenly we feel Communist dissident and Chi- a northern province of China. The in China are being made in several helps to have four people who are there is no door—just an empty space. nese author, Liu B in Yan, spoke at St. book targeted a great deal of the steps. Ownership of several enter- designated to control the party and We are used to struggling against a Anthony's Hall, November 12 on Chinese government which is racked prises has been returned to private keep people out of trouble," he said. locked door, not walking through an reforms taking place in his homeland. by corruption at all levels. status in recent years and a great deal Winer concurred and said open space." Tolstaia showed how Liu addressed the political and eco- As a result, Liu was placed under more foreign capital isbeing accepted that students are becoming more re- the feeling that everything has al- nomic reforms of present-day China a "writing eclipse" for twenty years, than in the past. sponsible. He said it was suggested ready been said has negatively af- and the future impact the changes during which time none of his work As for economic reforms, "The that parties should be "run the same fected the quality of Russian writing may have on that country. The lec- was published. He is currently in the Soviet Union is really way behind wayfhatabarisrun." Winer said that in recent years. ture was sponsored by the Area Stud- United States on a Nieman Fellow- China. In political terms, meant carding heavily, serving only According to Tolstaia: "Tradi- ies program. ship at Harvard, and has been speak- however... China hasn'teven started," those students with proper I.D., and ing at schools around the northeast in Liusaid. Whiletheeconomicchanges cutting people off when they become recent weeks. in China have been productive, "the drunk. "Since the six years I was last in leaders have been reluctant to let "Another point that was the United States there have been no changes take place." raised was that the college shouldn't major changes," said Liu, through a "Outside the Communist Party hire people to clean up after students' translator." However, in China in the there are no organized political par- mess," said Winer. "I thought this last six years there have been many ties or organizations...that can serve point was well taken. There isn'treally drastic changes." as opposition to the policies [of the any need for janitors to have to clean "Feudalism in China lasted for state]. For instance, there are no free vomit and party debris out of the over two thousand years, whereas in or independent newspapers," he ex- dorms. They already have plenty of Europe [feudalism] lasted only two plained. regular cleaning to do." hundred. This is a heavy historical According to Liu, there are two "The administration is burden to bear in the Chinese move major forces behind the current gradually making a more rigorous towards economic competitiveness," changes in China. One is the group of academic schedule. This should help he explained. young intellectuals, the other is a ris- to bring the drinking level down," China, riddled with high infla- ing middle class that has been created added Boelhouwer. tion, also has a very low standard of by these economic reforms. The next meeting is sched- living. "The people are spending the The Chinese are also opening uled for late November or early De- largest part of their salaries on the Continued on Page 4 cember. Changes Planned for Cave interior design changes. Because of According to the plans, the cen- - By Jane Reynolds - financial restrictions the College will tral area of the Cave will be covered News Staff Writer only be replacing the carpets and wall by one large piece of carpeting. Liu Bin Yan discussed the current situation in China. Pholo by Dave Copland coverings at this time, Around the edges near the patio doors "We discussed ceramic tile for and the food service area, carpet tiles Last week plans were finally the entire floor surface which would will be used. Since thecarpet is likely released for the renovation of the be very easy to maintain but very to become soiled more rapidly in these Watson Fellowship Mather's Cave snack bar. The Col- difficult acoustically," said Gushee. high traffic areas, the carpet tiles will lege will be changing the floor cover- The architect suggested a combina- make replacement simpler. ing in the Cave and the adjoining tion of ceramic tiles and carpeting, Another darker carpet will sur- game room, and repainting the walls which would still make the job of in the Cave's dining area.. round the centra! piece. This was Nominees Selected cleaning easier for Buildings and suggested in order to frame the cen- "The Cave is in a very bad state personal interest. Grounds. However, the final deci- tral area and provide a bit of contrast. and the carpeting seems to be the sion was to cover the floor with carpet - By Rebecca Holt - Vitale hopes to study compara- most in need of replacement," noted It will also lessen the distinction be- tive health systems in Great Britain, in some areas and carpet tiles in oth- tween the old and the new as the tiles Special to the Tripod Directorof Mather Hall Anne Gushee. ers. Italy, and Japan. He is currently Discussions were held between Continued on Page 4 applying to medical school and is Gushee and various students, staff, Every year, Trinity College has aware that health systems in our own and administrators in order to asses the honor of nominating four gradu- country are currently under review.
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