VAN COMMUNITY COUNCIL MINUTES, 19TH JANUARY, 2018 VAN COMMUNITY COUNCIL CYNGOR CYMUNED Y FAN Chairman Councillor Prof Russell Clerk/R.F.O. John Dilworth Deacon, Vice-Chairman Councillor John Leek. Minutes, Council Meeting, Friday, 19th January, 2018, Van Community Centre. Present: Councillors Russell Deacon, Linda Williams, Fay Gay, Barbara Jones, Tony Graham, Norma Graham, Pam Nelder, Sheila Newbery. In attendance: Clerk/R.F.O: John Dilworth & Julie Dilworth. 1 Before the start of the meeting Cllr Mrs. Norma Graham signed the declaration of acceptance of Office form in the presence of the Clerk who countersigned the document. The Clerk provided the member with; (1) Register of Member Interest form, (2) Members Model Code of Conduct (amendment order 2016) (bilingual), (3) Code of Conduct, Declaring an Interest – Questions to Ask Yourself, (4) Ethical Governance, presentation by Mrs. Gail Williams, Interim Head of Legal Services and Monitoring officer, (5) Link to view the presentation recorded by the Interim Head of Legal Services and Monitoring officer, further training sessions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=US_i1i5Qvos, (6) Declaration of Interest Form (6 copies), (7) The Good Councillors Guide, 2016, (8) Van Community Council, Standing Orders, and (9) Financial Regulations. Public, any issues, and limited to ten minutes. Clerk’s advice, Arnold Baker, 9th Edition on Access to Council Meetings states: “Many local councils set aside a period when the public can ask questions or even make statements. This is an excellent practice as long as the period is defined, and is clearly understood that the public must not take part at any other time.” It is not a public meeting but a council meeting and legally constituted to discuss published business. No member of the public present. (Minutes, 17th November, 2017, numbered 1-21 (taken in the absence of the Clerk, on sick leave), these minutes (19th January, 2018) carry on the sequential numbering from the council meeting of the 20th October, which ended on minute number 100/17. Signed: 16th February, 2018 VAN COMMUNITY COUNCIL MINUTES, 19TH JANUARY, 2018 101/18 To receive apologies and whether to approve the reason for absence. Apologies and reason for absence; Councillors John Leek, Vice-Chairman, and Jayne Keable. Reasons for absence approved. The Chairman, Cllr Prof Russell Deacon welcomed Cllr Mrs. Norma Graham to the Coucnil. 102/18 Declarations of interests. To receive disclosures of personal interests from Members in accordance with the Code of Conduct (Note: Members are requested to give written notice of the item number and subject matters that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest). Chairman read the following statement. Members are referred to, and shall observe, the provisions of the Van Council's Code of Conduct. If a Councillor has a Disclosable Prejudicial Interest he/she must, unless a dispensation has been granted, withdraw from the meeting room and take no part in the discussion or vote and it shall be incumbent upon members who know of that interest to disclose it to the meeting and if another member present believes that there may be a conflict of interest with another member(s) present they should notify the meeting of this fact. This in order that the potential interest is clarified before the meeting proceeds. Cllr Barbara Jones declared an interest in the item dealing with the report on the transfer of the former play area land, at Van Terrace, Caerphilly (bottom of the Terrace) and left the room. 2 Cllr Jones declared an interest in item 14. iv Finance, budget and precept for 2018/19. The Clerk declared an interest in items 9 and 10 and left the room. 103/18 Police matters. The Clerk reported the apologies of CSO Claire Eyles and her good news. Members were delighted with the news and directed the Clerk to send the CSO a card. The CSO report, 19th January, 2018, as follows: “PC Anthony Moore has been allocated to be the dedicated police officer for the Lansbury Park estate. Anthony will be working alongside CSO Eyles and new CSO Sarah Mey, tackling crime and anti-social behaviour on the estate. We have now secured our office in the Communities First office on the stretch and we’ll be working from there regularly during our shifts. We’ll still continue to hold regular police surgeries from that location as well. These will be advertised via the Gwent Police website and our local Twitter feed. PC Menna Watkins is now the ward officer for the Bedwas wards (St James, BTM and Llanbradach). For the Van area, Anthony will be concentrating on the Lansbury and Porset Park areas, and Menna will cover Mornington Meadows and Castle Park. Myself and Sarah will also be working alongside Menna in these areas. Anthony, Menna and Sarah can be contacted via: Signed: 16th February, 2018 VAN COMMUNITY COUNCIL MINUTES, 19TH JANUARY, 2018 [email protected] – 07464 65 39 80 [email protected] – 07464 65 23 74 [email protected] – 07464 64 74 76 Following some pro-active work by Anthony and other officers, 2 persons from Lansbury Park have recently been charged with receiving stolen goods. Goods to the value of £3500 were found in a property. Our traffic officers have also been spending more time on the estate, and have recently seized two vehicles for having no insurance. There were no major issues with anti-social behaviour over the Christmas period. The Intergenerational Christmas buffet held at the Community Centre on 15h Dec was a great success. The children from St Martin’s school provided a great selection of home-made food, and all attendants enjoyed themselves. Many thanks for John for attending, and donating some prizes for the raffle.” Cllr Sheila Newbury asked that the Enforcement Officer is invited to a future meeting. The report was noted. 104/18 To approve the minutes, Council Meeting, 17th November, 2017 (appendix 1). (Recorded 3 by Cllr Tony Graham, at the Council meeting of the 17th instant, in the absence of the Clerk). The Clerk tabled copies of the minutes which were approved (to be signed by the Vice-Chairman, Cllr John Leek, who presided at the meeting.) The minutes were approved as an accurate record of the proceedings. The Chairman, Cllr Prof Russell Deacon, thanked Cllr Tony Graham for taking the minutes of the 17th November, 2017. 105/18 Matters arising. Minute 4 - Councillors Allowances – agenda for the Council meeting of the 19th January, 2018. Clerk received minutes after the agenda had been published. Clerk to place on the agenda for the Council meeting, 16th February, 2018, and contact the Independent Remuneration Panel for advice. Minute 7 – Ruperra Castle – Cllr Barbara Jones updated members on the application and her objections to it. A site meeting has been arranged for Monday, 22nd January, 2018, an invitation has been extended to the three local authority members (St James Ward Members). As a member of the Ruperra Conservation Trust, she will be attending in that capacity on the 22nd inst. and speaking against the application for a ménage which if passed, Cllr Jones felt it could lead to further development in the Ruperra castle grounds. The application will be considered at the Planning Committee on the 25th inst. The Chairman asked the member if she was willing for the aforementioned to be recorded in the minutes, she agreed. Clerk pointed out that the application is in another Community Council area. Signed: 16th February, 2018 VAN COMMUNITY COUNCIL MINUTES, 19TH JANUARY, 2018 Minute 8 Cenotaph – Clerk in attendance to pass on the wreath to the Vice-Chairman, Cllr John Leek, who was nominated to lay the wreath on behalf of the Council. The wreath’s centre piece was the Graig Goch. A.O.B. – card was sent by the Clerk to the Chairman, Cllr Prof Russell Deacon. AOB was not on the published agenda, see Longfield Parish Council v Wright (1918). The following items were deferred; 6, 9, 13, 14, 16, 18, and 19. 106/18 Correspondence. (numbered; i– 1, v-5, x-10, l-50) The Clerk tabled a substantial list of correspondence received since the October meeting. It was noted that all correspondence are listed, as received by the Clerk, however, it was pointed out that members must trust the Clerk to report correspondence requiring decisions in view of the number, now received. “Clerk’s Specific responsibilities, correspondence: 6.To receive correspondence and documents on behalf of the Council and to deal with the correspondence or documents or bring such items to the attention of the Council. To issue correspondence as a result of instructions of, or the known policy of the Council.” i Email, 20-Oct-2017, Miss Kate Kingston, Validation/Monitoring Officer, CCBC, attached the planning weekly list (English and Welsh versions), containing all valid planning 4 applications received for the week up to 17th October 2017. ii Email, 21-Oct-2017, Cllr Jayne Garland, applicant for cooption. Wrote: “Thank you for your update, it all seems perfectly acceptable and I’m happy with the outcome. Thank you once again for keeping me appraised of the situation.” iii Email, 22-Oct-2017, Cllr Barbara Jones, wrote: “…the person to contact for Safeguarding training is Helen West. I wonder if the Council would invite Helen and Sarah Mutch to a meeting to progress the matter of Safeguarding as soon as possible…I understand there may be some outstanding issue which could be resolved at such a meeting.” iiii Email (cc to Clerk), 22-Oct-2017, Cllr Prof Russell Deacon, Chairman, “… we have already written to them both about issues with the previous play scheme.
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