INSIDE:• Embassy of Ukraine statement on 9/11 — page 3. • Yushchenko and Our Ukraine to join mass protests — page 4. • At Soyuzivka on Labor Day weekend — centerfold. Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXX HE No.KRAINIAN 37 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2002 EEKLY$1/$2 in Ukraine Ukraine joins U.S. and the world in remembering events of 9/11 PresidentT BushU W by Roman Woronowycz The former Ukrainian diplomat to the managed by the Bureau of Educational Kyiv Press Bureau Middle East said, however, that members and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. State sends message of the Islamic faith must do more to Department. KYIV – Ukraine joined most of the allow non-Muslims to better understand Among those present at the opening to all nations world in commemorating the first Islamic traditions, laws and principles in on September 11, held at the National anniversary of the tragic events of order to overcome an ever-stronger nega- Museum of Art in Kyiv, were Ukraine’s U.S. President George Bush sent September 11, including a special con- tive stereotype that is developing regard- First Vice Prime Minister of ference hosted by Islamic Ukrainians, the following message to all nations ing the average Muslim. “It seems that Humanitarian Affairs Volodymyr which on September 9 kicked off a on the first anniversary of the ter- every other bad guy in Hollywood today Semynozhenko, Minister of Foreign weeklong series of memorial events in rorist attacks of September 11. The is either an Ahmed or an Omar,” said Mr. Affairs Anatolii Zlenko, National Kyiv. message was sent to The Ukrainian Kochubyi. “These stereotypes need to be Deputies Hennadii Udovenko and Les The United States Embassy took part Weekly on September 10 by the destroyed by us.” Taniuk, Head Mufti of Ukraine Sheikh in many of the observances, including Public Affairs Section of the U.S. National Deputy Refat Chubarov, a Ahmed Tamin, and Patriarch Filaret of concerts and a photo exhibit, while Embassy in Kyiv. leader of the Tatar community in Crimea, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Kyiv Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada issued a spe- which compromises 13 percent of the Patriarchate, along with representatives My country will always remember cial declaration and announced that it peninsula’s population, and a member of of the international diplomatic communi- the outpouring of friendship and sup- would fund a plaque for Ground Zero in the Our Ukraine faction in Parliament, ty stationed in Kyiv. port from nations around the world in Manhattan. said that he was pleased the Ukrainian In opening remarks, U.S. Ambassador the wake of September the 11th. On The week of remembrance in government has maintained its pro-Tatar to Ukraine Carlos Pascual stated that the behalf of all Americans, I thank the Ukraine’s capital, dedicated to the nearly commemoration is actually a celebration millions of people from every nation 3,000 victims of the terrorist attacks on policies and that the country’s mass media have retained their objectivity. “of peace, freedom and prosperity for the who share our grief over the loss of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon entire world.” innocent life, and who share our unexpectedly began with a conference by “We must give due respect to Ukrainian politicians and to the mass “The tragic events of last September resolve to lift the dark cloud of terror the regional branch of the Ukrainian were our fate, but they will not be our media who restrained themselves from from our world. Islamic organization, Arraid, at the destiny,” said Mr. Pascual. primitive reflexes,” said Mr. Chubarov. Many nations and many families Islamic Community Center in Kyiv. He noted that the 3,000 who died as a The U.S. Embassy in Ukraine also have lived in the shadow of terrorism About 2 million members of the Islamic result of the September 11 attacks, organized official commemorations, for decades, and during years of faith live in Ukraine, constituting some 4 included people from more than 90 most prominently an exhibition of photo- mindless and merciless killing. percent of the population. countries. He underscored that the globe September the 11th was not the Ukrainian Islamic political and reli- graphs of the devastation in lower has united in the war against terrorism beginning of global terror, but it was gious leaders, as well as state govern- Manhattan by Joel Meyerowitz titled and said that 160 nations have frozen the the beginning of the world’s concert- ment representatives, discussed “Images From Ground Zero,” which was ed response. History will remember Ukraine’s reaction to the September 11 organized by the City of New York and (Continued on page 3) that day not only as a day of tragedy, terrorist attacks and how the events but as a day of decision, when the affected Muslims in Ukraine. From the civilized world was stirred to anger outset, participants made it clear that no and to action. And the terrorists will one was going to excuse the action of the remember September the 11th as the Al Qaeda terrorists who organized and Voice of America program day their reckoning began. carried out the attacks. We face an enemy of ruthless “We, the Muslims of Ukraine, con- spotlights Soyuzivka’s jubilee ambition, unconstrained by law or demn the terrorist acts and we also con- by Roma Hadzewycz polished accordionist, recalled how he morality. The terrorists who attacked demn extremism in the name of Islamic first came to Soyuzivka as a young on September the 11th despise other principles, said Mufti Suleiman PARSIPPANY, N.J. – Celebrations boy and how his musical career began religions and have defiled their own. Mukhamedzianov, the spiritual head of of the 50th anniversary of Soyuzivka, there. And they are determined to expand Kyiv’s Muslims in opening the confer- the beloved Ukrainian resort in the “Soyuzivka is where I first became the scale and scope of their murder. ence. Catskill region of New York state, acquainted with the Ukrainian commu- The terror that targeted New York and Mufti Mukhamedzianov noted that went international thanks to the Voice nity, learned about Ukraine’s culture Washington one year ago could strike among the dead victims of the four air- of America program “Kaleidoscope of and understood that this was not only any center of civilization. liner attacks were many innocent the Diaspora.” interesting but also important to me in Against such an enemy, there is Muslims as well (a later speaker claimed Aired on August 3, before the resort my life,” Mr. Chudolij remarked. no immunity, and there can be no these victims numbered 500 victims). He officially began celebrations of its That’s why,” he continued, “I mar- neutrality. A mighty coalition of demanded that the Ukrainian and the golden jubilee, the program informed ried a Ukrainian and why my son [7- civilized nations is now defending world’s mass media make a better effort listeners around the globe about the year-old Peter] continues in my foot- our common security. Terrorist to separate the terrorists from the Islamic history of Soyuzivka, owned and oper- steps.” assets have been frozen; terrorist religion. ated by the Ukrainian National front groups have been exposed. A Association since 1952, and presented Yurii Kochubyi, head of the Ukrainian For features on Soyuzivka’s tradi- terrorist regime has been toppled fond reminiscences of the resort and Organization of Foreign Affairs and edi- tional Labor Day festivities, please from power. Terrorist plots have its multifaceted programs as shared by tor-in-chief of the magazine Eastern turn to the centerfold. been unraveled from Spain to World, explained that, counter to the pro- Soyuzivka regulars. Singapore. And thousands of terror- nouncements by many experts and aca- A weekly Ukrainian-language pro- ists have been brought to justice, or demics after the calamitous events of gram about the life of Ukrainians in Daniel Slobodian, one of two co- are in prison, or are running for fear September 11, a “clash of civilizations,” various countries around the world, managers of Soyuzivka after the UNA of their lives. did not begin, as some were quick to “Kaleidoscope” is hosted by veteran purchased the resort on Foordmore In the current stage of our cam- label a new era they said would ensue. VOA correspondents Anya Dydyk- Road, took listeners back to paign, our coalition is not opposing a Instead, the result was more understand- Petrenko and Theofil Staruch. Soyuzivka’s beginnings. “The UNA nation, but a network. Victory will ing and more cooperation than was evi- The first guest on the broadcast was found a 450-acre parcel of land that a former advisor of the UNA (once the come over time, as that network is dent earlier. was reminiscent of Ukraine. ... We built youngest member of the UNA General patiently and steadily dismantled. “Those who predict that the 21st cen- Veselka [the pavilion that comprises a Assembly) and a former band leader at There’s a great divide in our time – tury will be the century of the clash of deck overlooking the scenic Soyuzivka, Alexander Chudolij. Mr. not between religions or cultures, but civilizations also forget that as history Chudolij, today an accomplished and (Continued on page 17) (Continued on page 3) progresses civilizations have tended to coalesce,” explained Mr. Kochubyi. 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2002 No. 37 ANALYSIS Is the president of Ukraine NEWSBRIEFSNEWSBRIEFS Rada pays tribute to 9/11 victims Democratic Party (17), Power of the sincere about political reform? People (18), Ukraine’s Agrarians (16) KYIV – The Verkhovna Rada on and People’s Choice (15) – as well as September 11 honored the victims of the some unaffiliated deputies, have been by Taras Kuzio “[Kuchma] was forced to move to this [sup- September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on given blank forms to declare their will- RFE/RL Poland, Belarus and Ukraine Report porting political reform] because opposition the United States with a minute of ingness to join a parliamentary majority, forces in parliament had adopted as their silence, the UNIAN news agency report- UNIAN reported on September 11.
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